Dreux Du Radier, John Francis
, advocate, born at Chateauneuf, in Thimerais, the 10th of May, 1714, was for some time of the magistracy of that town. Preferring at an early period of life the pursuits of literature to the practice of the bar, he quitted his station, and composed a great number of pieces in verse and prose. His poetical productions are very indifferent, but several of his works in prose are curious. The principal are: 1. “Bibliotheque historique & politique du Poitou,” 1754, 5 vols. 12mo, containing much sound and judicious criticism.
2. u L Europe illustre," 1755, and the following years. It is a collection of portraits of illustrious persons by Odieuvre; with historical notices by Du Radier, who was paid at the rate of a crown for each, and several of them are very interesting.
3. “Tablettes anecdotes des rois de France, 3 vols. 12mo. The author has here collected the remarkable sayings, the ingenious sentiments, and the witticisms of the kings, or attributed to the kings, of France. 4.” Histoire* anecdotes des reines et regentes de France,“6 vols. 12mo. 5.” Recreations historiques, critiques, morales, & d’erudition,“2 vols. 12mo. 6.” Vie de Witikind le Grand," 1757, 12mo; abridged from the folio of Cruzius. All these works shew that the author has ransacked every scarce and uncommon book for his materials; but his style is prolix, negligent, and familiar; there is a want of method too, in the distribution of the facts, as well as of grace in the narration. Dreux du Radier composed also several briefs for the bar; among others, for John Francis Corneille. This author died 1st March, 1780. Though he was much given to sarcasm in his writings, especially in those of the latter description, yet he was of a friendly disposition, and he often took upon him with pleasure the business of | searching records, archives, and papers for families, or for literary men who wanted the assistance of his pen or of his erudition. 1