Collange, Gabriel De
, born at Tours in Auvergne,
in 1524, was valet-de-chambre to Charles IX. Though a
true catholic, he was taken for a protestant, and assassinated as such in the massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572.
He translated and augmented the polygraphy and the cabalistic writing of Trithemius, Paris, 1561, in 4to, which a
Prison, named Dominique de Hottinga," published under
his own name, without making any mention either of Trithemius or of Collange, at Embden, 1620, 4to. Collange had also some skill in the mathematics and in cosmography, and left a great many learned manuscripts described in our authorities. 2
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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