Berault-Bercastel, Anthony Henry

, born about the commencement of the last century, in the country of Messiii in France, was first a Jesuit, then curate of | Ormeville in the diocese of Rouen, and lastly canon of Noyou. He died during the revolution. He commenced his literary career in 1754, with a small poem on the Canary-bird, “Le Serin des Canaries,” which was followed by the translation of Quivedo, and a collection of Idyls. He published afterwards in 2 vols. 12mo, a poem on the Promised Land, which had little success, and was justly censured for containing an absurd mixture of sacred and profane history. He then attempted a work more suitable to his profession, had he executed it well, an “Ecclesiastical History,” 24 vols. 12mo, 1778 and following years. This had some success, and a second edition was very recently (1811) published at Toulouse, but it is so far inferior to Fleuri, that it is somewhat surprising the French public should have endured it. He left an abridgment of it in manuscript, in 5 vols. 8vo. He was also employed on the “Journal Etranger.1


Biog. Universelle.