Calcar, John

, a historical and portrait painter, was born at Calcar, a city of Cleves, in 1499, and was the principal disciple of Titian; and by the precepts of that great master, made such progress, that several of his designs and paintings have been accounted, by very sufficient judges, the work of Titian’s own hand. Even Goltzius himself, when at Naples he was examining some of Calcar’s portraits, was of opinion they were Titian’s, nor could he be undeceived till he saw the name of Calcar inscribed on others, which were equally excellent. It is also affirmed by Sandrart, that he imitated the works of Raphael with such exactness, as to deceive the connoisseurs. Vasari, who knew him at Naples, says that it is impossible to observe in the works of this master, the smallest traces of the Flemish taste. He designed all the heads for the works of Vasari, and the anatomical figures in the works of Vesalius. Rubens possessed a most capital picture by Calcar, a nativity, afterwards purchased by Sandrart, and sold by him to the Emperor Ferdinand. Calcar died in 1546. 2

