Jones, Ernest (18191869)

Jones, Ernest, Chartist leader and poet, born at Berlin, of English parentage, educated at Göttingen; came to England in 1838, and six years later was called to the bar; in 1845 he threw himself into the Chartist movement, and devoted the rest of his life to the amelioration and elevation of the working-classes, suffering two years' (1848-1850) solitary imprisonment for a speech made at Kensington; he wrote, besides pamphlets and papers in the Chartist cause, several poems; “The Revolt of Hindostan” was written in prison, with his own blood, he said, on the fly-leaves of a prayer-book; he never succeeded in getting into Parliament (18191869).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Jones, Edward Burne * Jones, Henry Arthur
[wait for the fun]
Johnston, James Finlay Weir
Joinville, Jean, Sire de
Jokai Maurice
Jonathan, Brother
Jones, Ebenezer
Jones, Edward Burne
Jones, Ernest
Jones, Henry Arthur
Jones, Inigo
Jones, Paul
Jones, Sir William
Jonson, Ben
Jordaens, Jakob
Jordan, Mrs. Dorothea