.Virgil says of Romulus, “Mavortia condet mœnia. Romanosque suo de nomine dicet” (Æneid, i. 276). The words of the Sibyl, quoted by Servius, are “Ρωμαιοι Ρωμου παιδες.” Romulus is a diminutive or word of endearment for Romus.
The etymology of Rome from Roma (mother of Romulus and Remus), or from Romulus, the legendary founder of the city, or from ruma (a dug), in allusion to the fable of a wolf suckling the outcast children, is not tenable. Niebuhr derives it from the Greek word rhoma (strength), a suggestion confirmed by its other name Valentia, from valens (strong). Michelet prefers Rumo, the ancient name of the river Tiber.