Facini, Peter
, a painter of history, Was born at Bologna in 1560. He began to paint when already grown up to manhood, at the advice of An. Caracci, who, on seeing a whimsical design of his in charcoal, concluded he would be an acquisition to his school. Of this advice he had reason to repent, not only because Facini roused his jealousy by the rapidity of his progress, but because he saw him leave his school, become his rival in the instruction of youth, and even lay snares for his life. Facini had two characteristics of excellence, a vivacity in the attitudes and heads of his figures, that resembled the style of Tintoretto, and a truth of carnation which made Annibal himself declare that his colours seemed to be mixed with human flesh Beyond this he has little to surprise; his design is weak, his bodies vast and undefined, his heads and hands ill set on, nor had he time to correct these faults, as he died young, in 1602. At St. Francesco, in Bologna, is an altar-piece of his, the marriage of St. Catherine, attended by the four tutelary saints of the city, and a number of infant angels, which shews the best of his powers. His children carolling, or at play, in the gallery Matvezzi, and elsewhere at Bologna, are equally admired; they are in the manner of Albani, but with grander proportions. 2