Thornhill, Sir James (16761734)

Thornhill, Sir James, an English artist of the school of Le Brun, born at Woodland, Dorsetshire; treated historical subjects in allegorical fashion, and was much in request for decorative work, his most notable achievements being the decoration of the dome of St. Paul's, of rooms in Hampton Court, Blenheim House, and Greenwich Hospital; was sergeant-painter to Queen Anne, and was knighted by George I.; member of Parliament from 1719 till his death (16761734).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Thornbury, George Walter * Thornycroft, Hamo
[wait for the fun]
Thomson, George
Thomson, James
Thomson, James
Thomson, John
Thomson, Joseph
Thomson, Sir William, Lord Kelvin
Thoreau, Henry David
Thornbury, George Walter
Thornhill, Sir James
Thornycroft, Hamo
Thorwaldsen, Bertel
Thou, Jacques-Auguste de
Thousand Islands
Three Hours' Agony
Three Rivers