Devaux, John
, an eminent surgeon of Paris, in which city he was born January 27, 1649, was the son of John Devaux, a man of eminence in the same profession. He became provost and warden of the surgeons’ company, | and was universally esteemed for his skill and his writings. He died May 2, 1729, at Paris. His works are, “Le Medecin de soi meme,” 12mo.; “L’art de faire des rapports en Chirurgie,” 12mo; “Index funereus Chirurgorum Parisiensium, ab anno 1315 ad annum 1714,” 12mo, with several others; and translations of many excellent works on physic and surgery, particularly Allen’s “Synopsis Medicinae practices,” Harris’s “De morbis infantum,” Cockburne “De Gonorrhasa;” Freind’s “Emmenologia,” &c. &c. 1