Alexandrini De Neustain, Julius
was born at Trente, in the 16th century, and was successively | physician to the emperors Charles V. Ferdinand I. and Maximilian II. This last bestowed many favours and honours on him, and permitted him to transmit them to his children, although they were illegitimate. He died in 1590, at the advanced age of eighty-four. His works, which are both in prose and verse, are chiefly commentaries on Galen. 1. “Salubrium, sive de sanitate tuenda, libri triginta tres,” Cologn, 1575, fol. 2. “Paedotrophia,” Zurich, 1559, 8vo. in verse. 3. “De Medicinaet Medico dialogus,” ibid. 15 59, 8vo. 4. “Methodus Medendi,” Venice, 1554, 8vo. In all his works he combines sound theory with practice. 1