Grange, Joseph De Chancel De La
, a French satirist and dramatic poet, was born 1676, in Perigord. He wrote a little comedy in three acts, when but nine years old, which was performed several days successively in the college of Bourdeaux, where he was a scholar; and at sixteen, produced his tragedy of “Jugurtha;” but the work which has made him most known, is a satire against the duke of Orleans, then regent, entitled, “The Philippicks,” in which he accused that nobleman of the most atrocious crimes. To avoid the punishment this work deserved, he fled to Avignon, in which city was a French officer, who had taken refuge there in consequence of having committed a murder, and received a promise of pardon if he could entice the author of the “Philippicks” into the French dominions. His attempt succeeded, and La Grange was conducted to the isle of St. Margaret; but 6nding means to make friends of his keepers, escaped in a boat to Villa Franca, notwithstanding a violent storm. The king of Sardinia gave him a considerable sum of money, and he went from thence into Spain; afterwards into Holland, where he remained till the duke of Orleans was dead. He was then permitted to end his days in France,where he died in 1758, at the castle of Antoniat, his family seat. His works have been collected in 5 vols. small 12mo, and his tragedies have been as much admired, as his lyric efforts have been depreciated. 2