Coste, Hillario De
, a Minime friar, eminent for his writings and his piety, was born September 6, 1595, at Paris, of a noble family, originally of Dauphiny. He died at
* So says the author of a life of Mr. to man, not to the gratitude of a nation Costard, which accompanies his por- whose literary character he had coutritrait in the Gent. Mag. vol. LXXV. buted to exalt, but to the private chaBut according to an account very feel- rity of a few humble individuals; who, ingly given in the Month. Rev. vol. while they wept over the ashes of their LXXV“I. p. 419, it appears that he pastor, knew not the variety of his tadied so poor as to be” indebted, even lents, or the extent of his acquire, for the last sad duties that man owes ments.“ | Paris August 21, 1661, aged 66, leaving several works, full of curious and interesting particulars, but written without any regard to the rules of criticism. The principal are: 1.” Hist. Catholique, ou sont ecrites toutes les vies, faits, &c. des hommes et dames illustres, du 16emeet 17eme siecle,“1625, fol. 2.” La Vie de Jeanne de France, fondatrice des Annonciades.“3.” Les eloges et les vies des reines, des princesses, et dames illustres,“1647, 2 vol. 4to. 4.” Les eloges de nos rois et des enfans de France qui ont et6 Dauphins,“1643, 4to. 5.” Vie du pere Marin Mersene,“1649, 8vo. 6.” Le portrait en petit de St. Franc.ois de Paul,“1655, 4to. 7.” Le parfait Ecclesiastique, ou la vie de Francois le Picart, docteur de Paris, avec les“eloges de 40 autres docteurs de la Faculte”," 1658, 8vo. This last work is the most sought after, and the most curious. 1
Moreri. Nicron, vol. XVII.