Cabel, Adrian Vander
, a painter of landscape, sea-ports, and cattle^ was born at Ryswickj in 1631, and became a disciple of John Van Goyen, under whose instruction and example he made a rapid progress in his profession, and by whom his name was changed from Vander Touw to Vander Cabel. He copied nature and designed every object before he inserted any in his compositions. His taste in designing animals and figures was formed after that of Castiglione; and in landscape his model was the style of Salvator Rosa. His manner is great, and much after the gout of the Italian school. The touchings of his trees arc excellent; his figures and animals are very correct, and marked with spirit. Although his different pictures have unequal merit, they are all distinguished by the freedom of his hand, and the fine touch of his pencil. In his colouring he was solicitous to imitate the Caracci and Mohi; but the beauty of his design and composition is often injured by too dark and deep tone of | colouring. His etchings, of which some few remain, are performed in a slight, free style. He died in 1695. 1
D’Argenville. Pilkinton and —Strutt’s Dictionaries.