WOBO: Words from Old Books (dot Org)
Books from a gentler age.
1811-1818: Chalmers’ Dictionary of Biography in 32 volumes.
1691: Thomas à Wood’s Athenæ Oxonienses in 2 volumes. (in progress but main text is complete)
1606 edition of Suetonius’ Twelve Cæsars (in progress but main text is complete)
Vintage dictionaries of Word, Phrase, and Fable
Thieves’ Cant and Slang
Nathan Bailey’s 1737 Dictionary of Thieving Slang (canting, or cant) from the underworld
Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (London underworld canting and slang from 1811)
Francis Grose’ Provincial Glossary (incomplete)
On printing and type
Charles Thomas Jacobi’s 1888 Dictionary of printing terms
Chas. T. Jacobi’s 1897 Gesta Typograhica (incomplete)
Things i knew not where to put
Charles Pigott’s 1795 Political Dictionary (a biting satire)
Charles Knight’s (1845) Old England, a Pictorial Museum
Charles Hutton’s 1795 Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary in 2 volumes.
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See also www.fromoldbooks.org, our sister site, with hundreds and hundreds of antique images.