Gryphon (in Orlando Furioso)
,son of Oliveʹro and Sigismunda, brother of Aquilant, in love with Origilla, who plays him false. He was called White from his armour, and his brother Black. He overthrew the eight champions of Damascus in the tournament given to celebrate the king’s wedding-day. While asleep Martaʹno steals his armour, and goes to the King Norandiʹno to receive the meed of high deeds. In the meantime Gryphon awakes, finds his armour gone, is obliged to put on Martaʹno’s, and, being mistaken for the coward, is hooted and hustled by the crowd. He lays about him stoutly, and kills many. The king comes up, finds out the mistake, and offers his hand, which Gryphon, like a true knight, receives. He joined the army of Charlemagne.