The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “Chronographia Scandinavise,” by Adam Of Bremen so called because he was a canon of that church
Died: Agard, Arthur antiquary
Died: Alberti, Cherubino, Borghegiano painter
Publication: “Miracle of St. Philip Benizzo” by Alberti, Cherubino, Borghegiano painter
Publication: “De religiosa disciplina tuenda,” by Alderete, Joseph And Bernard two brothers
Publication: “A commentary on Isaiah,” by Alvarez, Diego a Spanish dominican
Publication: “Disputatio inter Amesium et Grevinchovium,” by Ames, William divine (1576–1633)
Publication: “Delle famiglie Florentine,” by Ammirato, Scipio historian
Publication: “Afliotoyus, pro Zetetico Apolloniani problematis a se jam priclem edilo in supplemento Apollenii Redivivi, &c.” by Anderson, Alexander mathematician
Died: Aquaviva, Claudius son to John Jerome
Publication: “Lectiones politicac,” by Arnisæus, Henningus writer
Born: Atkyns, Richard a typographical author
Born: Ballin, Claude born at Paris
Publication: “Commentarius in Photii Nomocanonem,” by Balsamon, Theodore scholar
Died: Barradas, Sebastian divine
Born: Basnage, Henry du Fraqueny
Publication: “Five Sermons,” by Bastard, Thomas clergyman
Publication: “De la chaussure des Anciens,” by Baudouin, Benedict divine
Born: Baxter, Richard divine
Born: Beaumont, Joseph master of Peter-house
Publication: “The sin against the Holy Ghost discovered, and other Christian doctrines delivered, in twelve Sermons upon part of the tenth chapter of the epistle to the Hebrews,” by Benefield, Sebastian divine
Born: Biddle, John writer
Publication: “Imperatorum Roman. Numismata,” by Bie, Adrian De artist
Born: Birkenhead, Sir John a political author in the seventeenth century
Publication: “Pietra del Paragone politico,” by Boccalini, Trajan a satirical wit
Publication: “Raphael’s Bible,” by Borgianni, Horatio painter and engraver
Publication: “Vita Philippi Rubenii,” by Brandt, John a learned philologer
Died: Bright, Timothy divine
Publication: “Third Universitie” by Buc, George antiquary
Born: Bulteau, Lewis a learned French author
Died: Calvisius, Sethus a learned German chronologist
Publication: “Short Directions to know the true Church,” by Carleton, George bishop
Born: Cary, Robert a learned Chronologer in the seventeenth century
Publication: “Riposta alle opposizioni del Sig. Ludovico delle Colombe, &c.” by Castelli, Benedict mathematician
Publication: “Comedies and Interludes” by Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel De the author of Don Quixote
Publication: “Bibliotheca Cluniacensis.” by Chesne, Andrew Du historian
Born: Cossart, Gabriel Jesuit
Born: Denham, Sir John poet
Publication: “A Defence of Trade in a letter to sir Thomas Smith, knt. governor of the East India company,” by Digges, Sir Dudley eldest son of Thomas Digges
Publication: “Historia Polonica,” by Dlugoss, John Longinus historian
Publication: “Lingua linguarum,” by Edmondson, Henry a learned schoolmaster
Publication: “Lockmanni fabulrr & selecta qurcdam Arabum adagia, cum interpretatione Latina & notis,” by Erpenius, Thomas or
Publication: “Novum Testamentum, Arabice,” by Erpenius, Thomas or
Publication: “Commentarii in quatuor lihros Sententiarum,” by Estius, William divine
Publication: “De Respira/tione et ejus Instrumentis, libri duo,” by Fabricius, Jerome more generally known by the name of Hieronymus Fabricius Ab Aquapendente
Publication: “Antiquite’s de la ville de Marseille,” by Fabrot, Charles Annibal lawyer
Publication: “Notrc ad Martialis Epigrammata,” by Farnabie, Thomas a learned grammarian
Died: Fenn, John scholar
Born: Fevre, Tannegui Le a very learned man
Publication: “The Widow.” by Fletcher, John writer
Born: Foucquet, Nicolas marquis of Belle-Isle
Born: Goad, John an eminent classical teacher
Born: Godefroi, Denvs son of Theodore
Publication: “Thieves falling out, true men come by their goods,” by Greene, Robert poet
Publication: “New gauging of wine-casks,” by Kepler, John astronomer (?–1630)
Born: Leger, John divine
Publication: “Observations on the Life and Death of Charles, late King of England,” by Lilly, William astrologer
Born: Maplet, John physician
Publication: “Ormonius, sive illust. herois et Domini D. Thomse Butler, &c. prosapia, &c.” by Meara, Dermod O physician
Born: Metzu, Gabriel painter
Born: Motteville, Frances Bertaud De a celebrated French lady
Died: Nevile, Thomas dean
Publication: “Monodia, or Waltham’s complaint upon the death of the most vertuous and noble lady, late deceased, the lady Honor Hay,” by Nichols, Richard whom Mr
Publication: “Apologia de Arbitrii libertate;” by Orosius, Paul a learned Spanish ecclesiastic
Publication: “Primitioe Anatomicae de humani corporis Ossibus,” by Paaw, Peter physician and anatomist (1564–1617)
Born: Pallavicino, Ferrante one of the wits of Italy
Died: Pasquier, Stephen a learned Frenchman
Publication: “Leges Atticae,” by Petit, Samuel scholar
Publication: “Consilia Medica,” by Plater, Felix physician
Publication: “De Lapidum Virtutibus,” by Psellus, Michael Constantinus the younger
Publication: “Purchas his Pil^ grimage, or Relations of the World, and the Religions observed in all ages and places discovered from the Creation unto this present.” by Purchas, Samuel divine
Publication: “Alexandrian Chronicle,” by Raderus, Matthew Jesuit
Publication: “Bavaria Sancta,” by Raderus, Matthew Jesuit
Publication: “Archimedis Opera quae extant, Gr. et Lat. novis detnonstrationibus illdstrata,” by Rivault, David writer
Born: Rosa, Salvator painter
Born: Sadler, John writer
Born: Sorbiere, Samuel writer
Publication: “Churches not to be violated.” by Spelman, Sir Henry antiquary
Publication: “Brevis prsemonitio pro futura concertatione cum Jacobo Usserio,” by Stanyhurst, Richard historian
Publication: “Amoris divini emblemata,” by Venius, Otho, painter
Born: Walker, Obadiah divine
Publication: “Theological Rules,” by Wilson, Thomas divine
Born: Aagard, Christian poet
Publication: “Parodice et Metaphrases Horatianse,” by Adam, Melchior a very useful biographer
Died: Airay, Henry provost of Queen’s college
Died: Alderete, Joseph And Bernard two brothers
Publication: “Explicatio antiques tabula marmorese, solis effi gie, symbolique exculptae, explicatio sigillorum zonae ve terem statuam marmoream cingentis,” by Aleander, Jerome called the younger
Publication: “Tragedies,” by Aubigne, Theodore Agrippa D' a very celebrated French Protestant
Died: Baillou, William physician
Publication: “The Bruce, or the history of Robert I. king of Scotland,” by Barbour, John poet
Publication: “Magnetical Advertisement, or diverse pertinent observations and improved experiments concerning the natnre and properties of the Loadstone,” by Barlowe, William son of the above
Born: Bartholine, Thomas physician
Publication: “Les Guerres de Nassau,” by Baudart, William divine
Born: Bellori, John Peter antiquary
Publication: “Commentariorum rerum Germanicarum libri tres,” by Bertius, Peter cosmographer and historiographer to Louis XIII. of France
Publication: “Fasciculus rariorum et aspectu digniorum, varii generis quae collegit et suis impensis aeri ad vivum incidi curavit Basilius Besler,” by Besler, Basil botanist
Publication: “Biblia sacra variarum translationum,” by Beyerlinck, Laurence a voluminous author
Died: Bonciarius, Mark Anthony poet
Publication: “L'arte de Cenni,” by Bonifacio, John lawyer
Born: Bourdon, Sebastian painter
Born: Bourignon, Antoinette a famous female enthusiast
Publication: “Veritates Aurese S. R. Ecclesiae,” by Bristow, Richard queen
Publication: “Sidera illustrium et 'S. S. Virorum qui Germaniam lebus gestis ornarunt,” by Brower, Christopher Jesuit
Publication: “Exposition of Romans iii. 28, on Justification b) Faith,” by Bunney, Francis was born at Vache
Born: Chamberlayne, Edward was descended from an ancient family
Publication: “Epigrams.” by Chapman, George poet
Publication: “Minus cognitarum rariorumque stirpium descriptio; itemque de aquatilibus, aliisque nonnullis animalibus libellus,” by Colomna, Fabio botanist
Publication: “Mythologiae, sive explicationis Fabularum, lib. X.” by Comes, Natalis writer
Publication: “Letters from Asmere, the court of the great mogul, to several persons of quality in England, concerning the emperor and his country of East-India,” by Coryate, Thomas the eccentric son of the preceding
Publication: “Justinian the emperor defended against cardinal Baronius,” by Crakanthorpe, Richard where he was born in 1567
Publication: “The Complaint or Dialogue between the Soule and the Bodie of a damned man,” by Crashaw, Richard poet
Publication: “Harmonia Linguarum quatuor Cardinalium, Hebraicse, Latin ae, et Germanicse,” by Cruciger, George of the same family with the preceding-
Born: Culpepper, Nicholas student
Publication: “Strena Kal. Januar. 1616. ad iilustriss. virum Jacobum Hayum, Dominum ac Baronem de Saley,” by Dempster, Thomas a man of considerable learning and singular character
Publication: “A threefold resolution necessary to salvation, &c.” by Denison, John divine
Born: Dolce, Carlo artist
Publication: “Dominis suae profectionis a Venetiis consilium exponit,” by Dominis, Mark Antony De archbishop
Died: Duck, Stephen a very extraordinary person
Publication: “Juvenilia philosophica,” by Ebertus, Theodore a learned* professor at Francfort upon Oder
Publication: “La Philosophic des Anciens retablie en sa purete.” by Espagnet, John D' president of the parliament of Bourdeaux
Born: Faille, Germain De La writer
Born: Feydeau, Matthew clergyman
Publication: “Chorus Poetarum,” by Fichet, Alexander a man of considerable learning
Born: Fisher, Payne Paganus Piscatok
Born: Flink, Govert artist
Publication: “Summa magna et parva,” by Fortescue, Sir John lawyer
Born: Foster, Samuel mathematician
Died: Franck but more generally called Old Francks
Publication: “Noctes Medicæ, sive de Abusu Medicinæ Tractatus,” by Freitag, John physician
Born: French, John physician
Publication: “Oraisou L'Andrese de Nesmond premier President du Parlement de Bourdeaux.” by Garasse, Francis Jesuit
Publication: “A treatise of Christian Renovation or Birth,” by Garnet, Henry a person memorable in English history for having been privy to the celebrated conspiracy called “The Gunpowder Plot
Died: Gentilis, Scipio brother of Alberic Gentilis
Publication: “Orationes Alberti Hungeri,” by Gewold, Christopher historian
Publication: “Fragmenta duodecim Tabularum suis nunc primum Tabulis restituta,” by Godefroi, Denys lawyer
Born: Gonet, John Baptist Dominican
Publication: “The Fall of Man, and Corruption of Nature, proved by reason,” by Goodman, Godfrey prelate
Born: Gryphius, Andrew was born at Glogaw in 1616
Died: Hakluyt, Richard historian
Died: Helvicus, Christopher professor of the Greek and eastern languages
Born: Henichius, John a learned professor of divinity in the university of llinteln
Publication: “Persius” by Holyday, Barten divine
Born: Holyoake, Thomas was born in 1616 at Stony-Thorp near Southam in Warwickshire
Died: Hutter, Leonard was also a native of Ulm
Born: Koenig, George Matthias a learned German
Died: Libavius, Andrew physician
Publication: “De Cnrculo physico-quadrato,” by Maier, Michael a celebrated German alchymist and rosicrucian of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Liebault’s La Maison rustique, or the country -farm,” by Markham, Gervase an English author
Publication: “Albedarium Marocostinum,” by Minderer, Raymond physician
Born: More, Alexander preacher
Born: Nani, John Baptist a noble Venetian
Born: Nayler, James a remarkable person of the society called Quakers
Died: Nichols, Richard whom Mr
Publication: “London’s Artillery, briefly containing the noble practice of that worthie Society,” by Nichols, Richard whom Mr
Born: Owen, John the most eminent and learned of the nonconformist divines
Publication: “Succenturiatus Anatomicus, continens Commentaria in Hip-. pocratem de Capitis Vulneribus. Additae sunt Anuotationes in aliquot Capita Librioctavi C. Celsi,” by Paaw, Peter physician and anatomist (1564–1617)
Publication: “De Politia Ecclesiastica Christi et Hierarchicaopposita,” by Parker, Robert divine
Died: Rivault, David writer
Publication: “Preces; Grammaticalis quaedam & Antiquae Historian Synopsis,” by Robinson, Hugh divine
Died: Rogers, Thomas whom Wood styles “a most admirable theologist
Born: Sancroft, Dr. William prelate
Died: Scamozzi, Vincent architect
Born: Scarborough, Sir Charles mathematician
Died: Schidoni was born at Modena in 1560
Publication: “Pindar” by Schmidt, Erasmus scholar
Died: Smith, John divine
Died: Sparke, Thomas divine
Publication: “Britannia’s Pastorals,” by Spenser, Edmund poet (?–1599)
Died: Tate, Francis antiquary
Born: Thurloe, John, Esq. secretary of state to the two protectors Oliver and Richard Cromwell
Publication: “Allegories” by Tzetzes, John a celebrated grammarian of Constantinople
Publication: “Dialogues,” by Vanini writer
Born: Wilkinson, Henry denominated sometimes Junior
Died: Williams, John prelate (?–1650)
Died: Zucchero, Frederico painter
Publication: “A brief description of the whole World, wherein is particularly described all the monarchies, empires, and kingdoms of the same, with their academies,” by Abbot, George archbishop (?–1633)
Publication: “Theatre of Europe,” by Abelin, John Philip historian (?–1646)
Publication: “De optimo genere dicendi,” by Adam, Melchior a very useful biographer
Died: Alpini, Prospero botanist
Born: Ancillon, David divine
Publication: “Invitatio ad fraternitatem Christi,” by Andreas, John Valentine grandson
Publication: “Rosa fiorescens, contra Menapii calumnias,” by Andreas, John Valentine grandson
Publication: “Menippus: Dialogorum Satyricorum centuria inanitum nostratium speculum,” by Andreas, John Valentine grandson
Born: Antonio, Nicholas a very learned and useful Spanish biographer
Publication: “In libros Aristotelis de Generation e et Corruptione,” by Aresi, Paul of Milan
Publication: “Discursus academic! de jure publico,” by Arum, Dominic Van a nobleman of Friesland
Born: Ashmole, Elias philosopher
Born: Aubery, Anthony lawyer
Publication: “Usage des Duels,” by Audiguier, Vital De a French nobleman
Publication: “Notre et animadversioncs ad disputationes Hieronymi Trentleni,” by Bachovius, Reiner lawyer
Died: Baldi, Bernard born at Urbino in the year 1553
Publication: “Uranoscopia, seu universa doctrina de Coelo,” by Baranzano, Redemptus monk
Publication: “Novae Opiuiones Physicx,” by Baranzano, Redemptus monk
Died: Baynes, Paul divine
Publication: “Police generale de la France,” by Bergier, Nicolas
Born: Birkhead, Henry poet
Born: Blanchet, Thomas painter
Born: Blondel, Francis mathematician
Born: Brandmuller, James grandson of James
Publication: “Logarithmorum chilias prima,” by Briggs, Henry one of the greatest mathematicians in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Died: Brito, Bernard De historian
Died: Bunney, Francis was born at Vache
Publication: “Plain and familiar exposition of the Ten Commandments,” by Bunney, Francis was born at Vache
Born: Casati, Paul Jesuit
Publication: “Ad Polybii Historiarum Libruni primum Commentarius,” by Casaubon, Isaac critic
Died: Contarini, Vincent a professor of eloquence at Padua
Died: Coryate, Thomas the eccentric son of the preceding
Died: Cotton, Peter Jesuit
Publication: “Sermons,” by Cotton, Peter Jesuit
Publication: “Predica fatta, la prima Domenica dell' Avvento 1617, in Londra nella Capella delta delli Mercian,” by Dominis, Mark Antony De archbishop
Born: Dorigny, Michael painter and engraver
Publication: “Vita Henrici Chichele,” by Duck, Arthur an English civilian
Died: Egerton, Thomas lord Ellesmere
Publication: “Gennadius de dogmatibus Ecclesise, ibid. 1614, 4to. 3. Sidonii Apollinaris Opera,” by Elmenhorst, Geverhart a learned commentator of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Giarumia grammatica de centum regentibus, sive lingux Arabia; particulis, Arabice & Latine, cum notis,” by Erpenius, Thomas or
Publication: “Historia Josephi patriarchs ex Alcorano, Arabice, cum versione Latina & notis,” by Erpenius, Thomas or
Publication: “De Cephalalgia Autumnali,” by Fabricius, James physician
Publication: “Opera Chinnvgica in duas Partes divisa,” by Fabricius, Jerome more generally known by the name of Hieronymus Fabricius Ab Aquapendente
Publication: “Monumenta Anglicana,” by Field, Richard divine
Born: Firmin, Giles divine
Publication: “Orthodox faith and the way to the church explained,” by Fisher, John Jesuit
Publication: “The Office and Authority of Justices of Peace, compiled and extracted out of the old books, as well of the Common Law, as of the Statutes, 1538,” by Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony lawyer
Publication: “Synopsis Apostasiæ M. A. de Dominis,” by Floyd, John Jesuit
Publication: “Utriusque Cosmi, majoris et minoris, Technica Historia,” by Fludd, Robert philosopher
Publication: “Tractatus Apologeticus integritatena societatis de Rosea cruce defendens,” by Fludd, Robert philosopher
Publication: “The Text of the New Testament of Jesus Christ, translated out of the vulgar Latin by the Papists of the traiterous Seminarie at Rhemes. With arguments of books, chapters, and annotations, pretending to discover the corruptions of divers translations, and to clear the controversies of these days. Whereunto is added the translation out of the original Greek, commonly used in the Church of England; with a confutation of all such arguments, glosses, and annotations, as containe manifest impietie of Heresie, Treason, and Slander against the Catholike Church of God, and the true teachers thereof, or the translations used in the church of England. The whole worke, perused and enlarged in divers places by the author’s owne hand before his death, with sundry quotations and authorities out of Holy Scriptures, Counsels, Fathers, and History. More amply than in the former Edition.” by Fulke, William divine
Publication: “Colossus Henrico Magno in ponte novo positus, Carmen,” by Garasse, Francis Jesuit
Publication: “Le banquet des Playdoiers de Mr. Servin, par Charles de PEspinoell,” by Garasse, Francis Jesuit
Born: Godolphin, John an eminent civilian
Died: Grain, John Baptist Le historian
Publication: “Alcida, Greene’s Metamorphosis,” by Greene, Robert poet
Publication: “Greene’s Farewell to Folie,” by Greene, Robert poet
Publication: “Arbasto, the history of Arbasto king of Denmarke,” by Greene, Robert poet
Died: Grynæus, John James was born at Bern in 1540
Publication: “Anthologia poetica, Gr. Lat.” by Halloix, Peter Jesuit
Born: Hermant, Godfrey a learned and pious doctor of the Sorbonne
Born: Hinckley, John son of Robert Hinckley of Coton in Warwickshire
Died: Hoeschelius, David a learned German
Born: Hoornbeeck, John an illustrious professor of divinity in the universities of Utrecht and Leyden
Publication: “Fiscus papalis, sive catalogus indulgentiarum,” by James, Thomas critic
Publication: “Ephemerides;” by Kepler, John astronomer (?–1630)
Publication: “New Ephemerides,” by Kepler, John astronomer (?–1630)
Born: Lamoignon, William De marquis de Baville
Born: Lely, Sir Peter painter
Born: Luca, John Baptist cardinal
Publication: “Silentium post clamores, seu tractatus -Revelationum fratrum roseae Crucis,” by Maier, Michael a celebrated German alchymist and rosicrucian of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Jocus severus,” by Maier, Michael a celebrated German alchymist and rosicrucian of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Apologeticus revelationum fratrum roseae Crucis,” by Maier, Michael a celebrated German alchymist and rosicrucian of the seventeenth century
Died: Marcilius, Theodora critic
Died: Martyn, William recorder of Exeter
Publication: “Joinville’s History of St. Louis,” by Menard, Claude antiquary
Publication: “De Calcantho, seu Vitriolo, ejusque qualitate, virtute, et viribus,” by Minderer, Raymond physician
Died: Molza, Tarquinia by Camillo
Born: Moore, Sir Jonas mathematician
Publication: “An Itineraty, containing ten years travels through the twelve dominions of Germany,” by Moryson, Fines a native of Lincolnshire
Publication: “Rabdology and Promptuary,” by Napier, John baron of Merchiston in Scotland
Publication: “Rabdologia, sen Numerations per Virgulas, libri duo,” by Napier, John baron of Merchiston in Scotland
Died: Oliver, Isaac one of the first English miniature painters
Born: Orsato, Sertorio antiquary
Died: Osiander, Andrew grandson of the preceding Andrew
Born: Ott, John Henry divine
Publication: “Commentary upon St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans,” by Pareus, David divine
Born: Parr, Richard divine
Born: Pautre, Anthony Le architect
Born: Penington, Isaac writer
Born: Petit, Peter another very learned Frenchman
Born: Pommeraye, Dom. John Francis Benedictine
Publication: “De Rheni divortiis et accolis populis adversus Ph. Cluverium,” by Pontanus, John Isaac historiographer to his Danish majesty
Publication: “Pietatis thaumata in Protheum Parthenicum unius libri versum et unius versus librum, Stella-? rum numeris sive formis 1022 variatum,” by Puteanus, Erycius in Flemish Vander Putten
Died: Richelieu, Armand Du Plessis cardinal
Died: Rigaltius, Nicolas a very ingenious and learned man
Publication: “Sums,” by Selden, John one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Born: Sidney, Algernon a strenuous champion for repub-lican government
Publication: “Leyden, 1597, 4to. 8. Commentarius in rhetoricam Talsei,” by Snell, Rodolph philosopher
Publication: “Eratosthenes Batavus,” by Snell, Willebrod mathematician (?–1626)
Publication: “Prolusiones” by Strada, Famiamis Jesuit
Died: Suarez, Francis Jesuit
Born: Sueur, Eustache Le one of the best painters hi his time which the French nation had produced
Died: Thou, James Augustus historian
Publication: “Commentarius de Nobilitate et jure primogenitorum,” by Tiraqueau, Andrew lawyer
Publication: “Mischief’s Mysterie; or, Treason’s Master-piece; the powder-plot, invented by hellish malice; prevented by heavenly mercy truly related, and from the Latin of the learned and reverend Dr. Herring, translated, and very much dilated by John Vicars,” by Vicars, John an extraordinary enthusiast in the seventeenth century
Born: Wharton, Sir George astrologer
Publication: “The BrideBush, or Wedding-Sermon,” by Whately, William divine
Born: Worthington, Dr. John divine
Publication: “De gratia et perseverantia Sanctorum, Exercitationes habitse in Academiae Oxon.” by Abbot, Robert archbishop
Publication: “In Ricardi Thomsoni Angli-Belgici diatribam, da amissione et intercessione justificationis et gratiae, animadversio brevis.” by Abbot, Robert archbishop
Publication: “Notae io Orationem Julii Caesaris Scaligeri pro M, T. Cicerone contra Ciceronianum Erasmi,” by Adam, Melchior a very useful biographer
Publication: “Lectures upon the whole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians,” by Airay, Henry provost of Queen’s college
Publication: “Contra Albigenses, Waldenses, Judæos, et Paganos,” by Alanus De Insulis surnamed the Universal Doctor
Publication: “Pericopa pentateuchi biblica, triglossometrica,” by Alard, William was born Nov. 22
Publication: “Notne in Decadem Problematum Joannis Behm de glorioso Dei et beatorum ccelo,” by Alting, Henry divine
Born: Alting, James son of the above Henry
Publication: “Coronis ad collationem Hagiensem,” by Ames, William divine (1576–1633)
Publication: “De Theriaca, oratio,” by Ampsingius, John Assuerus a native of the province of Over-yssel
Publication: “Histoire de Languedoc, avec l'etat des provinces voisines,” by Andoque, Peter and not Androque
Publication: “Dissertatic de Toga et Sago, sive de litterata armataque militia,” by Andreas, Valerius a biographer
Born: Antonius, Godefroy lawyer (?–1618)
Born: Arnold, Nicholas professor of divinity at Franeker
Publication: “A Brief Discovery of the idle animadversions of Mark Ridley, M. D. upon a treatise entitled Magnetical Advertisement,” by Barlowe, William son of the above
Died: Bastard, Thomas clergyman
Publication: “A commentary on the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians, handling the controversy of Predestination,” by Baynes, Paul divine
Publication: “Prselectiones de perseverantia Sanctorum,” by Benefield, Sebastian divine
Born: Bennet, Henry earl of Arlington
Born: Blount, Thomas writer
Died: Bocchi, Francis one of the most voluminous writers of Florence
Born: Bouette De Blemur, Jacqueline a lady
Born: Boyer, Claude of the French academy
Publication: “Dissertatio de justificatione,” by Bradshaw, William divine
Born: Brebeuf, George De poet
Publication: “Rhetoricee libri duo,” by Butler, Charles writer
Died: Butler, William one of the greatest physicians
Publication: “Historia Albigensiuoi, &c. auclore Petro, coenobii Vallis-Sarnensis ordinis Cisterciensis in dioecesi Parisiensi monacho,” by Camusat, Nicholas historian
Publication: “Balance pour peser en toute equite & droicture la Harangue fait vagueres en L'Assemblee des illustres & puissans Seignoures Messeigneurs les Estats generaux des Provinces Unies du Pais has, &c.” by Carleton, Sir Dudley Lord Dorchester
Died: Cartwright, Thomas divine
Publication: “Klectorum Symbolorum et Parabolarum historicarum Syntagmata,” by Caussin, Nicholas Jesuit
Born: Charas, Moses a skilful apothecary
Born: Coques, Gonzalo painter
Publication: “Livre de Pourtraiture,” by Cousin, John artist
Born: Cowley, Abraham poet
Died: Davies, Sir John poet and statesman
Died: Davis, John of Hereford
Publication: “Homo diabolus hocest: Auctorum veterum et recentiorum de calumnias natura et remediis, sua lingua editorum, sylloge” by Dornavius, Gaspar physician
Publication: “Cebetis tabula cum versione et uotis Jo. Caselii,” by Elmenhorst, Geverhart a learned commentator of the seventeenth century
Born: Essenius, Andrew divine
Publication: “French orthography,” by Expilli, Claude president of the parliament of Grenoble
Publication: “De Motu locali Animalium,” by Fabricius, Jerome more generally known by the name of Hieronymus Fabricius Ab Aquapendente
Publication: “De Gula, Ventriculo, et Intestinis, Tractatus,” by Fabricius, Jerome more generally known by the name of Hieronymus Fabricius Ab Aquapendente
Publication: “De Jntegumentis Corporis,” by Fabricius, Jerome more generally known by the name of Hieronymus Fabricius Ab Aquapendente
Publication: “Ad tit. Codicis Theodosiani de Paganis, Sacrificiis, et Templis notae,” by Fabrot, Charles Annibal lawyer
Died: Farinaccio, Prosper lawyer
Publication: “Lucani Pharsalia, sive de Bello Civili Caesaris et Pompeii Libri X. Adjeclis ad marginem notis T. Farnabii, quae loca obscuriora illustrent,” by Farnabie, Thomas a learned grammarian
Publication: “A parallel or conference of the civil, the canon, and the common law,” by Fulbeck, William writer
Publication: “An edition of the Romance of Ismenus and Ismenias, in Greek and Latin,” by Gaulmin, Gilbert a French minor author
Publication: “Henrici monachi in Rebdorf annales,” by Gewold, Christopher historian
Born: Helmont, Francis Mercurius Van was born in 1618
Publication: “Works and Days” by Hesiod poet
Publication: “A Book of Kings, being a true and lively effigies of all our English kings from the Conquest,” by Holland, Philemon a noted translator (1565–1636)
Publication: “Epistola pro patria defensoria,” by Jonas, Anagrimus a learned Icelander
Publication: “Copernican System,” by Kepler, John astronomer (?–1630)
Born: Loftus, Dudley scholar
Publication: “Nomenclatura et Chronologia rerum Ecclesiasticarum Dioecesis Bellovacensis,” by Louvet, Peter an able advocate in the seventeenth century
Publication: “Abrég6 d: s Constitutions et Reglemens pour les Etu;les et Reformes du Convent des Jacobins de Beauvais,” by Louvet, Peter an able advocate in the seventeenth century
Born: Love, Christopher divine
Born: Lovelace, Richard poet
Died: Magini, John-Anthony professor of mathematics in the university of Bologna
Publication: “Atalanta fugiens,” by Maier, Michael a celebrated German alchymist and rosicrucian of the seventeenth century
Publication: “De fraternitate roseae Crucis,” by Maier, Michael a celebrated German alchymist and rosicrucian of the seventeenth century
Publication: “De rosea Cruce,” by Maier, Michael a celebrated German alchymist and rosicrucian of the seventeenth century
Publication: “The History of St. Louis,” by Matthieu, Peter historian
Publication: “History of Bertrand du Gueschiin,” by Menard, Claude antiquary
Died: Moket, Richard warden of All Souls college
Died: Morosini, Andrew a senator of Venice
Born: Olzoffski, Andrew divine
Publication: “Selectiorum Observationum et Consiliorum de proeteritis hactenus morbis, effectibusque praeter naturam ab aqua, seu scrosa colluvie et deiuvie ortis, Liber singularis,” by Pois, Charles Le was born at Nancy in 1563
Born: Rabutin, Roger, Count De Bussy a distinguished French officer and wit
Publication: “Gigantologie; discours sur la grandeur des Grants, &c.” by Riolan, John was born at Paris in the year 1577
Publication: “Anatomica, seu Anthropographia,” by Riolan, John was born at Paris in the year 1577
Publication: “Variarum lectionum libri tres, quibus utriusque linguae scriptores, qua emendantur, qua illustrantur,” by Rutgers, John critic
Publication: “Annals of the Old Testament,” by Salian, James Jesuit
Publication: “Annales Evangelii per Europara 15 Seculi renovati, Decad. 1 et 2,” by Scultetus, Abraham divine
Born: Sharp, James archbishop
Born: Sherburne, Sir Edward poet
Died: Smiglecius, Martin Jesuit
Publication: “Logic,” by Smiglecius, Martin Jesuit
Born: Smith, John divine
Died: Stanyhurst, Richard historian
Publication: “The Lives of the Saints,” by Surius, Laurentius a voluminous compiler
Publication: “Apologia pro suis notis Biblicis, &c.” by Tossanus, Daniel divine
Publication: “Practice, una cum duodecim clavibus et appendice,” by Valentine, Basil is the name
Born: Vossius, Isaac a man of great parts and learning
Died: Wadham, Nicholas esq. of Edge and Merrifield
Publication: “The Actions of the Low Countries,” by Williams, Roger queen (1660–1725)
Publication: “De Inventione Æterni Motoris” by Zabarella, James born Sept. 5
Publication: “Historical Chronicle,” by Abelin, John Philip historian (?–1646)
Publication: “Amphitheatrum sapientiae Socraticae Jocoseriue,” by Acidalius, Valens a young man of great erudition
Born: Allestry, Richard divine
Publication: “De Morborum differentiis,” by Ampsingius, John Assuerus a native of the province of Over-yssel
Publication: “Civis Christianas, sive Peregrini quondam errantis restitutiones,” by Andreas, John Valentine grandson
Publication: “My thologiae Christiana?, sive virtutum et vitiorum vitae humanae imaginum, libri tres,” by Andreas, John Valentine grandson
Died: Arnauld, Anthony eldest son of Anthony Arnauld
Publication: “An astronomical description of the late Comet, from the 18th of November 1618, to the 16th of December following,” by Bainbridge, John astronomer
Born: Barwick, Peter physician
Born: Beau, John Baptiste Le Jesuit
Publication: “Ceremonial de France,” by Benedict, Rene' a famous doctor of the Sorbonne
Publication: “Hypobolimaea D. Maria? Deiparoe Camera, seu Idolum Lauretanum, &c. dejectum,” by Bernegger, Matthias who was born Feb. 8
Publication: “Latin poems” by Bonifacio, Balthasar lawyer
Publication: “The description of a Good Wife, or a rare one among women,” by Brathwaite, Richard whom Warton calls one of the minor pastoral poets of the reign of James I. was the second son of Thomas Brathwaite
Publication: “Lucubrationes & Annotationes in opera posthuma J. Neperi,” by Briggs, Henry one of the greatest mathematicians in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Born: Brun, Charles Le painter
Died: Butler, James duke of Ormond
Died: Calfhill, James divine
Died: Calvart, Denis artist
Publication: “Melanges historiques, ou recueii de plusieurs actes, traits, et lettres missives, depuis Pan 1390 jusqu'a Tan 1580,” by Camusat, Nicholas historian
Publication: “Oration made at the Hague before the prince of Orange, and the Assembly of the high and mighty lords, the States General,” by Carleton, George bishop
Publication: “De Kloquentia sacra et humana,” by Caussin, Nicholas Jesuit
Born: Charleton, Walter physician
Publication: “Discorso della Cometa pogonare dell' anno 1618, &c.” by Chiaramonti, Scipio in Latin Claramontius
Born: Claude, John clergyman
Publication: “Germania antiqua. Sicilia antiqiia. Italia antiqua,” by Cluverius, Philip a celebrated geographer
Born: Colbert, John Baptist marquis of Segnelai
Died: Corbet, Richard prelate
Died: Cosin, John prelate
Publication: “Introductio in Metaphysicam, lib. 4.” by Crakanthorpe, Richard where he was born in 1567
Publication: “Letters persuasive to his wife and children, to take upon them the Catholic religion,” by Croft, Sir Herbert the son of Edward Croft
Publication: “Arguments to show that the church in communion with the see of Rome, is the true church; against Dr. Field’s four books of the church,” by Croft, Sir Herbert the son of Edward Croft
Publication: “Reply to the answer of his daughter (Mary) which she made to a paper of his, sent to her concerning the Roman church,” by Croft, Sir Herbert the son of Edward Croft
Died: Decker, John Jesuit
Born: Delft, William James painter and engraver
Publication: “Oratio de Duodecennali,” by Demades an Athenian
Born: Dingley, Robert second son of sir John Dingley
Publication: “Amplritheatrum sapientiae Socraticie,” by Dornavius, Gaspar physician
Publication: “Hist, du College Roial,” by Duval, Andrew a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne
Publication: “Opus Chronologicum novum,” by Emmius, Ubbo a learned professor of Groningen
Born: Fabretti, Raphael antiquary
Publication: “Institutio Medici practicam aggredientis,” by Fabricius, James physician
Died: Fabricius, Jerome more generally known by the name of Hieronymus Fabricius Ab Aquapendente
Born: Felibien, Andrew Sieur des Avaux et de Javerci
Publication: “De Cometa anni 1618,” by Fienus, Thomas physician
Publication: “Detectio hypocrisis M. A. de Dominis,” by Floyd, John Jesuit
Died: Fonseca, Peter De Jesuit
Born: Ford, Simon a man of learning
Died: Freminet, Martin painter
Born: Frischmuth, John scholar
Publication: “Geographia Nubiensis,” by Gabriel Sionita a learned Maronite
Born: Gandy, James artist
Publication: “Lectionum Papinianarum Libri quinque in Statii Papinii Sylvas;” by Gevartius, John Gaspar critic
Publication: “Delineatio Norici veteris ejusque confinium,” by Gewold, Christopher historian
Publication: “Versio Latina et paraphrasis in Aristotelis rbetoricam,” by Goulston, Theodore physician
Publication: “Lachrymae Cantabrigienses,” by Herbert, George divine
Publication: “Suspiria S. Gregorii ad Christum,” by Herbst, John Andreas musician (?–1660)
Born: Hill, William a learned annotator on Dionysius Periegetes
Died: Hilliard, Nicholas artist
Born: Horrox, Jeremiah astronomer
Publication: “Historia Jesuitica hoc est, de origine, regulis, constitutionibus, privileges, incrementis, progressu, & propagatione ordinis Jesuitarum. Item, de eorum dolis, fraudibus, imposturis, nefariis faci- noribus, cruentis consiliis, falsa quoque, seditiosa, & sanguinolenta doctrina,” by Hospinian, Ralph writer
Publication: “Flora,” by How, William botanist
Publication: “Observations made on the Countrey, with the Manners and Customs of Russia or Rusland,” by James, Richard was born at Newport
Publication: “Comets,” by Kepler, John astronomer (?–1630)
Born: Lancelot, Claude writer
Born: Larroque, Matthew De in Latin Larroquanus
Died: Lucas, Francis surnamed Brugensis
Born: Maucroix, Francis De a French translator
Publication: “Pathologia hereditaria generalis, &c.” by Meara, Dermod O physician
Publication: “Threnodia Medica, seu, Planctus Medicinæ lugentis,” by Minderer, Raymond physician
Publication: “Mundi sublunaris Anatomia,” by Morin, John Baptist physician
Publication: “Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Constructio; et eorum ad Naturales ipsorum nu*meros habitudines; una cum appendice, de alia eaque praestantiore Logarithmorum specie condenda. Quibus accessere propositiones ad triangula sphserica faciliore calculo resolvenda. Una cum Annotationibus aliquot doctissimi D. Henrici Briggii in eas, et memoratam appendicem.” by Napier, John baron of Merchiston in Scotland
Born: Neer, Arnold Vander painter
Born: Nyssenus, Gregory
Born: Ormerod, Oliver writer
Died: Overall, John bishop
Publication: “Letters,” by Pasquier, Stephen a learned Frenchman
Publication: “Soteria,” by Petau, Denis was born at Orleans Aug. 21
Publication: “Physicum Cometae Speculum,” by Pois, Charles Le was born at Nancy in 1563
Publication: “Bruma, sive chimonopsegnion de laudibus hiemis, ut ea potissimum apud Belgas,” by Puteanus, Erycius in Flemish Vander Putten
Publication: “Parva rhetorica,” by Resenjus, John Paul divine
Born: Ricci, Michael Angelo a learned Italian ecclesiastic
Born: Rupert, Prince third son of the king of Bohemia
Publication: “Amici, ad amicum, de suburbicariis regiohibus et ecclesiis suburbicariis, epistola,” by Salmasius, Claude one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Dissertatio parsenetica pro instituto bibliothecae publics Gandavensis,” by Sanderus, Anthony antiquary
Publication: “Axiomata concionancii,” by Scultetus, Abraham divine
Publication: “Sacrilege sacredly handled,” by Selden, John one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Publication: “De Circulo & Adscriptis,” by Snell, Willebrod mathematician (?–1626)
Born: Struvius, George Adam scholar
Born: Suicer, John Gaspard divine
Born: Tallents, Francis divine
Born: Thomassin, Lewis divine
Publication: “A Summary of cases of conscience, or instruction for priests,” by Tolet, Francis cardinal
Born: Waterhouse, Edward writer