, bishop of Toulouse, in the latter end of the fourth and beginning of the fifth century, who died in exile for the orthodox faith, is recorded as a model of true Christian charity. During a great famine, after selling the whole of his own property, he disposed of all the rich gold and silver plate belonging to the church, in order to feed the poor; he exerted his charity likewise towards the religious of Palestine and Egypt. St. Jerome speaks much of his bountiful disposition, and compares him to the widovr of Sarepta, whose oil failed not. St. Jerome also dedicated to him his book on the prophet Zecharias. Exuperius changed the temple of Minerva at Toulouse into a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, now the Dorade, and was the means of freeing the people of that city from their fears of the Vandals. We have no farther account of his history, except that he is supposed to have died in the year 417. He certainly was at Home in the year 409, when it was taken by the Goths. 2