Driedo, John

, in low Dutch Dridoens, was born at Turnhout in Brabant, studied at Louvain, and took there the degree of doctor of divinity in August 1512. Hadrian Florent, who was afterwards pope Hadrian VI. performed the ceremony of promoting him to that degree; and having observed that his scholar had applied himself too much to human learning, he put him in mind of the distinction which ought to be made between the mistress-science, and those which are her hand-maids. After this advice Driedo directed his chief application to the study of divinity. He became professor of that science in the university of Louvain, and was also curate of St. James, and canon of St. | Peter in that city. He opposed Lutlieranism with great vigour; but if we judge of him by a letter of Erasmus, his zeal was moderate. He died at Louvain in 1535, though those who have published his epitaph, have represented it as affirming that he died August 4, 1555. His works were published in 4 vols. 4to and folio, by Gravius, at Louvain. They relate to the disputes between the Roman catholics and protestants and the principal titles are, “De gratia & libero arbitrio” “De concordia liberi arbitrii & proedestinationis” “De captivitate &. redemptione generis humani” “De Jibertate Christiana;” “De Scripturis &. dogmatibus Ecclesiasticis.1

1 Gent. Dict. —Moreri. —Foppen Bibl. Belg.Dupin.Jortin’s Erasmus. Fieheii Theatiuin.