Dornavius, Gaspar
, a physician, orator, and poet,
born at Zigenrick in Voiglitland, died in 1631, in an advanced age, counsellor and physician to the princes of
Brieg and Lignitz. He is the author of several works,
which have been called learned fooleries. The most known
of them are, 1. “Amplritheatrum sapientiae Socraticie,”
Hanover, 1619, 2 vols. fol. 2. “Homo diabolus hocest:
Auctorum veterum et recentiorum de calumnias natura et
remediis, sua lingua editorum, sylloge” Frankfort, 1618,
4to 3. “De increment dominationis Turcicae,” &c. 2
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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Notes on automatic processing
Found born 1631 and died 1631 in the body of the article, but this does not seem right, so both were ignored.