Eryceira, Ferdinand De Meneses, Count D'
, a Portuguese writer, was born at Lisbon in 1614. After having early acquired a taste for literature, he went and studied the military art in Italy, and on his return to his native country was successively governor of Penicha, and of Tangiers, counsellor of war, gentleman of the chamber to the infant don Pedro, and counsellor of state. In the midst of these several employments he found time, for study and composition. On the subject of his numerous publications, the reader may consult the “Journal Etranger” of 1757. The principal of them are, 1. “The History of Tangiers,” 1723, fol. 2. “The History of Portugal, from 1640 to 1657,” in 2 vols. folio. 3. “The Life of John I. king of Portugal.” 2