Bacoue, Leo
, the only Protestant who went back to
popery that was made bishop in the reign of Louis XIV.
was born at Castelgeloux, in Gascony. After having quitted
his religion, he entered himself of the Franciscan order,
was then made bishop of Glandeve, and afterwards of Pamiers, where he died in 1694, at the age of ninety-four.
His Latin poem on the Education of a Prince, 1671, 4to,
procured him the episcopal dignity, by the interest of the
duke of Montausier. This poem was reprinted in 8vo, in
1685, with notes, and the addition of some odes by the
same author. He published also " Carmen pancgyricum/'
Toulouse, 1667, 4to, dedicated to pope Clement IX. 2
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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Entry may contain mismatched double quotes.
Found born 1694 and died 1694 in the body of the article, but this does not seem right, so both were ignored.