Caninius, Angelus

, a learned scholar of the sixteenth century, was a native of Anghiari in Tuscany, where he acquired great reputation by his knowledge, not only of the Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, but of the Syriac and other oriental languages, which he taught at Venice, Padua, Bologna, Rome, and Spain. From Spain he came to France in 1550, accompanied by father Simon Guichard, then superior of the* order of the Minims; and at Paris, he had for one of his scholars, the celebrated Andrew Dudith of Buda. At length he attached himself to William du Prat, bishop of Clermont, in whose service he died at Auvergne in 1557. He was the author of some works which have not appeared, but among those published was a very valuable Greek grammar, entitled “Hellenismus,” and a book of instructions in the oriental languages, entitled “Institutiones linguarum Syriacte, Assyriacae, et Thalmudicae, una cum jEthiopicae et Arabics collatione,| Paris, 1554, 4to, which was much esteemed by the learned of his time. 1


Gen. Dict.—Moreri.—Saxii Onomast.