Thomson, Joseph (18581895)

Thomson, Joseph, African explorer, born at Thornhill, studied at Edinburgh University, and in 1878 was appointed zoologist to the Royal Geographical Society's expedition to Lake Tanganyika, which, after the death of the leader, Keith Johnston, at the start, he, at the age of 20, carried through with notable success; in 1882 explored with important geographical results Massai-land, and subsequently headed expeditious up the Niger and to Sokoto, and explored the Atlas Mountains; published interesting accounts of his various travels (18581895).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Thomson, John * Thomson, Sir William, Lord Kelvin
[wait for the fun]
Thomas, St.
Thomas the Rhymer
Thomasius, Christian
Thoms, William John
Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville
Thomson, George
Thomson, James
Thomson, James
Thomson, John
Thomson, Joseph
Thomson, Sir William, Lord Kelvin
Thoreau, Henry David
Thornbury, George Walter
Thornhill, Sir James
Thornycroft, Hamo
Thorwaldsen, Bertel