Desrochers, Andier Stephen John
, engraver
to the French king, was born at Lyons, and settled at
Paris, where he died in 1741, at a very advanced age.
He engraved subjects from the ancient mythology, especially after the paintings of Correggio. But the greatest
of all his performances is a long series of portraits in busts,
of persons signalized by their birth, in war, in the ministry,
in the magistracy, in the sciences, and in the arts. This
series amounts to upwards of seven hundred portraits, with
verses at bottom, the greater part of them by Gacou.
The emperor Charles VI. recompensed des Rochers with a
fine golden medal for some impressions of the portrait of
his imperial majesty, which this engraver had sent him. 2
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Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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Notes on automatic processing
Found born 1741 and died 1741 in the body of the article, but this does not seem right, so both were ignored.
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Desrochers, Andier Stephen John (1741–?)
Eachard, John (