, a Danish poet, born at Wibourg in 1616, was professor of poetry at Sora, and
, a Danish poet, born at Wibourg in 1616, was professor of poetry at Sora, and afterwards lecturer in theology at Ripen, in Jutland. Among
his poems are: 1. “De hommagio Frederici III. Daniae et
Norw. Regis,
” Hafnioe, 1660, fol.; and 2. “Threni Hyperborei
” on the death of Christian IV. All his pieces are
inserted in the “Delicioe quorundam Poetarum Danorum,
Frederici Rostgaard,
” Leyden,
, an Italian poet of the 17th century, enjoyed much reputation during his life.
, an Italian poet of the 17th century,
enjoyed much reputation during his life. He was in the
service of the archduke Leopold of Austria, and travelled
in France and the Netherlands. On his return to Italy,
he was successively governor of several small towns in the
ecclesiastical state. He died at Sinagaglia, in 1667, after
a long illness. The emperor Ferdinand III. made a bad
acrostic in honour of his memory, but does not appear
to have been a very liberal patron, while he was living
He wrote 1. “Ragguaglio di Parnasso contra poetastri e
partegiani delle nazioni,
” Milan, Le
Frascherie, fasci tre,
” satirical poems, with some prose,
Venice, Poesie postume,
” Bologna, II Consiglip degli Dei, dramma per musica,
” &c.
Bologna 1671, written on occasion of the Peace between
France and Spain, and the marriage of Louis XIII. to the
Infanta of Spain.
the end of the 9th century. He was himself of Normandy, and an eye-witness; and if not eminent as a poet, is at least a faithful and minute historian. His poem consists
, a monk of St. Germain-des-Pres,
was the author of a poetical relation of the siege of Paris
by the Normans and Danes towards the end of the 9th
century. He was himself of Normandy, and an eye-witness; and if not eminent as a poet, is at least a faithful
and minute historian. His poem consists of twelve hundred
verses, in two books, and has been admitted into Pithou’s
and Duchesne’s collections; but a more correct edition,
with notes, and a French translation, may be seen in the
“Nouvelles Annales de Paris,
” published by D. Toussaint
Duplessis, a Benedictine of the congregation of St. Maur,
1753, 4to. There are also “Five select Sermons
” under
his name in vol. IX. of D'Acheri’s Spicilegium; and in vol.
V. Bibl. P. P. Colon. 1618, is “Abbonis Epistola ad Desiderium episc.
” There was originally a third book to his
History of the siege, addressed “to the Clergy,
” which his
editors omitted as having no connexion with the history.
wit. The marechai de Luxembourg took notice of him, and gave him the title of his secretary; and the poet followed the hero in his campaigns. The marshal gave him his
was born at Riez in Provence, in 1648. He removed to Paris early in life, where he was much admired for the brilliancy of his wit. The marechai de Luxembourg took notice of him, and gave him the title of his secretary; and the poet followed the hero in his campaigns. The marshal gave him his confidence during his life, and at his death recommended him to his heirs as an estimable man. The prince of Conti and the duke de Vendome vouchsafed him their familiarity, and found great pleasure in his lively and animated conversation. The witticisms which would have been common in the mouth of any other man, were rendered striking in him by the turn he gave them, and by the grimaces with which he accompanied them. A countenance remarkably ugly and full of wrinkles, which he managed at pleasure, stood him instead of a variety of masks. Whenever he read a tale or a comedy, he made a ludicrous use of this moveable physiognomy for distinguishing the personages of the piece he was reciting. The abbe Abeille enjoyed a priory, and a place in the French academy. We have of him some odes, some epistles, several tragedies, one comedy, and two operas. A certain prince observed of his tragedy of Cato, that, if Cato of Utica should return from the grave, he would be only the Cato of the abbe Abeille. He understood well enough what was necessary to the formation of a good poet: but he was not one himself. His style is feeble, low, and languid. In his versification he discovers none of that dignity he had in his character. He died at Paris, the 21st of May, 1718. A French critic, speaking of the two tragedies, Solyman and Hercules, written by Jean Juvenon de la Thuillerie, says, the reader will be able to judge of their merit, when he is informed that they were attributed to the Abbé Abeille .
, an Arabian poet, was born in the town of Maara, A. D. 973. He was blind from
, an Arabian poet, was born in the town of Maara, A. D. 973. He was blind from three years old, having lost his sight at that age by the small-pox; but this defect was compensated by the qualities of his mind. He adopted the vegetable diet of the Bramins, but appears in other respects to have believed in no religious principles. His principal work was entitled Sekth-al-zend, a poem which was greatly esteemed in the East. He was considered as one of the most celebrated poets of his nation. He died in 1057. Fabricius in 1638, and Golius in 1656, published some extracts from his poem.
both in his life and death. In his life he was an elegant writer of the Syriac and Arabic tongues, a poet, physician, and a moderate divine. la his death, his funeral
The Eastern nations are generally extravagant in their
applause of men of learning; and have bestowed the
highest encomiums and titles upon Abulfafagius, as, the
prince of the learned, the most excellent of those who
most excel, the example of his times, the phoenix of his
age, the glory of wise men, &c. Our historian, Gibbon,
esteems him “eminent both in his life and death. In his
life he was an elegant writer of the Syriac and Arabic
tongues, a poet, physician, and a moderate divine. la
his death, his funeral was attended by his rival the Nestorian patriarch, with a train of Greeks and Armenians, Who
forgot their disputes, and mingled their tears over the
grave of an enemy.
” His death took place in 1286.
, or Abou-Navas, an Arabian poet of the first class, was born in the city of Bassora, in the
, or Abou-Navas, an Arabian poet of the first class, was born in the city of Bassora, in the year 762, and died in 810. He left his native country in order to go to settle at Cufa; but did not continue long there, as the caliph Haroun Al Raschid would have him near his person at Bagdad, and gave him an apartment in his palace with Abou-Massaab and Rekashi, two other excellent poets. His principal works have been collected into a body, called by the Arabians a Diwan t or volume, by various persons; for which reason there is a great difference in the copies of this author.
, or Habib Ebn Aws Al-Hareth Ebn Kais, an Arabian poet of great eminence in his time, was born in the 190th year of
, or Habib Ebn Aws Al-Hareth Ebn Kais, an Arabian poet
of great eminence in his time, was
born in the 190th year of the hegira, or A. D. 805, at Jasem, a little town between Damascus and Tiberias. He
was educated in Egypt, and died at Mawsel, in the year
845. His poems consist chiefly of eulogiums on several
of the caliphs, who richly rewarded him. He collected
his compositions into a volume, entitled, “Al Hamasah,
according to D'Herbelot; but, according to Dr. Pococke,
this was a selection from the ancient Arabic poets made
by him, and not his own compositions. He was long considered as the prince of Arabian poets, and none but Al
Motanabbi disputed precedence with him. Bakhteri, another celebrated poet, candidly as well as critically said
of him, “Such verses as are good in Abu Temam excel
the best of mine; but such of mine as are bad, are mortt
endurable than where he falls off.
, an Italian poet of the fifteenth century, was born at Verona, and flourished
, an
Italian poet of the fifteenth century, was born at Verona,
and flourished about 1470. His principal work was printed
at Verona, 1479, 4to, and entitled “Acci Zucchi Summa
Campaneae, Veronensis, viri eruditissimi in Æsopi Fabulas
interpretatio per rhythmos, in libellum Zucharinum inscriptum, &c.
” In this work each fable is preceded by a
Latin epigram, and followed by a sonnet containing the
moral. It was a work of considerable popularity, as there
were no less than three editions in the same century; viz.
in 1491, 1493, and 1497. Maffei speaks of him in his
“Verona illustrata.
, a Latin tragic poet, the son of a freed-man, and according to St. Jerome, born in
, a Latin tragic poet, the son of a
freed-man, and according to St. Jerome, born in the consulship of Hostilius Mancinus and Attilius Serranus, in the
year of Rome 583; but there appears somewhat of confusion and perplexity in this chronology. He made himself
known before the death of Pacuvius, a dramatic piece of
his being exhibited the same year that Pacuvius brought
one upon the stage, the latter being then 80 years of age,
and Accius only 30. We do not know the name of this
piece of Accius, but the titles of several of his tragedies
are mentioned by various authors. He wrote on the most celebrated stories which had been represented on the Athenian
stage, as Andromache, Andromeda, Atreus, Clytemnestra,
Medea, Meleager, Philocletes, the civil wars of Thebes,
Tereus, the Troades, &c. He did not always, however,
take his subjects from the Grecian story; for he composed
one dramatic piece wholly Roman: it was entitled Brutus,
and related to the expulsion of the Tarquins. It is affirmed by some, that he wrote also comedies; which is
not unlikely, if he was the author of two pieces, “The
” and “The Merchant,
” which have been ascribed to him. He did not confine himself to dramatic
writing; for he left other productions, particularly his
Annals, mentioned by Macrobius, Priscian, Festus, and
Nonius Marcellus. Decimus Brutus, who was consul in
the year of Rome 615, and had the honour of a triumph
for several victories gained in Spain, was his particular
friend and patron. This general was so highly pleased
with the verses which Accius wrote in his praise, that he
had them inscribed at the entrance of the temples and monuments raised out of the spoils of the vanquished. Though
this might proceed from a principle of vanity, and may not
be so much a proof of his affection for the poet as his love
of applause; yet it proves that Brutus had an opinion of
Accius’s poetry, and Brutus was far from being a contemptible judge. He has been censured for writing in too
harsh a style, but was in all other respects esteemed a very
great poet. Aulus Gellius tells Us, that Accius, being on
his way to Asia, passed through Tarentum, where he paid
a visit to Pacuvius, and read to him his play of Atreus;
that Pacuvius told him his verse was lofty and sonorous,
but somewhat harsh and crude. “It is as you observe,
said Accius; “nor am I sorry for it, since my future productions will be better upon this account; for as in fruit
so in geniuses, those which are at first harsh and sour, become mellow and agreeable; but such as are at first soft
and sweet, grow in a short time not ripe, but rotten.
Accius was so much esteemed by the public, 'that a comedian was punished for only mentioning his name on the
stage. Cicero speaks with great derision of one Accius
who had written a history; and, as our author wrote annals, some insist that he is the person censured; but as
Cicero himself, Horace, Quintilian, Ovid, and Paterculus,
have spoken of our author with so much applause, he cannot be supposed the same whom the Roman orator censures
with so much severity. Nothing remains of Accius, but some
few fragments collected by Robert Stephens, and the titles
of his pieces. He is supposed to have died at an advanced
age, but the precise time is not known.
guards were necessary at the doors, and the most learned scholars and prelates often interrupted the poet by loud acclamations. The testimony of his contemporaries, and
was one of the sons of the preceding, and,on account of the great fame of his poetry,
called Unico Aretino; but such of his works as have descended to our days are not calculated to preserve the very
extraordinary reputation which he enjoyed from his contemporaries. According to them, no fame could be equal
to what he obtained at the court of Urbino and at Rome,
in the time of Leo X. When it was known that the Unico
was to recite his verses, the shops were shut, and all business suspended; guards were necessary at the doors, and
the most learned scholars and prelates often interrupted
the poet by loud acclamations. The testimony of his contemporaries, and among them, of the Cardinal Bembo, will
not permit us to doubt that his merit was extraordinary;
but it is probable that he owed his fame more to his talents
at extempore verse, than to those which he prepared by
study. In the latter, however, there is an elegance of
style, and often the fancy and nerve of true poetry. His
poems were first printed at Florence in 1513, under the
title “Virginia comedia, capitoli, e strambotti di messer
Bernardo, Accolti Aretino, in Firenze (al di Francesco Rossegli),
” 8vo; and at Venice, Opera nuova del
preclarissimo messer Bernardo Accolti Aretino, scrittore
apostolico ed abbreviatore, &c.
” 8vo, and have been often
re-printed. In this volume, his comedy “Virginie,
” written, according to the custom of the age, in the ottava
rima, and other measures, obtained its name from a natural daughter, whom he gave in marriage to a nobleman,
with a large dowry. Leo X. who had an esteem for him,
gave him the employment of apostolic secretary; and is
likewise said to have given him the duchy of Nepi; but
Accolti informs us, in one of his letters to Peter Aretin,
that he purchased this with his own money, and that
Paul III. afterwards deprived him of it. The dates of his
birth and death are not known; but he was living in the
time of Ariosto, who mentions him as a person of great
consideration at the court of Urbino.
, a Greek poet, a native of Eretria, the son of Pythodorus, flourished, according
, a Greek poet, a native of Eretria, the son of Pythodorus, flourished, according to Saxius, between the 74th and 82d olympiad, or between 484 and 449 before the Christian æra, and consequently was the contemporary of Æschylus. He was both a tragic and satirical poet, having, according to some, composed thirty tragedies, and according to others, more than forty. These are all lost, except some fragments which Grotius collected in his “Fragmenta Tragic, et Comicorum Græcorum.” Achæus carried off the poetical prize only once. His satirical pieces have likewise perished, but Athenseus quotes them often. There was another Greek poet of the same name, quoted by Suidas, who also composed tragedies, of which there are no remains,
tivated poetry; but if we may judge from some verses in the collection published on the death of the poet Seraphin dall' Aquila, not with much success.
, a native of Bologna, where
he was born Oct. 29, 1463, was a philosopher and physician,
and professed both those sciences with great reputation. He
had scholars from all parts of Europe. He died in his own
country, August 2, 1512, at the age of 40, with the surname of The great philosopher, after having published various pieces in anatomy and medicine. To him is ascribed
the discovery of the little bones in the organ of hearing'.
He adopted the sentiments of Averroes, and was the rival
of Pomponacius. These two philosophers mutually decried each other, and Pomponacius had generally the advantage, as he had the talent of mixing witticisms with his
arguments, for the entertainment of the by-standers, while
Achillini lowered himself with the public by his singular
and slovenly dress. His philosophical works were printed
in one vol. folio, at Venice, in 1508, and reprinted with
considerable additions in 1545, 1551, and 1568. His principal medical works are: 1. “Annotationes Anatomies,
Bonon. De humani corporis Anatomia,
” Venice, In
Mundini anatomiam annotationes,
” printed with Katham’s
“Fasciculus Medicine,
” Venice, De subjecto Medicinæ, cum annotationibus Pamphili Montii,
Venice, De Chiromantiæ principiis et Physiognomiæ,
” fol. without place or year. 6. “De Universalibus,
” Bonon. De subjecto Chiromantiæ
et Physiognomiæ,
” Bonon.
n theology, philosophy, and music, and the study of law and antiquities, but is most celebrated as a poet, although his works are not free from the faults peculiar to
, younger brother of
the preceding, was born at Bologna in 1466, where he
died in 1558. He was learned in the Greek and Latio
languages, in theology, philosophy, and music, and the study
of law and antiquities, but is most celebrated as a
poet, although his works are not free from the faults peculiar to his age. Yet he gave even these a turn so peculiarly original, that they appear to have been rather his
own than acquired by imitation. He published, among
many other works: 1. A scientific and moral poem, written in the ottava rima, entitled “II Viridario,
” Bologna,
4to, which contains eulogiums on many of his learned contemporaries. 2. “II Fedele,
” also in heroics. These are
both scarce, as they never were reprinted. 3. “Annotazioni della lingua volgare,
” Bologna, 1.536, 8vo. This
was intended as an answer to those who complained of the
provincialisms in his style. 4. He also published a collection of poems pu the death of Seraphin dall' Aquila, mentioned in the preceding article, Bologna, 1504, 4to. He
has more stretch of mind than most of his contemporaries.
, a Spanish poet, horn at Madrid in the beginning of the sixteenth century, was
, a Spanish poet, horn at Madrid in the beginning of the sixteenth century, was at
first remarkable for his military talents in the service of
Charles V. but more so afterwards for his poetical merit,
which has been extolled by Louis Zapata and Lope de
Vega. His first attempt was a translation of Olivier de la
Marche’s “Chevalier delibere,
” under the title of “El
Cavallero determinando;
” to which he added an entire
book of his own composition, Antwerp, 1555, 8vo. He
also composed in Italian verse, sonnets, eclogues, and
other smaller pieces, in which the thoughts are natural,
and the expression elegant. He succeeded in translating
Ovid in verse of nine syllables, which the Spaniards consider as the most difficult in their poetry; and before his
death he had begun a translation of Roland from Boyardo,
and added four chants, which were thought equal to the
original. His translation of the “Chevalier delibere
was reprinted at Salamanca, Varias Poesias.
d a character of the principal English poets, inscribed to Henry Sacheverell, who was then, if not a poet, a writer of verses; as is shewn by his version of a small part
, son of Dr. Addison mentioned in
the last article, and one of the most illustrious ornaments
of his time, was born May 1, 1672, at Milston near Ambrosbury, Wiltshire, where his father was rector. Appearing
weak and unlikely to live, he was christened the same day.
Mr. Tyers says, that he was laid out for dead as soon as he
was born. He received the first rudiments of his education
at the place of his nativity, under the rev. Mr. Naish; but
was soon removed to Salisbury, under the care of Mr. Taylor; and thence to Lichfield, where his father placed him
for some time, probably not long, under Mr. Shaw, then
master of the school there. From Lichfield he was sent to
the Charter-house, where he pursued his juvenile studies
under the care of Dr. Ellis, and contracted that intimacy
with sir Rich. Steele, which their joint labours have so effectually recorded. In 1687 he was entered of Queen’s
college in Oxford; where, in 1689, the accidental perusal
of some Latin verses gained him the patronage of Dr. Lancaster, by whose recommendation he was elected into
Magdalen college as demy. Here he took the degree of
M. A. Feb. 14, 1693; continued to cultivate poetry and
criticism, and grew first eminent by his Latin compositions,
which are entitled to particular praise, and seem to have had
much of his fondness; for he collected a second volume of
the Musæ Anglicanæ, perhaps for a convenient receptacle;
in which all his Latin pieces are inserted, and where his
poem on the Peace has the first place. He afterwards
presented the collection to Boileau, who from that time
conceived an opinion of the English genius for poetry. In
his 22d year he first shewed his power of English poetry, by
some verses addressed to Dryden; and soon afterwards
published a translation of the greater part of the fourth
Georgic upon Bees. About the same time he composed
the arguments prefixed to the several books of Dry den’s
Virgil; and produced an essay on the Georgics, juvenile,
superficial, and uninstructive, without much either of the
scholar’s learning or the critic’s penetration. His next paper
of verses contained a character of the principal English
poets, inscribed to Henry Sacheverell, who was then, if
not a poet, a writer of verses; as is shewn by his version of
a small part of Virgil’s Georgics, published in the Miscellanies, and a Latin encomium on queen Mary, in the Musae
Anglicana?. At this time he was paying his addresses to
SacheverelPs sister. These verses exhibit all the fondness
of friendship; but, on one side or the other, friendship was
too weak for the malignity of faction. In this poem is a
very confident and discriminative character of Spenser,
whose work he had then never read. It is necessary to inform the reader, that about this time he was introduced by
Congreve to Montague, then chancellor of the exchequer:
Addison was now learning the trade of a courtier, and subjoined Montague as a poetical name to those of Cowley and
of Dryden. By the influence of Mr. Montague, concurring
with his natural modesty, he was diverted from his original
design of entering into holy orders. Montague alleged the
corruption of men who engaged in civil employments without liberal education; and declared, that, though he was
represented as an enemy to the church, he would never do
it any injury but by withholding Addison from it. Soon
after, in 1695, he wrote a poem to king William, with a
kind of rhyming introduction addressed to lord Somers.
King William had no regard to elegance or literature; his
study was only war; yet by a choice of ministers whose disposition was very different from his own, he procured,
without intention, a very liberal patronage to poetry. Addison was caressed both by Somers and Montague. In 1697
he wrote his poem on the peace of Ryswick, which he dedicated to Montague, and which was afterwards called by
Smith “the best Latin poem since the Æneid.
” Having
yet no public employment, he obtained in distressed by indigence, and
compelled to become the tutor of a travelling squire.
” At
his return he published his travels, with a dedication to
lord Somers. This book, though a while neglected, is said
in time to have become so much the favourite of the publick, that before it was reprinted it rose to five times its price.
When he returned to England in 1702, with a meanness of
appearance which gave testimony to the difficulties to which
tie had been reduced, he found his old patrons out of
power; but he remained not long neglected or useless.
The victory at Blenheim 1704 spread triumph and confidence over the nation; and lord Godolphin, lamenting to
lord Halifax that it had not been celebrated in a manner
equal to the subject, desired him to propose it to some better poet. Halifax named Addison; who, having undertaken the work, communicated it to the treasurer, while it
was yet advanced no further than the simile of the angel,
and was immediately rewarded by succeeding Mr. Locke
in the place of commissioner of appeals. In the following
year he was at Hanover with lord Halifax; and the year
after was made under-secretary of state, first to sir Charles
Hedges, and in a few months more to the earl of Sunderland. About this time the prevalent taste for Italian operas
inclining him to try what would be the effect of a musical
drama in our own language; he wrote the opera of Rosajnond, which, when exhibited on the stage, was either
hissed or neglected; but, trusting that the readers would
do him more justice, he published it, with an inscription to
the duchess of Marlborough. His reputation had been
somewhat advanced by The Tender Husband, a comedy,
which Steele dedicated to him, with a confession that he
owed to him several of the most successful scenes. To this
play Addison supplied a prologue. When the marquis of
Wharton was appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland, Addison
attended him as his secretary; and was made keeper of the
records in Bermingham’s tower, with a salary of 300l. a
year. The office was little more than nominal, and the
salary was augmented for his accommodation. When he
was in office, he made a law to himself, as Swift has recorded, never to remit his regular fees in civility to his friends
“I may have a hundred friends; and if my fee be two
guineas, I shall by relinquishing my right lose 200 guineas,
and no friend gain more than two.
” He was in Ireland
when Steele, without any communication of his design,
began the publication of the Tatler; but he was not long
concealed: by inserting a remark on Virgil, which Addison
had given him, he discovered himself. Steele’s first Tatler
was published April 22, 1709, and Addison’s contribution
appeared May 26. Tickell observes, that the Tatler began and was concluded without his concurrence. This is
doubtless literally true; but the work did not suffer much
by his unconsciousness of its commencement, or his absence at its cessation; for he continued his assistance to
Dec. 23, and the paper stopped on Jan. 2. He did not
distinguish his pieces by any signature.
, an Italian poet, a descendant from the ancient family of Adimari, at Florence;
, an Italian poet, a descendant
from the ancient family of Adimari, at Florence; was
born in 1579. Between 1637 and 1640 he published six
collections of fifty sonnets each, under the names of six
of the muses: Terpsichore, Clio, Melpomene, Calliope,
Urania, and Polyhymnia, which partake of the bad taste of
his age, in forced sentiments and imagery; but he was an
accomplished scholar in the Greek and Latin languages.
His translation of Pindar, “Ode di Pindaro, tradotte da
Alessandro Adimari,
” Pisa,
, a satirical poet of the same family with the preceding, was born at Naples, Sept.
, a satirical poet of the same family
with the preceding, was born at Naples, Sept. 3, 1644,
and educated at the university of Pisa, where the celebrated Luca Terenzi was his tutor. He visited, when
young, the different courts of Italy, and was beloved for
his talents and accomplishments. He received from the
duke Ferdinand Charles of Mantua, the title of marquis,
and gentleman of his chamber. He was also member of
the academy of Florence, of De la Crnsca, and many other
learned societies. He succeeded the famous Redi as professor of the Tuscan language in the academy of Florence,
and was likewise professor of chivalry in that of the nobles,
in which science his lectures, which he illustrated with
apposite passages from ancient and modern history, were
highly esteemed. These were never printed, but manuscript copies are preserved in several of the libraries of
Florence. His only prose work, a collection of religious
pieces, was published at Florence, 1706, small 4to, under
the title “Prose sacre.
” His poetry consists of: 1. “Sonnets and other lyric pieces,
” and among them, a collection of Odes or Canzoni, dedicated to Louis XIV, and
magnificently printed at Florence, 1693. 2. Some “Dramas,
” one of which “Le Gare dell' Amore etdelP Amicitia,
Florence, Five Satires,
” on
which his fame chiefly rests; very prolix, but written in
an elegant style; and as to satire, just and temperate,
except where he treats of the fair sex. He died at Florence, after a tedious illness, June 22, 1708.
he admiral of the Persian fleet, and signalized himself above all the Athenians. To this brother our poet was, upon a particular occasion, obliged for saving his life.
, one of the most eminent tragic poets of ancient times, was born at Athens. Authors differ in regard to the time of his birth, some placing it in the 65th, others in the 70th olympiad; but according to Stanley, who relies on the Arundelian marbles, he was born in the 63d olympiad, or about 400 years B. C. He was the son of Euphorion, and brother to Cynegirus and Aminias, who distinguished themselves in the battle of Marathon, and the sea-fight of Salamis; at which engagement Æschylus was likewise present. In this last action, according to Diodorus Siculus, Aminias, the younger of the three brothers, commanded a squadron of ships, and behaved with so much conduct and bravery, that he sunk the admiral of the Persian fleet, and signalized himself above all the Athenians. To this brother our poet was, upon a particular occasion, obliged for saving his life. Ælian relates, that Æschylus, being charged by the Athenians with certain blasphemous expressions in some of his pieces, was accused of impiety, and condemned to be stoned to death. They were just going to put the sentence in execution, when Aminias, with a happy presence of mind, throwing aside his cloak, shewed his arm without a hand, which he had lost at the battle of Salamis, in defence of his country. This sight made such an impression on the judges, that, touched with the remembrance of his valour, and the friendship he shewed for his brother, they pardoned Æschylus. Our poet however resented the indignity of this prosecution, and resolved to leave a place where his life had been in danger. He became more determined in this resolution, when he found his pieces less pleasing to the Athenians than those of Sophocie’s, though a much younger writer. Simonides had likewise won the prize from him, in an elegy upon the battle of Marathon. Suidas having said that uÆschylus retired into Sicily, because the seats broke down during the representation of one of x his tragedies, some have taken this literally, without considering that in this sense such an accident did great honour to ^schylus; but, according to Joseph Scaliger, it was a phrase amongst the comedians; and he was said to break down the seats, whose piece could not stand, but fell to the ground. Some affirm, that Æschylus never sat down to compose but when he had drunk liberally. This perhaps was in allusion to his excessive imagination, which was apparent in an abrupt, impetuous, and energetic style. They who co.uld not relish the sublimer beauties of language, might perhaps have ascribed his rapid and desultory manner, rather to the fumes of wine than to the result of reason. He wrote a great number of tragedies, of which there are but seven remaining; viz. Prometheus, the Seven Champions before Thebes, the Persae, the Agamemnon, the Choephorae, the Eumenides, and the Suppliant Virgins; and in these it is evident, that if he was not the father, he was the great improver of the Grecian stage. In the time of Thespis there was no public theatre to act upon; the strollers drove about from place to place in a cart. Æschylus furnished his actors with masks, and dressed them suitably to their characters. He likewise introduced the buskin, to make them appear more like heroes; and the ancients give Æschyius the praise of having been the first who removed murders and shocking sights from the eyes of the spectators. He is said likewise to have lessened the number of the chorus; but perhaps this reformation was owing to an accident; in his Eumenides, the chorus, which consisted of fifty persons, appearing on the stage with frightful habits, had such an effect on the spectators, that the women with child miscarried, and the children fell into fits; which occasioned a law to be made to reduce the chorus to fifteen. Mr. Le Fevre has observed, that Æschylus never represented women in love, in his tragedies, which, he says, was not suited to his genius; but in representing a woman transported with fury, he was incomparable. Longinus says, that Æschylus has a noble boldness of expression; and that his imagination is lofty and heroic. It must be owned, however, that he affected pompous words, and that his sense is too often obscured by figures. But, notwithstanding these imperfections, this poet was held in great veneration by the Athenians, who made a public decree that his tragedies should be played after his death. When Æschylus retired to the court of Hiero king of Sicily, this prince was then building the city of Ætna, and our poet celebrated the new city by a tragedy of the same name. After having lived some years at Gela, we are told that he died of a fracture of his skull, caused by an eagle letting fall a tortoise on his head; and that this death is said to have been predicted by an oracle, which had foretold that he should die by somewhat from the heavens. He died, however, by whatever means, according to Mr. Stanley, in the 69th year of his age. He had the honour of a pompous funeral from the Sicilians, who buried him near the river Gela; and the tragedians of the country performedplays and theatrical exercises at his tomb; upon which was inscribed an epitaph, celebrating him only for his valour at the battle of Marathon.
, a Latin poet, who wrote several comedies in imitation of Menander. He was
, a Latin poet, who wrote several comedies
in imitation of Menander. He was a man of wit and sense.
Quintilian blames him for the licentious amours in his
plays. He lived about 100 years before the vulgar sera,
according to Vqssius. Only some fragments of this poet
are come down to our times, which are inserted in the
“Corpus Poetarum
” of Maittaire, London,
, or Agathon, a Greek poet, of Athens, and not of Samos as Gyraldi asserts, wrote several
, or Agathon, a Greek poet, of Athens,
and not of Samos as Gyraldi asserts, wrote several tragedies and comedies, of which only some fragments remain.
Aristotle speaks of one, “The Flower,
” with great praise.
His first tragedy received the prize at the Olympic games.
He was a man of expensive manners, and kept a magnificent table; at which the wits of his days used to assemble.
Grotius has collected the fragments left of his dramas from
Aristotle and Athenseus, in his collection of the fragments
of Greek tragedies and comedies. He was the first who
hazarded invented subjects. His comedies were written
with elegance, but his tragedies abounded in antitheses
and symmetrical ornaments. He lived about 735 B. C;
but Barthelemi places him much earlier.
mbridge, of which he afterwards became a fellow and M. A. was esteemed a very good Grecian and Latin poet. He was afterwards a justice of peace in Warwickshire. He wrote
, educated at Eton, and in 1536
elected to King’s College, Cambridge, of which he afterwards became a fellow and M. A. was esteemed a very good
Grecian and Latin poet. He was afterwards a justice of
peace in Warwickshire. He wrote the genealogy of Queen
Elizabeth, for which she gave him an animal pension of
live pounds and a Latin poem “in obitum duorum Suffolciensium fratrum,
” which is printed in Wilson’s “Epigrammata,
, a Provencal gentleman and poet, of the twelfth century, died in 1181, leaving behind him the
, a Provencal gentleman and
poet, of the twelfth century, died in 1181, leaving behind
him the character of a man, learned, amiable, witty, and
elegant in person and manners. He married Jausserande
de Lunel, in praise of whom he wrote many verses, dedicated to Ildefonso, the first of the name, king of Arragon,
prince of Provence, and count of Barcelona, in whose
court he held the rank of first gentleman. He complained
that in his time the passion of love was not properly understood, and therefore wrote a treatise or poem, entitled “La
maniera d'Amar del temps passat.
” In this he maintains,
in a chain of reasoning, that no one can be happy unless
he is a good man; that no one can be a good man unless
he is in love; and that no man knows how to love who is
not careful of his mistress’s honour. None of his writings
have been published. The family of Agoult still exists in
Dauphiny and Provence.
ne of the most fortunate occurrences in his life that he had it in his power to introduce this young poet of nature to sir Robert Walpole, who wished to be reckoned the
, a Scotch painter of considerable eminence, was the son of William 8 Aiktnan, of Cairney, esq. and born Oct. 24, 1682. His father intended that he should follow the law, and gave him an education suitable to these views; but the strong predilection of the son to the fine arts induced him to attach himself to painting alone. Poetry, painting, and music have, with justice, been called sister arts. Mr. Aikman was fond of poetry; and was particularly delighted with those unforced strains which, proceeding from the heart, are calculated to touch the congenial feelings of sympathetic minds. It was this propensity which attached him so warmly to Allan Ramsay, the Doric bard of Scotland. Though younger than Ramsay, Mr. Aikman, while at college, formed an intimate acquaintance with him, which constituted a principal part of his happiness at that time, and of which he always bore the tenderest recollection. It was the same delicate bias of mind which at a future period of his life attached him so warmly to Thomson, who then unknown, and unprotected, stood in need of, and obtained the warmest patronage of Aikman; who perhaps considered it as one of the most fortunate occurrences in his life that he had it in his power to introduce this young poet of nature to sir Robert Walpole, who wished to be reckoned the patron of genius, and to Arbuthnot, Swift, Pope, Gay, and the other beaux esprits of that brilliant period. Thomson could never forget this kindness; and when he had the misfortune, too soon, to lose this warm friend and kind protector, he bewailed the loss in strains distinguished by justness of thought, and genuine pathos of expression.
, an English poet and physician, was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nov. 9, 1721.
, an English poet and physician, was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nov. 9, 1721. His father was a reputable butcher of that place. Of this circumstance, which he is said to have concealed from his friends, he had a perpetual remembrance in a halt in his gait, occasioned by the falling of a cleaver from his father’s stall. He received the first rudiments of his education at the grammar-school of Newcastle, and was afterwards placed under the tuition of Mr. Wilson, who kept a private academy. At the age of eighteen be went to Edinburgh to qualify himself for the office of a dissenting minister, and obtained some assistance from the fund of the dissenters, which is established for such purposes. Having, however, relinquished his original intention, he resolved to study physic, and honourably repaid that contribution, which, being intended for the promotion of the ministry, he could not conscientiously retain.
was afterwards incorporated of the university of Oxford, June 7, 1592. Wood says, he was the rarest poet and Grecian that any one age or nation produced. He attended
, an English divine, was born
in Suffolk, and educated in Trinity college, Cambridge,
where he took the degree of M. A. and was afterwards incorporated of the university of Oxford, June 7, 1592.
Wood says, he was the rarest poet and Grecian that any one
age or nation produced. He attended the unfortunate earl
of Essex in his voyage to Cadiz, as his chaplain; and entertaining some doubts on religion, he was prevailed upon
to declare himself a Roman Catholic, and published “Seven
Motives for his Conversion,
” but he soon discovered many
more for returning to the church of England. He applied
himself much to caballistic learning, the students of which
consider principally the combination of particular words,
letters, and numbers, and by this, they pretend to see clearly
into the sense of scripture. In their opinion there is not
a word, letter, number, or accent, in the law, without some
mystery in it, and they even venture to look into futurity
by this study. Alabaster made great proficiency in it, and
obtained considerable promotion in the church. He was
made prebendary of St. Paul', doctor of divinity, and rector of Thai-field in Hertfordshire. The text of the sermon
which he preached for his doctor’s degree, was the first
verse of the first chapter of the first book of Chronicles,
namely “Adam, Seth, Enoch,
” which he explained in the
mystical sense, Adam signtfying misery, &c. He died April
1640. His principal work was “Lexicon Pentaglotton,
Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, &c.
” Lond. Commentarius de bestia Apocalyptica,
” and other works of that stamp. As a
poet he has been more highly applauded. He wrote the
Latin tragedy of “Roxana,
” which bears date If,
” says Dr. Johnson, in his
life of Milton, “we produced any thing worthy of notice
before the elegies of Milton, it was perhaps Alabaster’s
” He also began to describe, in a Latin poem entitled “Elisceis,
” the chief transactions Of queen
Elizabeth’s reign, but left it unfinished at the time of his death.
The manuscript was for some time in the possession of
Theodore Haak, and some manuscript verses of his are in
the library of Gonvil and Caius college, Cambridge, and
the Elisceis is in that of Emmanuel.
, an eminent Italian poet, was born of a noble family at Florence, in 1475, and passed
, an eminent Italian poet, was born of a noble family at Florence, in 1475, and passed the early part of his life in habits of friendship with Bernardo and Cosimo Rucellai, Trissino, and other scholars who had devoted themselves more particularly to the study of classical literature. Of the satires and lyric poems of Alamanni, several were produced under the pontificate of LeoX. In the year 1516, he married Alessandra Serristori, a lady of great beauty, by whom he had a numerous offspring. The rank and talents of Alamanni recommended him to the notice and friendship of the cardinal Julio de Medici, who, during the latter part of the pontificate of Leo X. governed on the behalf of that pontiff the city of Florence. The rigid restrictions imposed by the cardinal on the inhabitants, by which they were, among other marks of subordination, prohibited from carrying arms under severe penalties, excited the indignation of many of the younger citizens of noble families, who could ill brook the loss of their independence; and among the rest, of Alamanni, who, forgetting the friend in the patriot, not only joined in a conspiracy against the cardinal, immediately after the death of Leo X. but is said to have undertaken to assassinate him with his own hand. His associates were Zanobio Buondelmonti, Jacopa da Diaceto, Antonio Brueioli, and several other persons of distinguished talents, who appear to have been desirous of restoring the ancient liberty of the republic, without sufficiently reflecting on the mode by which it was to be accomplished. The designs of the conspirators, however, were discovered, and Alamanni was under the necessity of saving himself by flight. After many adventures and vicissitudes, in the course of which he returned to Florence, and took an active part in the commotions that agitated his country, he finally withdrew to France, where he met with a kind and honourable reception from Francis I. who was a great admirer of Italian poetry, and not only conferred on him the order of St. Michael, but employed him in many important missions.
Alamanni, who immediately made the following answer: “Sir, when I composed these lines, it was as a poet, who is permitted to use fictions; but now I speak as an ambassador,
This, however, did not disconcert Alamanni, who immediately made the following answer: “Sir, when I composed these lines, it was as a poet, who is permitted to use
fictions; but now I speak as an ambassador, who is bound
in honour to tell the truth. I spoke then as a youth, I
speak now as a man advanced in years: I was then swayed
by rage and passion, arising from the desolate condition
of my country; but now I am calm and free from passion.
Charles, rising from his seat, and laying his hand on the
shoulder of the ambassador, told him with great kindness
that he had no cause to regret the loss of his country, having found such a patron as Francis I. adding, that to a
virtuous man every place is his country.
rose,” vol. IV. He was the grandson of Ludovico Alemanni, one of the five brothers of the celebrated poet.
Alamanni left two sons, who shared in the good fortune
due to his talents and reputation. Baptist was almoner to
queen Catherine de Medicis, afterwards king’s counsellor,
abbot of Belle-ville, bishop of Bazas, and afterwards of
Macon; he died in 1581. Nicholas, the other son, was a
knight of St. Michael, captain of the royal guards, and
master of the palace. Two other persons of the name of
Louis Alamanni, likewise natives of Florence, were
distinguished in the republic of letters. One was a colonel in
the French service, and in 1591 consul of the academy of
Florence. Salvino Salvini speaks of him in “Fastes Consulaires.
” The other lived about the same time, and was
a member of the same academy. He wrote three Latin
eclogues in the “Carmina illustrium Poetarum Italorum,
and a funeral oration in the collection of “Florentine
” vol. IV. He was the grandson of Ludovico Alemanni, one of the five brothers of the celebrated poet.
the ironical application to himself, as in seriously characterising the person for whose advice the poet applies.
ciates; and many of Pope’s letters to him are published in Mr. Bowles’s edition of the works of that Poet. Mr. Fortescue also furnished Pope with the admirable burlesque
Sir John, in his preliminary remarks to the work of his
great ancestor, proves himself to be a distinguished proficient in Saxon literature. He lived also in habits of
intimacy with Pope and his associates; and many of Pope’s
letters to him are published in Mr. Bowles’s edition of the
works of that Poet. Mr. Fortescue also furnished Pope
with the admirable burlesque of “Stradling vtrsus Styles
in vol. VI.
theology and political science. In 1624, he had acquired much reputation both as a philosopher and a poet. When he returned to Krempen, he was made dean of the college,
, son of the preceding, was born at
Krempen in 1600, and first studied there and at Harhburgh.
At the age of nineteen, he went to the academy of Leipsic,
where he entered on a course of theology and political
science. In 1624, he had acquired much reputation both
as a philosopher and a poet. When he returned to Krempen, he was made dean of the college, and held that station during five years. After this, the king of Denmark
appointed him inspector of the schools at Brunswick, and
assessor of the council of Meldorf, In 1643, by order of
the emperor, he was created master of arts, and not being
able, on account of the war, to go into Saxony, he was
made a licentiate in divinity by diploma, or bull, which was
sent to him. He died May 29, 1672. His works are,
1. “Delicia? Atticae,
” Leips. Heraclius Saxonicus, &c.
” ibid. Græcia in
nuce, seu lexicon novurn omnium Græcae lingua primogeniarum,
” Leips. Promptuarium
pathologicum Novi Testamenti,
” Leips. Laurifolia, sive poematum juvenilium apparatus,
, a mathematician and poet, of the thirteenth century, was a gentleman of Provence, and
, a mathematician and poet, of the thirteenth century, was a gentleman of Provence, and born in the environs of Gap, from which circumstance he was surnamed Gapencois. He resided a long time at Sisteron, where he died. Others writers say, that he was of Tarascon, of the family of Malespine; bnt perhaps he only lived in the latter of these towns. He was equally devoted to polite literature and to the fair sex, and composed several poems in honour of his platonic mistress, the marchioness of Malespine, who was the most accomplished lady of Provence in that age. He wrote also some treatises on mathematical subjects. It is said that he died of grief, and that he delivered his poems to a friend, in order to be presented to his favourite marchioness; but this friend sold them tp Faber d‘Uzes, a lyric poet, who published them as his own. When the fraud was discovered, d’Uzes was seized, and underwent the punishment of whipping for his plagiarism, agreeably to the law established by the emperors against that crime, but which, unfortunately for authors, has been repealed in all countries.
“Philodoxius,” copies of which he distributed among his friends, as the work of Lepidus, an ancient poet. The literati were completely deceived, and bestowed the highest
, an eminent Italian artist,
and one of the earliest scholars that appeared in the revival
of letters, was of a noble and very ancient family at Florence, but was born at Venice in the end of the fourteenth,
or beginning of the fifteenth century. Various authors
have given 1398, 1400, and 1404, as the date of his birth.
In his youth he was remarkable for his agility, strength,
and skill in bodily exercises, and an unquenchable thirst of
knowledge possessed him from his earliest years. In the
learned languages he made a speedy and uncommon proficiency. At the age of twenty, he first distinguished himself by his Latin comedy entitled “Philodoxius,
” copies of
which he distributed among his friends, as the work of
Lepidus, an ancient poet. The literati were completely
deceived, and bestowed the highest applauses on a piece
which they conceived to be a precious remnant of antiquity. It was written by him during the confinement of
sickness, occasioned by too close an application to study,
and appeared first about the year 1425, when the rage for
ancient manuscripts was at its height, and Lepidus for a
while took his rank with Plautus and Terence. Even in
the following century, the younger Aldus Manutius having
met with it in manuscript, and alike ignorant of its former
appearance, and the purpose it was intended to serve,
printed it at Lucca, 1588, as a precious remnant of antiquity.
Alberti took orders afterwards in order to have leisure
to prosecute his studies. In 1447 he was a canon of the
metropolitan church of Florence, and abb of St. Savino,
or of St. Ermete of Pisa. Although he became known to
the world as a scholar, a painter, a sculptor, and an architect, it is to his works of architecture that he owes his principal fame. He may be regarded as one of the restorers
of that art, of which he understood both the theory and
practice, and which he improved by his labours as well as
his writings. Succeeding to Brunelleschi, he introduced
more graceful forms in the art; but some consider him notwithstanding as inferior to that celebrated architect. Alberti studied very carefully the remains of ancient architecture, which he measured himself at Rome and other
parts of Italy, and has left many excellent specimens of his
talents. At Florence, he completed the Pitti palace, and
built that of Ruccellai, and the chapel of the same family
in the church of St. Pancras; the facade of the church of
Santa Maria Novella, and the choir of the church of Nunziata. Being invited to Rome by Nicholas V. he was employed on the aqueduct of PAqua Vergine, and to raise
the fountain, of Trevi; but this having since been reconstructed by Clement XII. from the designs of Nicholas
Salvi, no traces of Alberti’s work remain. At Mantua, he
constructed several buildings, by order of Louis of Gonzaga, of which the most distinguished are the churches of
St. Sebastian, and that of St. Andrew: the latter, from the
grandeur and beauty of its proportions, is esteemed a model
for ecclesiastical structures. But his principal work is generally acknowledged to be the church of St. Francis at
, a Latin poet, who lived under Augustus and Tiberius, about thirty-five years
, a Latin poet, who lived
under Augustus and Tiberius, about thirty-five years before the Christian tera. He wrote elegies, epigrams, and a
poem on Germanicus’s voyage to the north. There are,
however, only extant, an elegy addressed to Livia on the
death of her son Drusus; another on the death of Maecenas,
but so inferior in elegance to the former, that some critics
have thought it did not come from the same pen; and a
third, entitled “The last words of Maecenas,
” which was
usually found joined to the elegy on his death, until Scaliger
discovered they were distinct pieces. Le Clerc, under the
assumed name of Theodore Goralle, published an edition
of these fragments of Albinovanus, with the notes of Scaliger, Heinsius, &c. Amsterdam, 1703, 8vo, and has adopted
Scaliger’s opinion respecting the last mentioned poem, that
it consisted of the actual last words of Maecenas versified.
There is an other edition of these fragments, with critical notes
and a philological index, by J. C. Bremer, Helmstadt, 8vo.
The only fragment that remains of the voyage of Germanicus has been preserved by Seneca. It represents the dangers which threatened the prince and his soldiers on a sea
Bo little known to the Romans. Seneca prefers it to all
other poems on the same subject, nor is Martial less warm
in his praises of Albinovanus. Ovid, who was very intimate with him, congratulates himself, that in all his disIgrace (by banishment, Ex Ponto. lib. iv. ep. x.) he preserved the friendship of Albinovanus. We must not,
however, confound him, as Dacier has done, with another
Albinovanus, mentioned by Horace in the Art of Poetry,
as a plagiarist.
, a historian and poet, whose name also was originally Weiss, or White, was born at
, a historian and poet, whose name
also was originally Weiss, or White, was born at Schneeberg, in Misnia. After studying at Leipsic and Francfort,
he was appointed professor of poetry at Wittemberg, and
soon after historiographer, and private secretary to the
house of Saxony, a situation which he held under the
electors Augustus and Christian I. He died at Dresden
in 1598. The faults in the style and arrangement of his
historical works are rather those of his age, while his learning and accuracy have justly entitled him to the praise he
has received from his countrymen. Among his numerous
works are: 1. A chronicle of Misnia, “Meisnische Landund Berg-Chronica,
” Wittemberg and Dresden, Scriptores varii de Russorum religione,
Spire, Genealogical tables of the house of
” in German, Leipsic, Historiæ Thuringorum novæ specimen,
” which is printed in the “Antiquit. regni Thuringici,
” by Sagittarius. His “Latin
” were printed at Francfort,
, an ancient lyric poet, was born at Mytilene, the capital of Lesbos, according to Eusebius,
, an ancient lyric poet, was born at Mytilene, the capital of Lesbos, according to Eusebius, in the 44th olympiad, or in the year 604 B. C.; and was consequently the countryman and contemporary of Sappho, with whom he is said to have been violently enamoured. A verse in which he insinuated his passion, with her answer, is preserved in Aristotle, Rhet. lib. 1. cap. 9. He was born with a restless and turbulent disposition, and seemed at first inclined to adopt the profession of arms, which he preferred to every other pursuit. His house was filled with swords, helmets, shields, and cuirasses; but on his first essay in the field he shamefully fled, and the Athenians, after their victory, branded him with disgrace, by suspending his arms in the temple of Minerva at Sigseum. He made great pretensions to the love of liberty, but was suspected of harbouring a secret wish for its destruction. With his brothers, he first joined Pittacus, to expel Melanchrus, tyrant of Mytilene, and then took part with the malcontents to subvert the government of Pittacus, on whom he lavished the grossest epithets of personal abuse. At length he attacked Pittacus in a pitched battle, and his party being defeated, he became the prisoner of Pittacus, who generously gave him his life and liberty. After the failure of his political enterprizes he travelled into Egypt, but when he died is uncertain.
reserved by Athenaeus and Suidas, and printed by Henry Stephens at the end of his Pindar, among the “ Poet. Lyric, diversarum editionum,” Geneva, 1623, tbi. and 12mo,
Sometimes he descended to less serious subjects, as the
praises of Bacchus, Venus, &c.; but these were thought inferior tp his other poems. His genius, it is also said, required to be stimulated by intemperance, and it was in a
kind of intoxication that he composed his best pieces. Of
all his works, however, there are only a few fragments preserved by Athenaeus and Suidas, and printed by Henry
Stephens at the end of his Pindar, among the “Poet. Lyric, diversarum editionum,
” Geneva, Corpus Poetarum
” of Maittaire, fol.
, a Spanish poet of the seventeenth century, who was born at Lisbon in 1599,
, a Spanish
poet of the seventeenth century, who was born at Lisbon
in 1599, and carried on the business of a merchant. Devoting his leisure hours to literature, he wrote a work entitled “Viridarium anagrammaticum,
” and five “Novels,
which procured him, it is said, much reputation, not from
their merit, but from their originality. In each of these
novels, the author has contrived to get rid of one or other
of the vowels: a is not to be found in the first, nor e in the
second, &c. But this idle whim was not original, the same
having been practised by Tryphiodorus, whom Addison so
pleasantly ridicules as one of the lipogrammatists, or letterdroppers of antiquity. Moreri gives us the title of another
work by this author, printed at Lisbon, 1664. “Psalteriurn
quadruplex anagrammaticum, angelicum, immaculatum,
Marianum, Deiparse dicatum, sexaginta anagrammata Latina complectens.
” Alcala died Nov. 21, 1682.
, historian, orator, and poet, native of Agen, in the fourth century, wrote the history of
, historian, orator, and poet, native of Agen, in the fourth century, wrote the history of Julian surnamed the apostate, and that of Sallust, consul and praefect of the Gauls under that emperor, which no longer exists; for we have nothing of him but an epigram on Homer and Virgil, in the Corpus Poetarum of Maitv taire, London, 1714, 2 vols. folio.
0; and have been often reprinted.—There is said to have been another Alcman of Messina, also a lyric poet.
, an ancient musician, and one of the early cultivators of lyric poetry, was a native of Sardis, and flourished about 670 B. C. Heraclides of Pontus assures us that he was a slave in his youth at Sparta, but that by his good qualities and genius, he acquired his freedom, and a considerable reputation in lyric poetry. He was consequently an excellent performer on the cithara, and, if he was not a flute player, he at least sung verses to that instrument; Clemens AleKandnnus makes him author of music for choral dances; and, according to Archytas Harmoniacus, quoted by Athenseus, Alcman was one of th first and most eminent composers of songs on love and gallantry. If we may credit Suidas, he was the first who excluded hexameters from verses that were to be sung to the Jyre, which afterwards obtained the title of lyric poems. And Ælian tells us, that he was one of the great musician! who were called to Lacedcemon, by the exigencies of the state, and that he sung his airs to the sound of the flute. All the evolutions in the Spartan army were made to the sound of that instrument; and as patriotic songs accompanied by it were found to be excellent incentives to public virtue, Alcman seems to have been invited to Sparta, in order to furnish the troops with such compositions. Alcman was not more remarkable for a musical genius, than for a voracious appetite, and Ælian numbers him among the greatest gluttons of antiquity. This probably brought on the morbus pediculosus, of which he died. His tomb was still to be seen at Lacedæmon, in the time of Pausanias. But nothing, except a few fragments, are now remaining of the many poems attributed to him by antiquity. These have been published by Stephens, among other lyric fragments, at the end of his edition of Pindar, 1560; and have been often reprinted.—There is said to have been another Alcman of Messina, also a lyric poet.
to him for her flourishing state of learning in that and the following ages, we learn from a German poet, cited by Camden in his Britannia:
Charlemagne often solicited him to return to court, but he excused himself, and remained at Tours until his death, May 19, 804. He was buried in the church of St. Martin, where a Latin epitaph of twenty-four verses, of his own, composition, was inscribed upon his tomb. This epitaph is preserved by father Labbe, in his Thesaurus Epitaphiorum, printed at Paris 1686. He understood the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages extremely well; was an excellent orator, philosopher, mathematician, and, according to William of Malmesbury, the best English divine alter Bede and Adhelme. How greatly France was indebted to him for her flourishing state of learning in that and the following ages, we learn from a German poet, cited by Camden in his Britannia:
hat Conringius, a very intelligent antiquary in this sort of literature, mentions an anonymous Latin poet, who wrote the life of Charlemagne in verse, and adds that he
Such is the account that has been commonly given of this extraordinary man. We shall now advert to some circumstances upon which modern research has thrown a new light. All the accounts represent Aldhelm as having been a very considerable man for the time in which he lived. It is evident, says Dr, Henry, from his works, which are still extant, that he had read the most celebrated authors of Greece and Rome, and that he was no contemptible critic in the languages in which these authors wrote. In the different seminaries in which he was educated, he acquired such a stock of knowledge, and became so eminent for his literature, not only in England but in foreign countries, that he was resorted to by many persons from Scotland, Ireland, and France. Artville, a prince of Scotland, sent his works to Aldhelm to be examined by him, and entreated him to give them their last polish, by rubbing off their Scotch rust. Besides the instructions which Aldhelm received from Maildulphus, in France and Italy, he had part of his education, and as it would seem the most considerable part, at Canterbury, under Theodore, archbishop of that city, and Adrian, the most learned professor of the sciences, who had ever been in England. The ardour with which he prosecuted his studies at that place, is well represented in a letter written by him to Hedda, bishop of Winchester; which letter also gives a good account of the different branches of knowledge in the cultivation of which he was then engaged. These were, the Roman jurisprudence, the rules of verses ard the musical modulation of words and syllables, the doctrine of the seven divisions of poetry, arithmetic, astronomomy, and astrology. It is observable, that Aldhelm speaks in very pompous terms of arithmetic, as a high and difficult attainment: though it is now so generally taught, as not to be reckoned a part of a learned education. In opposition to what has been commonly understood, that Aldhelm was the first of the Saxons who taught his countrymen the art of Latin versification, Mr. Warton, in his History of Poetry, informs us, that Conringius, a very intelligent antiquary in this sort of literature, mentions an anonymous Latin poet, who wrote the life of Charlemagne in verse, and adds that he was the first of the Saxons that attempted to write Latin verse. But it ought to have been recollected, that Aldhelm died above thirty years before Charlemagne was born. Aldhelm’s Latin compositions, whether in prose or verse, as novelties, were deemed extraordinary performances, and excited the attention and adruiration of scholars in other countries. His skill in music has obtained for hhn a considerable place in sir John Hawkins’s History of Music.
y; sparing nothing but the descendants and the house of Pindar, out of respect to the memory of that poet. This happened in the second year of tue third olympiad. It
Alexander, now twenty years of age, succeeded his father as king of Macedon: he was also chosen, in room of
his father, generalissimo in the projected expedition
against the Persians; but the Greeks, agreeably to their
usual Jickleness, deserted from him, taking the advantage
of his absence in Thrace and lllyricum, where he began
his military enterprises. He hastened immediately to
Greece, and the Athenians and other states returned to him
once; but the Thebans resisting, he directed his arms
against them, slew a prodigious number of them, and destroyed their city; sparing nothing but the descendants
and the house of Pindar, out of respect to the memory of
that poet. This happened in the second year of tue third
olympiad. It was about this time that he went to consult
the oracle at Delphi; when, the priestess pretending that
it was not, on some account, lawful for her to enter the
temple, he being impatient, hauled her along, and occasioned her to cry out, “Ah, my son, there is no resisting
” upon which, Alexander, seizing the words as ominous, replied, “I desire nothing farther: this oracle suffices.
” It was also probably at tnis time that the remarkable interview passed between our hero and Diogenes the
cynic. Alexander had the curiosity to visit this philosopher
in his tub, and complimented him with asking “if he
Could do any thing to serve nim
” “Nothing,
” said the
cynic, “but to stand from betwixt me and the sun.
” The
attendants were expecting what resentment would be shewn
to this rude behaviour; when Alexander surprised them by
saying, “Positively, if I was not Alexander, I would he
Having settled the affairs of Greece, and left Antipater
as nis viceroy in Macedonia, he passed the Hellespont,
in uie taird year of his reign, with an army of no more
than 30,000 foot and 4,500 horse; and with these brave
and veteran forces he overturned the Persian empire. His
first battle was at the Granicus, a river of Phrygia, in
which the Persians were routed. His second was at Issus,
a city of Cilicia, where he was also victorious in an eminent degree; for the camp of Darius, with his mother,
wife, and children, fell into his hands; and the humane
and generous treatment which he shewed them is justly
reckoned the noblest and most amiable passage of his life.
While he was in this country, he caught a violent fever
by battling, when hot, in the cold waters of the river Cydnus; and this fever was made more violent from his impatience at being detained by it. The army was under
the utmost consternation; and no physician durst undertake the cure. At length one Philip of Acarnania desired
time to prepare a potion, which he was sure would cure
him; and while the potion was preparing, Alexander received a letter from his most intimate confident Parmenio,
informing him, that his physician was a traitor, and employed by Darius to poison him, at the price of a thousand
talents and his sister in marriage. The same fortitude,
however, which accompanied him upon all occasions, did
not forsake him here. He carefully concealed from his
physician every symptom of apprehension; but, after receiving the cup into his hands, delivered the letter to the
Acarnanian, and with eyes fixed upon him, drank it off.
The medicine at first acted so powerfully, as to deprive
him of his senses, and then, without doubt, all concluded
him poisoned: however, he soon recovered, and, by a
cure so speedy that it might almost be deemed miraculous, was restored to his army in perfect health.
of twelve feet, which have been since called Alexandrines, from the name of the hero, and not of the poet, who was not the inventor of them. This romance was begun by
, of Paris, a writer of romance in the
twelfth century, was a native of Bernay in Normandy, and
one of the authors of the romance of “Alexander,
” written in verses of twelve feet, which have been since called
Alexandrines, from the name of the hero, and not of the
poet, who was not the inventor of them. This romance
was begun by Lambert li Cors (the little) of Chateaudun;
and various other poets, besides our Alexander, assisted
in completing it. Manuscripts of all their performances
are in the imperial library at Paris, under the three titles
of: 1. “Le roman d'Alexandre,
” by Lambert li Cors, and
Alexander of Paris 2. “Le Testament d'Alexandre,
” by
Pierre de St. Cloud: 3. “Li Roumans de tote Chevalerie
ou Ja Geste d'Alisandre,
” by Thomas de Kent. This last
is written in the French language introduced into England
by William the Conqueror, a mixture of the Norman and
Anglo-Saxon. 4. “La Vengeance d'Alexandre,
” by Jehan
le Venelais, or li Nivelois. 5. “Vœu de Paon,
” partly by
Jehan Brise-Barre. The other writers who contributed to
this collection are, Guy de Cambray, Simon de Boulogne,
surnamed le Cterc, or the learned, Jacques de Longuyon,
and Jehan de Motelec. The first part of the romance of
Alexander appeared about the year 1210, under the reign
of Philip Augustus, and not that of Louis VII. as has been
asserted. It contains many flattering allusions to the events
of the reigns of both those princes, and is very well written
for the time; many of the verses are harmonious, and the
descriptive part animated, but this character belongs chiefly
to the first part: the continuators were very unequal to the
task. In the 16th century, an abridgement of the romance
appeared at Paris, printed by Bonfons, but without date,
under the title “Histoire du tres-noble et tres-vailiant roi
Alexandre-le-Grant, jadis roi et seigneur de tout le monde,
avec les grandes prouesses qu'il a faites en son temps.
, a poet and statesman of Scotland, is said to have been a descendant
, a poet and statesman of Scotland, is said to have been a descendant of the ancient family of Macdonald. Alexander Macdonald, his ancestor, obtained from one of the earls of Argyle a grant of the lands of Menstrie in the comity of Clackmanan, and our author’s sirname was taken from this ancestor’s proper name. He was born about the year 1580, and from his infancy exhibited proofs of genius, which his friends were desirous of improving by the best instruction which the age afforded, Travelling was at that time an essential branch of education, and Mr. Alexander had the advantage of being appointed tutor, or rather companion, to the earl of Argyle, who was then about to visit the continent.
being distinguished as a man of learning and personal accomplishments, and particularly noticed as a poet by his majesty, who, with all his failings, had allowable pretensions
Soon after his marriage, he attended the court of king
James VI. as a private gentleman, but not without being
distinguished as a man of learning and personal accomplishments, and particularly noticed as a poet by his
majesty, who, with all his failings, had allowable pretensions to the discernment, as well as the liberality, of a patron of letters. James was fond of flattery, and had no
reason to complain that his courtiers stinted him in that
article; yet Mr. Alexander chose at this time to employ his
pen on subjects that were new in the palaces of kings.
Having studied the ancient moralists and philosophers, he
descanted on the vanity of grandeur, the value of truth,
the abuse of power, and the burthen of riches. Against a11
that has ever been objected to courts and ministers, to
minions and flatterers, he advised and remonstrated with
prolix freedom in those Tragedies which he calls “Monarchic,
” and which, however unfit for the stage, seem to
have been written for the sole purpose of teaching sovereigns how to rule, if they would render their subjects happy
and loyal, and their reigns prosperous and peaceful.
o have been delighted, and honoured the. author with his conversation, calling him his philosophical poet. He began likewise to bestow some more substantial marks of
With these productions king James is said to have been
delighted, and honoured the. author with his conversation,
calling him his philosophical poet. He began likewise to
bestow some more substantial marks of his favour, as soon
as Mr. Alexander followed him to the court of England.
In the month of July 1613, he appointed him to be one of
the gentlemen ushers of the presence to prince Charles;
but neither the manners nor the honou s of the court made
any alteration in the growing propensity of our author’s
muse towards serious subjects. From having acquired the
title of a philosophical, he endeavoured now to earn that
pf a divine poet, by publishing, in 1614, his largest work,
entitled “Doomsday, or the Great Day of Judgment,
printed at Edinburgh, in 4to, afterwards in the same size
in London, and aoain in folio with his other works. In
1720, the first two books were edited by A. Johnstoun,
encouraged by the favourable opinion of Addison who,
however, did not live to see the edition published.
, a Greek comic poet, was born at Thurium, a colony of Athenians in Lucania, and
, a Greek comic poet, was born at Thurium, a
colony of Athenians in Lucania, and came to Athens when
young. He was uncle to Menander, and his instructor in
theatrical composition. He lived in the time of Alexander,
about the year 363 B. C. and when advanced to extreme
old age, to one who asked him what he was doing, he replied, “1 am dying by degrees.
” The only fragments
left of his writings are in Cnspinus’s collection, “Vetustissimorum Authorum Grvecorum poemata,
, an English poet, once of some fame, who lived in the reign of Charles I. He
, an English poet, once of some
fame, who lived in the reign of Charles I. He received
his education at Sidney college in Cambridge; and going
to London, became assistant to Thomas Farnaby the famous grammarian, athis great school in Goldsmith’s rents,
in the parish of St. Giles’s, Cripplegate. In 1631, he
published two poems on the famous victories of Cressi and
Poictiers, obtained by the English in France, under king
Edward III. and his martial son the Black Prince; they
are written in stanzas of six lines. Leaving Mr. Farnaby,
he went into the family of Edward Sherburne, esq. to be
tutor to his son, who succeeded his father as clerk of the
ordnance, and was also commissary-general of the artillery
to king Charles I. at the battle of Edgehill. His next production was a poem in honour of king Henry VII. and
that important battle which gained him the crown of England: it was published in IbliS, under the title of “The
Historic of that wise and fortunate prince Henrie, of that
name the seventh, king of England; with that famed
battle fought between the said king Henry and Richard III.
named Crook-back, upon Red more near Bosworth.
” There
are several poetical eulogiums prefixed to this piece,
amongst which is one by Edward Sherburne, his pupil.
Besides these three poems, there are in print some little
copies of commendatory verses ascribed to him, and prefixed to the works of other writers, particularly before the
earliest editions of Beaumont and Fletcher’s plays. la
1639 he published the History of Eurialus and Lucretia,
which was a translation; the story is to be found among the
Latin epistles of Æneas Sylvius. The year after he is said
to have died, and to have been buried in the parish of
St. Andrew’s, Holborn.
, an eminent Italian poet of the last century, was born at Asti, in Piedmont, Jan. 17,
, an eminent Italian
poet of the last century, was born at Asti, in Piedmont,
Jan. 17, 1749, of an ancient family, and sent for education
to Turin, where he was principally under the care of the
count Benoit Alfred, his father’s cousin. His progress,
however, was for some time very slow, partly owing to bad
health, and partly to temper; and when his tutor died, he
left the academy at the age of sixteen, almost as ignorant
as he entered it, and without having acquired a taste for any
thingbut riding. His next passion was for travelling, in which
he appeared to have no-other object than moving from one
place to another. In less than two years he visited a great
part of Italy, Paris, England, Holland, and returned to
Piedmont, without having sought to know any thing, to
study any thing, or to gratify any curiosity. His second
tour was yet more extensive and more rapid: in eighteen
months he travelled through Germany, Denmark, Sweden,
Russia, Prussia, and returning through the Spa and Holland, went again to England. During this second visit to
London, he engaged in affairs of gallantry, and discovered
many oddities of behaviour, but in neither of his visits did
he give himself the trouble to learn the language. After
remaining in London seven months, he returned, with the
utmost expedition, by Holland, France, Spain, and
Portugal, and arrived at Turin, May 5, 1772. A violent attachment to a lady of quality of this place engrossed his mind
for two years, but had the happy effect of first inspiring him
with a taste for poetry and poetical composition. After
some imperfect attempts, he wrote a sort of tragedy, called
” which he procured to be acted at Turin,
June 16, 1775, with a small piece “The Poets,
” by way of
farce, in which the author endeavoured to turn his own
tragedy into ridicule. The success of these two pieces,
although confined to only two representations, decided Alfieri to become an author, and proved the commencement
of a new life. At this time, he knew French very imperfectly, scarcely any thing of Italian, and nothing of Latin.
The French he determined to forget altogether, but to cultivate Italian and Latin, and study the best authors in both.
The study, accordingly, of the Latin and the pure Tuscan
languages, and of dramatic composition, upon a new
plan of his own invention, occupied all his time, and
gave employment to that activity and sprightliness of mind
and fancy which had hitherto been dissipated on trifles.
His first two tragedies were “Philip II.
” and “Polinice;
and these were followed at short intervals, by “Antigone,
” &c. to the amount of fourteen, within less
than seven years; and within the same space, he wrote
several pieces in prose and verse, a translation of Sallust,
“A Treatise on Tyranny,
” “Etruria avenged,
” in four
cantos, and five “Odes
” on the American revolution. He
afterwards recommenced his travels, and added to his collection of tragedies, “Agis,
” “Sophonisba,
” “Brutus I.
“Brutus II.
” and others. Although he had a dislike to
France, he came thither to print his theatre, and with him
the lady of his affections, the princess of Schomberg, the
wife of the last prince of the house of Stuart, who, when
set at liberty by the death of her husband, bestowed her
hand on Alfieri. On his arrival in France, he found that
nation ripe for a revolution, to the principles of which he
was at first inclined, and expressed his opinion very freely
in “Parigi Shastigliato,
” an ode on the taking of the Bastille; but the horrors of revolutionary phrenzy which followed, induced him to disavow publicly the principles
which he had professed, and he resolved to lose the property that he had acquired in France, rather than to appear
to maintain them any longer. Accordingly he left France
ia August 1792, and the following year, his property in
the funds was confiscated, and his furniture, papers, and books
sequestered and sold at Paris. In 1794, he published a
declaration in the gazette of Tuscany, in which he avowed
some of the works left behind him, and disavowed others
which he thought might be found among his papers, or altered without his consent, and published as his. Among
the latter was his “Etruria avenged,
” and the “Treatise
on Tyranny
” above mentioned; but it is certain that he had
caused an edition of these and some other pieces of the
same stamp to be published at Kell, about the time he arrived in France, and now disavowed them merely because
he had changed his opinions. From this time, ruminating
on the unjust treatment he had received at Paris, he never
ceased to express his contempt of the French nation in
what he wrote, but he resumed his pen and his studies
with more eagerness than ever. At the age of forty-eight
he began the study of Greek, and continued it with his
usual ardour, and the rest of his life was employed in making
translations from that language, and in writing comedies,
tragedies, and satires. His incessant labours at length
brought on a complaint of which he died at Florence (where he had resided from the time of his leaving France), Oct.
8, 1803, and was interred in the church of St. Croix, where
his widow erected a splendid monument to his memory,
executed by Canova, between the tombs of Machiavel and
Michael Angelo. The inscription was written by himself,
and is as flattering as his life, written also by himself, and
published at Paris, 1809, and in English at London, 1810,
2 vols. His posthumous works, in 13 volumes, were published in 1804, at Florence, although with London on the
title: they consist of a number of translations, and some
original dramas in a singular taste, and not very likely to
be adopted as models. A French translation of his dramatic works was published at Paris, 1802, 4 vols. 8vo.
Petitot, the translator, has added some judicious reflexions
on the forms given to the Italian tragedy by Alfieri, and
notwithstanding its weak parts, this collection is a mine
which some new authors have frequently worked. His
lofty expression, or attempt at expression, and his anxious
search for forcible thoughts, sometimes render him obscure;
and he appears to have encumbered his genius with more
designs than it could execute. Of his personal character,
various accounts have been given. In his “Life,
” he is
sufficiently favourable to himself; but there are few traits
in his character that are not rather objects of warning than
of imitation. From his youth he appears to have been the
slave of passion and temper, averse to the restraints of a
well-regulated mind, and consequently many of his opinions, whether good or bad, were hastily conceived, and
hastily abandoned.
n Essay on the metals of that empire: the congress of Cytherea, the life of Pallavicini, the Italian poet; and a humorous piece against the abuse of learning. 7. Thoughts
Algarottihad also studied the fine arts, and produced many
excellent specimens of painting and engraving. In
particular he designed and engraved several plates of heads in
groupes, one of which, containing thirteen in the antique
style, is dated Feb. 15, 1744. He travelled likewise over
Italy, with a painter and draftsman in his suite; and what
he has published on the arts discovers extensive knowledge and taste. Frederick II. who had become acquainted
with his talents when prince-royal, no sooner mounted
the throne, than he invited him to Berlin. Algarotti was
then in London, and, complying with his majesty’s wish,
remained at Berlin many years. Frederick conferred on
him the title of count of the kingdom of Prussia, with reversion to his brother and descendants. He made him also
his chamberlain, and knight of the order of Merit, bestowing on him at the same time many valuable presents,
and other marks of his esteem; and after Algarotti left
Berlin, the king corresponded with him for twenty-five
years. The king of Poland, Augustus III. also had him
for some time at his court, and gave him the title of privy-counselloir of war. Nor was he held in less esteem by the
sovereigns of Italy, particularly pope Benedict XIV. the
duke of Savoy, and the duke of Parma. The excellence
of his character, the purity of his morals, his elegant manners, and the eclat which surrounds a rich amateur of the
arts, contributed to his celebrity perhaps as much as the
superiority of his talents, and his acknowledged taste.
Wherever he travelled he was respected equally by the
rich, and the learned, by men of letters, by artists, and
by men of the world. The climate of Germany having
sensibly injured his health, he returned first to Venice,
and afterwards to Bologna, where he had determined to
reside, but his disorder, a consumption of the lungs,
gained ground rapidly, and put an end to his life, at Pisa,
March 3, 1764. He is said to have met death with composure, or, as his biographer terms it, with philosophical
resignation. In his latter days he passed his mornings with
Maurino (the artist who used to accompany him in his travels), engaged in the study of painting, architecture,
and the fine arts. After dinner he had his works read to
him, then printing at Leghorn, and revised and corrected
the sheets: in the evening he had a musical party. The
epitaph he wrote for himself is taken from Horace’s non
omnis moriar, and contains only the few words, “Hicjacet
Fr. Algarottus non omnis
” The king of Prussia was at
the expense of a magnificent monument in the Campo
Santo of Pisa; on which, in addition to the inscription
which Algarotti wrote, he ordered the following, “Algarotto Ovidii emulo, Newtoni discipulo, Fredericus rex,
and Algarotti’s heirs added only “Fredericus Magnus.
The works of Algarotti were published at Leghorn,
1765, 4 vols. 8vo; at Berlin, 1772, 8 vols. 8vo; and at
Venice, 17 vols. 8vo, 1791--1794. This last, the most
complete and correct edition, is ornamented with vignettes,
the greater part of which were taken from the author’s
designs. These volumes contain 1. Memoirs of his life
and writings, and his poetry. 2. An analysis of the Newtonian system. 3. Pieces on architecture, painting, the
opera, essays on vario is languages, on history, philology,
on Des Cartes, Horace, &c. 4 and 5. Essays on the military art, and on the writers on that subject. 6. His travels in Russia, preceded by an Essay on the metals of that
empire: the congress of Cytherea, the life of Pallavicini,
the Italian poet; and a humorous piece against the abuse
of learning. 7. Thoughts on different subjects of philosophy and philology. 8. Letters on painting and architecture. 9 and 10. Letters on the sciences. 11 to 16. His
correspondence, not before published, with the literati of
Italy, England, and France. 17. An unfinished critical
essay on the triumvirate of Crassus, Pompey, and Gassar.
Among his correspondents we find the names of the
Italians, Manfredi and Zanotti, his first masters, Fabri
of Bologna, Metastasio, Frugoni, Bettinelli, Frisi the celebrated mathematician and physician, Mazzuchelli, Paradisi, &c.; the Prussians, Frederic II. several princes of
the same family, and Form ey, &c.; the English, lords
Chesterfield and Hervey, Mr. Hollis, lady Montague, &c.;
jand the French, Voltaire, Maupercuis, du Chastellet, mad.
du Boccage,; &c. His Essays on painting, on the opera,
his Letters to lord Hervey and the marquis Maffei, and
his Letters, military and political, have been translated
and published in English. His biographers have generally handed down his character without a blemish; aiui
Fabroni, on whom ive mostly rely, is equally lavish in his
praises. Wiule we take his personal merits from these authorities, we have evident proof from his works that he
was an universal scholar, and wrote with facility and originality on every subject he took in hand. They present
a greater variety of reading and thought than almost any
scholar of the eighteenth century; but they are not
without redundancy, and sometimes affectation. His fame is
said to be fixed on a more solid basis in his own country,
than in those where he has been viewed only througn the
medium of translations.
, an Italian satirical and burlesque poet, about the end of the sixteenth century, was born at Florence,
, an Italian satirical and burlesque poet, about the end of the sixteenth century, was
born at Florence, and in his youth served in the army. He
afterwards became an ecclesiastic. He had a considerable
share of learning, but perhaps more of wit; and the charms
of his conversation made his house at Florence the resort
of all the literati of that city. His principal work, in burlesque poetry, “Rime piacevoli,
” was printed after his
death, in four separate parts, at Verona, 1605, 1607; at
Florence, 1608; and Verona, 1613, 4to. Most, of his
verses have a prose introduction in the same satirical spirit.
These four parts are generally bound in the same volume
with his three “Lettere di ser Poi Pedante,
” addressed to
Bembo, Boccacce, and Petrarch, Bologna, 1613; and with
the “Fantastica Visione di Parri da Pozzolatico,
” addressed to Dante, Lucca, Rime piacevoli
” were reprinted, on a vil
paper and type at Amsterdam, 1754, 8vo; but this contains,
what had not appeared before, some account of the author.
Ailegri left various pieces of poetry in manuscript, in the
hands of his family, which is now extinct, and the poetry
probably lost. Among others, he had written a tragedy on
the story of Idomeneus king of Crete, of which Carlo Dati
speaks very highly. In the collection of Latin poems,
printed at Florence, 17 ID, are several pieces by Ailegri,
which give him a considerable rank among poets of that
class, but they are of the heroic kind, and of a graver cast
than his Italian poems.
, an English minor poet of the seventeenth century, was the son of James Allestry, a
, an English minor poet of the
seventeenth century, was the son of James Allestry, a bookseller of London, who was ruined by the great fire in 1666,
and related to provost Allestry, the subject of the next article. Jacob was educated at Westminster school, and entered at Christ-church, Oxford, in the act-term 1671, at
the age of eighteen, and was elected student in 1672. He
took the degree in arts; was music-reader in 1679, and
terrte filius in 1681; both which offices he executed with,
great applause, being esteemed a good philologist and
poet. He had a chief hand in the verses and pastorals
spoken in the theatre at Oxford, May 21, 1681, by Mr.
William Savile, second son of the marquis of Halifax, and
George Cholmondeley, second son of Robert viscount Kells
(both of Christ-church), before James duke of York, his
duchess, and the lady Anne; which verses and pastorals
were afterwards printed in the “Examen Poeticum.
” He
died of the consequence of youthful excesses, October 15,
1686, and was buried, in an obscure manner, in St. Thomas’s church-yard, Oxford.
hter of Alphonsus II. with John Galeas Sforca, duke of Milan. This is published in the Carm. Illust. Poet. Ital. and with a few of his other pieces, at the close of the
, one of the Latin poets who
flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century, was born at
Basilicata, in the kingdom of Naples, or as some think, at
Mantua. He studied, however, at Naples, which he made
his residence, and associated with Pontanus, Sannazarius,
and the other literati of that time and place, and acted as
preceptor to prince Ferdinand, who came to the throne in
1495, by the resignation of his father Alphonsus II. According to Ughelli in his “Italia sacra,
” Altilio was
appointed bishop of Policastro in Gabriel
” says he, “composed an excellent epithalamium,
which would have been still better, had he restrained his
genius; but, by endeavouring to say every thing upon the
subject, he disgusts the reader as much in some places, as
he gives him pleasure in others: be says too much, which
is a fault peculiar to his nation, for in all that tract of Italy
they have a continual desire of talking.
” k may appear
singular that his Latin poetry 'should hare raised him to
the dignity of a prelate; yet it certainly did, in a great
measure, to the bishopric of Policastro. Some have also
reproached him for neglecting the muses after his preferment, though they had proved so serviceable to him in
acquiring it: “When he was made bishop,
” says Paulus
Jovius, “he soon and impudently left the muses, by whose
means he had been promoted: a most heinous ingratitude,
unless we excuse him from the consideration of his order,
which obliged him to apply to the study of the holy
, an Italian poet of the fifteenth century, whose writings do not justify that
, an Italian poet of the fifteenth century,
whose writings do not justify that honourable name, was
according to Crescimbini, a native of Florence, his name
Christopher; but on account of his merit, he received a
poetic crown, and the surname of Aitissimo. Le Quadrio,
however, thinks that this was his family name, s that his
Christian name was Angel, and that he was a priest. He
was one of the most admired improvisatori of his time, and
his verses are said to have been often collected and published. He was living in 1514. Of his poems we have
only a translation of the first book of the famous romance,
“I Riali di Francia,
” Venice,
n which his fame rests are, 1. “Observations on Petrarch,” which are inserted in the edition of that poet, Venice, 1539, 8vo. 2. “Le Richesse della Lingua Volgare,” Venice,
, an Italian scholar and mathematician, was a native of Ferrara, and lived in the fifteenth
century. The three works on which his fame rests are,
1. “Observations on Petrarch,
” which are inserted in the
edition of that poet, Venice, 1539, 8vo. 2. “Le Richesse
della Lingua Volgare,
” Venice, Della Fabbrica del
” Venice,
7, 8vo. A few years after, a more correct edition was published by father Foyos, of the oratory. Our poet also wrote an elegy, which has been highly praised, and the
, one of the
most esteemed Portuguese poets, was born at Goa in the
Indies, in the fifteenth century, about the commencement
of the reign of king Sebastian. We have few particulars
of his life. It is said that he served in the royal navy, and
was captain of one of the vessels belonging to the squadron
which admiral Tellez commanded in India, during the
viceroyalty of Moniz-Barreto. His principal work, “Lusitania Transformada,
” is on the plan of the Diana of
Monte.major. The language is pure and harmonious, and
the descriptions striking and natural. It was printed, for
the first time, at Lisbon, 1607, 8vo. A few years after, a
more correct edition was published by father Foyos, of the
oratory. Our poet also wrote an elegy, which has been
highly praised, and the fifth and sixth parts of the romance
of Palmerin of England.
a modern German poet, was born at Vienna, Jan. 24, 1755; his father was a civilian,
a modern German
poet, was born at Vienna, Jan. 24, 1755; his father was a
civilian, and consistory counsellor to the bishop of Passau,
He studied the classics under the celebrated antiquary
Eckhel, keeper of the medals at Vienna, and while with
him, imbibed such a taste for reading-the ancient poets,
that he knew most of their writings by heart, and was always so fond of this study, that he remembered with gratitude, to the last hour of his life, the master who had initiated him in it, nor did he neglect his favourite authors,
even when obliged to attend the courts of law. When the
death of his parents had put him in possession of a considerable patrimony, he made no other use of his doctor’s and advocate’s titles, than in reconciling the differences of such
clients as addressed themselves to him for advice. His first
poetical attempts appeared in the Muses’ Almanack, and
other periodical publications at Vienna, and of these he
published a collection at Leipsic in 1784, and at Klagenfurth in 1788, which procured him the honour of being
ranked among the best poets of his country for elegance,
energy, and fertility of imagination. In the “New Collection of Poetry,
” printed at Vienna in Doolin of Mentz,
” and “Bliomberis,
” two poems of
the romantic cast, in imitation of.Wieland, to whom the
last was dedicated. In 1791, he published a German translation of Florian’s “Numa Pompilius,
” which some have
thought equal to the original, but in many parts it is deficient in elegance. It was, however, his last performance,
except the assistance he gave to some literary contemporaries in translating the foreign journals. During the three
last years of his life, he was secretary and inspector of the
court theatre, and died May 1, 1797, of a nervous fever.
He was a man of warm affections and gaiety of temper, and
of his liberality he afforded a striking instance in the case
of Haschka the poet, whom he regarded as one of the
cipal supporters of German literature. He not only ac
commodated him with apartments in his house, but made
him a present of 10,000 florins. Of his faults, it is only
recorded that he was a little vain, and a little given to the
pleasures of the table.
ieronyrnus, the elder, united in his own person the characters of a skilful physician and a pleasing poet. His Latin poems are in general written in a style of singular
were brothers who flourished in the early part of the sixteenth century, and distinguished themselves as men of letters. The place of their birth was Oderzo, a city of the Venetian territory. Hieronyrnus, the elder, united in his own person the characters of a skilful physician and a pleasing poet. His Latin poems are in general written in a style of singular elegance and purity. The celebrated French critic and commentator, Marc-Antoine Muret, in his correspondence with Lambin, classes them among the best productions of the Italians, in that species of composition. In poems of the light and epigrammatic kind, he particularly excelledThis learned man is also much commended for his urbanity of manners, and the suavity of his disposition. He cultivated his talent for poetry at an advanced age with undiminished spirit, as appears in his verses to his friend Melchior, notwithstanding the complaint they breathe of decaying powers. He died at the place of his nativity, in 1574, in his sixty-eighth year. His fellow-citizens are said to have inscribed an epitaph on his tomb, in which they represent him as another Apollo, equally skilled in poesy and the healing art. His poems, together with those of his brothers, were first collected and published entire by Hieronymns Aleander, at Venice, in the year 1627, and afterwards by Graevius with those of Sannazarius at Amsterdam in 1689.
e divided into parts, Naples, 1723, 4to. 5. The lives of Scipio Pasquali, and Lionardo, a Neapolitan poet. 6. Twenty-four “Capitoli,” or satirical pieces, in the style
, an Italian lawyer and miscellaneous writer, was born at Naples in 1659, and for the first
fourteen years of his life, was obliged to be confined in a
dark room, owing to a complaint in his eyes. On his recovery, he made very rapid progress in general science,
went through a course of law, and had very considerable
practice at Naples. His leisure hours he dedicated to polite literature, and particularly cultivated the Tuscan language, which he wrote with the greatest purity, and used
in all his works. He died at Naples, July 21, 1719. His
principal writings are, 1. Seven prose comedies, La Costanza, H Forca, la Fante, &c. which are, Baretti says, perhaps the wittiest we have in Italian; but the author makes
some of his actors appear masked and speak the different
dialects of Italy, especially the Neapolitan. 2. “Rapporti
di Parnasso,
” part I. the only one ever published, Naples,
Torto è il Diritto del non si puo, &c. esaminato da Ferrante
” i. e. father Daniel Bartoli, whose work is
here reprinted with. Amenta’s Observations, Naples, 1717,
8vo, 1728, 8vo; the latter edition has the remarks of the
abbe Cito. 4. “Delia lingua Nobile d'Italia, &c.
” another work on language divided into parts, Naples, 1723,
4to. 5. The lives of Scipio Pasquali, and Lionardo, a
Neapolitan poet. 6. Twenty-four “Capitoli,
” or satirical
pieces, in the style of the capitoli of Berni, and other burlesque poets, Naples, 1721, 12mo. 7. “Rime,
” or poetical
pieces, published in various collections.
his grace John duke of Marlborough; and of “Strephon’s revenge,” a satire on the Oxford toasts. Our poet, who had a great enmity to the clergy, and who had early, at
Soon after Mr. Amhurst quitted Oxford, he seems to
have settled in London, as a writer by profession. He
published a volume of “Miscellanies,
” (principally written at the university), on a variety of subjects; partly originals, and partly paraphrases, imitations, and translations;
and consisting of tales, epigrams, epistles, love-verses,
elegies, and satires. They begin with a beautiful paraphrase on the Mosaic account of the creation, and end
with a very humorous tale upon the discovery of that
useful instrument a bottle-screw. Mr. Amhurst was -the
author, likewise, of an “Epistle to sir John Blount,
” bart.
one of the directors of the South-Sea Company in 1720;
of the “British General,
” a poem sacred to the memory
of his grace John duke of Marlborough; and of “Strephon’s revenge,
” a satire on the Oxford toasts. Our poet,
who had a great enmity to the clergy, and who had early,
at Oxford, displayed his zeal against what he called
priestly power, discovered this particularly in a poem entitled the “Convocation,
” in five cantos; a kind of satire
against all the writers who had opposed bishop Hoadly, in
the famous Bangorian controversy. He translated also,
Mr. Addison’s Resurrection, and some other of his Latin
poems. But the principal literary undertaking of Mr. Amhurst was, his conducting “The Craftsman,
” which was
carried on for a number of years with great spirit and
success; and was more read and attended to than any production of the kind which had hitherto been published in
England. Ten or twelve thousand were sold in a day; and
the effect which it had in raising the indignation of the
people, and in controlling the power of the Walpole administration, was very considerable. This effect was not,
however, entirely, or chiefly, owing to the abilities of Mr.
Amhurst, He was assisted by lord Bolingbroke and Mr.
Pulteney, and by other leaders of the opposition, whose
fame and writings were the grand support of the “Craftsman.
” Nevertheless, Mr. Amhurst’s own paper’s are allowed to have been composed with ability and spirit, and
he conducted the “Craftsman
” in the very zenith of-its
prosperity, with no small reputation to himself. July 2,
1737, there appeared in that publication an ironical letter,
in the name of Colley Gibber, the design of which was to
ridicule the act that had just passed for licensing plays.
In this letter, the laureat proposes himself to the lord
chamberlain to be made superintendant of the old plays, as
standing equally in need of correction with the new ones;
and produces several passages from Shakspeare, and other
poets, in relation to kings, queens, princes, and ministers
of state, which, he says, are not now fit to be brought
on the stage. The printer, &c. having been laid hold of
by order of government, Mr. Amhurst hearing that a warrant from the duke of Newcastle was issued against him,
surrendered himself to a messenger, and was carried before his grace to be examined. The crime imputed to
hini was, that “he was suspected to be the author of a
paper suspected to be a libel.
” As no proofs were alleged
against him, nor witnesses produced, an examination of
this kind could not last long. As soon as it was over, he
was told that the crime being bailable, he should be bailed
upon finding sufficient securities to answer for his appearance and trial; but these terms being imposed upon him,
be absolutely refused. Upon this refusal, he was
remanded back into custody, and the next day brought his
habeas corpus, and was then set at liberty, by consent,
till the twelve Judges should determine the question,
“Whether he was obliged to give bail for his good behaviour, as well as his appearance, before he was entitled
to his liberty.
” This determination was impatiently expected by the public, and several days were fixed for
hearing counsel on both sides, but no proceedings of that
kind took place, and the question remained undetermined
until the days of Wilkes.
ed a Leda, and about the same time, for Naples, the three figures, large as life, on the tomb of the poet Sannazarius. Meeting with some unpleasant circumstances here,
, a celebrated architect
and sculptor, was born at Florence in 1511, and was at first
the scholar of Baccio Bandinelli, and then of Sansovino
at Venice; but on his return to his own country, he studied
with much enthusiasm the sculptures of Michael Angelo in
the chapel of St. Laurence. His first works are at Pisa;
for Florence he executed a Leda, and about the same time,
for Naples, the three figures, large as life, on the tomb of
the poet Sannazarius. Meeting with some unpleasant circumstances here, he returned to Venice, and made the
colossal Neptune, which is in St. Mark’s place. At Padua
he made another colossal statue, of Hercules, which is still
in the Montava palace, and has been engraved. He then
went to Rome to study the antique, and pope Julius III.
employed him in works of sculpture in the capitol. Some
time after, in conjunction withVasari, he erected the tomb
of cardinal de Monti, which added very considerably to his
fame. Besides these, he executed a great number of
works for Rome, Florence, and other places. The porticoes of the court of the palace Pitti are by him, as well as
the bridge of the Trinity, one of the finest structures that
have been raised since the revival of the arts, the facade of
the Roman college, and the palace Rupsoli on the Corso.
This architect composed a large work, entitled “La Cita,
comprising designs for all the public edifices necessary to a
great city. This book, after having passed successively
through several hands, was presented some time in the
eighteenth century to prince Ferdinand of Tuscany, and
it is now among the collection of designs in the gallery of
Florence, after having been long inquired after, and supposed to be lost. After the death of his wife, he devoted
the greater part of his wealth to pious purposes, and died
himself in 1592. His wife, Laura Battiferri, an Italian
lady of distinguished genius and learning, was the daughter of John. Antony Battiferri, and was born at Urbino in
1513. She spent her whole life in the study of philosophy
and polite literature, and is esteemed one of the best Italian poets of the sixteenth century. The principal merit
of her poems, “L'Opere Toscane,
, a Greek poet of great celebrity, was born at Teos, a sea-port of Ionia. Madam
, a Greek poet of great celebrity, was born at Teos, a sea-port of Ionia. Madam Dacier endeavours to prove from Plato, that he was a kinsman of Solon’s, and consequently allied to the Codridae, the noblest family in Athens; but this is not sufficiently supported. The time when he flourished is uncertain; Eusebius placing it in the 62d, Suidas in the 52d, and Mr. le Fevre in the 72d olympiad. He is said to have been about eighteen years of age, when Harpagus, the general of Cyrus, came with an army against the confederate cities of the lonians and Æolians. The Milesians immediately submitted themselves; but the Phocseans, when they found themselves unable to withstand the enemy, chose rather to abandon their country than their liberty; and getting a fleet together, transported themselves and families to the coast of France, where, being hospitably received by Nannus the king of the country, they built Marseilles. The Teians soon followed their example; for, Harpagus having made himself master of their walls, they unanimously went on board their ships, and, sailing to Thrace, fixed themselves in the city Abdera. They had not been there long, when the Thracians, jealous of their new neighbours, endeavoured to give them disturbance; and in these conflicts it seems to be, that Anacreon lost those friends whom he celebrates in his epigrams. This poet had much wit, but was certainly too fond of pleasures, for love and wine had the disposal of all his hours. In the edition of Anacreon and Sappho published in 1789 by Fred. G. Born, of Leipsiclc, this editor endeavours to defend Anacreou against the charges of inebriety and unnatural lust, and with considerable success. These imputations, however, have been cast on his memory by the majority of writers, except, perhaps, Ælian. How long Anacreon continued at Samos is uncertain, but it is probable he remained there during the greatest part of the reign of Polycrates; for Herodotus assures us, that Anacreon was with that prince in his chamber, when he received a message from Oraetes governor of Sardis, by whose treachery Polycrates was soon after betrayed and inhumanly crucified. It seems to have been a little before this, that Anacreon left Samos and removed to Athens; having been invited thither by Hipparchus the eldest son of Pisistratus, one of the uiost virtuous and learned princes of his time; who, as Plato assures us, sent an obliging letter, with a vessel of fifty oars to convey him over the Ægean sea. After Hipparchus was slain by the conspiracy of Harmodius and Aristogiton, Anacreon returned to Teos, where he remained till the revolt of Hisfciseus, when he was obliged once more to remove to Abdera, where he died. The manner of his death is said to have been very extraordinary; for they tell us he was choaked with a grape-stone, which he swallowed as he was drinking some new wine. A small part only of Anacreon’s works remain. Besides odes and epigrams, he composed elegies, hymns, and iambics: the poems which are extant consist chiefly of bacchanalian songs and lovesonnets; and with respect to such subjects, they have been long regarded as standards of excellence. They are distinguished by their native elegance and grace from every other kind of poetical composition: and the voluptuous gaiety of all his songs is so characteristic, that his style and manner have produced innumerable imitations, called Anacreontics, Little can be said, however, of the moral purity of his sentiments, and it is to be feared that the fascinations of the Anacreontic school have been most destructive to the morals and prudence of the young and gay.
, a Greek comic poet, born at Camirus, in the isle of Rhodes, flourished in the 101st
, a Greek comic poet, born at Camirus, in the isle of Rhodes, flourished in the 101st olympiad, B. C. 400, and was the first, if Suidas may be credited, who introduced love adventures on the stage, which Bayle thinks doubtful. He was a man conceited of his person, wore rich apparel, and affected pomp and grandeur to such a degree, that being once engaged to read poem at Athens, he went to the appointed place on horseback, and rehearsed part of his performance in that posture. Such a behaviour renders probable what is further said of him, viz. that he was extremely grieved when his pieces did not carry the prize. He never used, like other, poets, to polish or correct them, that they might appear again in a better condition; and this disrespect for his spectators occasioned the loss of several fine comedies. Owing to the same circumstance, he won the prize but ten times, whereas we find above twenty of his plays quoted, and he wrote in all sixty-five. The Athenians condemned him to be starved for censuring their government. None of his productions are extant, but some of them are mentioned by Aristotle and other authors.
the country was only to be heard in familiar conversation, he gave his verses, for he was likewise a poet, a particular ease and grace. They are not perhaps remarkable
The works of Andreas are said to amount to a hundred,
the titles of part of which are given by Adelung, and the
whole by M. Burk, pastor of Weiltingen, and printed in a
pamphlet at Tubingen, in 1793, 8vo. Some of the principal are, 1. “De Christiani Cosmoxeni genitura judicium,
” Montbelliard, Collectaneorum mathematicorum decades XL
” Tubingen, 1614, 4to. 3. “Invitatio ad fraternitatem Christi,
Rosa fiorescens, contra
Menapii calumnias,
” Menippus: Dialogorum
Satyricorum centuria inanitum nostratium speculum,
Helicone juxta Parnassum, Civis
Christianas, sive Peregrini quondam errantis restitutiones,
Strasburgb, My thologiae Christiana?, sive
virtutum et vitiorum vitae humanae imaginum, libri tres,
Strasburgh, Republican Christiano-politanae descriptio; Turris Babel; Judiciorum de fraternitate
Rosacece Crucis chaos; Christiana societatis idea;
” published together at Strasburgh, 1619, 12mo. They contain
very evident proofs of his design to establish a secret society. It is impossible not to perceive that he is always
aiming at something of the kind, and this, with some other
works attributed to him, seem to confirm the opinion of
Messrs. Buhle and Murr. Some also appeal to his frequent travels, as having no other object. Whatever may
be in this, Andreas is allowed a very high rank among the
writers of German. At a time when that language had received very little cultivation, when most learned men wrote
in Latin, and when the idiom of the country was only to
be heard in familiar conversation, he gave his verses, for
he was likewise a poet, a particular ease and grace. They
are not perhaps remarkable for elegance, correctness, or
harmony, but they frequently discover a poetical fancy,
and a very happy use of the dialect of Suabia.
, a Neapolitan poet, flourished about the year 1630, and died in 1647. Although
, a Neapolitan
poet, flourished about the year 1630, and died in 1647.
Although he is not free from the prevailing corruption of
style in his time, Crescembini and Le Quadrio rank him
among the best poets of the seventeenth century. He
wrote two poems: “Aci,
” in ottava rima, Naples, Italia liberata,
” a heroic poem, Naples, Elpino, favola boscherec-.
” and “La Vana gelosia,
” a collection of lyric poems,
in two parts, and “Discorsi in prose
” on different subjects
of morality and philosophy, Naples, 1636, 4to.
, or Publius Faustus Andrelinus, a modern Latin poet, was born at Forli, in Romagnia, about the middle of the fifteenth
, or Publius Faustus Andrelinus, a modern Latin poet, was born at Forli, in
Romagnia, about the middle of the fifteenth century.
Having composed in his youth, at Rome, four books of
poetry under the name of “Amours,
” he was honoured
with the poetic crown; in
90, and his three books of Elegies four years after, in the same city, he took upon him the title of poet-laureat, to which he added that of “poeta regius et regineus,”
The poems of Andrelini, which are chiefly in Latin,
are inserted in the first tome of the “Deliciæ poetarum
” Mr. de la Monnoie tells us, that his love-verses, divided into four books, entitled “Livia,
” from the
name of his mistress, were esteemed so fine by the Roman
academy, that they adjudged the prize of the Latin elegy
to the author.—It is upon this account, that when he printed
his Livia, in quarto, at Paris, in 1490, and his three books
of Elegies four years after, in the same city, he took
upon him the title of poet-laureat, to which he added that
of “poeta regius et regineus,
” as he was poet to Charles
VIII. Lewis XII. and queen Anne IV. The distichs of
Faustus (continues the same author) are not above two
hundred) and consequently but a very small part of his
poems, since, besides the four books of Love, and three
books of Miscellaneous Elegies, there are twelve Eclogues
of his printed in octavo, in 1549, in the collection of thirtyeight Bucolic Poets, published by Oporinus. The death
of Andrelini is placed under the year 1518. The letters
which he wrote in proverbs have been thought worth a new
edition at Helmstadt in 1662, according to that of Cologn
of 1509. The manner of life of this author was not very
exemplary; yet he was so fortunate, says Erasmus, that
though he took the liberty of rallying the divines, he was
never brought into trouble about it.
fection would easily have been kept out which could not afterwards be so easily expelled.” Our great poet Milton thought him worthy of his pen, and wrote a Latin elegy,
He had a particular aversion to all public vices, but especially to usury, simony, and sacrilege. He was so far
from the first, that when his friends had occasion for such
a sum of money as he could assist them with, he lent it to
them freely, without expecting any thing in return but the
principal. Simony was so detestable to him, that by refusing to admit several persons, whom he suspected to be
simoniacally preferred, he suffered much by law-suits,
choosing rather to be compelled to admit them by law,
than voluntarily to do that which his conscience made a
scruple of. With regard to the livings and other preferments which fell in his own gifts, he always bestowed them
freely, as we observed above, upon men of merit, without
any solicitation. It was no small compliment that king
James had so great an awe and veneration for him, as in
his presence to refrain from that mirth and levity in which
he indulged himself at other times. What opinion lord
Clarendon had of him appears from hence, that, in mentioning the death of Dr. Bancroft, archbishop of Canterbury, he remarks, that “if he hatl been succeeded by
bishop Andrews, or any man who understood and loved
the church, that infection would easily have been kept out
which could not afterwards be so easily expelled.
” Our
great poet Milton thought him worthy of his pen, and
wrote a Latin elegy, on his death.
, an eminent Italian scholar and Latin poet, was born in 1517, at Barga in Tuscany, and thence surnamed,
, an eminent Italian scholar and Latin poet, was born in 1517, at Barga in Tuscany, and thence surnamed, in Italian, Bargeo, and in Latin, Bargæus. He received his early education under an uncle, an able linguist, and was made acquainted with Greek and Latin when only ten years old. It was at first intended that he should study law at Bologna, but his taste for literature was decided, and when he found that his uncles would not maintain him there, if he continued to study the belles lettres, he sold his law books, and subsisted on what they produced, until a rich Bolognese, of the family of Pepoli, offered to defray the expence of his education. His poetical turn soon appeared, and while at the university, he formed the plan of his celebrated poem on the chase, but having written som satirical verses at the request of a noble lady, with whom he was in lov, he dreaded the consequences of being known as the author, and quitted Bologna. At Venice, whither he now repaired., he found an asylum with the French ambassador, who entertained him in his house for three years, and employed him to correct the Greek manuscripts, which Francis I. had ordered to be copied for the royal library at Paris. He afterwards accompanied another French ambassador to Constantinople, and with him made the tour of all the places in Asia Minor and Greece that are noticed in the works of the classics. In 1543 he was on board the fleet sent by the grand seignior to the environs of Nice, against the emperor, and commanded by the famous Barbarossa; and he was with the above ambassador at the siege of Nice by the French. After encountering other hardships of war, and fighting a duel, for which he was obliged to fly, he found means to return to Tuscany. At Florence he was attacked with a tertian ague, and thinking he could enjoy health and repose at Milan, to which place Aiphonso Davalos had invited him, he was preparing to set out, when he received news of the death of that illustrious Maecenas.
, in Latin Angelutius, an Italian poet and physician, who flourished about the end of the sixteenth
, in Latin Angelutius, an
Italian poet and physician, who flourished about the end
of the sixteenth century, was born at Belforte, a castle
near Tolentino, in the march of Ancona. He was a physician by profession, and, on account of his successful
practice, was chosen a citizen of Trevisa, and some other
towns. He acquired also considerable reputation by a literary controversy with Francis Patrizi, respecting Aristotle.
Some writers inform us that he had been one of the professors of Padua, but Riccoboni, Tomasini, and Papadopoli,
the historians of that university, make no mention of him.
We learn from himself, in one of his dedications, that he
resided for some time at Rome, and that in 1593 he was at
Venice, an exile from his country, and in great distress, but
he says nothing of a residence in France, where, if according to some, he had been educated, we cannot suppose he
would have omitted so remarkable a circumstance in his
history. He was a member of the academy of Venice, and
died in 1600, at Montagnana, where he was the principal
physician, and from which his corpse was brought for interment at Trevisa. He is the author of, 1. “Sententia
quod Metaphygica sit eadem que Physica,
” Venice, Exercitationum cum Patricio liber,
” Ve
nice, Ars Medica, ex Hippocratis et Galeni thesauris potissimum deprompta,
” Venice, De natura et curatione malignae Febris,
” Venice,
Bactria, quibus rudens quidam ac falsus criminator valide repercutitur.
” 5. “Deus, canzone
spirituale di Celio magno, &c. con due Lezioni di T. Angelucci,
” Venice, Capitolo in lode clella
” inserted by Garzoni, to whom it was addressed
in his hospital of fools, “Ospitale de pazzi,
” Venice, Eneide di Virgilio, tradotto in verso sciolto,
” Naples,
, was an Italian poet of the sixteenth century, of whose history we have no particulars.
, was an Italian poet of the
sixteenth century, of whose history we have no particulars.
His poems, which are in Latin, were printed for the first
time at Naples, 1520, 8vo, under the title of “De obitu
Lydæ; de vero poeta; de Parthenope.
” His Carm. illust. Poet. Italorum.
,” 1741, 8vo, with the title of Homer, given him by Charlemagne, either because he delighted in that poet, or because he was himself a poet; it is in fact a romance written
, abbot of Centula, or St. Riquier,
in the ninth century, was descended from a noble family of
Neustria. He was educated at the court of Charlemagne,
where he studied the languages with that prince and the
other courtiers, under the learned Alcuinus, who afterwards
considered him as his son. Charlemagne, having caused
his son Ppin to be crowned king of Itaiy, made Angilbert
that prince’s first minister: he then went with him into
Italy, and returned some years after to France, when
Charlemagne gave him his daughter Bertha in marriage;
but some historians say that this marriage was rendered necessary by the lady’s being delivered previously of twins.
Whatever truth may be in this, Angilbert, being now sonin-law to Charlemagne, was made duke or governor of the
coast of France from the Scheldt to the Seine, and the kin?
also made him his secretary and prime minister; but Alcuinus, abbot of Corbie, prevailed on him to become a
monk in the monastery of Centula, or St. Riquier, with the
consent both of his wife and the king. Notwithstanding
his love of solitude, he was frequently obliged to leave the
monastery, and attend to the affairs of the church and state,
and was three times sent to the court of Rome; he also
accompanied Charlemagne thither, in the year 800, when
that prince was crowned in that city emperor of the West.
He died on the 18th of February 814. Angilbert had such
a taste for poetry, that Charlemagne called him his Homer.
There are but few of his works remaining, except a history
of his monastery, which Mabillon has inserted in his “Annales de l'ordre de St. Benoit.
” As to the “Histoire de
premieres expeditions de Charlemagne pendant sa jeunesse
et avant son regne,
slation of Ovid, and some of his original works. He then returned to Rome, which his reputation as a poet had reached, but his misfortunes also followed him; and after
, one of the most
celebrated Italian poets of the sixteenth century, was born
about 1517, at Sutri in Tuscany, of very poor parents.
After receiving such education as he could afford, he came
to Rome and engaged himself as a corrector of the press;
but an intrigue with his master’s wife, in which he was detected, obliged him to leave Rome^with a little money and
a few cloaths, of which he was stripped by robbers. He
then begged his way to Vienna, and there got immediate
employment from Franceschi, the bookseller; and, while
with him, wrote his translation of Ovid, and some of his
original works. He then returned to Rome, which his reputation as a poet had reached, but his misfortunes also
followed him; and after having lived for some time on the
sale of his cloaths and books, he died partly of hunger, and
partly of a disease contracted by his imprudent conduct,
in an inn near Torre de Nona. The exact date of his
death is not known, but it appears by a letter addressed to
him by Annibai Caro, that he was alive in 1564. His
translation of the Metamorphoses still enjoys a high reputation in Italy, and Varchi and some other critics chuse to
prefer it to the original. This is exaggerated praise, but
undoubtedly the poetry and style are easy and elegant;
although from the many liberties he has taken with the
text, it ought rather to be called an imitation than a translation. The editions have been numerous, but the best is
that of the Giunti, Venice, 1584, 4to, with engravings by
Franco, and notes and arguments by Orologi and Turchi.
He also began the Æneid, but one book only was printed,
1564, 4to; soon after which period it is supposed he died.
His other works are: 1. “Œdipo,
” a tragedy, partly original and partly from Sophocles. It had great success in
representation, and was played in a magnificent temporary
theatre built for the purpose by Palladio in 1565. 2.
” addressed to the dukes of Florence and Ferrara. 3. “Poetical arguments for all the cantos of Orlando
” 4. Four “Capitoli,
” or satires, printed in various collections of that description. It appears by these
last that he was gay and thoughtless in the midst of all his
, a Latin poet of the sixteenth century, was born at Parma, of a very ancient
, a Latin poet of the sixteenth
century, was born at Parma, of a very ancient family, and
was afterwards eminent as a physician, and a man of general
literature. The volume which contains his poetry, and is
very scarce, is entitled “Georgii Anselmi Nepotis Epigrammaton libri septem: Sosthyrides: Palladis Peplus:
Eglogæ quatuor,
” Venice., Dialogues
on Harmony,
” and “Astrological institutions.
” Our author wrote, besides his poems, some illustrations of Plautus,
under the title of “Epiphyllides,
” which are inserted in
Sessa’s edition of Plautus, Venice, 1518; and had before
appeared in the Parma edition of 1509, fol. He wrote
also the life of Cavicco or Cayicio, prefixed to his romance
of “Libro de Peregrine,
” Venice,
, a Dutch poet of considerable celebrity in his own country, was born at Amsterdam
, a Dutch poet of considerable celebrity in his own country, was born at Amsterdam in 1622.
In 1649 he travelled to Italy, where he acquired great reputation as a writer of Latin verse. Pope Innocent X.
gave him a beautiful medal for a poem which he had composed on occasion of the jubilee celebrated in 1650, and
queen Christina gave him a gold chain for a poem in Dutch
which he addressed to her. Some have discovered in his
poems an inclination for the Roman catholic religion. He
died at Perouse in Italy, May 16, 1669. The collection
of his works was printed at Rotterdam, 1715, 8vo; and
contains the “Crown of St. Stephen the martyr,
” published in Parisian nuptials,
or the massacre of St. Bartholomew,
” which first appeared
, an ingenious poet of the eighteenth century, was born Oct. 31, 1724. He was the
, an ingenious poet of the eighteenth century, was born Oct. 31, 1724. He was the son of the Rev. Christopher Anstey, D. D. by Mary, daughter of Anthony Thompson, esq. of Trumpington, in Cambridgeshire. He was first educated at Bury St. Edmunds, under the Rev. Arthur Kinsman, and thence removed to Eton, where he was distinguished for industry and talents. In 1742 he succeeded to a scholarship of King’s College, Cambridge, and soon added to his fame as a classical scholar by the Tripos verses which he wrote for the Cambridge commencement, while an undergraduate in the year 174.5. In the same year he was admitted fellow of King’s College, and in 1746 took his bachelor’s degree. He was, however, interrupted in his progress towards his master’s degree by having engaged in an opposition to what he conceived to be an innovation in the constitution of his college. King’s college had immemorially exercised the right of qualifying its members for their degrees within the walls of their own society, as is the case in New college, Oxford, without that regular performance of acts and exercises generally in use in the university schools, and required of other colleges. It was, however, proposed as a salutary regulation, and a fit employment for the bachelor fellows of King’s, that they should occasionally compose Latin declamations, and pronounce them in the public schools, a regulation altogether new and unprecedented in the annals of King’s College. Mr. Anstey, who was at that time of six years standing in the university, and the senior bachelor of his year, finding himself suddenly called upon to make a Latin oration upon a given subject, attempted to resist it, but, finding that impossible, delivered a harangue composed of adverbs, so ingeniously disposed as to appear somewhat like sense, but was, in fact, a burlesque upon the whole proceeding. He was immediately ordered to descend from the rostrum, and another declamation prescribed, in which he gave so little satisfaction, that he was refused his master’s degree in 1749. He succeeded, however, so well in his opposition to this innovation, that no more Latin declamations were required of the bachelors of King’s college.
until the year 1766, that he published the “New Bath Guide,” which at once established his fame as a poet of very considerable talent, and a satirist of peculiar and
Mr. Anstey continued a fellow, and occasionally resided
at college; until his mother’s death in 1754, when he
succeeded to the family estates, and resigned his fellowship. In 1756 he married Ann, third daughter of Felix
Calvert, esq. of Albury Hall in Hertfordshire, by whom
he had thirteen children, eight of whom survived him. He
now devoted himself to the life of a country gentleman,
agreeably diversified by the pursuit of classical learning
and polite literature. He had long cultivated his poetical
talents, but some of his early compositions were Latin
translations of popular poems, as Gray’s celebrated elegy,
&c. His efforts in English were at first confined to small
pieces addressed to his familiar friends; nor was it until the
year 1766, that he published the “New Bath Guide,
which at once established his fame as a poet of very considerable talent, and a satirist of peculiar and original
humour, and there are few poems that can be compared
with it in point of popularity. Dodsley, who purchased
the copy-right, after two editions, for 200/, acknowledged
that the profits upon the sale were greater than he had
ever made by any other book, during the same period; and
for that reason he generously gave back the copy-right to
the author in 1777.
nt discrimination, and, as his surviving friends acknowledge, with a steady adherence to truth. As a poet, if he does not rank with those who are distinguished by the
His other publications vrere, “An Elegy on the death of
the marquis of Tavistock,
” The Patriot,
” An Election Ball,
” A C. W. Bampfylde, arm. Epistola,
” Charity,'
, which proves him to have been a writer of a very laborious turn. He published the comedies of this poet in three different methods: first, with short notes, and the
, an industrious grammarian, was born at llabasteins in the 16th century. His Greek grammar went through several editions, and he afterwards published an universal grammar, which proved less useful from the confused arrangement. We have likewise by him an edition of Terence, which proves him to have been a writer of a very laborious turn. He published the comedies of this poet in three different methods: first, with short notes, and the arguments of every scene, and he marked the accents upon every word which had more than two syllables, and likewise at the side of every verse the manner of scanning it. In the second place, he published them with the entire notes of almost all the authors who had written upon Terence: and lastly, he published them with new marginal notes, and a French translation and paraphrase of the three first comedies. He puts between crotchets whatever is in the translation, and not expressed in the original: and marks with letters all the references from the translation to the paraphrase. The various readings have likewise each their parentheses, and their notes of reference. This edition, which is not noticed by Dr. Harwood, appears to have been printed at Lyons, by Matthew Bon-homme, about the year 1556.
be accounted next to Homer, and it is said that the emperor Adrian preferred him to that illustrious poet. Besides the “Thebaid,” he wrote the “Lydian.” Being violently
, one of four poets of the same name
mentioned by Suidas, was a native of Ciaros, according to
Ovid, and of Colophon, according to others. The anonymous author of the description of the olympiads makes him
contemporary with Lysander, and even with Plato, who,
when a youth, is said to have been present when Antimachus’s poem the “Thebaid
” was read. The learned
author of the travels of Anacharsis places him in the fifth
century B. C. Whenever he lived, we must regret that
scarcely any of his writings have descended to posterity,
as he had such reputation as to be accounted next to Homer, and it is said that the emperor Adrian preferred him
to that illustrious poet. Besides the “Thebaid,
” he wrote
the “Lydian.
” Being violently enamoured of Chryseis,
he followed her into Lydia, her native country, where she
died in his arms. On his return home, he perpetuated his
affliction in a poem to her memory, and called from her
name, which is praised by Ovid. We find a fragment of
Antimachus in the Analects of Brunck, and Schellenberg
published what else remains, in 1786, under the title “Antimachi Colophonii lleliquias nunc primum conquirere et
explicare instituit C. A. G. Schellenberg, Accessit Epistola
Frid. Aug. Wolfi.
bestowed great pains on these fragments in his “Philologica observata,” Leyden, 1771, 8vo. But this poet is often confounded with others of the same name, and of other
, one of the several ancient Greek comic
poets of the same name mentioned by Suidas, Athenaeus,
Strabo, and others, was either of Rhodes, Caristia, or
Smyrna, and lived in the time of Alexander. This monarch
expressing little taste for his comedies, the author took the
liberty to inform him, that in order to enjoy them, he must
be better acquainted with the nature of the subjects and the
scene; from which it has been inferred that he described
depraved manners. This, however, did not prevent his
carrying off the prize three times. He composed three
hundred and sixty-five, or at least two hundred and eighty
comedies, of which Fabricius has given a list from Hertelius, Koenig, Vossius, and Meursius, who often mention
these pieces of Antiphanes; and Gronovius, in his “Excerpta Comicorumj
” has given the fragments found in
Athenscus and other authors. The learned Koppiers has
bestowed great pains on these fragments in his “Philologica observata,
” Leyden,
e was sent for by Pius IV. who recollecting the adventure of the nosegay, made inquiry for the young poet; and having found him, invited him to Rome, and gave hinvan
, a man of great learning, whq
raised himself from a low condition by his merit, his parents
being so far from able to support him in his studies, that
they themselves stood in need of charity, was born at Rome
in 1540. He made a quick and most surprising progress
in his studies; for when he was but ten years old, he could
make verses upon any subject proposed to him; and these so
excellent, though pronounced extempore, that it was commonly thought they exceeded those of the most studied
preparation. A proof of this was at the table of the cardinal of Pisa, when he gave an entertainment one day to
several other cardinals. Alexander Farnese, taking a nosegay, gave it to this youth, desiring him to present it to him
of the company whom he thought most likely to be pope:
he presented it to the cardinal of Medicis, and made an
eulogium upon him in verse. This cardinal, who was pope
some years afterwards, under the name of Pius IV. imagined
it all a contrivance, and that the poem had been artfully
prepared before-hand, by way of ridicule upon him. He
therefore appeared hurt at it, but the company protested
that it was an extempore performance, and requested
him to make a trial of the boy: he did so, and was convinced of his extraordinary talents. According to Strada,
as the cardinal of Medicis was thinking upon a subject for this purpose, the clock in the hall struck; which
was the occasion of his proposing a clock for the subject
of his verses. The duke de Ferrara coming to Rome, to
congratulate Marcellus II. upon his being raised to the
pontificate, was so charmed with the genius of Antoniano,
that he carried hi:n to Ferrara, where he provided able
masters to instruct him in all the sciences. From thence
he was sent for by Pius IV. who recollecting the adventure
of the nosegay, made inquiry for the young poet; and
having found him, invited him to Rome, and gave hinvan
honourable post in his palace, and some time after made
him professor of the belles lettres in the college at Rome.
Antoniano filled this place with so much reputation, that
on the day when he began to explain the oration pro Marco Marcello, he had a crowd of auditors, and among these
no less than twenty-five cardinals. He was afterwards
chosen rector of the college; and after the death of Pius
IV. being seized with a spirit of devotion, he joined himself to Philip Neri, and accepted the office of secretary to
the sacred college, offered him by Pius V. which he executed for many years with the reputation of an honest and
able man. He refused a bishopric which Gregory XIV.
wculd have given him, but he accepted the office of secretary to the briefs, offered him by Clement VIII. who made
him his chamberlain, and afterwards a cardinal. It is reported, that cardinal Alexander de Montalto, who had behaved a Hitle too haughtily to Antoniano, said, when he
saw him promoted to the purple, that for the future he
would not despise a man of the cassoc and little band,
however low and despicable he might appear; since it
might happen that he whom he had despised, might not
only become his equal, but even his superior. His intense
application is said to have hastened his death, Aug. 15,
1603. His printed works are, 1. “Dele 1 Educazione
Cristiana de Figliuoli libri tre,
” Verona, Orationes
” Rome,
, an eminent Dutch poet, surnamed Vander Goes, from the place in Zealand where he was
, an eminent Dutch poet, surnamed Vander Goes, from the place in Zealand
where he was born, April 3, 1647, of parents who were
anabaptists, people of good character, but of low circumstances. They went to live at Amsterdam, when An ton ides
was about four years old; and in the ninth year of his age
he began his studies, under the direction of Hadrian Junius and James Cocceius. Antonides took great pleasure in
reading the Latin poets, carefully comparing them with
Grotius, Heinsius, &c. and acquired a considerable taste
for poetry. He first attempted to translate some pieces of
Ovid, Horace, and other ancients; and having formed his
taste on these excellent models, he at length undertook
one of the most difficult tasks in poetry, to write a tragedy,
entitled, “Trazil,
” or the “Invasion of China,
” but was
so modest as not to permit it to be published. Vondel,
who was then engaged in a dramatic piece, taken also from
some event that happened in China, read Antonides’s tragedy, and was so well pleased with it, that he declared, if the
author would not print it, he would take some passages out
of it, and make use of them in his own tragedy, which he
did accordingly; and it was reckoned much to the honour
of Antonides, to have written what might be adopted by so
great a poet as Vondel was acknowledged to be. Upon
the conclusion of the peace betwixt Great Britain and
Holland, in the year 1697, Antonides wrote a piece, entitled “Bellona aan band,
” i. e. Bellona chained; a very
elegant poem, consisting of several hundred verses. The
applause with which this piece was received, excited him
to try his genius in something more considerable; he accordingly wrote an epic poem, which he entitled The River
Y. 'the description of this river, or rather lake, is the
subject of the poem, which is divided into four books; in
the first the poet gives a very pompous description of all
that is remarkable on that bank of the Y on which Amsterdam is built. In the second he opens to himself a larger
field, beginning with the praises of navigation, and describing the large fleets which cover the Y as an immense forest, and thence go to every part of the world, to bring
home whatever may satisfy the necessity, luxury, or pride
of men. The third book is au ingenious fiction, which
supposes the poet suddenly carried to the bottom of the
river Y, where he sees the deity of the river, with his demigods and nymphs, adorning and dressing themselves for a
feast, which was to be celebrated at Neptune’s court, upon
the anniversary of the marriage of Thetis with Peleus. In
the fourth book he describes the other bank of the Y,
adorned with several cities of North Holland; and in the
close of the work addresses himself to the magistrates of
Amsterdam, to whose wisdom he ascribes the riches and
flourishing condition of that powerful city. This is a very
short abridgment of the account of this poem given in the
General Dictionary, according to which it appears to have
contained many other fictions that savour of the burlesque.
Antonides’s parents had bred him up an apothecary; but
his genius for poetry soon gained him the esteem and
friendship of several persons of distinction; and particularly of Mr. Buisero, one of the lords of the admiralty at
Amsterdam, and a great lover of poetry, who sent him at
iiis own expence to pursue his studies at Leyden, where he
remained till he took his degree of doctor of physic, and
then his patron gave him a place in the admiralty. In 1678
Antonides married Susanna Bermans, a minister’s daughter, who had also a talent for poetry. In the preface to his
heroic poem, he promised the life of the apostle Paul,
which, like Virgil’s Æneid, was to be divided into twelve
books; but he never finished that design, only a few fragments having appeared. He declared himself afraid to
hazard his reputation with the public on theological subjects, which were so commonly the subject of contest.
After marriage he did not much indulge his poetic genius;
and within a few years fell into a consumption, of which he
died on the 18th of Sept. 1684, He is esteemed the most
eminent Dutch poet after Vondel, whom he studied to
imitate, and is thought to have excelled in sweetness of
expression and smoothness of style, but in accuracy and loftiness he is greatly inferior to his original. His works have
been printed several times, having been collected by his
father Anthony Jansz. The last edition is that of Amsterdam, 1714, 4to, which, however, contains several miscellaneous pieces that add but little to the reputation he
acquired. The editor, David Van Hoogstraten, prefixed
his life to this edition.
one of the most celebrated poets of Persia, was born in the twelfth century, and was incited to turn poet from the honours bestowed on that class by the sultan Sandjar.
, or Anvari, one of the most celebrated poets of Persia, was born in the twelfth century, and was incited to turn poet from the honours bestowed on that class by the sultan Sandjar. He presented a composition to that sultan, who admitted him to his court, and here Raschidi was his rival. These two poets were for some time of opposite parties; Anvari was in the camp of Sangiar when he attacked Alsitz, governor and afterwards sultan of the Kouarasmians, with whom Raschidi had shut himself up. Whilst the two sultans were assailing and repulsing each other, the two versifiers were skirmishing in their own method, reciprocally throwing at one another rhymes fastened to the end of an arrow. Our poet was at the same time an astrologer; but in his predictions he was particularly unfortunate, and his enemies took advantage of this to injure him with the sultan, and he was obliged to retire to the town of Balke, where he died in 1200. This Persian bard corrected the licentiousness that had been customary in the poetry of his country, but nothing of his remains except two small pieces, one of which is inserted in the Asiatic Miscellany, No. I. 1786, and translated by capt. Kirkpatrick; the other, translated into German by Chezy, was published in the secoud number of the Oriental Mine, a journal printed at Vienna, under the patronage and at the expense of count Rzewuski.
, a modem Latin poet, was born at Naples about the year 1472, and to oblige his father
, a modem Latin poet, was born at Naples about the year 1472, and to
oblige his father studied law; but, from an irresistible inclination, devoted himself to poetry, travelling frequently
to different parts of Naples, and to Rome, where he formed
an intimacy with several members of the academy, and,
according to a very common practice then, assumed the
classical name of Janus Anysius. He is said to have been
an ecclesiastic, but we have no account of him in that profession. As a Latin poet he acquired great reputation,
which, it is thought, he would have preserved in the opinion
of posterity, had he been more select in what he published.
Ctelio Calcagnini, however, bestows the highest praise on
him, as inimitable, or rarely equalled. He died about the
year 1540. His works are entitled, 1. “Jani Anysii Pomata et Satyrae, ad Pompeium Columnam cardinalem,
Naples, Sententias
” instead of “Satyrae,
” which no where appear. His “Sententiae,
” in iambic verse, were reprinted
in “Recueil des divers auteurs sur l'education des enfans,
Basil, Collection des auteurs
” ibid. Satyrae ad Pompeiurn
Columnam cardinalem,
” Naples, Protogenos,
” a tragedy, Naples, Commentariolus in tragcediam: Apologia: Epistolae: Correctiones,
pieces printed without date. 5. “Epistolae de religione, et
” Naples,
is accused of having treated with ingratitude; by which he drew upon himself the indignation of this poet, who gave him the name of Ibis, from a bird of Egypt, which
, a Greek writer, born in Alexandria,
under the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes king of Egypt, was
a scholar of Callimachus, whom he is accused of having
treated with ingratitude; by which he drew upon himself
the indignation of this poet, who gave him the name of
Ibis, from a bird of Egypt, which used to purge itself
with its bill. Apollonius wrote a poem upon the expedition of the Golden Fleece; the work is styled “Argonautica,
” and consists of four books, Quintilian, in his
“Institutiones Oratoriic,
” says that this performance is
written “aequali quadam mediocritate;
” that the author
observed an exact medium between the sublime and low
style in writing. Longinns says also that Apollonius never
sinks in his poem, but has kept it up in an uniform and
equal manner: yet that be falls infinitely short of Homer,
notwithstanding the faults of the latter; because the sublime, though subject to irregularities, is always preferable
to every other kind of writing. Gyraldus, speaking of
this poem, commends it as a work of great variety and
labour: the passion of Medea is so finely described, that
Virgil himself is supposed to have copied it almost entirely,
and to have interwoven it with the story of Dido.
, and shewing him to his father Peleus as he sailed along the shore! But the chief excellence in our poet, is the spirit and delicacy with which he has delineated the
Of late years his reputation has rather increased in this
country. Mr. Hayley has bestowed great praise on him.
“His poems,
” says this excellent critic, “abound in animated description, and in passages of the most tender and
pathetic beauty. How finely painted is the first setting
forth of the Argo! and how beautifully is the wife of Chiron introduced, holding up the little Achilles in her arms,
and shewing him to his father Peleus as he sailed along
the shore! But the chief excellence in our poet, is the
spirit and delicacy with which he has delineated the passion of love in his Medea. That Virgil thought very highly
of his merit in this particular, is sufficiently evident from
the minute exactness with which he has copied many tender touches of the Grecian poet.
” The best editions of
Apollonius are those printed at Oxford in 4to, by Dr. John
Shaw, fellow of Magdalen college, 1777, and by the same in.
8vo, 1779, that of Brunck, Argeritora, 1780, 4to and 8vo;
that of Flangini; Rome, 4to, 1794, and of Beck, Leipsic, 1797,
2 vols. 8vo. The princeps editio is a quarto, dated Florent.
1496, a copy of which sold at the Pinelli sale for seventeen
guineas. Several English poets have contended for the
honour of transfusing the heauties of Apollonius into our
language. Dr. Broome published many years ago, the
Loves of Jason and Medea, and the story of Talus. Mr.
West also published some detached pieces. In 1771, Mr.
Ekins translated the third Book of the Argonautics, and a
part of the fourth, 4to, with very valuable preliminary
matter. In 1780, two translations of the Argonautics appeared, the one, a posthumous work of Fawkes, the other
by Edward Burnaby Green; and in 1803, another translation was published in 3 vols. 12mo, by Mr. Preston.
le of all these languages, and form a comparative lexicon. He was also far from being a contemptible poet.
, memorable for his erudition, and for superior abilities disgraced by an enormous crime, was born at Ramsgill, in Netherdale, Yorkshire, and received but a mean education, as it appears that all his mental acquirements, which were prodigious, were the result of indefatigable diligence and application, assisted by uncommon talents. His father was a gardener at Newby, whom he attended in that occupation, and where his propensity to Jiterature first discovered itself. Mathematics now engaged his attention, and he soon understood quadratic equations, and their geometrical constructions. Prompted by an irresistible thirst of knowledge, he determined to make himself master of the learned languages. He got and repeated all Lilly’s grammar by heart. He next undertook Camden’s Greek grammar, which he also repeated in the same manner. Thus instructed, he entered upon the Latin classics, and at first pored over five lines for a whole day; never, in all the painful course of his reading, leaving any passage till he thought he perfectly comprehended it, Having accurately perused all the Latin classics, both historians and poets, he went through the Greek Testament, and then applied to Hesiod, Homer, Theocritus, Herodotus, Thucydides, and all the Greek tragedians. In the midst of these literary pursuits, he went, in 1734, on the invitation of William Norton, esq. to Knaresborough, where he became much esteemed; and here, with indefatigable Diligence, he acquired the knowledge of the Hebrew.tongue. In April 1744 he came again to London, and taught both Latin and writing, at Mr. Painblanc’s, in Piccadilly, above two years. He next went, in the capacity of writingmaster, to a boarding-school at Hayes, in Middlesex, kept by the Rev. Anthony Hinton. He at length succeeded to several other places in the south of England, making use of every opportunity for improvement. He was afterwards employed in transcribing the acts of parliament to be registered in Chancery, and about the beginning of December 1757, went down to the free-school at Lynn. From his leaving Knaresborough to this period, which was a long interval, he had attained the knowledge of history and antiquities, and also of heraldry and botany. Few plants", either domestic or exotic, were unknown to him. Amidst all this, he ventured upon the Chaldee and Arabic, but had not time to obtain any great knowledge of the latter. He found the Chaldee easy enough, on account of its connection with the Hebrew. He then investigated the Celtic, as far as possible, in all its dialects; began collections, and made comparisons between that, the English, the Latin, the Greek, and even the Hebrew. He had made notes, and compared above three thousand words together, and found such a surprising affinity, that he was determined to proceed through the whole of all these languages, and form a comparative lexicon. He was also far from being a contemptible poet.
, a Greek poet, celebrated for his poem entitled the Phenomena, flourished
, a Greek poet, celebrated for his poem entitled the Phenomena, flourished about the 127th olympiad, or near 300 years before Christ, while Ptolemy Philadelphus reigned in Egypt. Being educated under Dionysius Heracleotes, a Stoic philosopher, he espoused the principles of that sect, and became physician to Antigonus Gonatus, the son of Demetrius Poliorcetes, king of Macedon. The Phenomena of Aratus gives him a title to the character of an astronomer, as well as a poet. In this work he describes the nature and motion of the stars, and shews their various dispositions and relations; he describes the figures of the constellations, their situations in the sphere, the origin of the names which they bear in Greece and in Egypt, the fables which have given rise to them, the rising and setting of the stars, and he indicates the manner of knowing the constellations by their respective situations.
a fine copy of Latin yerses on its publication, by Mr. Thomas Maitland, who was equally admired as a poet and a critic. Arbuthnot’s countryman and contemporary, Andrew
A little after, he was appointed minister of Arbuthnot and
Logy-Buchan. The year following, viz. 1569, on a visitation of the King’s College at Aberdeen, Mr. Alexander
Anderson, principal, Mr. Andrew Galloway, sub-principal, and three regents, were deprived. Their sentence
was published on the third of July, and immediately Mr.
Arbuthnot was made principal of that college. He was
a member also of the general assembly which sat at St.
Andrew’s in 1572, when a certain scheme of
church-government was proposed and called the Book of Policy, an invention of some statesmen, to restore the old titles in the
church, but with a purpose to retain all the temporalities
formerly annexed to them, amongst themselves. The assemhly, being apprized of this, appointed the archbishop
of St. Andrew’s, and nineteen other commissioners, of
whom Mr. Arbuthnot was one, to confer with the regent
in his council; but these conferences either came to nothing, or, which is more probable, were never held. In
the general assembly which met at Edinburgh the sixth of
August 1573, Mr. Alexander Arbuthnot was chosen moderator. In the next assembly, which met at Edinburgh the
sixth of March 1574, he was named one of the commissioners for settling the jurisdiction of the church, which
seems to be no more than had been before done about the
book of policy. This business required much time and
pains, but at last some progress was made therein, and a
plan of jurisdiction proposed. In the general assembly,
which met at Edinburgh the first of April 1577, he was
again chosen moderator. At this time the assembly were
persuaded, upon some specious pretences, to appoint a
certain number of their members to confer in the morning
with their moderator, in order to prepare business. This
committee had the name of the Congregation, and in a
short time all matters of importance came to be treancd
there, and the assembly had little to do but to approve their
resolutions. At the close of this assembly, Mr. Arbuthnot, with other commissioners, was appointed to confer with
the regent, on the plan of church policy before mentioned.
In the general assembly held at Edinburgh the twenty-fifth
of October 1578, he was again appointed of the committee
for the same purpose, and in the latter end of the year,
actually conferred with several noblemen, and other laycommissioners, on that important business. In 1582, Mr.
Arbuthnot published Buchanan’s History of Scotland, in
which, though he acted only as an editor, yet it procured
him a great deal of ill-will, and in all probability gave his
majesty king James VI. a bad impression of him. The
practice of managing things in congregation still subsisting, the king forbad Mr. Arbuthnot to leave his college at
Aberdeen, that he might not be present in the assembly,
or direct, as he was used to do, those congregations which
directed that great body. This offended the ministers very
much, and they did not fail to remonstrate upon it to the
king, who, however, remained firm. What impression this
might make upon Mr. Arbuthnot’s mind, a very meek and
humble man, assisting others at their request, and not
through any ambition of his own, is uncertain; but a little
after he began to decline in his health, and on the 20th
of October 1583, departed this life in the forty -fifth year
of his age, and was buried in the college church of Aberdeen. His private character was very amiable: he was
learned without pedantry, and a great encourager of learning in youth, easy and pleasant in conversation, had a
good taste in poetry, was well versed in philosophy and
the mathematics, eminent as a lawyer, no less eminent as
a divine; neither wanted he considerable skill in physic.
In his public character he was equally remarkable for his
moderation and abilities, which gained him such a reputation, as drew upon him many calls for advice, which made
kim at last very uneasy. As principal of the college of
Aberdeen, he did great service to the church in particular,
and to his country in general, by bringing over many to
the former, and reviving that spirit of literature which was
much decayed in the latter. These employments took up
so much of his time, that we have nothing of his writing,
except a single book printed at Edinburgh, in 4to, 1572,
under this title, “Orationes de origine et dignitate Juris;
“Orations on the origin and dignity of the Law.
” It was
esteemed a very learned and elegant performance, as appears by a fine copy of Latin yerses on its publication, by
Mr. Thomas Maitland, who was equally admired as a poet
and a critic. Arbuthnot’s countryman and contemporary,
Andrew Melvil, wrote an elegant epitaph on him, (Delit. Poet. Scot. vol. II. p. 120.) which alone would have been
sufficient to preserve his memory, and gives a very just idea
of his character.
, a Greek poet of Antioch ia Asia, is more known from the eloquent orations
, a Greek poet of Antioch
ia Asia, is more known from the eloquent orations pronounced by Cicero in his favour, than by the few fragments of his that are come down to us. He was denied
the title of Roman citizen, which Cicero caused to be
confirmed to him, by maintaining that he had it; and that
even if he had it not, his probity and his talents ought
to have procured it for him. He lived about 60 years before the common sera. Archias composed several pieces;
among others, a poem on the War of the Cimbri, and
had begun another on the Consulate of Cicero, but none
of his works have reached our times, except some epigrams
in the Greek Anthology, and in Brunck’s “Analecta veterum poetarum Grsecorum,
” vol. II. p. 92. They were
also lately published, with notes and a Latin translation
by Ilgen, 1800, who has subjoined a critical inquiry into
the life and genius of Archias. It is not from these, however, that we can estimate the value of Cicero’s high
praise of this author. Except two or three, these epigrams scarcely rise above mediocrity.
, a Greek poet, born in the isle of Paros, was the son of Telesicles; and,
, a Greek poet, born in the isle of
Paros, was the son of Telesicles; and, according to Mr.
Bavle, flourished in the 29th olympiad, or about 660
years before Christ. His poetry abounded with the most
poignant satire, and his satirical vein had such an effect on
Lycambes, that he is said to have hanged himself. The
indignation of Archilochus against Lycambes arose from
the latter’s not keeping his word with regard to his daughter, whom he first promised and afterwards refused to Archilochus. It is not unlikely that he attacked the whole
family of Lycambes in his lampoon, for it is said by Horace, that the daughter followed the example of her father;
and there are some who affirm, that three of Lycambes’s
daughters died of vexation at the same time. In this piece
of Archilochus, many adventures are mentioned, full of
defamation, and out of the knowledge of the public.
There were likewise many indecent passages in the poem;
and it is supposed to have been on account of this satire
that the Lacedaemonians laid a prohibition on his verses.
“The Lacedaemonians,
” says Valerius Maximus, “commanded the books of Archilochus to be carried out of their
city, because they thought the reading of them not to be
very modest or chaste: for they were unwilling the minds
of their children should be tinctured with them, lest they
should do more harm to their manners than service to their
genius. And so they banished the verses of the greatest,
or at least the next to the greatest poet, because he had
attacked a family which he hated, with indecent abuse.
It has been affirmed by some, that he himself was banished
from Lacedsemon; and the maxim inserted in one of his
pieces is assigned for the reason thereof, “That it was
better to fling down one’s arms, than to lose one’s life:
he had written this in vindication of himself.
er a gain than a loss, with regard to morality. Heraclides composed a dialogue upon the life of this poet; which, if it had remained, would in all probability have furnished
Archilochus was so much addicted to raillery and abuse,
that he did not even spare himself. He excelled chiefly
in iambic verses, and was the inventor of them, as appears
from a passage in Horace: Epist. xix. lib. i. ver. 23. He
is one of the three poets whom Aristarchus approved in
this kind of poetry. Quintilian puts him, in some respects, below the other two. Aristophanes the grammanan thought, that the longer his iambic poems were, the
finer they were, as Cicero thus informs us: “The longest
of your epistles,
” says he to Atticus, “seem to me the
best, as the iambics of Archilochus did to Aristophanes.
The hymn which he wrote to Hercules and lolaus was so
much esteemed, that it used to be sung three times to the
honour of those who had gained the victory at the Olympic
games. There are few of his works extant; and this, says
Mr. Bayle, is rather a gain than a loss, with regard to
morality. Heraclides composed a dialogue upon the life
of this poet; which, if it had remained, would in all probability have furnished us with many particulars concerning Archilochus.
, a good Latin poet of the sixteenth century, the second son of count Oderic, privy
, a good Latin poet of
the sixteenth century, the second son of count Oderic,
privy counsellor to the emperor Maximilian, was born
Dec. 3, 1479, at Arco, a small town of the Tyrol, in the
diocese of Trente, and an ancient fief of his family. He
was at first page to the emperor Frederic III. the father
of Maximilian; but devoting himself much to study, acquired a critical knowledge of the ancient languages, and
spoke all the modern ones as easily as his own. He afterwards served in the army; but the death of his brother
having enabled him to succeed to his paternal estates, he
obtained leave to retire, and was afterwards in several public employments. Still the love of literature predominated,
and induced him to form an intimacy with Paul Jovius,
Annibal Caro, Flaminio, Fracastorius, and other eminent
men of his time. He is thought to have died about the
end of 1546. His poems were first published, at Mantua,
in 1546, 4to, under the title of “Nicolai Archii comitis
” a very rare edition, but reprinted by Comino,
with the poems of Fumano and Fracastorius, Padua, 1759,
2 vols. 4to. He wrote other works, which are yet in manuscript. One of his descendants, count Gumbattista
D'Arco, imperial intendant at Mantua, and a member of
the royal academy of that city, was also author of some
works in great estimation, particularly a learned essay on
the famous troubadour Sordello, and an eloge on count de
Firmian (1783). He was a liberal patron of the arts, and
Mantua is indebted to him for the fine original bust of
, a lawyer and macaronic poet in the sixteenth century, was born at Solliers, in the diocese
, a lawyer and macaronic poet
in the sixteenth century, was born at Solliers, in the diocese of Toulon, of a family known from the thirteenth
century by the name of La Sable. After studying under
Alciatus at Avignon, he began his literary career by writing
some wretched books on jurisprudence, and comforted
himself for the little demand that was made for them by
the fame of his macaronic verses. This species of poetry,
which Merlin Coccaio brought into great vogue in Italy,
consisted in a confused string of words partly Latin, partly
French, partly Provencal, made into a medley of barbarous
composition. The principal performance of this kind by
our provengal poet is his “Description of the war carried
on by Charles V. in Provence,
” printed at Avignon, and
very scarce of that edition, in 1537; reprinted in 1717 in
8vo, at Paris, under the name of Avignon, and at Lyons,
1760. There are other pieces of macaronic poetry by the
same author, “De bragardissima villa de Soleriis, &c.
ek and Latin scholar, and to have given some translations from the former. He was also a pretty good poet, and wrote prose comedies, of which Albert de Eyb has inserted
was of Arezzo in Tuscany, and
has been enumerated among the learned men of the
fifteenth century. He is praised by Poggius, which Bayle
chooses to suspect was done merely because Aretino was
an enemy of Philelphus, whom Poggius hated. Philelphus,
on the other hand, represents Aretino in a very unfavourable
light. He is allowed, however, to have been a good Greek
and Latin scholar, and to have given some translations
from the former. He was also a pretty good poet, and
wrote prose comedies, of which Albert de Eyb has inserted
some fragments in his “Margarita Poetica.
” But what
Bayle considers as the most evident proof of his talents, is,
that on the death of Leonard Aretin, in 1443, he was
chosen to succeed him in the office of secretary of the
republic of Florence. The year of his death is not known.
, a poet in the reign of king James I. of whose life we have no particulars.
, a poet in the reign of king James I.
of whose life we have no particulars. He was patronized
by Dr. John King; bishop of London: and wrote and
published, 1. “The Song of Songs, which was Solomon
metaphrased in English heroics, by way of dialogue,“Lond. 1621, 4to, dedicated to Henry King, archdeacon of
Colchester, son to the bishop of London. 2.
” The Bride’s
Ornaments: poetical essays upon divine subjects,“London, 1621, 4to, the first dedicated to John Argall, esq.
the other to Philip, brother to Henry King. 3.
” Funeral
Elegy, consecrated to the memory of his ever honoured
lord, John King, late bishop of London,“same year. He
wrote also a book of
” Meditations of Knowledge, Zeal,
Temperance, Bounty, and Joy,“and another containing
” Meditations of Prudence, Obedience, &c." The author
intended these two books for the press at the same time
with his poetical works, but the death of his patron deferred the publication of them, and it is uncertain whether
they were afterwards published.
nal so exasperated him, that he partly withdrew his protection from him; which circumstance gave our poet great uneasiness, though it is thought that Hippolito might
The refusal of Ariosto to accompany the cardinal so exasperated him, that he partly withdrew his protection from him; which circumstance gave our poet great uneasiness, though it is thought that Hippolito might have taken him again into favour, but for the ill offices of some malicious persons, who had the address to keep them at a distance from each other. On this difference between the cardinal and him, Ariosto strongly Dwells in his satires. The only consolation Luclovico had, was the leading a retired life, which suited his disposition far more than the bustle of a court, and he now applied himself, without interruption, to give every improvement to his Orlando; and in 1521 published another edition of it, with corrections.
ity of the exact Apostolo Zeno, who observes, that Franco petulantly denies that Ariosto was crowned poet, though, besides other testimonies, we have the exclusive privilege
Several writers have affirmed, that he was solemnly
crowned with laurel by the victorious Charles Y. in the city
of Mantua, in 1532, for his Orlando Furioso; and this circumstance has been as positively denied by others. Mazzuchelii, in his life of Ariosto, has considered the arguments on both sides; and observes, that the silence of those
authors on the subject, who certainly would not have passed
over such an event, may justly render the whole suspected;
that, among others, surely little attention can be paid to
the authority of one writer, who relates that Ariosto had
scarcely received the laurel crown, when, transported with
joy, and inspired as it were with a poetical phrensy, he ran.
through the city apparently as mad as his own Orlando.
P'ornari speaks of the coronation; but Pigna and Garafolo
make no mention of it. II siu;nore Dottore Barotti thus
examines the supposed fact: “Many have doubted of the
coronation by Charles, and writers, who speak of it, do not
agree upon the time or place: some say that the ceremony
was performed at Mantua, and others at Bologna; some,
that it happened in 1530, and others, in 1532; but, surely
it could not be in 1530, as the complete edition of the
poem, with the praises of the emperor, was not published
till 1532. In a manuscript book, delivered down for the
hand-writing of his son Virginio, are these words: ‘E
una baia che fosse coronato.’ But, in a public instrument
between his son Virginio and his brother, in October 1542,
we read as follows: ‘ Cum annis decursis animam egerit
magnificus et Laureatus D. Ludovicus Areostus, &c.’ both
which, the manuscript book and instrument, are in my possession. In a letter of Galasso Ariosto it is said, that
Ariosto had scarce published the last edition of his work
when he fell ill, and died after eight months. The publication was in October 1532, and it is difficult to suppose
that he could be crowned in November, the time mentioned. Yet the epitaph, caused to be engraved by his
nephew’s son Ludovico, sets forth the coronation. If
Pigna and Garafolo affirm that he fell ill in December, it
may be understood that he then took to his bed; and as to
the medal of Ariosto crowned, nothing can be proved front
” To this Mazzuchelli adds, that We may refer to the
declaration of Franco, who asserts that he was not crowned;
and concludes the argument, by opposing to all these, the
authority of the exact Apostolo Zeno, who observes, that
Franco petulantly denies that Ariosto was crowned poet,
though, besides other testimonies, we have the exclusive
privilege granted him by Charles V. The fact upon the
whole appears doubtful.
The name of this poet is still held in that kind of veneration by his countrymen with
The name of this poet is still held in that kind of veneration by his countrymen with which the English consider their Shakspeare. Antonio Zatta, in his edition of Ariosto' s works of 1772, relates, that a chair and ink-standish, which, according to tradition, belonged to Ariosto, were then in the possession of II signor Dottore Giovanni Andrea Barotti, at Ferrara, and that a specimen of his hand -writing was preserved in the public library of that city. The republic of Venice did him the honour to cause his picture to be painted, and hung up with the senators and other illustrious men in the great council hall, which was afterwards destroyed by fire. It appears, however, that Ariosto did not finally receive from his professed patrons those rewards, or obtain that establishment, to which he thought his merits had entitled him. Probably the government of Grafagnana added more to his reputation than his fortune; and, from what he says in several parts of his Satires, he was by no means satisfied with his patrons of Ferrara. Nothing particular is recorded of the benefactions of the cardinal to him, before he incurred the displeasure of that prelate. The duke, indeed, gave him two assignments on certain gabels or taxes, the first of which ceased with the abolition of the tax; and the second, which produced him only twenty-five crowns every fourth month, collected, as he says himself, with great trouble, was contested and withheld from him during the wars of Lombardy; and some say, that the cardinal, upon withdrawing his patronage, deprived him of this slender advantage^ Such were the great advantages which he derived from those in whose service he had engaged, and whose names he had immortalized by his Muse.
the year in which Ariosto published the third edition of his poem. Perhaps had he lived longer, the poet might have experienced further marks of his generosity.
But it seems that Ariosto had raised his thoughts to some great ecclesiastical preferment; on which occasion signor Rolli observes, that one reason why he was not preferred was, that he was devoted to Alphonso of Ferrara, whom the pope hated, and therefore could not give our author a cardinal’s hat. Leo died in 1521, six years after the finst publication, and the year in which Ariosto published the third edition of his poem. Perhaps had he lived longer, the poet might have experienced further marks of his generosity.
es light and licentious; at other times, highly heroic, descriptive, and tender. Whatever strain the poet assumes, he excels in it. He is always master of his subject;
Ariosto’s reputation rests now entirely on his Orlando,
concerning which modern critics are nearly agreed, and
can perceive its blemishes without a wish to detract from its
genuine merit. The monstrous extravagance of his fictions, as far as respects the agency of demons and aerial
beings, were not ill suited to the age in which he lived,
and supported the reputation of his poem, until it attracted
the admiration of more enlightened minds, by the display
of an imagination infinitely exuberant, yet directed by the
finest taste, by the extraordinary power the author possessed of interesting both the gentler and severer passions,
and by his masterly skill in all graphical paintings and descriptions. “Orlando,
” says Dr. Blair, who seems to have
collected the opinions of all the modern critics on this
poem, "unites all sorts of poetry sometimes comic and
satiric; sometimes light and licentious; at other times,
highly heroic, descriptive, and tender. Whatever strain
the poet assumes, he excels in it. He is always master of
his subject; seems to play himself with it; and leaves
us sometimes at a loss to know whether he be serious or
in jest. He is seldom dramatic; sometimes, but not often,
sentimental; but in narration and description, perhaps no
poet ever went beyond him. He makes every scene which
he describes, and every event which he relates, pass before
our eyes; and in his selection of circumstances, is eminently picturesque. His style is much varied, always suited
to the subject, and adorned with a remarkable smooth and
melodious versification. The most valued editions of the
Orlando are, that printed at Venice, fol. 1584, with Ruscelli’s notes, and engravings by Porro; and the edition of
Molini, published in 1772, in 4 vols. 8vo, which has very
beautiful engravings, and was printed with Baskerville’s
types. There is likewise a very correct edition published at
Paris by Pankouke in 10 vols. 12mo, 1787; and another,
likewise very correct, in 4 vols. 8vo, by Mr. Isola, at London, 1789. Ariosto’s other pieces have been frequently
reprinted, but none of them are in much demand. The
English reader has been made acquainted with the merits
of the Orlando by Mr. Hoole, who, in 1783, completed his
translation, in 5 vols. 8vo. His predecessors in that labour
were sir John Harrington and Mr. Huggins, but they are
now little known and little read. In 1759 the satires of
Ariosto were translated into English, and published in a
12mo volume. Ariosto had a nephew, Horace, who was
born in 1555, and died in 1593. He defended the Orlando Furioso against the criticisms of Pellegrino, and was
himself a poet, and a writer of comedies.
, the Proconnesian, an ancient Greek historian and poet, flourished in the time of Cyrus 5 and of Crœsus, about 565
, the Proconnesian, an ancient Greek historian and poet, flourished in the time of Cyrus 5 and of Crœsus, about 565 years B. C. He is said to have written an epic poem, in three books, on the war of the Arimaspes, or Scythian hyperboreans, which is now lost. Longinus quotes six verses from it in his treatise on the Sublime, and Tzetzes six others. He had also composed a book on Theogony, or the history of the gods, which is likewise lost. Herodotus, Pliny, Pausanias, and Suidas, relate the grossest absurdities about this author, as, that his soul could leave his body at pleasure, and that he wrote poems after he was dead, &c.
, a celebrated comic poet, was the son of Philip, and probably an Athenian by birth; but
, a celebrated comic poet, was the
son of Philip, and probably an Athenian by birth; but his
place of nativity has been contested, his enemies endeavouring to represent him as a stranger. He was contemporary with Plato, Socrates, and Euripides; and most of
his plays were written during the Peloponnesian war. His
imagination was warm and lively, and his genius particularly turned to raillery: he had also great spirit and resolution, and was a declared enemy to slavery, and to all
those who wanted to oppress their country. When the
Athenians suffered themselves in his time to be governed by
men who had no other view than to make themselves
masters of the commonwealth, Aristophanes exposed their
artifices with great wit and severity upon the stage. Cleo
was the first whom he attacked, in his comedy of the
” and when none of the comedians would venture to personate a man of his great authority, Aristophanes played the character himself; and with so much
success, that the Athenians obliged Cleo to pay a fine of
five talents, which were given to the poet. This freedom
of his likewise was so well received by the Athenians, that
they cast handfuls of flowers upon his head, and carried
him through the city in triumph with the greatest acclamation. They made also a public decree, that he should
be honoured with a crown of the sacred olive-tree in the
citadel, which was the greatest honour that could be paid
to a citizen. He described the affairs of the Athenians in
so exact a manner, that his comedies are a faithful history
of that people. For this reason, when Dionysius king of
Syracuse desired to learn the state and language of Athens,
Plato sent him the plays of Aristophanes, telling him these
were the best representation thereof. He wrote above 50
comedies, but there are only 11 extant which are perfect;
these are “Plutus, the Clouds, the Frogs, Equites, the
Acharnenses, the Wasps, Peace, the Birds, the Ecclesiazusae or Female Orators, the Thesmophoriazusae or
Priestesses of Ceres, and Lysistrata.” The “Clouds,”
which he wrote in ridicule of Socrates, is the most celebrated of all his comedies: Socrates had a contempt for
the comic poets, and never went to see their plays, except when Alcibiades or Critias obliged him to go thither.
He was shocked at the licentiousness of the old comedy;
and as he was a man of piety, probity, candour, and wisdom, could not bear that the characters of his fellow-citizens should be insulted and abused. This contempt which
he expressed to the comic poets, was the ground of their
aversion to him, and the motive of Aristophanes’s writing
the “Clouds
” against him. Madam Dacier tells us, she
was so much charmed with this performance, that after
she had translated it, and read it over 200 times, it did
not become tedious; and that the pleasure she received
from it was so exquisite, as to make her forget all the
contempt and indignation which Aristophanes deserved,
for employing his wit to ruin a man, who was wisdom itself, and the greatest ornament of the city of Athens.
Aristophanes having conceived some aversion to the poet
Euripides, satirizes him in several of his plays, particularly in his “Frogs
” and his “Thesmophoriazusae.
” He
wrote his “Peace
” in the 10th year of the Peloponnesian
war, when a treaty for 50 years was concluded between
the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians, though it continued
but seven. The “Acharnenses
” was written after the
death of Pericles, and the loss of the battle in Sicily, in
order to dissuade the people from intrusting the safety of
the commonwealth to such imprudent generals as Lamachus. Soon after, he represented his “Aves
” or Birds,
by which he admonished the Athenians to fortify Decelaea,
which he calls by a fictitious name Nepheloccoccygia.
The “Vespae,
” or Wasps, was written after another loss
in Sicily, which the Athenians suffered from the misconduct of Chares. He wrote the “Lysistrata
” when all
Greece was involved in a war, and in this the women are
introduced debating on the affairs of the commonwealth, and
come a resolution, not to cohabit with their husbands, 'till
a peace should be concluded. His “Plutus,
” and other
comedies of that kind, were written after the magistrates
had given orders, that no person should be exposed by
name upon the stage. He invented a peculiar kind of
verse, which was called by his name, and is mentioned by
Cicero in his “Brutus;
” and Suidas says, that he also
was the inventor of the tetrameter and octameter verse.
writing, and has imitated him in many parts of his plays. Frischlin has written a vindication of our poet, in answer to the objections urged against him by Plutarch.
Aristophanes was greatly admired among the ancients,
especially for the true attic elegance of his style: “It is,
says madam Dacier, “as agreeable as his wit; for besides its purity, force, and sweetness, it has a certain harmony, which sounds extremely pleasant to the ear: when
he has occasion to use the common ordinary style, he
does it without using any expression that is base and vulgar; and when he has a mind to express himself loftily,
in his highest flight he is never obscure.
” “Let no man,”
says Scaliger, “pretend to understand the Attic dialect,
who has not read Aristophanes: in him are to be found
all the Attic ornaments, which made St. Chrysostom so
much admire him, that he always laid him under his pillow
when he went to bed.” Mr. Frischlin observes, that Plautus has a great affinity to Aristophanes in his manner of
writing, and has imitated him in many parts of his plays.
Frischlin has written a vindication of our poet, in answer to
the objections urged against him by Plutarch. How great
an opinion Plato had of Aristophanes, is evident even from
Plutarch’s acknowledgement, who tells us, that this poet’s
Discoure upon Love was inserted by that philosopher
in his Symposium: and Cicero, in his first book “De
” styles him “the most witty poet of the old
” The time of his death is unknown; but it is
certain he was living after the expulsion of the tyrants by
Thrasybulus, whom he mentions in his Plutus and other
, an English physician and poet, was born in the parish of Castleton in Roxburghshire, where
, an English physician and poet, was born in the parish of Castleton in Roxburghshire, where his father and brother were clergymen; and having completed his education at the university of Edinburgh, took his degree in physic, Feb. 4, 1732, with much reputation. His thesis De Tabe purulente was published a usual. He appears to have courted the muses while a student. His descriptive sketch in imitation of Shakspeitre was one of his first attempts, and received the cordial approbation of Thomson, Mallet, and Young. Mallet, he informs us, intended to have published it, but altered his mind. His other imitations of Shakspeare were part of an unfinished tragedy written at a very early age. Much of his time, if we may judge from his writings, was devoted to the study of polite literature, and although he cannot be said to have entered deeply into any particular branch, he was more than a superficial connoisseur ia painting, statuary, and music.
ated poem, “The Art of preserving Health,” appeared in 1744, and contributed highly to his fame as a poet. Dr. Warton, in his Reflections on didactic poetry, annexed
His celebrated poem, “The Art of preserving Health,
appeared in To describe so difficult a thing, gracefully and poetically, as
the effects of distemper on the human body, was reserved
for Dr. Armstrong, who accordingly hath nobly executed
it at the end of the third book of his Art of preserving
Health, where he hath given us that pathetic account of
the sweating sickness. There is a classical correctness
and closeness of style in this poem that are truly admirable, and the subject is raised and adorned by numberless poetical images.
” Dr. Mackenzie, in his History of
Health, bestowed similar praises on this poem, which was
indeed every where read and admired.
through a crowd of competitors. An intimate friendship always subsisted between him and Thomson the poet, as well as other gentlemen of learning and genius; and he was
His character is said to have been that of a man of learning and genius, of considerable abilities in his profession,
of great benevolence and goodness of heart, fond of associating with men of parts and genius, but indolent and
inactive, and therefore totally unqualified to employ the
means that usually lead to medical employment, or to
make his way through a crowd of competitors. An intimate friendship always subsisted between him and Thomson the poet, as well as other gentlemen of learning
and genius; and he was intimate with, and respected by
sir John Pringle, at the time of his death. In 1753, Dr.
Theobald addressed two Latin Odes, “Ad ingenuum viriim, turn naedici^, tum-poeticis facultatibus praestantem,
Joannem Armstrong, M. D.
Dr. Armstrong’s fame as a poet must depend entirely on his “Art of preserving Health,” which,
Dr. Armstrong’s fame as a poet must depend entirely on
his “Art of preserving Health,
” which, although liable
to some of the objections usually offered against didactic
poetry, is yet free from the weightiest; and in this respect
he may be deemed more fortunate, as he certainly is superior to Phillips, Dyer, and Grainger. The art of preserving health is so different from those arts which are mechanical, that his muse is seldom invited to an employment
beneath her dignity; the means of preserving health
are so intimately connected with mind, and depend so
much on philosophy, reflection, and observation, that the
author has full scope for the powers of fancy, and for many
of those ornamental flights which are not only pleasing,
but constitute genuine poetry. In considering the varieties
of air and exercise, he has seized many happy occasions
for picturesque description, and when treating on the passions, he has many striking passages of moral sentiment,
which are vigorous, just, and impressive. In Book II. on
diet, we discover more judgment than poetical inspiration,
and he seems to he aware that the subject had a natural
tendency to lower his tone. He seems, therefore, intent in
this book principally to render useful precepts familiar,
and, if possible, to make them take hold of the imagination.
There are, however, descriptive passages even here that
are very grand. It would, perhaps, be difficult to select
an image more finely conceived and uniformly preserved,
than where he inculcates the simple precept that persons
who have been exhausted for want of food ought not to
indulge when plenty presents itself.
, or Merruil, a poet of Provence, lived at the beginning of the thirteenth century.
, or Merruil, a poet of
Provence, lived at the beginning of the thirteenth century. Having made some progress in learning, he thought
it necessary to travel, and studied particularly the Provençal language, which was then most esteemed by those
who were fond of poetry and romances. He entered into
the service of the viscount of Beziers, who was married to
the countess of Burlas, with whom Arnaud fell violently in
love. He durst not, however, declare his passion; and
several sonnets which he wrote in her praise, he ascribed
to others: but at length he wrote one, which made
such an impression on the lady, that she behaved to him
with great civility, and made him considerable presents.
He wrote a book intitled “Las recastenas de sa comtessa;
and a collection of poems and sonnets. He died in 1220.
Petrarch mentions him in his “Triumph of Love.
, an Italian physician and poet, was born at Brescia, in Lombardy, in 1523. His father was a
, an Italian physician and
poet, was born at Brescia, in Lombardy, in 1523. His
father was a poor blacksmith, with whom he worked until
his eighteenth year. He then began to read such books
as came in his way, or were lent him by the kindness of his
friends, and, with some difficulty, was enabled to enter
himself of the university of Padua. Here he studied medicine, and was indebted for his progress, until he took the
degree of doctor, to the same friends who had discovered
and wished to encourage his talents. On his return to
Brescia, he was patronised by the physician Consorto, who
introduced him to good practice; but some bold experiments which he chose to try upon his patients, and which
ended fatally, rendered him so unpopular, that he was
obliged to fly for his life. After this he gave up medicine,
and cultivated poetry principally, during his residence at
Venice and some other places, where he had many admirers. He died at last, in his own country, in 1577. His
principal works are, 1. “Le Rime,
” Venice, Lettera, Rime, et Orazione,
, a Latin poet of the twelfth century, was born at Settimello near Florence,
, a Latin poet of the twelfth century, was born at Settimello near Florence, and for some time was curate of Calanzano. Disturbed by the vexations he met with from certain enemies, he gave up his benefice, and became so poor that he was obliged to subsist on charity; from which circumstance he obtained the surname of Il Povero. He painted his disgrace and his misfortunes in elegiac verse, in a manner so pure and pathetic, that they were prescribed as models at all public schools. They remained in manuscript in various libraries until about a century ago, when three editions of them were published in Italy. The first is that of 1684, 8vo; the second is incorporated in the History of the Poets of the middle ages by Leiser and the third was printed at Florence in 1730, 4to, with a very elegant translation into Italian, by Dominic Maria Manni.
, a celebrated poet and physician, flourished in the beginning of the sixteenth
, a celebrated poet and physician,
flourished in the beginning of the sixteenth century, under
the pontificates of Leo X. and Clement VII. He was a
native of Sinigaglia, and after having studied at Padua,
practised medicine at Rome but, according to the eloge
of his friend Paul Jovius, seldom passed a day without
producing some poetical composition. He either possessed,
or affected that independence of mind which does not
accord with the pliant manners of a court; and avoided the
patronage of the great, while he complains of their neglect. He died in the 66th year of his age, at Sinigaglia,
1540. He wrote a poem in Latin verse, “De poetis Urbanis,
” addressed to Paul Jovius; in which he celebrates
the names, and characterises the works, of a great number
of Latin poets resident at Rome in the time of Leo X. It
was first printed in the Coryciana, Rome, 1524, 4to and
reprinted by Tiraboschi, who obtained a more complete
copy in the hand-writing of the author, with the addition
of many other names. It has also been reprinted by Mr.
Roscoe, in his life of Leo, who is of opinion that his complaint of the neglect of poets in the time of that pontiff
was unjust.
, an Italian poet, was born at Mazzareno in Sicily, 1628, and had an early passion
, an Italian poet,
was born at Mazzareno in Sicily, 1628, and had an early
passion for poetry, and a strong inclination for arms. He
finished his studies at 15 years of age, about which time
he fought a duel, in which he mortally wounded his adversary. He saved himself by taking shelter in a church
and it was owing to this accident that he afterwards applied himself to the study of philosophy. His parents
being dead, and himself much embarrassed in his circumstances, he resolved to quit his country, and seek his fortune elsewhere. He accordingly went to Candia, at the
time when that city was besieged by the Turks, and displayed there so much bravery, that he obtained the honour of knighthood in the military order of St. George.
When he was upon his return for Italy, he was often
obliged to draw his sword, and was sometimes wounded in
these rencounters but his superior skill generally gave him
the advantage. He rendered himself so formidable even
in Germany, that they used to style him Chevalier de
Sang. Ernest duke of Brunswic and Lunenburg appointed
him captain of his guards, but no appointment could de
tach him from the Muses. He was member of several
academies in Italy, and became highly in favour with
many princes, especially the emperor Leopold. He died
Feb. 11, 1679, at Naples, where he was interred in the
church of the Dominicans, with great magnificence the
academy DegP Intricati attended his funeral, and Vincent Antonio Capoci made his funeral oration. His works
are, 1. “DelP Encyclopedia poetica,
” 2 parts, 1658, 1679,
12mo; and a third, Naples, same year. 2. “La Pasife,
a musical drama, Venice, La Bellezza
atterrata, elegia,
” Naples,
, a French poet, was born at Paris in 1697, educated for the church, and made
, a French poet, was born at Paris in 1697, educated for the church, and made a canon of Rheims. He passed his iife, however, in Paris, keeping all sorts of company, good and bad, and rendering himself universally agreeable by his impromptus, his songs, and madrigals, some of which were of the satirical kind, and occasionally involved him in quarrels. Towards the close of his life, he renounced the world, and was made a convert to piety by the abbe Gautier, who was afterwards the confessor of Voltaire. The Parisian wits observed that such an attempt was worthy of Gautier, as he was chaplain to the hospital of incurables. The abbe Attaignant died at Paris Jan. 10, 1779. He published
e, that Riccoboni, his master, said, he was the only youth he had ever known who seemed to be born a poet and orator. His father wished him to study medicine, but his
, or Avanzi Giammarie, a
celebrated Italian lawyer, was born Aug. 23, 1564. He
was educated with great care, and discovered so much taste
for polite literature, that Riccoboni, his master, said, he
was the only youth he had ever known who seemed to be
born a poet and orator. His father wished him to study
medicine, but his own inclination led him to study law, in
which he soon became distinguished. At Ferrara he acquired an intimacy with Tasso, Guarini, Cremonini, and
other eminent characters of that time. He afterwards retired to Rovigo, and practised as a lawyer, but was singularly unfortunate in his personal affairs, not only losing a
considerable part of his property by being security for
some persons who violated their engagements, but having
his life attempted by assassins who attacked him one day
and left him for dead with eighteen wounds. He recovered, however, but his brother being soon after assassinated,
and having lost his wife, he retired, in 1606, to Padua,
where he died, March 2, 1622, leaving several children,
of whom Charles, his second son, became a learned physician and botanist. Avanzi wrote a poem “Il Satiro Favola Pastorale,
” Venice, Historia Ecclesiastica a Lutheri apostasia;
” and “Concilia
de rebus civilibus et criminalibus.
xcellent capacity, and indefatigable application; a diligent searcher into antiquities, a good Latin poet, an excellent naturalist, but somewhat credulous, and tinctured
Aubrey preserved an intimacy with those great persons^ who then met privately, and were afterwards formed into the Royal Society. Soon after the restoration, he went into Ireland, and returning from thence, in the autumn of 1660, narrowly escaped shipwreck near Holyhead. On the 1st of Nov. 1661, he was so unfortunate as to suffer another shipwreck. In 1662, he was admitted a fellow of the Royal Society. In June 1664, he travelled through. France into Orleans, and returned in the month of October. In 1666, he sold his estate in Wiltshire; and was at length obliged to dispose of all he had left, so that, in the space of four years, he was reduced even to want yet his spirit remained unbroken. His chief benefactress was. the lady Long of Dray cot in Wilts, who gave him an apartment in her house, and supported him as long as he lived. When his death happened is uncertain we are only told in general that he died suddenly on a journey to Oxford in his way to Dray cot and he was there buried, as near as can be conjectured, in 1700. He was a man of an excellent capacity, and indefatigable application; a diligent searcher into antiquities, a good Latin poet, an excellent naturalist, but somewhat credulous, and tinctured with superstition.
he election, or court of assessors of Orleans, was a learned lawyer, and esteemed an excellent Latin poet in the sixteenth century. He studied at Bologna under Alciat,
, president in the election, or
court of assessors of Orleans, was a learned lawyer, and
esteemed an excellent Latin poet in the sixteenth century.
He studied at Bologna under Alciat, and on his return to
France, wrote the greater part of his poems. The elogium
on Venice induced that republic to bestow upon him the
order of St. Mark, with the chain of gold of the order.
Henry III. of France also granted him letters of nobility,
and permitted him to add to his arms two fleur-de-lis of
gold. Notwithstanding these honours, he continued to
act as assessor at Orleans for the space of fifty years. He
died Dec. 24, 1598, aged about eighty years. “He wrote
” Roma, poema,“Paris, 1555, 4to. 2.
” Venetia, poema- r
Venice, Partenope,
” Paris,
no foundation for this, unless his employing 'the technicals of the art in the manner of a didactic poet, who studies imagination more than utility. Leo X. to whom he
, an Italian, highly
praised by Paul Jovius, and as much condemned by Scaliger, was born in 1441, at Rimini, of a noble family. He
studied at Padua, and was professor of belles lettres in several universities, particularly Venice and Trevisa in the
latter place he obtained the rank of citizen, and died there
in 1524. His principal poem, “Chrysopoeia,
” or the art
of making, gold, occasioned his being supposed attached to
alchymy but there is no foundation for this, unless his
employing 'the technicals of the art in the manner of a
didactic poet, who studies imagination more than utility.
Leo X. to whom he dedicated the work, is said to have rewarded him by an empty purse, the only article he thought
necessary to a man who could make gold. This poem
was first printed at Venice, with, another on old age, entitled “Geronticon,
” Theatrum Chemicum,
” Strasburgh, Bibl. Chemica.
” His
other Latin poems, consisting of odes, satires, and epigrams, were published under the title “Carmina,
” Verona,
, an Italian poet, was born at Vincenza, and employed his fortune, which was very
, an Italian poet, was born at Vincenza, and employed his fortune, which was very considerable, in patronising and associating with men of genius and
talents. He is supposed to have died about 1607. His
poems, consisting of “Three Epistles,
” highly praised by
Mazzuchelli, Crescembini, and Quadrio, were first printed
in 1605, and were reprinted in 1615 and 1627. They were
inserted likewise in some of the collections.
, a Latin poet, flourished under Theodosius the elder, in the fifth century.
, a Latin poet, flourished under Theodosius the elder, in the fifth century. We have by him a translation in verse of the Phænomena of Aratus, Venice, 1488, 4to, and Madrid, 1634, 4 to of the description of the Earth by Dionysius of Alexandria; and of some fables of Æsop, far inferior to those of Phædrus for purity and elegance of diction. His translation of Æsop in elegiac verses is to be found in the Phaedrus of Paris, 1747, 12mo, and the Variorum edition of Amsterdam, 1731, in 8vo. He also turned all the books of Livy into iambic verse: a very strange undertaking, of which it is not easy to conceive the use at that time, although at present it may supply in part what is wanting of that historian.
, called also Pamphille, a French poet of the sixteenth century, was born at Beauvais, but we have
, called also Pamphille, a French
poet of the sixteenth century, was born
at Beauvais, but we have no particulars of his life, except
that he was an advocate of parliament. The editors of the
“Annales Poetiques” have inserted his best productions in
their collection, and among others his “Tuteur d'Amour,
in four cantos, praised for elegance, tenderness, and fancy.
His other works are, 1. “Le cinquante-deuxieme Arret
d'Amour, avec les ordonnances sur le fait des masques,
8vo, La genealogie des dieux poetiques,
12mo, Aureus de utraque potestate libellus,
in hunc usque diem non visus, Somnium Viridarii yulgariter
, an eminent poet of the fourth century, was the son of a physician, and born
, an eminent poet of the fourth century, was the son of a physician, and born at Itourdeaux. Great care was taken of his eJucation, the whole family interesting themselves in it, either because his genius was very promising, or that the scheme of his nativity, which had been cast by his grandfather on the mother’s side, led them to imagine that he would rise to great honour. Whatever their motive, it is allowed that he made an uncommon progress in classical learning, and at the age of thirty was chosen to teach grammar at Bourdeaux, He was promoted some time after to be professor of rhetoric, in which office he acquired so great a reputation, that he ivas sent for to court to be preceptor to Gratian the emperor Valentinian’s son. The rewards and honours conferred on him for the faithful discharge of his office remind us of Juvenal’s maxim, that when fortune pleases she can liaise a man from a rhetorician to a consul. He was actually appointed consul by the emperor Gratian, in the year 379, after having filled other considerable posts; for, besides the dignity of questor, to which he had been nominated by Valentinian, he was made prefect of the pnetorium in Italy and Gaul after that prince’s death. His speech returning thanks to Gratian on his promotion to the consulship is highly commended. The time of his death is uncertain he was living in 392, and lived to a great age. He hud several children by his wife, who died young. The emperor Thcodosius had a great esteem for Ausonius, and pressed him to publish his poems. There is a great inequality in his productions; and in his style there is a harshness, which was perhaps rather the defect of the times Le lived in, than of his genius. Had he lived in Augustus’s reign, his verses, according to good judges, would have equalled the most finished of that age. He is generally supposed to have been a Christian some ingenious authors indeed have thought otherwise, and the indecency of many of his poems make us not very anxious to claim him. The editio princeps of his works was published at Venice, 1472, fol. of which there are four copies in this country, in the libraries of his majesty, the museum, earl Spencer, and Mr. Wodhull. De Bure was not able to find one in France. The two best editions, the first yery uncommon, are those of Amsterdam, 1671, 8yo, and Bipont, 1785, 8vo.
, a French and Latin poet, voluminous enough to require some notice, although his works
, a French and Latin poet, voluminous enough to require some notice, although his works
are now perhaps but little known or valued even in his own
couutry, was born at Charolles about the year 1529, the
son of Syacre or Fiacre des Autels, a gentleman of the
same couutry. He inherited little from this father, except,
as he informs us, a chateau, rather noble than rich. For
some time he studied law at Valencia, but it does not appear with what view poetry was his favourite pursuit, although he succeeded very seldom but what was wanting
in genuine poetry was made up by an obtrusive display of
Greek and Latin, in the manner of Ronsard, whom he
called his friend. Like other poets, he affected to have a
mistress for whom he cherished a Platonic affection, but it
appears that he was married at the age of twenty-four.
His death is said to have happened about 1580. MorerL
enumerates many volumes of his poems, sonnets, elegies,
pieces in imitation of Rabelais, Ronsard, &c. The following are of a different description, and respect a controversy on the orthography of the French language. 1.
“Traite touchant Pancienne ecriture de la Langue Francoise, et de sa Poesie,
” Lyons, 16 mo, published under the
anagranmiatical name of Glaumalis de Vezelet. Louis
Meigret, las opponent in the controversy, immediately
published his “Defenses touchant son Ortographc Francoise
centre les censures et calomnies de Glaumalis,
” Paris, Repliqucs aux furicuses
defenses de Louis Meigret,
” 16mo, Lyons, 1551, which
Meigret answered the same year. Griiter thought some
of his Latin poetry of sufficient merit to obtain a place in
the “Deliciae poetarum Gallorum,
, a painter from necessity and a poet by taste, died in indigence, in constant attachment to his two
, a painter from necessity and a
poet by taste, died in indigence, in constant attachment
to his two professions, at Paris, his birth-place, in the hospital of Incurables, in 1745. D'Autreau, although of a
gloomy and melancholy character, wrote comedies that
excited laughter, and continue to amuse upon the stage.
He was almost sixty when he first turned his thoughts to
the drama, an employment that demands all the vivacity
and imagination of youth but his plots are too simple, the
catastrophe is immediately perceived, and the pleasure of
surprise is lost. His dialogue, however, is natural, his style
easy, and some of his scenes are in the true comic taste.
The Italian theatre has preserved his “Port a PAnglois,
in prose “Democrite pretendu fou,
” in three acts, and
in verse. The theatres of France have represented “Clorinda,
” a tragedy in five acts the “Chevalier Bayard,
” in
five acts and the “Magie de l'Amour,
” a pastoral in one
act, in verse. He gave at the opera, “Platee, ou la Naissance de la Comedie,
” the music by the celebrated Rameau. “Le Port a l'Anglois
” is the first piece in which
the Italian players spoke French. The works of
d‘Autreau were collected in 1749, in 4 vols. 12mo, with a good
preface by Pesselier. The most known of the pictures of
this painter, is that of Diogenes, with the lanthern in his
hand, in search of an honest man, and finding him in the
cardinal de Fleury. D’Autreau lived very retired, de*.
spising all that the generality of mankind esteem, and
agreeing with the public in no one thing except in the little concern he took about himself.
, and that of doctor in 1663. He was esteemed an excellent Greek scholar, and a good Greek and Latin poet, as appears by a book which he composed when a young man, entitled
, was of a good family in Hampshire,
and educated at Winchester school. He then went to Oxford, and was admitted perpetual fellow of New college,
after he had served two years of a probation this was in
1652. He took his degrees in civil law, and that of doctor
in 1663. He was esteemed an excellent Greek scholar,
and a good Greek and Latin poet, as appears by a book
which he composed when a young man, entitled “Musse
Sacrse sen Jonas, Jeremia? threni, et Daniel, Graeco redditi carmine,
” Oxon.
, or Babrius, was a Greek poet who turned Esop’s fables into choliambics, that is, verses with
, or Babrius, was a Greek poet who turned
Esop’s fables into choliambics, that is, verses with an iambic
foot in the fifth place, and a spondee in the sixth or last.
Suidas frequently quotes him, but the age and country in
which he lived are unknown. Avienus the fabulist, in Prsef.
Fab. seems to intimate, that Babrius was prior to Phaedrus,
who wrote under the reign of Augustus or Tiberius. Mr.
Tynvhitt, the learned author of the “Dissertatio de Babrio,
” published at London in
, the Greek lyric poet, was born at Julis, a town in the isle of Ceos. He was the nephew
, the Greek lyric poet, was born at Julis, a town in the isle of Ceos. He was the nephew of Simonides, and the contemporary and rival of Pindar. Both sung the victories of Hiero at the public games. Besides odes to athletic victors, he was author of love verses, prosodies, dithyrambics, hymns, &c. The emperor Julian was a great admirer of his writings, and Hiero preferred him to Pindar. He flourished 452 B. C. and was the last of the nine lyric poets so famous in Greece. There are some fragments of his still in being, printed along with those of Alcceus, at the end of an edition of Pindar, Antwerp, 1567, 16 mo.
, an Italian poet, a man of opulence as well as fame by his writings, and esteemed
, an Italian
poet, a man of opulence as well as fame by his writings,
and esteemed among the good poets of his age. His failing is said to have been that of being difficult to please in
his own compositions, which he filed and polished till he
wore off the strength of the metal. He knew how to draw
an exact outline, and to give a strong colouring, but he
held his pencil too long, and was over-anxious in the finishing part. These were not, however, the failings of his
time. He is best known at present to those who study
Italian poetry by “The Arragonians,
” a tragedy, and
“The Judgment of Paris.
” We have no dates of his birth
or death, except that he was famed as a poet, about 1590,
and Erythraeus (Le Koux) says that he died an old man.
, a French Latin poet, was born at Chatillon in the Lower Maine, and became a priest
, a French Latin poet, was born at Chatillon in the Lower Maine, and became a priest of the Oratory at Paris, in 1659. He had considerable genius, and
was much addicted to study, so that he soon became one
of the best scholars and best poets of his order. When M.
Fouquet, superintendant of finances, was arrested, he published a Latin poem, entitled “Fuquetius in vinculis,
which was much applauded. He published another poem
at Troyes in 1668, the title of which was, “In tabellas excellentissiim pictoris du Wernier, ad nobilem et eximium
virum Eustachium Quinot, apud quern illae visuntur Trecis,
” Father Bahier translated this production afterwards into French verse, under the title of “Peinture poctique des tableaux de mignature de M. Quinot, faits par
Joseph de Werner.
” At the time he taught rhetoric at
Marseilles, in
ds by “Asinus ad Lyram,” and “Asinus Judex,” all in defence of Menage and the poets and an anonymous poet wrote “Asinus Pictor.” It does not appear, however, that these
In 1676, he received holy orders, and passed his examinations with high approbation. Monnoye, one of his
biographers, mentions a circumstance very creditable to his
superiors, that, although they were satisfied with his learning, they would not have admitted him into orders, if they
had not discovered that he was superior to the vanity which
sometimes accompanies a reputation for learning. The
bishop of Beauvais now gave him the vicarage of Lardieres,
which netted only 30l. yearly, yet with this pittance, Baillet, who maintained a brother, and a servant, contrived to
indulge his humanity to the poor, and his passion for books,
to purchase which he used to go once a year to Paris. His
domestic establishment was upon the most temperate scale,
no drink but water, and no meat, but brown bread, and
sometimes a little bacon, and a few herbs from his garden
boiled in water with salt, and whitened with a little milk.
The cares of his parish, however, so much interrupted his
favourite studies that he petitioned, and obtained another
living, the only duties of which were singing at church,
and explaining the catechism. A higher and more grateful
promotion now awaited him, as in 1680, he was made
librarian to M. Lamoignon, not the first president of the
parliament, as Niceron says, for he was then dead, but his
son, who at that time was advocate-general. To this place
he was recommended by M. Hermant, a doctor of the Sorbonne, who told Lamoignon that Baillet was the proper
person for him, if he could excuse his awkwardness. Lamoignon answered that he wanted a man of learning, and
did not regard his outward appearance. To Baillet such
an appointment was so gratifying that for some time he
could scarcely believe M. Hermant to be serious. When
he found it confirmed, however, he entered upon his new
office with alacrity, and one of his first employments was
to draw up an index of the library, which extended to
thirty-five folio volumes, under two divisions, subjects and
author’s names. The Latin preface to the index of subjects, when published, was severely, but not very justly censured by M. Menage, as to its style. After this, he completed four volumes of his celebrated work “Jugemens des
” and gave them to the bookseller with no other
reserve than that of a few copies for presents. The success of the work was very great, and the bookseller
urged him to finish the five volumes that were, to follow.
He did not, however, accomplish the whole of his design,
which was to consist of six parts. I. In the first he was to
treat of those printers, who had distinguished themselves
by their learning, ability, accuracy, and fidelity. Of
critics, that is, of those who acquaint us with authors, and
their books, and in general those, who give an account
of the state of literature, and of all that belongs to the republic of letters. Of philologists, and all those who treat
of polite literature. Of grammarians and translators of all
kinds. II. Poets, ancient and modern writers of romances and tales in prose rhetoricians, orators, and writers
of letters, either in Latin, or in any of the modern languages. III. Historians, geographers, and chronologists
of all sorts. IV. Philosophers, physicians, and
mathematicians. V. Authors upon the civil and canon law, poJitics, and ethics. VI. Writers on divinity particularly
the fathers, school-divinity heretics, &c. He published,
however, only the first of these divisions, and half of the
second, under the title of “Jugemens des Savans sur les
principaux ouvrages des Auteurs,
” Paris, Asinus in Parnasso,
” the Ass on
Parnassus, followed afterwards by “Asinus ad Lyram,
and “Asinus Judex,
” all in defence of Menage and the
poets and an anonymous poet wrote “Asinus Pictor.
It does not appear, however, that these injured the sale of
the work; and in 1686, the five other volumes, upon the
poets, were published, with a preface, in which the author
vindicates himself with ability. M. Menage now published
his “Anti-Baillet,
” in which he endeavoured to point out
Baillet' s errors and another author attacked him in “Reflexions sur le Jugemens des Savans, [envoy 6ez a l'auteur
par un Academicien,
” Jugemens,
” attributes this letter to another Jesuit, a young man not
named. Of these censures some are undoubtedly just, but
others the cavils of caprice and hypercriticism.
er, was a young man of genius and learning, and, like his father, a philosopher, an antiquary, and a poet. Being very partial to mathematical and geometrical studies,
Mr. Baker was a constant and useful attendant at the
meetings of the royal and antiquary societies, and in both
was frequently chosen one of the council. He was peculiarly attentive to all the new improvements which were
made in natural science, and very solicitous for the prosecution of them. Several of his communications are printed
in the Philosophical Transactions and, besides the papers
written by himself, he was the means, by his extensive
correspondence, of conveying to the society the intelligence and observations of other inquisitive and philosophical men. His correspondence was not confined to his
own country. To him we are obliged for a true history of the
coccus polonicus, transmitted by Dr. Wolfe. It is to Mr.
Baker’s communications that we owe the larger alpine
strawberry, of late so much cultivated and approved of in
England. The seeds of it were sent in a letter from professor Bruns of Turin to our philosopher, who gave them
to several of his friends^ by whose care they furnished an
abundant increase. The seeds likewise of the true rhubarb,
or rheum palmatum, now to be met with in almost every
garden in this country, were first transmitted to Mr. Baker
by Dr. Mounsey, physician to the empress of Russia.
These, like the former, were distributed to his various
acquaintance, and some of the seeds vegetated very kindly.
It is apprehended that all the plants of the rhubarb now in
Great Britain were propagated from this source. Two or
three of Mr. Baker’s papers, which relate to antiquities,
may be found in the Philosophical Transactions. The society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and
commerce, is under singular obligations to our worthy naturalist. As he was one of the earliest members of it, so
he contributed in no small degree to its rise and establishment. At its first institution, he officiated for some time
gratis, as secretary. He was many years chairman ^of the
committee of accounts and he took an active part in the
general deliberations of the society. In his attendance he
was almost unfailing, and there were few questions of any
moment upon which he did not deliver his opinion. Though,
fronl the lowness of his voice, his manner of speaking was
not powerful, it was clear, sensible, and convincing; what
he said, being usually much to the purpose, and always
proceeding from the best intentions, had often the good
effect of contributing to bring the society to rational determinations, when many of the members seemed to have lost
themselves in the intricacies of debate. He drew up a
short account of the original of this society, and of the
concern he himself had in forming it; which was read before the society of antiquaries, and would be a pleasing
present to the public. Mr*. Baker was a poetical writer in
the early part of his life. His “Invocation of Health
got abroad without his knowledge; but was reprinted by
himself in his “Original Poems, serious and humourous,
Part the first, 8vo, The Universe^
a poem, intended to restrain the pride of man,
” which has
been several times reprinted. His account of the water
polype, which was originally published in the Philosophical
Transactions, was afterwards enlarged into a separate treatise, and hath gone through several editions. In 1728 he
began, and for five years conducted the “Universal Spectator,
” a periodical paper, under the assumed name of
Henry Stonecastle a selection of these papers was afterwards printed in 4 vols. 12mo. In 1737 he published “Medulla Poetarum Romanorum,
” 2 vols. 8vo, a selection from
the Roman poets, with translations. But his principal publications are, “The Microscope made easy,
” and “Employment for the Microscope.
” The first of these, which
was originally published in 1742, or 1743, has gone through
six editions. The second edition of the other, which, to
say the least of it, is equally pleasing and instructive, appearedin 1764. These treatises, and especially the latter,
contain the most curious and important of the observations
and experiments which Mr. Baker either laid before the
royal society, or published separately. It has been said
of Mr. Baker, “that he was a philosopher in little things.
If it was intended by this language to lessen his reputation,
there is no propriety in the stricture. He was an intelligent, upright and benevolent man, much respected by
those who knew him best. His friends were the friends of
science and virtue and it will always be remembered by
his contemporaries, that no one was more ready than himself to assist those with whom he was conversant in their
various researches and endeavours for the advancement of
knowledge and the benefit of society. His eldest son, David Erskine Baker, was a young man of genius and learning, and, like his father, a philosopher, an antiquary, and
a poet. Being very partial to mathematical and geometrical studies, the duke of Montague, then master of the ordnance, placed him in the drawing-room in the Tower, to
qualify him for the royal engineers. In a letter to Dr.
Doddridge, dated 1747, his father speaks of him in these
terms: “He has been somewhat forwarder than boys usually
are, from a constant conversation with men. At twelve
years old he had translated the whole twenty-four books of
Telemachus from the French before he was fifteen, he
translated from the Italian, and published, a treatise on
physic, of Dr. Cocchi, of Florence, concerning the diet
and doctrines of Pythagoras and last year, before he was
seventeen, he likewise published a treatise of sir Isaac
Newton’s Metaphysics, compared with those of Dr. Leibnitz, from the French of M. Voltaire. He is a pretty
good master of the Latin, understands some Greek, is
reckoned no bad mathematician for his years, and knows
a great deal of natural history, both from reading and observation, so that, by the grace of God, I hope he will
become a virtuous and useful man.
” In another letter he
mentions a singular commission given to his son, that of
making drawings of all the machines, designs, and operations employed in the grand fire- works to be exhibited on
occasion of the peace of 1748. It is to be regretted, however, that his father’s expectations were disappointed by a
reverse of conduct in this son, occasioned by his turn for
dramatic performances, and his marrying the daughter of
a Mr. Clendon, a clerical empiric, who had, like himself,
a similar turn. In consequence of this unhappy taste, he
repeatedly engaged with the lowest strolling companies, in
spite of every effort of his father to reclaim him. The
public was, however, indebted to him for “The Companion to the Playhouse,
” Biographia Dramatica
”) been considerably improved,
first in 2 vols. 8vo, and left ready for the
press an arranged collection of all the statutes relating to
bankruptcy, with cases, precedents, &c. entitled
” The
Clerk to the Commission," a work which is supposed to
have been published under another title in 1768.
, a Spanish poet, was bishop of St. John in Porto Rico, in North America, to
, a Spanish poet, was bishop of St. John in Porto Rico, in North America, to which
he was appointed in 1620. He was a native of Valdepeguas, a village in the diocese of Toledo, took his doctor’s degree at Salamanca, from whence he was sent to
America, and had the charge of judicature in Jamaica, and
then was made bishop of Porto Rico. He was there when
in 1625 it was plundered by the Dutch, who carried away
his library. He died in 1627. He is reputed to be one
of the first poets Spain has produced, although one of the
least known. His productions are, a heroic poem, printed
at Madrid, 4to, in 1624, entitled “El Bernardo, 6 Victoria de Roncesvalles;
” ten eclogues, entitled “Siecle d‘or
dans les bois d’Eriphile,
” Madrid, 8vo, the grandeur of Mexico,
” printed
at the same place,
, an eminent German poet, was born at Ensisheim, in Alsace, in the year 1603. He entered
, an eminent German
poet, was born at Ensisheim, in Alsace, in the year 1603.
He entered the order of Jesuits in 1624, and after bestowing several years on the study of theology and the
languages, became a preacher of note, even at the court
of Bavaria. He was requested to write the history of Bavaria, and Leibnitz says he saw some parts of the performance but such was his attachment to the muses, that
his history suffered many interruptions, while he gratified
with eagerness those friends who asked him for poetical
pieces. He died at Nieubourg, Aug. 9, 1663. His works
are, 1. “Carmen panegyricum Henrico Ottoni Fuggero
vellere aureo donate,
” Augs. Francisco Andrew,
comiti de Tilly, geniale ac praesagum carmen,
” Ingold.
Maximilianus primus Austriacus,
” Ingold. Epithalamion Maximiliano Boiarioe duci et Marise Austriacae,
” Munich, Hecatombe de vanitate
” Munich, Poema de vanitate mundi,
” Munich, Batrachomyomachia Homeri, tuba
Romana cantata, et in libros V distributa.
” 8. “Interpretatio Homeric! poematis oratione soluta.
” 9. “Usus
Batrachomyomachix ethicus, politicus, et polemicus,
Ingold. Templum honoris
apertum virtute Ferdinand! III. Austriaci, regis Romanorum,
” Ingold. 1637, 8vo. 11. “Agathyrsus; encomii
” in Anacreontic verse, Munich, 1638, 24mo.
12. “Ode Parthenia, sive de laudibus beatae Mariae Virginis,
” in German, Munich, Olympia sacra in stadio Mariano, sive certamen poeticum de
laudibus beatse Mariae Virginis super ode Parthenia Germairica,
” Cologne. 14. “Lyricorum lib. IV. Epodon lib. I.
Munich, 1643, but a more correct and complete edition was
published by Bleau at Amsterdam, which has, however, Cologne in the*title, 1646, 12mo. 15. “Sylvae Lyricae,
” Munich,
Medicinas gloria per Satyras XXII. asserta prcemittitur
hymnus in laudem sanctorum Cosmae etDamiani.
” 17. “Vultuosae torvitavis encomium, in gratiam philosophorum et
poetarum explication, cum dissertatione de studio poetico.
18. “Satyra contra abusnm tabaci.
” 19. “Antagathyrsus,
apologia pro pinguibus,
” in heroic verse, Munich, Poesis osca, sive drama Georgicum, in
quo belli mala, pacis bona carmine antique, aetellano, osco,
” Munich, Chorea mortalis, sive
Lessus in obitu augustissimae imperatrices Leopoldinae,
Caesari Fernandino III. nuptae an. 1648, in puerperio
mortuae anno 1649,
” Munich, 1649, Latin and German.
22. “Jephtias, tragcedia,
” Amberg, Eleonorae Magdalenae Theresiae Neoburgicae genethliacon,
Nieubourg, Musae Neoburgicae in ortum
J. G. J. Ignatii ducis Neoburgici,
” Nieubourg, Paraphrasis lyrica in Philomelam sancti Bonaventurae.
” 26. “Poematum tomi IV.
” 1660, 12mo, an incorrect collection of odes, epodes, and lyric pieces.
27. “Solatium podagricorum,
” Munich, Munich, 1662, 12mo.
” Urania victrix, sive animse Christianae certamina
adversus illecebras quinque sensuum corporis sui,“Munich, 1663, 8vo. This work, which is in elegiac verse,
gave so much pleasure to pope Alexander VII. that he
sent the author a gold medal, a very considerable mark of
regard from one who was himself a good Latin poet.
” Paean Parthenius, sive hymnus in honorem S.
Ursulas et sociarum martyrum,“Cologne, 1663, 8vo.
” Expeditio polemico-poetica sive castrum ignorantise, a poetis veteribus ac novis obsessum, expugnatum,
” Apparatus novarutn inventionum et
thematum scribendorum," Munich, 1694, 12mo.
who object to the style and taste of some of his works,
allow that if he had not written too rapidly, he might have
attained great excellence and reputation.
, an Italian poet, was born at Florence, in 1654. His first studies were devoted
, an Italian poet, was born at
Florence, in 1654. His first studies were devoted to the
law, which his father wished him to pursue as a profession but, after the death of his parents, he gave himself
wholly up to the enchantments of poetry and music. On
visiting Rome, he obtained, through the interest of his
uncle cardinal Flavio Chigi, the place of secretary to cardinal Jacopo Filippo, and in that city, at the age of forty,
he entered into holy orders. In 1676, he obtained the
living of St. Leonardo d'Artimino and in 1694, Cosmo
III. grand duke of Tuscany, conferred on him the priorship of Orbatello; which, in 1699, he changed for that
of Santa Felicita. In the discharge of his new functions,
he gave equal satisfaction to the court, the religious orders,
and his parishioners, by his exemplary piety, and his
rigid attention to the duties of his station to which the
amiableness of his manners, his knowledge of the world,
and his proficiency in learning, rendered him perfectly
adequate. He died in 1716. His chief work is a poem
of the pastoral kind, entitled “II Lamento de Cecco da
” written in the provincial dialect of Tuscany,
and in his youth; and published in 1694, by Bartolommei,
to whom the author had given the manuscript. It was reprinted in 1755, with the author’s life by Manni, and
curious notes by Marini. In 1800, it was introduced
into our language by John Hunter, esq. under the title
of “Cecco’s Complaint,
” 8vo, from the preface to which
this sketch is taken.
, a celebrated Italian poet of the seventeenth century, was distinguished in his youth for
, a celebrated Italian poet of the
seventeenth century, was distinguished in his youth for his
attachment to polite literature, and some verses of acknowledged excellence. He was a native of Palermo, and on
account of his talents, very early admitted into the academy of the Reaccensi, but his confined circumstances
obliged him to leave his native country in pursuit of better fortune. He went first, for a short time, to Naples,
and thence to Rome, where he entered into the army, and
served in Hungary in the papal army under the command
of John Francis Aldobrandini. He returned afterwards to
Rome, and having resumed his studies, was received with
great honour into the academy of the Humourists. Here
his poetry, his anacreontics, and particularly the encomiastic verses he wrote on the distinguished persons of the
court of pope Urban VIII. procured him fame, and might
have enriched him, if he had not been deficient in the article of ceconomy, which some of his biographers ascribe
to his extravagance, and others to his charity. It is certain, however, that he became poor, and was obliged to
enter into the service of some gentlemen in the capacity of
secretary, but either from feeling the miseries of dependarpce, or from an unsettled turn, he very frequently changed
his masters. Erythraeus relates many stories of the manner in which he shifted for subsistence, which are not much
to his credit, but the veracity of Erythneus on this as well
as many other occasions, has been called in question by
contemporary biographers of good authority, and whatever
truth may be in his account, we do not find that Balducci
lost the esteem of the learned at Rome. At length he took
prders, and officiated as chaplain in the hospital of St.
Sixte, but having afterwards been attacked by an illness
at the house of a nobleman, who had a high regard for
him, and would have administered to all his wants, he
caused himself to be removed to the hospital of St. John
Latran, where he died in 1642, or according to Crescembini, either in 1645 or 1649. His works were, 1. “Tributo di Parnasso alia Maesta Cesareo di Ferdinando III.
d' Austria,
” Rome, 1638, 4to. 2. “La Pace Urbana,
Naples, Poesie degli Accademici Fantastici di Roma,
” Rome, Rime, parte prima,
Rome, Rime, parte seconda,
Rome, Canzoni Siciliane,
” and prefaces to part of the
works of his friend Stigliani.
he was not only deemed the most eloquent, but the only eloquent writer, and Maynard, a contemporary poet, pronounced him not mortal who could speak like Balzac. It was
Of all these, his Letters, of which there is an English
translation, and which passed through many editions in
French, contributed most to his reputation. During his
time he was not only deemed the most eloquent, but the
only eloquent writer, and Maynard, a contemporary poet,
pronounced him not mortal who could speak like Balzac.
It was not only by such praises that he was encouraged. It
became a fashion to write to Balzac, in hopes of an answer,
which was a treasure worth boasting of. “1 am,
” says he,
“the butt of all the aukward compliments in Christendom,
not to speak of the genteel ones, which give me still more
trouble. I am harassed I am teazed to death with encomiums from the four quarters of the globe yesterday,
there lay upon the table tir'ty letters requiring answers
and oh unconscionable! well turned, eloquent answers
answers it to be shewn, copied, and printed. At this instant, I see before me not less than a hundred letters,
which must all have their answers; I am in arrears to
crowned heads.
” As he seems, therefore, to have suspected the use that would be made of his letters, we cannot be surprised at the artificial and inflated style which
frequently occurs, Voltaire, however, allows that he contributed to the harmony of French prose. But the magic
which gave them for many years an unprecedented popu<larity was dispelled probably in Boileau’s time, who asserts
that what Balzac employed himself most upon, viz. writing
letters, was what he least understood in them all, he adds,
we meet with the two faults that are the most inconsistent
with the epistolary style affectation, and bombast. Boileau, also, in his two letters to the marechal de Vivonne,
very successfully imitates the style of Balzac and Voiture
but Dr. Warton considers Balzac as much superior to Voiture, and adds, that although he was affectedly turgid,
pompous, and bloated on all subjects and on all occasions
alike, yet he was the first that gave form and harmony to
the French prose.
, an old Italian poet, was born in 1264, in the chateau of Barberino in Tuscany, and
, an old Italian poet, was born
in 1264, in the chateau of Barberino in Tuscany, and
having gone to Florence, became one of the scholars of Brunetto Latin i. He afterwards studied law with great reputation at Bologna, Padua, and Florence, and was a celebrated practitioner. But these graver studies did not check
his inclination for poetry, as we may conjecture from his
principal work, “I Documenti d'Amore,
” written in verse
of various measures. This is not, as the title seems to imply, a poem on the subject of love, but of morality and
philosophy. Although Ihe style is often deficient in ease
and elegance, and is often mixed with Provencal turns
and expressions, the academicians of de la Crusca rank
Barberino among their classics. It remained long in manuscript, but was printed at Rome in 1640, with beautiful
engravings, a life of the author by Ubaldini, and a glossary. He died at Florence of the plague, in 1348.
, an ancient Scotch poet, was born about 1316, but of his personal history few memorials
, an ancient Scotch poet, was born
about 1316, but of his personal history few memorials
have been recovered. He was brought up to the church,
and in 1357, is styled archdeacon of Aberdeen. Quring
the same year, the bishop of his diocese appointed him one
of the commissioners to deliberate concerning the ransom
of the captive king o f Scotland, David II. In 1365, he
appears to have visited St. Denis, near Paris, in company
with six knights, the object of which visit was probably of
a religious kind, as the king of England granted them permission to pass through his dominions on their way to
St. Denis and other sacred places. About ten years afterwards he was engaged in composing the work upon which
his lame now principally rests, “The Bruce.
” As a reward of his poetical merit, he is said to have received a
pension, but this is doubtful. From some passages in Winton’s Chronicle, it would appear, that Barbour also composed a genealogical history of the kings of Scotland, but
no part of this is known to be extant. He died in 1396,
of an advanced age, if the date of his birth which we have
given be correct, but that is not agreed upon. His celebrated poem, “The Bruce, or the history of Robert I. king
of Scotland,
” was first published in taking the
total merits of this work together, he prefers it to the early
exertions of even the Italian muse, to the melancholy sublimity of Dante, and the amorous quaintness of Petrarca.
Barbour is not only the first poet, but the earliest historian
of Scotland, who has entered into any detail, and from
whom any view of the real state and manners of the country
can be learned. The obscure and capricious spelling may
perhaps, deter some readers from a perusal of “The
” but it is very remarkable that Barbour, who was
contemporary with Gower and Chaucer, is more intelligible to a modern reader than either of these English. Some
assert that he was educated at Oxford, but there is no
proof of this, and if there were, it would not account for
this circumstance.
eries of courts and courtiers, five in number, printed by Pynson. 5. His “Answer to John Skelton the poet,” probably in poetry, but not printed, or known to exist in
Of his works, we have not a complete catalogue, but the
following are best known. 1. “The Castell of Labour,
wherein is Rychesse, Vertue, and Honour,
” an allegorical
poem, in seven- line stanzas, translated from the trench,
printed by Wynken de Worde, 1506. 2. “The Shyp of
” or the Ship of Fools, printed by Pynson, in A right frutefu 11 treatyse, intituled, the myrrour of good maneYs, conteyning the four
vertues, called cardinal!,
” printed by Pynson. 4. “Egloges,
” or the miseries of courts and courtiers, five in number, printed by Pynson. 5. His “Answer to John Skelton the poet,
” probably in poetry, but not printed, or
known to exist in manuscript. Bale and Pits also mention
what are as little known, the lives of St. George, of St. Catherine, and other saints, all translations, and a translation
of Sallust, which was printed in 1557. His Ship of Fools,
an excellent satire on the follies of all ranks, is partly a
translation, or imitation of a work of the same title, published in 1494, by Sebastian Brandt, afterwards translated
into French, and then into Latin. From this original and
the two translations Barclay formed his poem, in the octave stanza, with considerable additions gleaned from the
follies of his countrymen. Mr. Warton has given an elaborate account of the whole of Barclay’s writings.
e are informed by some allegorical and obscure verses written by Barclay at that sad season. (Delit. Poet. Scot. I. 92 100.) Never did dependent offer incense to a patron
During the course of three years residence in England,
Barclay received no token of the royal liberality. Sunk in
indigence, he only wished to be indemnified for his English
journies, and to have his charges defrayed into France. At
length, he was relieved from those urgent distresses by his
patron Salisbury. Of these circumstances we are informed
by some allegorical and obscure verses written by Barclay
at that sad season. (Delit. Poet. Scot. I. 92 100.) Never
did dependent offer incense to a patron more liberally than
he did. Burleigh, he admits, was a wise man, but, he
adds, “that the wisdom of Burleigh bore the like proportion to that of his son, as the waters of the Thames do to
the ocean.
” In 1610 he published his Apology for Euphormion, the severity of which satire had excited enemies
against him in every quarter of Europe. In this year also
he, published his father’s work, “De Potestate Papse,
and when it was attacked by cardinal Bellarmin, be published a treatise entitled “J. Barclaii Pietas, sive, publics
pro regibus ac principibus, et privates pro Gulielmo Earclaio parente vindici*, adversus Roberti Bellarmini tractatum, de Potestate summi Pontificis ia rebus temporal!bus,
” Paris, 4to.
In Icon animarum,
” perhaps
the best, although not the most renowned of his compositions. It is a delineation of the genius and manners of
the European nations, with remarks, moral and philosophical, on the various tempers of men. Mr. Malone observes, as a curious circumstance, that in this work, Barclay has suggested an expedition against the Turkish empire, similar in the most material circumstances to that
undertaken in 1798 by the French republic, (particularly in the number of the troops employed) though it was proposed to be directed against a different part of the Turkish
dominions from that which was assailed by the French,
In 1615, invited, as it is said, by pope Paul V. Barclay
determined to fix his residence under the immediate power
of a pontiff whose political conduct he had reprobated, and
of a court whose maxims he had censured with extraordinary freedom. About the end of that year he quitted
England, but not clandestinely, as his enemies reported,
and having hastily passed through France, he settled at
Rome with his family, in the beginning of the year 1616.
In the “Paraenesis,
” or “Exhortation to the Sectaries,
he mentions two reasons which induced him to quit England, and take up his abode in Italy. His first was, lest
his children, by remaining in England, should have been
perverted from the faith. But he could have obviated that
danger, by removing into France, in which country he had
for his friends Du Vair (president of the parliament of Provence, afterwards keeper of the great seals, and lastly, bishop of Lisieux), and M. Peiresc. His second reason
was more singular he perceived that his “Pietas,
” or
vindication of his father, was pleasing to heretics, and that
it disgusted many persons of the Romish communion. He
repented of having written it: he then found that it contained erroneous propositions, and he wished to settle in
Italy that he might have leisure and freedom to refute
nd the remedies pointed out for most of the evils that can arise in a state.” Cowper, the celebrated poet, pronounced it the most amusing romance ever written. “It is,”
Barclay’s Latin style, in his Argenis, has been much
praised, and much censured but upon the whole it is
elegant. It is said, that cardinal Richelieu was extremely
fond of reading this work, and that from thence he derived
many of his political maxims. It is observed in the preface to the last English translation, that “Barclay’s Argenis affords such variety of entertainment, that every kind
of reader may find in it something suitable to his own taste
and disposition the statesman, the philosopher, the soldier, the lover, the citizen, the friend of mankind, each
may gratify his favourite propensity while the reader, who
comes for his amusement only, will not go away disappointed.
” It is also remarked of this work in the same
preface, that “it is a romance, an allegory, and a system
of politics. In it the various forms of government are investigated, the causes of faction detected, and the remedies
pointed out for most of the evils that can arise in a state.
Cowper, the celebrated poet, pronounced it the most amusing romance ever written. “It is,
” he adds in a letter to
Sam. Rose, esq. “interesting in a high degree; richer'trt
incident than can be imagined, full of surprizes, which the
reader never forestalls, and yet free from all entanglement
and confusion. The style too appears to me to be such as
would not dishonour Tacitus himself.
” In this political
allegory, “by the kingdom of Sicily, France is described
during the time of the civil wars under Henry the Third.
and until the fixing the crown upon the head of Henry the
Fourth. By the country over-against Sicily, and frequently
her competitor, England is signified. By the country, formerly united under one head, but now divided into several
principalities, the author means Germany; i. e. Mergania.
Several names are disguised in the same manner, by transposing the letters.
” As to the principal persons designed,
“by Aquilius is meant the emperor of Germany, Calvin is
Usinulca, and the Hugenots are called Hyperephanii, Under the person and character of Poliarchus, Barclay undoubtedly intended to describe that real hero, Henry of
Navarre, as he has preserved the likeness even to his features and complexion. By his rivals are meant the leaders
of the different factions’; by Lycogenes and his friends,
the Lorrain party, with the duke of Guise at their head.
Some features of Hyanisbe’s character are supposed to resemble queen Elizabeth of England Radirobanes is the
king of Spain, and his fruitless expedition against Mauritania is pointed at the ambitious designs of Philip the Second, and his invincible armada. Under Meleander, the
character of Henry the Third of France seems intended
though the resemblance is very flattering to him.
, a modern Latin poet of great reputation, was born at Antwerp, 1584, and studied
, a modern Latin poet of great
reputation, was born at Antwerp, 1584, and studied eight
years at Leyden. Bertius, the sub-principal of his college,
having been appointed principal, recommended Barlseus to
be his successor, who was accordingly named sub-principal,
and some time after made professor of logic in the university of Leyden; but he interested himself so much in the
disputes of the Armiaians, that he lost his professorship as
soon as the opposite party prevailed in the synod of Dort.
He now applied himself to physic, and in two years took a
doctor’s degree at Caen, but scarce ever practised. In
1631, the magistrates of Amsterdam having erected a seminary, offered him the professorship of philosophy, which
he accepted, and discharged with great honour. He pubiished several sharp controversial pieces against the adversaries of Arminius; and being looked upon as a favourer
of that sect, many people murmured against the magistrates
of Amsterdam for entertaining such a professor. He was
continued, however, in his professorship till his death,
which happened in 1648. We have a volume of orations
of his, which he pronounced on different occasions, and
which are admired for their style and wit but his poetical
compositions are what chiefly raised his reputation. His
letters were published after his death in two volumes.
The following are the dates of his principal works, 1. “Britannia triumphans,
” Leyden, Poemata,
ib. Mercator sapiens,
” Amst. De Cceli admirandis, oratio,
” ib. Oratio de victa Hispanorum regis classe,
” ib. Laurus Flandrica,
” ib. Mauritius
” ib. Hist. Rerum in Brasilia et
alibi nilper gestarum, sub praefectiira Mauritii principis
” “ib. 1647, fol. 9.
” Orationes,“ib. 1661^
12mo. 10.
” Faces Sactae," Lond. 4to.
great father and source of the Greek Poetry However, that his verses were not mere Cantos from that poet, like Dr. Duport’s, but formed, as far as he was able, upon
He bad a prodigious readiness in writing and speaking the
Greek tongue and he himself tells us in the preface to his
Esther, that “he found it much easier to him to write in
that language, than* in Latin or even English, since the
ornaments of poetry are almost peculiar to the Greeks,
and since he had for many years been extremely conversant in Homer, the great father and source of the Greek
Poetry However, that his verses were not mere Cantos
from that poet, like Dr. Duport’s, but formed, as far as
he was able, upon his style and manner since he had no
desire to be considered as a rhapsodist of a rhapsody, but
was ambitious of the title of a poet.
” Dr. Bentley, we are
told, used to say of Joshua Barnes, that “he understood
as much Greek as a Greek cobler.
” This bon mot, which
was first related by Dr. Salter of the Charter-house, has
been explained by an ingenious writer, as not insinuating,
that Barnes had only some knowledge of the Greek language. Greek was so familiar to him that he could offhand have turned a paragraph in a newspaper, or a hawker’s bill, into any kind of Greek metre, and has often been
known to do so among his Cambridge friends. But with
this uncommon knowledge and facility in that language,
being very deficient in taste and judgment, Bentley compared his attainments in Greek, not to the erudition of a
scholar, but to the colloquial readiness of a vulgar mechanic. With respect to his learning, it seems agreed that
he had read a great many books, retained a great many
words, and could write Greek in what is called the Anacreontic measure readily, but was very far from being a
judicious or an able critic. If he had some enemies at
first, his abuse and vanity did not afterwards lessen their
number, though it is probable, more men laughed at, than
either envied or hated him. They said he was ovo$ trfo$ *v%<xv 9
Asinus ad Lyram and perhaps it is not the worst thing
Barnes ever said in reply, that they who said this of him,
had not understanding enough to be poets, or wanted the
b vug Ts%Q$ huqav.
Barnes had either published, or intended to publish; which is omitted in the second edition of that poet, printed after his death in 1721, though it is mentioned in
There is subjoined to the first edition of his Anacreon at Cambridge, 1705, a catalogue of works, which Mr. Barnes had either published, or intended to publish; which is omitted in the second edition of that poet, printed after his death in 1721, though it is mentioned in the contents and the prolegomena. In this catalogue, besides the books already mentioned, we find the following 1. The Warlike Lover, or the Generous Rival; an English dramatic piece upon the war between the English and Dutch, and the death of the earl of Sandwich, an. 1672. 2. ψονθομφανεὰχ, or Joseph the Patriarch a Greek heroic poem in one book. The author designed twelve books, but finished only one. 3. Ὀρειολογία, or our Saviour’s Sermon upon the Mount, the Decalogue, the Apostles Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Magnificat, with other hymns from the Old and New Testament, in Greek verse. 4. Thuribuluna, or the hymns and festivals in Greek verse. 5. Miscellanies and epigrams in Latin and Greek verse. 6. Αγγλα Βελγομαχία, or the death of Edward Montague, earl of Sandwich, in Greek, Latin, and English verse. 7. Ἀγεκτρυομαχία, or a poem upon Cock-fighting, an, 1673. 8. The Song of Songs, containing an hundred Hexastics in English heroic verse, an. 1674. 9. Σῶειδηριάδος; a ludicrous poem, in Greek macaronic verse, upon a battle between a Spider and a Toad, an. 1673. 10. Φληϊάδος, or a supplement to the old ludicrous poem under that title, at Trinity-house in Cambridge, upon a battle between the Fleas and a Welshman. 11. A Poetical Lexicon, Greek and Latin to which is added a Lexicon of proper names, 1675, fol. 12. A treatise on the Greek Accents, in answer to Henry Christian Heninius and others, with a discourse upon the Points now in use. 13. Humorous Poems upon the 9th by ok of the; Iliad, and the ninth of the Odyssey, in English published in 1681. 14. Franciados an heroic poem, in Latin, upon the Black Prince. The whole was to consist of twelve books, eight of which were finished. 15. The Art of War, in four books, in English prose, 1676. 16. Hengist, or the English Valour; an heroic poem in English, in seven books. 17. Landgarth, or the Amazon Queen of Norway and Denmark an English dramatic poem in heroic verse, designed in honour of the marriage between prince George of Denmark and princess Anne. 18. An Ecclesiastical History from the beginning of the world to the ascension of our Saviour, in Latin, to I. 19. Miscellaneous Poems in English. 20. Philosophical and Divine Poems, in Latin, published at different 'times at Cambridge. 21. Poems, and sacred daily Meditations, continued for several years in English. 22. A dissertation upon Pillars, Obelisks, Pyramids, &c. in Latin, 1692. 23. A discourse upon the Sibyls, in three books, in Latin. 24. The Life of Pindar in four lectures, and thirty-two lectures upon his first Olympic Ode. 25. The Life of Theocritus, and lectures upon that poet. 26. The Lives of David, Scanderbeg, and Tamerlane. These lives, he tells us, he never actually begun, but only made considerable collections for them. 27. The Life of Edward the Black Prince. 28. The University- Calendar, or directions for young students of all degrees, with relation to their studies, and general rules of ethics, and a form of prayer, anno 1685. 29. Thirty-two lectures upon the first book of the Odyssey. 30. Above fifty lectures upon. Sophocles. 31. Lectures upon Bereshith, with an oration recommending the study of the Hebrew language. 32. Three Discourses in Jtnglish. I. The Fortunate Island, or the Inauguration of Queen Gloriana. II. The Advantage of England, or a sure way to victory. III. The Cause of the Church of England defended and explained published in 1703. 33. Concio ad Clerum, for his degree of bachelor of divinity, at St. Mary’s in Cambridge, 1686. 3*. Occasional Sermons, preached before the lord-mayor, &c. 35. An Oration, recommending the study of the Greek language, spoken in the public schools at Cambridge before the vice-chancellor, March 28, 1705. 36. A Greek Oration, addressed to the most reverend father Neophytus, archbishop of philippopolis, spoken in the Regent-house at Cambridge, September 13, 1701, 37. A Prevaricator’s Speech, spoken at the commencement at Cambridge, 1680. 38. A Congratulatory Oration in Latin, spoken at St. Mary’s, September 9, 1683, upon the escape of king Charles Ji. and the duke of York from the conspiracy. 39. Sermons, orations, declamations, problems, translations, letters, and other exercises, in English, Latin, and Greek. 40. A Satire in English verse upon the poets and critics. 41. An imitation of Plautus’s Trinummi in English. 42. Interpretations, illustrations, emendations, and corrections of many passages, which have been falsely translated, with explications upon various passages of scripture, from Genesis to Revelations. 43. Common-places in divinity, philology, poetry, and criticism and emendations of various Greek and Latin authors, with fragments of many of the poets.
ll as the drama. As to the versification, if Baron was an excellent actor, he was but an indifferent poet. The abbé d'Alainval published the “Lettres sur Baron et la
Baron, in common with all great painters and great poets,
was fully sensible that the rules of art were not invented
for enslaving genius. “We are forbid by the rules,
” said
this sublime actor, “to raise the arms above the head; but
if they are lifted there by the passion, it is right: passion
is a better judge of this matter than the rules.
” He died
at Paris, Dec. 22, 1729, aged 77, Three volumes in 12mo
of theatrical pieces were printed in 1760, under the name
of this comedian; but it is doubted whether they are all
his. “L'Andrienne
” was attributed to pere de la Rue, at
the very time when it was in full representation. It was
to this that Baron alluded in the advertisement he prefixed
to that piece. “I have here a fair field,
” said he, “for
complaining of the injustice that has been intended me. It
has been said that I lent my name to the Andrienne. I
will again attempt to imitate Terence; and I will answer as
he did to those who accused him of only lending his name
to the works of others (Scipio and Lselius). He said, that
they did him great honour to put him in familiarity with
persons who attracted the esteem and the respect of all
” The other pieces that merit notice are,
“L'homme à bonne fortune,
” “La Coquette,
” “L'Ecole
des Peres,
” &c. The dramatical judgment that reigns
in these pieces, may perhaps be admitted as a proof that
they are by Baron. The dialogue of them is lively, and
the scenes diversified, although they rarely present us with
grand pictures: but the author has the talent of copying
from nature certain originals, not less important in society
than amusing on the stage. It is evident that he had studied the world as well as the drama. As to the versification,
if Baron was an excellent actor, he was but an indifferent
poet. The abbé d'Alainval published the “Lettres sur
Baron et la le Couvreur.
” The father of this famous actor possessed also in a superior degree the talent of declamation. The manner of his death is remarkable. Playing
the part of Don Diego in the Cid, his sword fell from his
hand, as the piece requires; and kicking it from him with
indignation, he unfortunately struck against the point of
it, by which his little toe was pierced. This wound was at
first treated as a trifle; but the gangrene that afterwards
appeared requiring the amputation of his leg, he would
not consent to the operation. “No, no,
” said he; “a
theatrical monarch would be hooted if he should appear
with a wooden leg
” and he preferred the gentle expectation of death, which happened in 1655.
nts in Latin, the second in French, and the third in Gascon verses. Du Bartas, however, though a bad poet, was a good man. Whenever the military service and his other
, the son of a
treasurer of France, was born in the year 1544-, at Monfort in Armagnac, and not on the estate de Bartas, which
is in the vicinity of that little town. Henry IV. whom he
served with his sword, and whom he celebrated in his
verses, sent him on various commissions to England, Denmark, and Scotland. He had the command of a company
of cavalry in Gascony, under the marechal de Matignon.
He was in religious profession a Calvinist, and died in
1590 at the age of 46. The work that has most contributed to render his name famous, is the poem entitled
“Commentary of the Week of the creation of the world,
in seven hooks. Pierre de l'Ostal, in a miserable copy of
verses addressed to du Bartas, and prefixed to his poem,
says that this hook is “greater than the whole universe.
This style of praise on the dullest of all versifiers, was
adopted at the time, but has not descended to ours. The
style of du Bartas is incorrect, quaint, and vulgar; his
descriptions are given under the most disgusting images.
In his figures, the head is the lodging of the understanding; the eyes are two shining casements, or twin stars;
the nose, the gutter or the chimney; the teeth, a double
pallisade, serving as a mill to the open gullet; the hands,
the chambermaids of nature, the bailiffs of the mind, and
the caterers of the body; the bones, the posts, the beams, and
the columns of this tabernacle of flesh. We have several
other works by the seigneur du Bartas. The most extraordinary is a little poem, composed to greet the queen of
Navarre on making her entry into Nerac. Three nymphs
contend for the honour of saluting her majesty. The
first delivers her compliments in Latin, the second in
French, and the third in Gascon verses. Du Bartas, however, though a bad poet, was a good man. Whenever
the military service and his other occupations left any leisure time, he retired to the chateau de Bartas, far from
the tumult of arms and business. He wished for nothing
more than to be forgotten, in order that he might apply
more closely to study, which he testifies at the conclusion
of the third day of his week. Modesty and sincerity
formed the character of du Bartas, according to the account of him by the president de Thou. “I know (says that famous historian) that some critics find his style extremely figurative, bombastic, and full of gasconades. For
my part,
” adds he, “who have long known the candour of
his manners, and who have frequently discoursed with
him, when, during the civil wars, I travelled in Guienne
with him, I can affirm that I never remarked any thing of
the kind in the tenor of his behaviour; and, notwithstanding his great reputation, he always spoke with singular modesty of himself and his works.
” His book of the “Week,
whatever may now be thought of it, was attended with a
success not inferior to that of the best performances.
Within the space of five or six years, upwards of thirty
editions were printed of it. It found in all places, commentators, abbreviators, translators, imitators, and adversaries. His works were collected and printed in 1611,
folio, at Paris, by Rigaud. His “Week,
” and other
poems, were translated into English by Joshua Sylvester,
1605, 4to, and have been frequently reprinted, although
not of late years.
Barthius, in his comment on Statius, after noticing that that poet congratulated himself on having written two hundred and seventy-eight
Barthius, in his comment on Statius, after noticing that
that poet congratulated himself on having written two hundred and seventy-eight hexameters in two days, adds, that
he himself was not ignorant of what it is to make a great many
verses in a short time, as he translated into Latin the first three
books of the Iliad, which contain above two thousand verses,
in three days. In 1607, he published, at Wittemberg, a collection of “Juvenilia;
” containing all the poems which he
wrote from the thirteenth to the nineteenth year of his
age. When only sixteen he wrote a treatise, or dissertation, on the manner of reading to advantage the Latin authors, which shows that his own reading was as judicious
as extensive, and both far exceeding what could be expected at that age. This piece is inserted in the 50th book,
of his “Adversaria.
” His other works were, 1. “Zodiacus
vitae Christianse,
” Francfort, Epidorpidon ex mero
Scazonte Libri III. in quibus bona pars humanse Sapientise
metro explicatur,
” ibid. 1623. 3. “Tarraeus Hebius,
” Epigrams, divided into thirty books, and dedicated to king
James, date not mentioned. 4. “Amabiiium Anacreonte
” Adversaria,
” fol. Francfort,
, or Basinio, of Parma, was a celebrated Italian poet of the fifteenth century. He was born at Parma, about 1421,
, or Basinio, of Parma, was a celebrated Italian poet of the fifteenth century. He was born at Parma,
about 1421, and was educated under Victorin of Feltro at
Mantua, and afterwards by Theodore Gaza and Guarino at
Ferrara, where he became himself professor. From Ferrara, he went to the court of Sigismond Pandolph Malatesta, lord of Rimini, and there passed the few remaining
years of his life, dying at the age of thirty-six, in 1457.
He had scarcely finished his studies, whesh he composed a
Latin poem, in three books, on the death of Meleager,
which exists in manuscript in the libraries of Modena, Florence, and Parma. In this last repository there is also a
beautiful copy of a collection of poems printed in France,
to which Basinio appears to have been the greatest contributor. This collection was written in honour of the beautiful Isotta degli Atti, who was first mistress and afterwards
wife to the lord of Rimini. If we may believe these
poetical testimonies, she had as much genius as beauty; she
was also in poetry, another Sappho, and in wisdom and'
virtue another Penelope. Basinio was one of the three
poets, who composed the praises of this lady. The collection was printed at Paris, under the title of “Trium poetarurn elegantissimorum, Porcelii, Basinii, et Trebanii
Opuscula nunc primum edita,
” Paris, by Christ. Preudhomme, De amore Jovis in Isottam,
” and no distinction
is preserved as to the contributors. In the copy, however,
preserved at Parma, and which was transcribed in 1455,
during the life-time of Basinio, almost all the pieces which
compose the three books are attributed to him. In the
same library is a long poem by him in thirteen books, entitled “Hesperidos;
” another, in two books only, on
astronomy; a third, also in two books, on the conquest of
the Argonauts; a poem under the title of “An epistle on
the War of Ascoli, between Sigismond Malatesta, and
Francis Sforza,
” and other unpublished performances. It
is rather surprising, that none of these have been published in a city where there are so many celebrated presses,
and which may boast the honour of being the native place
of one of the best poets of his time.
, a clergyman and poet, was born at lilandford in Dorsetshire, and educated at Winchester-r
, a clergyman and poet, was born at lilandford in Dorsetshire, and educated at Winchester-r school, from whence he removed to New college, Oxford, where he was chosen perpetual fellow in 1588, and two vcars after took the degree of B. A. but indulging too much his passion for satire, he was expelled the college for a libel. Not long after, he was made chaplain to Thomas, earl of Suifolk, lord treasurer of England, through whose interest he became vicar of Bere Regis, and rector of Aimer in his native county, having some time before taken the degree of M. A. He was a person of great natural endowments, a celebrated poet, and in his latter years an excellent preacher. His conversation was witty and facetious, which made his company be courted by all ingenious men. He was thrice married, as appears from one of his epigrams. Towards the latter end of his life, being disordered in his senses, and brought into debt, he was confined in the prison of All-Hallows parish in Dorchester, where dying in a very obscure and mean condition, he was buried in the church-yard belonging to that parish, April the 19th, 1618.
, a poet of some note in the fourteenth century, and author of several
, a poet of some note in the fourteenth century, and author of several works, was born in
Yorkshire, not far from Nottingham. In his youth he became a Carmelite monk, and afterwards prior of the convent
of that order at Scarborough. Bale says that he was likewise poet laureat and public orator at Oxford, which Wood
thinks doubtful. Edward I. (not Edward II. as Mr. Warton says) carried him with him in his expedition to Scotland in
1304, to be an eye-witness and celebrate his conquest of
Scotland in verse. Holinshed mentions this circumstance
as a singular proof of Edward’s presumption and confidence in his undertaking against Scotland, but it appears
that a poet was a stated officer in the royal retinue when
the king went to war. On this occasion Baston was peculiarly unfortunate, being taken prisoner, and compelled by
the Scots to write a panegyric on Robert Bruce, as the
price of his ransom. This was the more provoking, as he
had just before written on the siege of Stirling castle in
honour of his master, which performance is extant in Fordun’s Scoti-chronicon. His works, according to Bale and
Pits, were written under these titles: 1. “De Strivilniensi
” of the Siege of Stirling, a poem in one book.
2. “De altero Scotorum Beilo,
” in one book. 3. “De
Scotiae Guerris variis,
” in one book. 4. “De variis mundi
” in one book. 5. “De Sacerdotum luxuriis,
in one book. 6. “Contra Artistas,
” in one book. 7. “De
Divite et Lazaro.
” 8. “Epistolae ad diversos,
” in one
book. 9. “Sermones Synodales,
” in one book. 10. A
Book of Poems; and, 11. A volume of tragedies and comedies in English, the existence of which is doubtful. His
other poems are in monkish Latin hexameters. He died
about 1310, and was buried at Nottingham.
, a distinguished wit, and Latin poet, was descended of an ancient family, and was born at Howthorpe,
, a distinguished wit, and Latin
poet, was descended of an ancient family, and was born at
Howthorpe, a small hamlet in Northamptonshire, in the parish of Thedingworth, near Market-Harborough in Leicestershire, in 1620. He received the first part of his education at the free-school in Coventry, where his father
seems to have resided in the latter part of his life. His
mother was Elizabeth Villiers, daughter and coheir of Edward Villiers, esq. of the same place. They had issue
thirteen sons, and four daughters. Six of the sons lost
their lives in the service of king Charles I. during the grand
rebellion: the rest, besides one who died young, were
Ralph (of whom we now treat), Villiers, Edward, Moses,
Henry, and Benjamin, father of the late earl Bathurst, the
subject of the preceding article. At Coventry school our
author made so quick a progress in the classics, that at the
age of fourteen he was sent to Oxford, and entered October 10, 1634, in Gloucester hall, now Worcester college;
but was removed in a few days to Trinity college, and probably placed under the immediate tuition of his grandfather Dr. Kettel, then president, in whose lodging he
resided (still known by the name of Kettel-hall), and at
whose table he had his diet, for two years. He was elected
scholar of the house, June 5., 1637, and having taken the
degree of A. B. January 27th following, he was appointed
fellow June 4, 1640. He commenced A. M.April 17, 1641,
and on March 2, 1644, conformably to the statutes of his
college, he was ordained priest by Robert Skinner, bishop
of Oxford, and read some theological lectures in the college hall in 1649. These, which he called “Diatribae
theologicEc, philosophies, et philological,
” are said to discover a spirit of theological research, and an extensive
knowledge of the writings of the most learned divines. He
likewise kept his exercise for the degree of B. D. but did
not take it. The confusion of the times promising little
support or encouragement to the ministerial function, like
his friend, the famous Dr. Willis, he applied himself to
the study of physic, and accumulated the degrees in that
faculty, June 21, 1654. Before this time he had sufficiently recommended himself in his new profession, and
had not been long engaged in it, when he was employed
as physician to the sick and wounded of the navy, which
office he executed with equal diligence and dexterity, to
the full satisfaction of the sea-commanders, and the commissioners of the admiralty. We find him soon after settled at Oxford, and practising physic in concert with his
friend Dr. Willis, with whom he regularly attended Abingdon market every Monday. He likewise cultivated every
branch of philosophical knowledge: he attended the lectures of Peter Sthael, a chymist and rosicrucian, who had
been invited to Oxford by Mr. R. Boyle, and was afterwards operator to the royal society about 1662. About the
same time he had also a share in the foundation of that society; and when it was established, he was elected fellow,
and admitted August 19, 1663. While this society was at
Gresham college in London, a branch of it was continued
at Oxford, and the original society books of this Oxford
department are still preserved there in the Ashmolean Museum, where their assemblies were held. Their latter Oxford meetings were subject to regulations made among
themselves; according to which Dr. Bathurst was elected
president April 23, 1688, having been before nominated
one of the members for drawing up articles, February
29, 1683-4. Nor was he less admired as a classical scholar;
at the university a.cts, in the collections of Oxford verses,
and on every public occasion, when the ingenious were
invited to a rival display of their abilities, he appears to
have been one of the principal and most popular performers. Upon the publication of Hobbes’s treatise of “Human Nature,
” &c. Splendid Shilling
” was a piece of solemn ridicule suited to his
taste. Among his harmless whims, he delighted to surprize the scholars, when walking in the grove at unseasonable hours; on which occasions he frequently carried a
whip in his hand, an instrument of academical correction,
then not entirely laid aside. But this he practised, on account of the pleasure he took in giving so odd an alarm,
rather than from any principle of reproving, or intention
of applying an illiberal punishment. In Latin poetry, Ovid
was his favourite classic. One of his pupils having asked
him what book among all others he chose to recommend
he answered, “Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
” The pupil, in
consequence of this advice, having carefully perused the
Metamorphoses, desired to be informed what other proper
book it wouldbe necessary to read after Ovid, and Dr.
Bathurst advised him to read “Ovid’s Metamorphoses
” a
second time. He had so mean an opinion of his performances in divinity, that in his will he enjoins his executors
entirely to suppress all his papers relating to that subject,
and not to permit them to be perused by any, excepting
a very few such friends as were likely to read them with
candour. We are told, however, that on Sunday, March
20, 1680, he preached before the house of commons at St.
Mary’s, the university church, and gave much satisfaction.
His manner was nearly that of Dr. South, but with more
elegance and felicity of allusion. His Life, written by
Mr. Thomas Warton, is perhaps one of the most correct
of that author’s performances, and contains Dr. Bathurst’s
miscellaneous works, which, though they have great merit
in their particular way, and may be read with much pleasure, are not written in such a taste as entitles them to
imitation. This is acknowledged by Mr. Warton. “His
Latin orations,
” says that ingenious Biographer, “are wonderful specimens of wit and antithesis, which were the delight of his age. They want upon the whole the purity
and simplicity of Tully’s eloquence, but even exceed the
sententious smartness of Seneca, and the surprising turns
of Pliny. They are perpetually spirited, and discover an
uncommon quickness of thought. His manner is concise
and abrupt, but yet perspicuous and easy. His allusions
are delicate, and his observations sensible and animated.
His sentiments of congratulation or indignation are equally
forcible: his compliments are most elegantly turned, and
his satire is most ingeniously severe. These compositions
are extremely agreeable to read, but in the present improwriiient of classical taste, not so proper to be imitated.
They are moreover entertaining, as a picture of the times,
and a history of the state of academical literature. This
smartness does not desert our author even on philosophical
” Among Dr. Bathurst’s Oratiuncuhe, his address to the convocation, about forming the barbers of Oxford into a company, is a most admirable specimen of his
humour, and of that facetious invention, with which few
vice-chancellors would have ventured to enforce and
eiiliven such a subject. We doubt, indeed, whether a parallel to this exquisite piece of humour can be found. With
regard to the doctor’s Latin poetry, though his hexameters
have an admirable facility, an harmonious versification,
much terseness and happiness of expression, and a certain
original air, they will be thought, nevertheless, too pointed
and ingenious by the lovers of Virgil’s simple beauties.
The two poems which he hath left in iambics make it to
be wished tiiat he had written more in that measure. “That
pregnant brevity,
” says Mr. Warton, “/which constitutes
the dignity and energy of the iambic, seems to have been
his talent.
” Dr. Bathurst’s English poetry has that roughness of versification which was, in a great degree, the fault
of the times.
ars from his “Letters,” many of which were published after his death. He was also an excellent Latin poet: the first edition of his poems. was printed in 1587; they consist
He was admitted advocate at the Hague, the 5th of Jarmary 1587; but being soon tired of the bar, went to France,
where he remained ten years, and was much esteemed,
acquiring both friends and patrons. Achilles de Harlai,
first president of the parliament of Paris, got him to be admitted advocate of the parliament of Paris in 1592. In
1602, he went to England with Christopher de Harlai, the
presidents son, who was sent ambassador thither by Henry
the Great; and the same year, having been named professor of eloquence at Leyden, he settled in that university. He read lectures on history after the death of Morula, and was permitted also to do the same on the civil
Jaw. In 1611, the states conferred upon him the office of
historiographer in. conjunction with Meursius and in consequence thereof he wrote “The history of the Truce.
Baudius is an elegant prose-writer, as appears from his
” many of which were published after his death.
He was also an excellent Latin poet: the first edition of
his poems. was printed in 1587; they consist of verses of
all the different measures: he published separately a book
of iambics in 1591, dedicated to cardinal Bourbon. Some
of his poems he dedicated to the king of England; others
to the prince of Wales, in the edition of 1607, and went
over to England to present them, where great respect was
paid to him by several persons of rank and learning.
y, in which he was very unsuccessful. Cardinal Perron said of him, that he was a good man, but a bad poet. He set his own verses, however, to music; not, says Dr. Burney,
, the natural
son of the subject of the next article, was born at Venice in
1532, during his father’s embassy there, and studied under
Ronsard, making particular progress in the Greek tongue.
He devoted himself afterwards to French poetry, which he
disfigured not a little by a mixture of Greek and Latin
words. His object was to give to the French the cadence
and measure of the Greek and Latin poetry, in which he
was very unsuccessful. Cardinal Perron said of him, that
he was a good man, but a bad poet. He set his own verses,
however, to music; not, says Dr. Burney, to such music as
might be expected from a man of letters, or a dilletanti,
consisting of a single melody, but to counterpoint, or music in parts. Of this kind he published, in 1561, “Twelve
hymns or spiritual songs;
” and, in Songs,
” all in four parts, of which both the words and the
music were his own. In all he was allowed to be as good
a musician as a poet; but what mostly entitles him to notice, is his having established a musical academy at Paris,
the first of the kind; but m this he had to encounter many
difficulties. The court was for it, and Charles IX. and
Henry III. frequently attended these concerts; but the
parliament and the university opposed the scheme as likely
to introduce effeminacy and immorality. The civil wars
occasioned their being discontinued, but they were long
after revived, and proved the origin of the divertissements,
the masquerades, and balls, which formed the pleasures of
the court until the time of Louis XIV. Bayf died in 1592.
His poems were published at Paris in 1573, 2 vols. 8vo, and
consist of serious, comic, sacred, and profane pieces; the
first volume is entitled “Euvres en rime,
” the other “Les
” His mode of spelling is as singular as his composition, but the whole are now fallen into oblivion.
. Oldys, she is celebrated for her poetry as well as for her painting; and is styled “that masculine poet, as well as painter, the incomparable Mrs. Beale.” In Dr. S.
, a portrait-painter in the reign of Charles
II. was daughter of Mr. Cradock, minister of Walton upon
Thames, but was born in Suffolk in 1632. She was assiduous in copying the works of sir Peter Lely and Vandyke. She painted? in oil, water-colours, and crayons;
and had much business. The author of the essay towards
an English school of Painters, annexed to De Piles’s art
of Painting, says, that “she was little inferior to any of
her contemporaries, either for colouring, strength, force,
or life; insomuch that sir Peter was greatly taken with her
performances, as he would often acknowledge. She worked
with a wonderful body of colours, and was exceedingly industrious.
” She was greatly respected and encouraged
by many of the most eminent among the clergy of that
time; she took the portraits of Tillotson, Stillingfleet,
Patrick, Wilkins, &c. some of which are still remaining
at the earl of Ilchester’s, at Melbury, in Dorsetshire. In
the manuscripts of Mr. Oldys, she is celebrated for her
poetry as well as for her painting; and is styled “that
masculine poet, as well as painter, the incomparable Mrs.
” In Dr. S. Woodford’s translation of the Psalms,
are two or three versions of particular psalms, by Mrs.
Beale: whom, in his preface, he calls “an absolutely
complete gentlewoman r
” He says farther, “I have hardly
obtained leave to honour this volume of mine with two or
three versions, long since done by the truly virtuous Mrs.
Mary Beale; among whose least accomplishments it is,
that she has made painting and poetry, which in the fancies
of others had only before a kind of likeness, in her own to
be really the same. The reader, I hope, will pardon this
public acknowledgement, which I make to so deserving a
” She died Dec. 28, 1697, in her 66th year.
She had two sons, who both exercised the art of painting
some little time; one of them afterwards studied physic under
Dr. Sydenham, and practised at Coventry, where he and
his father died. There is an engraving, by Chambers,
from a painting by herself, of Mrs. Beale, in Walpole’s
Anecdotes of Painting in England.
for heresy; several others were also prosecuted, and among the rest, George Buchanan, the celebrated poet and historian: and as the king left all to the management of
Beaton, though at this time only coadjutor of St. Andrew’s, yet had all the power and authority of the archbishop; and in order to strengthen the catholic interest in Scotland, pope Paul III. raised him to a cardinalship, by the title of St. Stephen in Monte Ccelo, Dec. 20, 1538. King Henry VIII. having intelligence of the ends proposed! by the pope in creating him a cardinal, sent a very able ^minister to king James, with particular instructions for a deep scheme to procure the cardinal’s disgrace; but it did not take effect. A few months after, the old archbishop flying, the cardinal succeeded: and it was upon this promotion that he began to shew his warm and persecuting zeal for the church of Rome. Soon after his instalment, Jie got together, in the cathedral of St. Andrew’s, a great confluence of persons of the first rank, both clergy and laity; to whom, from a throne erected for the purpose, he made a speech, representing to them the danger wherewith tha church was threatened by the increase of heretics, who had the boldness to profess their opinions even in the king’scourt; where, said he, they find but too great countenance: and he mentioned by name sir John Borthwicl:, whom he had caused to be cited to that diet, for dispersing heretical books, ^nd holding several opinions contrary to the doctrine of the Roman church. Then the articles of accusation were read against him, and sir John appearing neither in person nor by proxy, was declared a heretic, his goodsconfiscated, and himself burnt in effigy. Sir John retired to England, where he was kindly received by king Henry, who seat him into Germany, in his name, to conclude a treaty with the protestant princes of the empire. Sir John Borthwick was not the^only person proceeded against for heresy; several others were also prosecuted, and among the rest, George Buchanan, the celebrated poet and historian: and as the king left all to the management of the cardinal, it is difficult to say to what lengths such a furious zealot might have gone, had not the king’s death put a stop to his arbitrary proceedings.
, LL. D. an eminent philosopher, critic, and poet, was born at Laurencekirk, in the county of Kincardine, Scotland,
, LL. D. an eminent philosopher,
critic, and poet, was born at Laurencekirk, in the county
of Kincardine, Scotland, on the 25th day of October, 1735.
His father, who was a farmer of no considerable rank, is said
to have had a turn for reading and fur versifying; but, as
he died in 1742, when his son was only seven years of age,
could have had no great share in forming his mind. James
was sent early to the only school his birth-place afforded,
where he passed his time under the instructions of a tutor
named Milne, whoin he used to represent as a “good
grammarian, and tolerably skilled in the Latin language,
but destitute of taste, as well as of some other qualifications
essential to a good teacher.
” He is said to have preferred
Ovid as a school-author, whom Mr. Beattie afterwards
gladly exchanged for Virgil. Virgil he had been accustomed to read with great delight in Ogi ivy’s and Dryden'g
translations, as he did Homer in that of Pope; and these,
with Thomson’s Seasons, and Milton’s Paradise Lost, of
all which he was very early fond, probably gave him that
taste for poetry which he afterwards cultivated with so
much success. He was already, according to his biographer, inclined to making verses, and among his schoolfellows went by the name of The Poet.
beautiful and sublime scenery of the place, which he appears to have contemplated with the eye of a poet. His leisure hours he employed on some poetical attempts, which,
In 1753, having gone through every preparatory course
of study, he took the degree of M. A. and had now technically finished his education. Having hitherto been supported by the generous kindness of an elder brother, he
wished to exonerate his family from any further burden.
With this laudable view, there being a vacancy for the office of school-master and parish-clerk to the parish of Fordoun, adjoining to Laurencekirk, he accepted the appointment, August 1, 1753; but this was neither suited to his
disposition, nor advantageous to his progress in life. He
obtained in this place, however, a few friends, particularly lord Gardenstown and lord Monboddo, who honoured him with encouraging notice; and his imagination
was delighted by the beautiful and sublime scenery of
the place, which he appears to have contemplated with
the eye of a poet. His leisure hours he employed on
some poetical attempts, which, as they were published in
the “Scots Magazine,
” with his initials, and sometimes
with his place of abode, must have contributed to make
him yet better known and respected.
since Mr. Gray (whom in their opinion Mr. Bealtie had chosen for his model) they had not met with a poet of more harmonious numbers, more pleasing imagination, or more
The praise bestowed on this volume was very flattering. The English critics, who then bestowed the rewards of literature, considered it as an acquisition to the republic of letters, and pronounced that since Mr. Gray (whom in their opinion Mr. Bealtie had chosen for his model) they had not met with a poet of more harmonious numbers, more pleasing imagination, or more spirited expression. But notwithstanding praises which so evidently tended to give a currency to the poems, and which were probably repeated with eagerness by the friends who had encouraged the lication, the author, upon more serious consideration, was so dissatisfied with this volume as to destroy every copy he could procure, and some years after, when his taste and judgment hecame fully matured, he refused to acknowledge above four of them, namely, Retirement, ode to Hope, elegy on a Lady, and the Hares, and these he almost rewrote before he would permit them to be printed with the Minstrel.
Although Mr. Beattie had apparently withdrawn his claims as a poet, by cancelling as many copies of his juvenile attempts as he
Although Mr. Beattie had apparently withdrawn his
claims as a poet, by cancelling as many copies of his juvenile attempts as he could procure, he was not so inconscious of his admirable talents, as to relinquish what was an
early and favourite pursuit, and in which he had probably
passed some of his most delightful hours. A few months
;;fter the appearance of the “Essay on Truth,
” he published the “First Book of the Minstrel,
” in 4to, but without his name. By this omission, the poem was examined
with all that rigour of criticism which may be expected in
the case of a work, for which the author’s name can neither
afford protection or apology. He was accordingly praised
for having adopted the measure of Spenser, because he
had the happy enthusiasm of that writer to support and
render it agreeable; but objections were made to the limitation of his plan to the profession of the Minstrel, when so
much superior interest might be excited by carrying him
on through the practice of it. These objections appear
to have coincided with the author’s re-consideration; and
he not only adopted various alterations recommended by
his friends, particularly Mr. Gray, but introduced others,
which made the subsequent editions of this poem far more
perfect than the first.
he episode of the descent of ^neas into hell; and the author’s object was to vindicate his favourite poet from the charges of impiety, &c. brought against him by Warburton
To the second volume of the Transactions of the Royal
Society of Edinburgh, published in 1790*, he contributed
“Remarks on some passages of the sixth book of the
” This was, in fact, a dissertation on the mythology of the Romans, as poetically described by Virgil, in
the episode of the descent of ^neas into hell; and the
author’s object was to vindicate his favourite poet from the
charges of impiety, &c. brought against him by Warburton and others. In the same year he is said to have superintended an edition of “Addison’s periodical Papers,
published at Edinburgh in 4 vols. 8vo. To this, however,
he contributed only a few notes to Tickell’s Life of Addison, and to Dr. Johnson’s remarks. It were to be wished
he had done more. Addison never had a warmer admirer,.
nor a more successful imitator.
, born at Paris in 1645, was the son of a player, and was considered as a poet when no more than eight years old. The queen, mother of Louis
born at Paris in 1645, was the son of a player, and was
considered as a poet when no more than eight years old.
The queen, mother of Louis XIV. cardinal Mazarin, the
chancellor Seguier, and the first personages of the court,
took pleasure in conversing with this child, and in exercising his talents. He was only twelve years old when he
published a collection of his poetical pieces, in 4to, under
the title of “La Lyre de jeune Apollon,
” or, “La Muse
naissant du petit de Beauchateau,
” with copper-plate portraits of the persons he celebrates. About two years afterwards he went over to England with an ecclesiastic. Cromwell and the most considerable persons of the then government admired the young poet. It is thought that he travelled afterwards into Persia, where perhaps he died, as
no farther tidings were ever heard of him. He had a brother, Hypolite Chastelet de Beauchateau, an impostor, who
pretended to abjure the Roman Catholic religion, and came
over to England under the disguised name of Lusancy.
Moreri and Anth. Wood in Ath. Ox. vol. II. give an account of this adventurer.
, *an English poet, was the son of Francis Beaumont one of the judges of the common
, *an English poet, was the son of Francis Beaumont one of the judges of the common pleas in the reign of queen Elizabeth, and brother of Francis, the dramatic colleague of Fletcher. He was born in 1582, at Grace-Bieu, the family seat in Leicestershire, and admitted a gentleman commoner of Broadgate’s-hall, (now Pembroke college) Oxford, the beginning of Lent term, 1596. After three years study here, during which he seems to have attached himself most to the poetical classics, he became a member of one of the inns of court, but soon quitted that situation, and returned to Leicestershire, where he married Elizabeth daughter of John Fortescue, esq.
the most noticeable were, John, his successor, the editor of his father’s poems, and himselfa minor poet Francis, the author of some verses on his father’s poems, who
He had seven sons and four daughters. Of his sons, the most noticeable were, John, his successor, the editor of his father’s poems, and himselfa minor poet Francis, the author of some verses on his father’s poems, who became afterwards a Jesuit; Gervase, who died at seven years old, and was lamented by his father in some very pathetic verses, in the late edition of the English poets; and Thomas, the third baronet. Sir John, who succeeded his father, is recorded as a man of prodigious bodily strength. He was killed in 1644 at the siege of Gloucester, and dying unmarried, was succeeded in title by his brother Thomas, who, like him, was plundered by the republicans.
Our poet studied for some time in the Inner Temple, and his “Mask of
Our poet studied for some time in the Inner Temple, and
his “Mask of the Inner Temple and Gray’s-inn,
” was acted
and printed in
The poet means behind the scenes, but Mr. Granger is of opinion she would
The poet means behind the scenes, but Mr. Granger is of opinion she would have literally put them to bed before the spectators; but here she was restrained by the laws of the drama, not by her own delicacy, or the manners of the age. Her works, however, are now deservedly forgotten.
achus, with a drawing of his head, to be engraved by Vertue, and prefixed to his translation of that poet. He made a cast of the profile of Dr. Stukeley, prefixed to
His father led a miserable life, hardly allowing his son
necessaries, and dilapidated his house, while at the same
time he had five hundred horses of his own breeding,
many above thirty years old, unbroke. On his death his
son succeeded to his estate, of about 1500l. a-year, which
he did not long enjoy, dying of a consumption, on the road
to Bath, August, 1745. He left the reversion, after the
death of his sister, with his books and medals, to Trinitycollege, under the direction of the late vice-master, Dr.
Walker; but his sister marrying, the entail was cut off,
He was buried in the family burying-place, in St. Mary'g
chapel in Outwell-church.
The registers of the Spalding society abound with proofs
of Mr. Bell’s taste and knowledge in ancient coins, both
Greek and Roman, besides many other interesting discoveries. He published proposals, elegantly printed, for the
following work, at 5s. the first subscription, “Tabulae
Augustae, sive Imperatorum Romanorum, Augustorum,
Csesarum, Tyrannorum, et illustrium virorum a Cn. Pompeio Magno ad Heraclium Aug. series chronologica. Ex
historicis, nummis, et mannoribus collegit Beaupreius
Bell, A.M. Cantabrigian, typis academicis 1734,
” which
was in great forwardness in Itinerarium,
” and
an elegant bust of Alexander Gordon, after the original
given by him to sir Andrew Fountaine’s niece. He communicated to the Spalding society an account of Outwell
church, and the Haultoft family arms, in a border engrailed
Sable a lozenge Ermine, quartering Fincham, in a chapel
at the east end of the north aile. He collected a series of
nexus literarum, or abbreviations. He had a portrait of sir
Thomas Gresham, by Hilliard, when young, in a close
green silk doublet, hat, and plaited ruff, 1540 or 1545,
formerly belonging to sir Marmaduke Gresham, bart. then
to Mr. Philip, filazer, by whose widow, a niece to sir Marmaduke, it came to sir Anthony Oldfield, and so to Maurice
Johnson. He addressed verses on “Color est connata lucis proprietas,
” to sir Isaac Newton, who returned him a
present of his “Philosophy,
” sumptuously bound by
, a celebrated French poet, cousin to the Bellays to be noticed afterwards, was born about
, a celebrated French poet,
cousin to the Bellays to be noticed afterwards, was born
about 1524 at Lire, a town about eight leagues from
Angers. Being left an orphan at a very early age, he was
committed to the guardianship of his elder brother, who
neglected to cultivate the talents he evidently possessed,
and although he soon discovered an equal turn for literature and for arms, he was kept in a sort of captivity, which
prevented him from exerting himself with effect; and the
death of his brother, while it freed him from this restraint,
threw him into other embarrassments. No sooner was he
out of the care of a guardian himself, than he was charged
with the tuition of one of his nephews, and the misfortunes
of his family, which had brought it to the brink of ruin,
and certain law-suits in which he was forced to engage,
occasioned solicitudes and vexations but little suited to the
studies he wished to pursue, while a sickness no less dangerous than painful confined him two years to his bed. Nevertheless he courted the muses; he studied the works of
the poets, Latin, Greek, and French; and the fire of their
genius enkindled his own. He produced several pieces
that procured him access to the court, where Francis I.
Henry II. and Margaret of Navarre, admired the sweetness,
the ease, and the fertility of his vein. He was unanimously called the Ovid of France. The cardinal John du Bellay, his near relation, being retired to Rome, in 1547, after
the death of Francis I. our poet followed him thither within two years afterwards, where he enjoyed both the charms
of society and those of study. The cardinal was a man of
letters, and the hours they passed together were real parties of pleasure. His stay in Italy lasted but three years,
as his illustrious kinsman wanted him in France, where he
gave him the management of his affairs; but his zeal, his
fidelity, and attachment to his interests, were but poorly
repaid; some secret enemies having misrepresented him to
his patron. His most innocent actions were turned to his
reproach sinister meanings were given to his verses; and
at length he was accused of irreligion and these mortifications brought on him again his old complaints. Eustache
du Bellay, bishop of Paris, moved at his misfortunes, and
sensible of his merit, procured him, in 1555, a canonry of
his church, which, however, he enjoyed not long; a stroke
of apoplexy carried him off in the night of the 1st of Jan.
1560, at the age of thirty-seven. Several epitaphs were
made on him, in which he is styled “Pater elegantiarum,
Pater omnium leporum.
” His French poems, printed at
Paris in
, a French poet, born in 1528, at Nogent le llotrtm, lived in the family of
, a French poet, born in 1528, at Nogent le llotrtm, lived in the family of Renatus of Lorraine,
marquis of Elbeuf, general of the French gallies, and attended him in his expedition to Italy in 1557. This prince
highly esteemed Belleau for his courage; and having also
a high opinion of his genius and abilities, entrusted him
with the education of his son Charles of Lorraine. Belleau
was one of the seven poets of his time, who were denominated the French Pleiades. He wrote several pieces,
and translated the odes of Anacreon into the French language; but in this he is thought not to have preserved all
the natural beauties of the original. His pastoral pieces
are in greatest esteem, and were so successful, that Ronsard styled him the painter of nature. He wrote also an
excellent poem on the nature and difference of precious
stones, which by some has been reputed his best performance; and hence it was said of him, that he had
erected for himself a monument of precious stones. Belleau died at Paris, March 6, 1577. His poems were collected and published at Rouen, 1604, 2 vols. 12mo, with
the exception, we believe, of a macaronic poem he wrote
and published (without date) entitled “Dictamen metrificum de bello Huguenotico.
he queen Maria Teresa, and afterwards to the duchess of Burgundy, dauphiness of France, was a French poet and wit of considerable fame. He was born at Paris in 1645.
, valet-de-chambre to Louis XIV,
and trainbearer to the queen Maria Teresa, and afterwards
to the duchess of Burgundy, dauphiness of France, was a
French poet and wit of considerable fame. He was born
at Paris in 1645. The most esteemed of his poems are
*' Les Petits-maitres,“and
” Les Nouvellistes,“two satires, and his poem on the
” Hotel des invalides." Several other of his pieces are to be found in the collections,
particularly in that published at the Hague in 1715, 2 vols.
He lived in friendship with Moliere and Racine, but incurred the displeasure of Boileau by writing against his Satire
on Women, which Boileau revenged by giving him a place,
not of the most honourable kind, in his tenth epistle; but
Bellocq having apologised, Boileau erased his name, and
put in that of Pen-in. Bellocq died Oct. 4, 1704. He was
highly respected by his royal master, and his wit and
agreeable manners introduced him as a welcome guest in
every polite company.
tel-de-ville, among those of their benefactors. These testimonies of gratitude were thought due to a poet who set his brethren the example of choosing their subjects
, of the
French academy, was born at St. Flour, in Ativergne, in
1727, and educated at Paris under one of his uncles, a
distinguished advocate of parliament. After having finished
his studies with applause at the College-Mazarin, he took
to the bar; or rather, in entering on this profession, he
followed his uncle’s inclinations in opposition to his own.
Captivated bv an ardent passion for literature, and despairing of ever being able to move his benefactor, a man
severe and absolute in all his determinations, he expatriated himself, and went to Russia, to exercise the profession of a comedian, that he might be dispensed from exercising that of a lawyer at Paris. Being returned to that
capital in 1758, he brought upon the stage his tragedy of
” imitated from the Clemenza di Tito of Metastasio. This copy of a piece barely tolerable, is only a
very faint sketch of the nervous manner of Corneille, whose
style the author strove to resemble. Du Belloi afterwards
wrote “Zelmire,
” wherein he accumulated the most
forced situations and the most affecting strokes of the dramatic art. It was attended with success in representation,
but will not bear examination in the closet. The “Siege
of Calais,
” a tragedy which he brought out in Gaston and Bayard,
” in the plan
of which are several faults against probability, did not excite so lively emotions as the mayor of Calais; yet still
the public admired the honest and steady character, and
the sublime virtues, of the “CheValier sans peur et sans
” His two pieces, “Peter the cruel,
” and “Gabrielle de Vergi,
” the former of which was immediately
condemned, and the latter applauded without reason, are
much inferior to Bayard. The author understood the proper
situations for producing a grand effect; but he wanted the
art to prepare them, and to bring them on in a natural
manner. He substituted extraordinary theatrical efforts for
the simple and true pathetic, and the little tricks of oratory
for the eloquence of the heart; and by this means he contributed not a little to degrade and debase the French drama. The fall of “Peter the cruel
” was a fatal stroke to
his extreme sensibility, and it is said hastened the term of
his life. He was attacked by a lingering distemper, which
lasted for several months, and exhausted his very moderate
share of bodily strength. A beneficent monarch (Louis XVI.)
before whom the Siege de Calais was performed the first
time, being informed of the lamentable condition of the author, sent him a present of fifty louis d'ors, and the players,
from motives of a laudable generosity, gave a representation of the same tragedy for the benefit of the dying poet.
He expired shortly after, on the 5th of March 1775, justly
regretted by his friends, who loved him for goodness of
disposition and warmth of friendship. M. Gaillard, of the
acaclemie Fransoise, published his works in 1779, in 6 vols.
8vo. In this edition are contained his theatrical pieces,
three of which are followed by historical memoirs of a very
superior kind, with interesting observations by the editor;
divers fugitive pieces in poetry, for the most part produced
in Russia, but very unworthy of his pen, and the life of
the author by M. Gaiilard.
, an Italian orator and poet, was born at Aquapendente in 1542, and received his early education
, an Italian orator and poet, was born at Aquapendente in 1542, and received his early education from his father. He was then sent to Rome, anu in 1563 began to attend the Jesuits’ college for the study of philosophy and jurisprudence, which he pursued for six years. His master was the celebrated Muretus, but for some time, as his biographer informs us, the love of the world predominated, notwithstanding the voice of conscience, to which, however, at length he listened, and, in 1570, entered into the society of the Jesuits, going through the regular probations. He now changed his name, which was Plautus, to that of Francis, a practice usual among the religious of that order. Yet still his new engagements did not interrupt his favourite studies, which led him to high reputation as an orator and poet. For many years likewise he taught rhetoric at Sienna, Perugia, and Rome, and was regarded by his learned contemporaries, as another Muretus. Flattered, however, as he might have been by these lavish praises, and encouraged to hope for preferment adequate to such acknowledgments of his merit, he is said to have been a man of great modesty, and entirely free from ambition. Muretus had admitted him to the closest intimacy, and Benci no further presumed on his friendship than to request he would introduce more of the Christian in his life and writings than had yet been visible. Muretus acknowledges this very handsomely in the dedication to Benci, of his Latin translation of Aristotle’s rhetoric. Benci died in the Jesuits’ college at Rome, May 6, 1594. An edition of his works was published at Lyons in 1603, but most of them had been separately and very often printed. They consist of orations, Latin dramas and poems, and some religious treatises, enumerated by Moreri.
, a poet of considerable note in his day, was son and heir of Andrew
, a poet
of considerable note in his day, was son and heir of Andrew
Bendlowes, esq. and born in 1613. At sixteen years of
age he was admitted a fellow-commoner of St. John’s
college in Cambridge, to which he was afterwards a benefactor; and as such his portrait is hung up in the master’s
lodge. From Cambridge he travelled through several
countries, and visited seven courts of princes, and returned
home a most accomplished gentleman both in behaviour
and conversation, but a little tinctured with the principles
of popery. Being very imprudent in the management of
his worldly concerns, he made a shift (though he was never married) to squander away his estate, which amounted to
seven hundred or a thousand pounds a year, on poets, musicians, buffoons, and flatterers, and in, buying curiosities.
He gave a handsome fortune with a niece named Philippa,
who was married to Blount, of Maple-Durham in Oxfordshire, esq.; but being security for the debts of some
persons, which he was not able to discharge, he was put
into prison at Oxford, and upon his release spent the remainder of his life, which was eight years, in that city.
He was esteemed in his younger days a great patron of the
poets, especially Quarles, Davenant, Payne, Fisher, &c.
who either dedicated books to him, or wrote epigrams and
poems on him. His flatterers used to style him “Benevolus,
” byway of anagram on his name, in return for his generosity towards them. About the latter end of his life,
he was drawn off from his inclination to popery, and would
often take occasion to dispute against the Papists and their
opinions, and particularly disliked the favourers of Arminius
and Socinus. This gentleman, reduced, through his own
indiscretion, to great want, died at Oxford, Dec. 18, 1686,
and was buried in the north aile of St. Mary’s church, the
expences of his funeral being defrayed by a contribution of
several scholars who respected him. His picture is in the
Bodleian gallery.
about the same time, testified his devotion to the muses, by publicly decorating Perfetti, a Tuscan poet, with a crown of laurel.
, otherwise Vincenzo Maria Orsini, a Dominican friar, was a native of the kingdom of Naples, and the eldest son of the duke of Grayina. Being of a religious turn of mind from his tender years, he embraced a monastic life among the Dominicans, In 1672, partly by his t'amily influence, he was preferred to the dignity of cardinal, and soon after to the archbishopric of Benevento, but was with the utmost difficulty prevailed upon, to accept of the papal dignity, alleging that he was utterly unacquainted with state affairs, and too old to acquire that species of knowledge. Being, however, obliged to acquiesce, he began with those measures which corresponded with his previous disposition, and the retired life he had led; reducing the pleasures and pomp of his court, suppressing abuses, and restraining the licentiousness of his clergy. With a view to these changes, he held a provincial synod in the Lateran in 1725, but the Jesuits, of which three were at this time cardinals, highly provoked at his approving the doctrine of the Dominicans, concerning grace and predestination, found means to render all his endeavours ineffectual. On another occasion, he rose above the bigotry of his predecessors, by expressing a wish for the diffusion of scriptural knowledge; and with that, view, he permitted the people in general to peruse the sacred volume, and encouraged the multiplication of copies in the modern languages, which, although it displeased the rigid catholics, was approved by a majority of the members of that church. Benedict, about the same time, testified his devotion to the muses, by publicly decorating Perfetti, a Tuscan poet, with a crown of laurel.
, a celebrated poet of Florence, who died in 1542, aged eighty-nine, was one of
, a celebrated poet of Florence,
who died in 1542, aged eighty-nine, was one of the first
who, following Lorenzo de Medici and Politian, contributed essentially to the advancement of Italian poetry.
The greater part of his poems turn upon divine love. His
“Canzone dell' Amor celeste e divino
” was in great esteem,
as containing, what now is thought its chief defect, the
sublime ideas of the philosophy of Plato, on love. This
work was printed at Florence in 1519, in 8vo, with other
poetical pieces of the same author. There had already
been an edition of his works, at Florence, in folio, 1500,
which is extremely scarce. Another performance of his is
entitled, “Commento di Hieronimo Benivieni, cittadino
Florentine, sopra a piu sue Canzone e Sonnetti deilo
amore e della belleza divina,
” &c. printed at Florence in
, a French poet and wit of the seventeenth century, was born at Lyons-la-Foret,
, a French poet and wit of
the seventeenth century, was born at Lyons-la-Foret, a
small town in Upper Normandy, in 1612. He was born
but not educated a Protestant, his father having turned
Catholic when he was very young; and when about seven
or eight years of age, he went to be confirmed, the bishop
who performed the ceremony asked him “if he was not
willing to change his name of Isaac for one more Christian.
*' With all my heart,“replied he,
” provided I get any
thing by the exchange.“The bishop, surprized at such
a ready answer, would not change his name.
” Let his
name be Isaac still,“said he,
” for whatever it is, he will
make the most of it." Benserade lost his father when he
was very young; and being left with little fortune, and
this much involved in law, he chose rather to give it up
than sue for it. His mother’s name, however, being Laporte, he claimed relationship to the cardinal Richelieu,
who without examining too nicely into the matter, had him
educated, and would have provided for him in the church
if he had not preferred the court, where he soon became
famous for his wit and poetry; and Richelieu granted him
a pension, which was continued till the death of this cardinal. It is probable that Benserade would have found the
same protection in the duchess of Aiguillon, if the following four verses, which he had made on the death of the
cardinal, had not given her great offence:
, of Arragon, a cardinal and poet, one of the sons of the preceding, was born at Ferrara, March
, of Arragon, a cardinal
and poet, one of the sons of the preceding, was born at
Ferrara, March 27, 1668, and in the course of his studies,
distinguished himself by the progress he made in the belleslettres, philosophy, theology, and law, and was an able and
successful supporter of the literary establishments of his
country. Having afterwards gone to reside at Rome, he
was promoted by Clement XI. to be his domestic prelate,
and clerk of the apostolic chamber, and in 1712 was sent as
nuncio to France, with the title of archbishop of Carthage.
There, having discovered much zeal in the affair of the bull
Unigenitus, he acquired high favour at the court of Louis
XIV. vvhicii he did not preserve after the death of that monarch. The pope, on that event, recalled him from Paris,
and at Ferrara he was made cardinal in November, 1719.
He then settled at Rome, where many other dignities were
conferred upon him, and where he died, December 30,
1732. Amidst his whole career of ecclesiastical promotions
and duties, he found leisure to cultivate his taste for polite
literature. There are extant several of his harangues pronounced on various occasions; that which he delivered at
Rome, in the academy of design, in which he investigates
the uses, to taste and morals, of the arts of painting, sculpture, and architecture, was printed under the title “Utile
delle belle arti riconosciuto per l'accademia del disegno,
” &c. liome, 1707, and reprinted in vol. II. of the
“Prose degli A-rcadi.
” The work, however, which entitles him to a place among the poets of Italy, is his beautiful translation of Statius, “La Tebaidadi Stazio tradotto
in verso sciolto da Seivaggio Porpora,
” (a fictitious name),
t the express desire of his friend Mr. Graevius, he published his “Animadversions and remarks on the poet Callimachus,” making, at the same time, a collection of some
On the 4th of July, 1.689, being already M.A. in the
university of Cambridge, he was incorporated as such in
the university of Oxford, in Wadham college, and is mentioned by Anthony Wood (though then but a young man, a good deal under thirty) as a genius that was promising,
and to whom the world was likely to be obliged, for his future studies and productions. In 1691 he published a Latin epistle to John Mill, D.D. containing some critical
observations relating to Johannes Malala, Greek historiographer, published at the end of that author, at Oxon, in
1691, in a large 8vo. This was the first piece that our
author published. Nor was religion less indebted to him
than learning, for in 1691-2, he had the honour to be
selected as the first person to preach at Boyle’s lectures
(founded by that honourable gentleman, to assert and vindicate the great fundamentals of natural and revealed religion), upon which occasion he successfully applied sir Isaac
Newton’s “Principia Mathematica,
” to demonstrate the
being of God, and altogether silenced the Atheists, who, in
this country, have since that time, for the most part, sheltered themselves under Deism. The subject of his discourses was the folly of atheism, even with respect to the
present life, and that matter and motion cannot think; or a
confutation of atheism from the faculties of the soul, from
the structure and origin of human bodies, and the origin
and trame of the world itself; and though he was bnt
young, and even only in deacon’s orders, he laid the basis
and foundation upon which all the successors to that worthy
office have since built. Though this was a task of great
extent, and no small difficulty, yet Mr. Bentley acquitted
himself with so much reputation, that the trustees not only
publicly thanked him for them, but did moreover, by especial command and desire, prevail upon him to make the
said discourses public, upon which he gave the world a volume, 1693, 4to, containing eight sermons, which have not
only undergone a number of editions, but have been translated abroad into several languages. On the 2d of October, 1692, he was installed a prebendary of Worcester by
bishop Stillingfleet. Upon the death of Mr. Justel, Mr.
Bentley was immediately thought upon to succeed him, as
keeper of the royal library at St. James’s; and accordingly,
a few months after his decease, he had a warrant made out
for that place, from the secretary’s office, December 23,
1693, and had his patent for the same in April following.
Soon after he was nominated to that office, before his patent was signed, by his care and diligence he procured no
less than a thousand volumes of one sort or other, which
had been neglected to be brought to the library, according
to the act of parliament then subsisting, which prescribed
that one copy of every book printed in England, should
be brought and lodged in this library, and one in each
university library. It was about this time and upon this
occasion of his being made library-keeper, that the famous
dispute between him and the honourable Mr. Boyle, whether the epistles of Phalaris were genuine or riot, in some
measure, at first took rise, which gave occasion to so maiw
books and pamphlets, and has made so much noise in the
world. This controversy upon a point of learning, in itself
not very entertaining, was managed with a wit and humour
which rendered it interesting to the public. The world
was at that time a little biassed in favour of the production
of the young nobleman, at least as to the genteel raillery
of his pieces; for as to the dispute itself, viz. the genuineness of the Epistles of Phalaris, the best judge^s almost universally now give the preference to Dr. Bentley; nor does
he much, if at all, fall short of Mr. Boyle, in throwing a deal
of life and spirit into the controversy, particularly in his
answer to Mr. Boyle, which is interspersed, as well as Mr.
Boyle’s piece, with abundance of wit and humour, and is,
upon the whole, reckoned much the best book. When, in
1696, he was admitted to his degree of D. D. he preached,
on the day of the public commencement, from 1 Peter iii.
15. “Be ready always to give an answer to every man
that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.
About this time the university entered upon a design of
publishing some editions, in 4to, of some classic authors,
for the use of the duke of Gloucester. Dr. Bentley, who
was consulted upon the occasion, advised Laughton, to
whose care the edition of Virgil was committed, to follow
Heinsius very close, but his advice was not complied
with. Terence was published by Leng, Horace byTalbot,
and Catullus, Tibnllus, and Propertius, by Mr. Annesley,
afterwards earl of Anglesey. Dr. Bentley procurecUfrom
Holland the types with which these books were printed.
At the express desire of his friend Mr. Graevius, he published his “Animadversions and remarks on the poet Callimachus,
” making, at the same time, a collection of some
scattered pieces or fragments of that author. These he
finished and sent over to Mr. Grarmus, towards the latter
end of his dispute with Mr. Boyle, and Mr. Graevius published them abroad in 1697. in 1700, upon the death of
Dr. Montague, he was by the crown presented to the mastership of Trinity-college, Cambridge, which is reckoned
worth near 1000l. per annum, upon obtaining which preferment he resigned his prebend of Worcester; but June
12, 1701, on Dr. Say well’s death, he was collated archdeacon of Ely. What next employed his critical genius
were the two first comedies of Aristophanes. Upon these
he made some curious annotations, which were published at
Amsterdam in 1710; as was much about the same time, at
Rheims, his emendations, &c. on the fragments of
Menancler and Philemon, in the feigned name of “Philcleutherus
” Under this character he appeared again, in
The odes and epodes of Horace
in Latin and English, with a translation of Dr. Bentley’s
notes. To which are added notes upon notes, done in the
Bentleian style and manner.
” In the preface they “humbly hope that the reader will encourage the following
essays, upon several accounts. First, as they are designed
to shew him the best author of Augustus’s age in his native
purity. Secondly, to give him a further proof how far all
attempts to render him into English, even after the best
version now extant has succeeded no better, must fall short
of the original. Thirdly, to convince him how ridiculous
it is to presume to correct Horace without authority, upon
the pretended strength of superior judgment in poetry.
And lastly, how easily such a presumption may be turned
upon the authors, and sufficiently expose them in their
own way.
” This last paragraph seems indeed to express
the greatest part of the design of this work, which is executed with a great deal of spirit and humour. On the 5th
of November, 1715, the doctor preached a sermon before
the university against popery, on which somebody soon
after published remarks, which occasioned Dr, Bentley’s
answer, entitled “Reflections on the scandalous aspersions
cast on the Clergy, by the author of the Remarks on Dr.
Bentley’s Sermon on Popery, &c.
” This was printed in
The time, manner, and
other circumstances of these proposals,
” says he, “make
it but too evident, that they were hastened out to serve
quite different ends than those of common Christianity;
and I think it my duty to obviate, as far as I am able, the
influence they might have on some, whom big words, and
bold attempts, are apt to lead implicitly into an high opinion and admiration of the merit and abilities of the undertaker.
” Dr. Middleton then proceeds to criticise, paragraph by paragraph, Dr. Bentley’s proposals. Soon after
these Remarks, paragraph by paragraph, the Proposals
appeared, with a pamphlet entitled “A full answer to all
the Remarks of a late pamphleteer, by a member of Trinity
college, Cambridge,
” Remarks, &c. containing a full answer to the editor’s late defence -of his
Proposals, as well as all his objections there made against
my former remarks, by Conyers Middleton, D. D.
” As
also, an anonymous letter to the reverend master of Trinity
college, Cambridge, editor of a new Greek Testament.
We also find, under the Catalogue of the doctor’s works in
the Bibliotheca Bodleiana,-much about this time, another
publication, somewhat analogous, and relating to this affair,
viz. “An enquiry into the authority of the primitive Complutensian edition of the New Testament, in a letter to
archdeacon Bentley,
” that some noise should be made
in the world in his favour, to support his declining character by something great and popular, to recover esteem and
applause to himself, and throw an odium and contempt
upon his prosecutors, &c.
” In 1725, at a public commencement on the 6th of July, the doctor made an elegant
Latin speech, on creating seven doctors of divinity, in
which, at the several periods, by little notes below, is set
forth the whole form of the creation of a doctor of divinity.
This piece is usually joined to his edition of Terence and
Phsedrus: at least it is added to the Amsterdam edition of
them in 1727, a very neat edition, corrected for the press by
the doctor. To these notes on Terence, he has also added
those of the learned Gabriel Faernius, and taken great
pains in amending and correcting the author, not only from
those ancient manuscripts which Gabriel Faernius had procured, but also from whatever manuscripts the royal library, those of Cambridge, or any of his friends, could
afford; some of which, he assures us, were of great antiquity, and at least next, and very little inferior, to those of
Faernius, the orthography of which, as the most ancient
manuscript, he altogether follows. He has likewise altered the text in abundance of places, and assigns in the
notes the reason for such alteration. Then follows the
Schediasma of the metre and accents of Terence, by which
the doctor proves that Terence is written all in Verse.
This, however', was a matter of some controversy betw-een
the learned bishop Hare and our author; and during the
warmth of the debate. Will. Whiston remarked how intolerable it was, that while Grotius, Newton, and Locke, all
laymen, were employing their talents on sacred studies, such
clergymen as Dr. Bentley and bishop Hare were fighting
about a play-book. About 1732, the doctor published his
Milton’s “Paradise Lost,
” when he was, as he says in his
preface, about seventy years old. This is a very elegant
and beautiful edition of that poem, but cannot be said to
have contributed much to the editor’s deputation. Dr.
Bentley tells us, that he had prepared a new edition of the
poet Manillas for the press, which he would have published,
had not the clearness of paper, and the want of good types,
and some other occasions, hindered him. He had also
some design of publishing an edition of Hesychius, as we
find by Mr. Graevius’s letter to him, and assured Dr. Mill,
he could, if he pleased, correct five thousand faults in that
author. His emendations on the Tusculan Questions of
Cicero are adjoined to Mr. Davis’s edition of that author.
From this produce of his studious, we must now pass to
that of his more active, life, in the memorable complaints
of rrial -administration urged against him by the college,
which were the occasion of a long suit, whether the Crown‘
or the bishop of Ely was general visitor. A party in the
college, displeased at some of his regulations, began to
talk of the fortieth statute, de Magistri (si res exigat)
Amotionc, and meditated a complaint to the bishop of Ely.
The master hearing this, went to bishop Patrick, then at
Ely, who told him, he had never heard before, that, as
bishop of Ely, he had any thing to do in the royal college
of Trinity; called his secretary to him, and bid him seek
if there was any precedent for it in the bishop’s archives;
but not one was found, nor so much as a copy of Trinity
college statutes. Upon that, the doctor lent him one; and
during that bishop’s time the matter was dropped. But in
his successor Dr. Moore’s time, the party were encouraged to apply to the bishop, in 1709, and avast number
of articles about dilapidations, but not one of immorality,
bribery, or fraud, were exhibited against the master.
These were, however, the subject of many pamphlets on
both sides. His lordship received the charge, intending
to proceed upon it, which he conceived himself sufficiently
authorised to do, and required Dr. Bentley’ s answer, which
he declined for some time to give, pleading want of form
in the charge; because other members of the college,
besides the seniors, had joined in the accusation, and the seniors themselves, as he alleged, had never yet admonished
him; from whence he inferred, that all proceedings on
such a charge, and whatsoever should follow on the same
foot, would be ipso facto null and void. The bishop, however, did not, it seems, think this plea to be material; for
he insisted upon Dr. Bentley’s answer to the charge; who,
upon that, began to question what authority his lordship had over him; and, by a petition presented to queen
Anne, prayed “that her majesty would take him and the
college into her protection, against the bishop’s pretensions, and maintain her sole power and jurisdiction
over her royal foundation, and the masters thereof.
This petition was referred to the then attorney and solicitor-general, and they were ordered fully to consider the
matter, and report their opinions. Notice was given at
the same time to the bishop, that her majesty having taken
this affair into her cognizance, his lordship was to stay
proceedings till the queen’s pleasure was farther known.
Mr. attorney and solicitor-general took some time to consider; and were of opinion, the bishop had power over the
master. But this report not proving satisfactory to some
persons then in administration, a letter was brought to the
bishop from Mr. secretary St. John, dated 18th June, 1711,
acquainting him, “that the matter of the petition of Dr.
Richard Bentley, master of Trinity-college in Cambridge,
together with the report of Mr. attorney and Mr. solicitorgeneral, being then before the queen, and ordered to be
taken into consideration by my lord keeper, assisted by
her majesty’s counsel learned in the law, her majesty
thought it to be a business of such weight and consequence,
that she had commanded him (the secretary) to signify her
pleasure to his lordship, that he should stop all further
proceedings, according to her majesty’s direction.
” But
the master seeing that all discipline and studies would be
lost in the college, if that controversy were not one way
or other decided, requested of the ministry that he might
be permitted to take his trial under any visitor the queen
should appoint; or if none could be so appointed, that he
might have leave, salvo jure regio, to be voluntarily tried
under the bishop. Upon this the inhibition was taken off
by Mr. secretary St. John, by order of the queen, signifying, “that his lordship was at liberty to proceed, so far as
by the law he might.
” But his lordship did not think fit to
proceed, till he was served uith a rule of court from the
king’s-bench, in Easter-term 1714, to shew cause why a
writ of mandamus should not issue out against him. The
bishop, being then at Ely, was applied to by joint messengers on both sides, to go to the college, where he might
have ended the matter in two days. But this was not
thought so proper, and Ely-house at London was pitched
on, where, instead of two days, the trial lasted at least six
weeks, and the college paid a thousand pounds for it;
three learned lawyers, who could know but very little of
the matter, being admitted on each side, to make eloquent
harangues, answers, and replies, upon questions arisingfrom above fifty articles, in which there was scarcely any
thing material that might not easily be determined upon a
bare inspection of the college statutes, registers, and books
of accounts. The trial being ended, and the cause ripe
for sentence, the bishop’s death prevented his giving judgment. Thus the matter dropped for the present; but was
afterwards revived in 1728, when new articles of complaint
against Dr. Bentley, charging him with having in many
instances made great waste of the college revenue, and
violated the statutes, all founded on the 40th of Elizabeth,
were again exhibited to the bishop of Ely, as specially authorised and appointed to receive the same, and to proceed thereupon; though the matter had been long before
decided in favour of the crown, as having the general visitatorial power. Upon this, a petition was subscribed by
the college, and presented to his majesty under the common-seal, the 10th of August 1728, and the cause carried
before the king in council for the college itself now engaged as party in the cause against the bishop, and above
fifteen hundred pounds out of the revenues of the college,
were spent in carrying it on. This being referred to a
committee of his majesty’s most honourable privy-council,
Dr. Fleetwood, the lord bishop of Ely, on the 2nd of November, 1728, also presented a petition to his majesty, to
be heard touching his right, which was likewise referred
to the said committee. The lords committee, just before
the clay appointed for a hearing, viz. March 13, 1728, had
a printed pamphlet put into their hands, entitled, “The
Case of Trinity-college; whether the Crown or the Bishop
of Ely be General Visitor;
” at the end of which, as well
as in their petition, the college applied to the king, to take
the visitatorial power (as by the opinion of council he might with their consent) into his own hands, that they might b0
only visited by the crown, but not with a view or intent of
avoiding a visitation or inquiry into the state of the society,
for which they were very pressing, both in their petition,
and at the end of this pamphlet. On the fifteenth the cause
came on before the lords of the committee of privy-council,
but was from thence referred to the king’s bench, where
the May following it was tried by way of prohibition, and
after a long pleading, the judges unanimously determined
it in favour of the bishop, as to his visitatorial power over
the doctor; and the June following, the fellows exhibited
their articles of complaint against him before the bishop of
Ely, his lordship having two assistants, viz. sir Henry Penrice, and Dr. Bettesworth. But it being urged, that the
bishop was going to exercise a general visitatorial power,
another petition was preferred to his majesty and council,
by the master and fellows, and a farther hearing appointed
in the cause, in the court of king’s bench, in November,
1729, &c. and in November, 1731, we find the cause had
gone against the bishop of Ely, by his taking out a writ of
error, for carrying the' cause by appeal into the house of
lords. The crown, however, at last, to put an end to the
dispute and disturbance, (as fully impowered to do) took
both college and master, according to their petition, into
its own jurisdiction and visitation, and here the matter
homas Stanley, esq. and his notes on Callimachus. To which are added some other observations on that poet, in a letter to the honourable Charles Boyle, esq. with a Postscript,
We shall now attempt a catalogue of Dr. Bentley’s
works, not hitherto noticed, and of the principal of those
published respecting his controversies, as far as the latter
can be ascertained. His first publication, as already noticed, was his epistle to Dr. Mill, under the title: 1. “Johannis Antiocheni Cognomento Malaise Historia Chronica
e Mss. Cod. Bibliothecre Bodleianae, nunc primum edita,
cum interp. et notis Edm. Chilmeadi et triplice indice rerum, autorum et vocum barbarum. Prsemittitur dissertatio
de autore, per Humfredum Hodium, S. T. B. Coll. Wadhami Socium. Accedit Epistola Richardi Bentleii ad CI.
V. Jo. Millium, S. T. P. cum indice scriptorum, qui ibi
” Oxonii, 1691, 8vo. 2. His “Sermons at
Boyle’s Lectures,
” Dissertation upon the Epistles of Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, Phalaris, and the Fables of
” at the end of the second edition of Wotton’s
“Reflections on ancient and modern learning.
” This occasioned Mr. Boyle’s work, “Dr. Bentley’s Dissertation
on the Epistles of Phalaris and the Fables of Æsop
examined, 1698; usually known by the title of
” Boyle
Against Bentley.“Dr. fientley then published, 4.
” Dr.
Bentley’s answer to the above,“commonly known by the
name of
” Bentley against Boyle,“a curious piece, interspersed with a great deal of true wit and humour. This
was for some time a scarce book; but it was reprinted in
1777, by Bowyer and Nichols, with the advantage of
several valuable notes and observations, either collected
from, or communicated by, bishops Warburton and Lowth,
Mr. Upton, Mr. W. Clarke, Mr. Markland, Dr. Salter, Dr.
Owen, and Mr. Toup. These were the several pieces
which appeared in this great dispute, excepting some few
that were published against the doctor, hardly any of which
are now known, except
” A short review of the controversy between Mr. Boyle and Dr. Bentley,“1701, 8vo.;
and previous to that,
” A short account of Dr. Bentley’s
humanity and justice to those authors who have written
before him, with an honest vindication of Thomas Stanley,
esq. and his notes on Callimachus. To which are added
some other observations on that poet, in a letter to the
honourable Charles Boyle, esq. with a Postscript, in relation to Dr. Bentley’s late book against him. To which is
added an Appendix, by the bookseller, wherein the doctor’s misrepresentations of all the matters of fact, wherein
he is concerned, in his late book about Phalaris’s Epistles,
are modestly considered, with a letter from the honourable
Charles Boyle on that subject,“Lond. 1699, 8vo. 5.
” Annotationes, in Callimachum ultra, Of this
an edition was published in 1741, 8vo. 6.
” Remarks
upon a late discourse on Free-thinking (by Collins) in two
parts, by Phileleutherus Lipsiensis,“Lond. 1713, 8vo
1719, 1725. 7.
” Q. Horatius Flaccus ex recensione, et
cum notis et emendationibus R. Bentleii,“Camb, 1711,
4to; Amst. 1713 and 1728, 8vo Leipsic, 1763, 2 vols.
” Proposals for printing a new edition of the Greek
Testament,“Lond. 1721, 4to. Of the pamphlets pro and
con respecting his disputes with his college and with the university, a very correct catalogue may be seen in Gough’s
” British Topography."
n my poor opinion it is a satire on copper-plate, and my uncle has most completely libelled both his poet and his patron, without intending so to do.” In Walpole, he
, only son of the preceding, was
a man of various and considerable accomplishments, with
wit, genius, and elegant manners; but was imprudent in
his conduct, frequently involved in distresses, and reduced
to situations uncongenial with his feelings, and unfavourable to the cultivation and encouragement of his talents.
He was educated at Trinity college, Cambridge, lived for
some years after his marriage in the South of France, and in
the island of Jersey, and afterwards, about 1763, at Teddington, near Twickenham, in consequence of his intimacy
with Mr. Horace Walpole. His nephew informs us that
“they carried on, for a long time, a sickly kind of friendship, which had its hot fits and cold tits, was suspended
and renewed, but never totally broken.
” Mr. Bentley was
the designer of many of the gothic embellishments of
Strawberry-hill, and made also the designs for an edition
of Gray’s works, printed there. In one of these he -personifies himself as a monkey, sitting under a withered tree
with a pallet in his hand, while Gray reposes under the
shade of a flourishing laurel. “Such a design,
” says Mr.
Cumberland, “with figures so contrasted, might flatter
Gray, and gratify the trivial taste of Walpole; but in my
poor opinion it is a satire on copper-plate, and my uncle
has most completely libelled both his poet and his patron,
without intending so to do.
” In Walpole, he certainly
did not find a very liberal patron, yet it is said that he enjoyed a place of about JiOO a year by that gentleman’s
means, and had also the profits of the “Lucan,
” printed
at Strawberry-hill, amounting to about 40. For the
translation of “Hentzner’s Account of England,
” on
which Mr. Walpole employed him, he was promised clOO;
but this, according to Mr. Cole’s account, his patron reserved for his family.
entley published it himself in the St. James’s Chronicle in April 1763, in consequence of Lloyd, the poet, having printed an incorrect copy in his “St. James’s Magazine.”
About the conclusion of the last reign, his nephew, Mr.
Cumberland, brought him acquainted with the celebrated
Bubb Doddington, afterwards lord Melcombe, and by his
means he got some situation under administration, which
he does not specify. He adds, however, that there was
not a man of literary talents in the kingdom, who stood so
high in favour with the premier, lord Bute, as Mr. Bentley, and though, when his lordship went out of office, Mr.
Bentley lost every place of profit that could be taken from
him, he continued to enjoy a pension of 500 per annum,
in which his widow had her life, and received it many years
after his decease. It was in consequence of this connection that he wrote in 1765, “Patriotism,
” a satirical poem,
attacking Wilkes and his friends; reprinted in Dilly’s Repository, vol. IV. Before this he had composed his drama
of “The Wishes,
” which was privately rehearsed at lord
Melcombe’s villa, but was unsuccessful on the stage. Mr.
Bentley in 1761 wrote his poetical “Epistle to lord Melcolmbe,
” and Mr. Cumberland regrets that, if it be in the
hands of any of Mr. Bentley' s family, it should be withheld from the public, not knowing that Mr. Bentley published it himself in the St. James’s Chronicle in April 1763,
in consequence of Lloyd, the poet, having printed an incorrect copy in his “St. James’s Magazine.
” Mr. Bentley’s other dramas were, “Philodamus,
” Prophet,
” a posthumous
orio, to be set to music, entitled “Cristo presentato al tempio,” but it was neither as an orator or poet that he was destined to shine. He became professor of philosophy
, an Italian Jesuit, physician,
and mathematician of considerable eminence, was born at
Leghorn, Feb. 8, 1716. He began his noviciate among
the Jesuits at the age of sixteen, but did not take the four
vows, according to the statutes of that order, until eighteen
years afterwards. He had already published a funeral oration on Louis Ancajani, bishop of Spoleto, 1743, and a
species of oratorio, to be set to music, entitled “Cristo
presentato al tempio,
” but it was neither as an orator or
poet that he was destined to shine. He became professor
of philosophy at Fermo, and when father Boscovich was
obliged to leave Rome to complete the chorographical
chart of the papal state, which he published some years
afterwards, Benvenuti succeeded him in the mathematical chair of the Roman college, and also resumed his lectures on philosophy in the same college. His first scientific
work was an Italian translation of Clairaut’s Geometry,
Rome, 1751, 8vo and he afterwards published two works,
which gained him much reputation: 1. “Synopsis Physics
” a thesis maintained by one of his disciples,
the marquis de Castagnaga, on Benvenuti’s principles,
which were those of sir Isaac Newton, Rome, 1754, 4to.
2. “De Lumine dissertatio physica,
” another thesis maintained by the marquis, ibid. Riflessioni sur Gesuitismo,
” Irrefiessioni sur Gesuitismo
” but this answer gave so much
offence, that he was obliged to leave Rome and retire into
Poland, where he was kindly received by the king, and
became a favourite at his court. He died at Warsaw, in
September, 1789.
ans, embraced the principles of Calvin he was esteemed a very learned man and a good Greek and Latin poet. He was particularly eminent for his knowledge of Greek, which
, was born at Orleans in 1475, and died in 1550. According to the custom of that age, he Latinized his name into Beraldus
Aurelius, and it is under that name that his friend Nicolas Bourbon celebrates him in one of his Latin poems.
Berauld, according to Moreri, was preceptor to cardinal
Coligni, his brother the admiral, and to Chatillon. Erasmus, in many parts of his works, acknowledges the kind
hospitality of Berauld, when, in 1500, he was travelling
by the way of Orleans into Italy, and highly praises the
elegance of his style. In 1522, Erasmus dedicated to him
his work “De conscribendis epistolis.
” Berauld published various works in Latin, of which the principal are,
1. “Oratio de pace restituta et de fcedere sancito apud
” Paris, Metaphrasis in oeconomicon Aristotelis,
” Paris, 4to, without date. In Greek and Latin Dictionary,
” that of Crafton, with additions, a preface, and notes. 3. “Syderalis /ibyssus,
Paris, Dialogus quo rationes explicantur quibus dicendi ex tempore facultas parari potest, &c.
” Lyons,
De jurisprudentia vetere ac novitia oratio,
Lyons, Enarratio in psalmos LXXI. et
” Paris, 1529, 4to. Berauld was greatly respected by Stephen Poucher, bishop of Paris, and afterwards
archbishop of Sens, a celebrated patron of learning and
learned men. Berauld’s son, Francis, born at Orleans,
embraced the principles of Calvin he was esteemed a very
learned man and a good Greek and Latin poet. He was
particularly eminent for his knowledge of Greek, which he
taught at Montbelliard, Lausanne, Geneva, Montargis, of
which last college he was principal in 1571, and at Rochelle. Henry Stephens employed him to translate part
of Appian, and preferred his translation to that of Coslius
Secundus Curio.
, a French poet of the sixteenth century, was born at Albenas or Aubenas in
, a French poet of the
sixteenth century, was born at Albenas or Aubenas in the
Vivarais. From the preface to one of his works it appears
that he studied law, and that his family had intended him
for some post in the magistracy, but that he had found
leisure to cultivate his poetical talents, in which he was not
unsuccessful. His verses are easy and natural. The greater part were addressed to the poets of his time, many of
whose names are not much known now, or to persons of
distinction. We learn from one of his pieces that he lived
under Francis I. from another, under Henry II. and it is
supposed that he died about 1559. His published works
are, 1. “Le Siecle d'or,
” and other poems, Lyons, Choreide,
” or, “Louange du Bal aux Dames,
ibid. L'Amie des Amies,
” an imitation of
Ariosto, in four books, ibid. L'Amie rustique,
” and other poems, ibid.
Latin and French poems inserted in the collections, but we cannot pronounce him very successful as a poet.
, an eminent French antiquary,
was born at Rheims, March 1, 1567, and not 1557, as asserted by Bayle, Moreri, and Niceron. After finishing his
studies at the university of that city, he became preceptor
to the children of count de St. Souplet, who always testified his respect for him on account of the pains he bestowed
on their education. He then was admitted an advocate,
and appointed law-professor and syndic of the city, a place
which he filled during many of the elections. His talents
and virtues were so highly estimated by his fellow-citizens,
that as a mark of their confidence they employed him on
their affairs at Paris. During his visits to that metropolis,
he commenced a friendship with Dupuy and Peiresc, and
formed an acquaintance with the president de Bellievre,
who obtained for him the place of historiographer by brevet, with a pension of two hundred crowns. He was on a
visit at the country-house of this celebrated magistrate,
when he was attacked by a fever, which terminated fatally,
August 18, 1623, in his fifty -seventh year. The president
honoured him with an affectionate epitaph, which is printed
in his two principal works. He is particularly known in the
literary world by his “Histoire des grands chemins de
l'empire Remain,
” a work in which he was assisted by his
friend Peiresc, who furnished him with many necessary
documents. It was first printed in 4to, 1622, and in the
course of a century became very scarce. In 1712 the first
book of it was translated into English, and published at London, in 8vo, entitled “The general history of the Highways
in all parts of the world, particularly in Great Britain.
” In
De viis antiquorum Romanorum in Italia,
” and
doubtless would have availed himself of Bergier’s labours.
Besides this history of the Roman roads, Bergier had begun a history of Rheims, the manuscript of which the president de Bellievre wished Andre Duschesne to complete,
but some obstruction arising on the part of the chapter of
Rheims, who refused Duschesne access to their archives,
he declined proceeding with the undertaking. The son of
the author, however, John Bergier, unwilling that the whole
should be lost, published the two books left complete by his
father, with a sketch of the other fourteen of which it^as to
consist. This wasentitled “Dessein de I'Histoire de Reims,
ibid. Le point
du Jour, ou Traite du Commencement des Jours et de l'endroit ou il est etabli sur la terre,
” Rheims, Archemeron.
” His object is to attain some general rule for avoiding the disputes respecting the celebration of the Catholic
festivals. 2. “Le Bouquet royal,
” Paris, Police generale de la France,
, a Latin poet, born in Denmark in 1627, whose taste for letters does not appear
, a Latin poet, born in Denmark in
1627, whose taste for letters does not appear to have
impeded his fortune, was a member of the royal council of
finances, and historiographer to his majesty. It was to
justify his promotion to this last office, that he published
“Florus Danicus, sive Danicarum rerum a primordio regni
ad tempera usque Christian! I. Oldenburgici Breviarium.
This work was printed in fol. Deliciae quorundam Danorum,
” Leyden,
unt Tessin’s Letters shew him to be well acquainted with the Swedish language, and that he is a good poet. His Pharmacopoeia Medici, &c. demonstrate his skill in his
When we reflect on the variety of books that bear his
name, we cannot but be surprised at the extent and variety of the knowledge they contain. He was originally
intended for a merchant; thence his knowledge of the
principles of commerce. He was some years in one of the
best disciplined armies in Europe thence his knowledge
of the art of war. His translation of count Tessin’s Letters
shew him to be well acquainted with the Swedish language,
and that he is a good poet. His Pharmacopoeia Medici,
&c. demonstrate his skill in his profession. His Outlines
of Natural History, and his Botanical Lexicon, prove his
knowledge in every branch of natural history. His First
lines of Philosophical Chemistry have convinced the world
of his intimate acquaintance with that science. His essay
on Ways and Means proves him well acquainted with the
system of taxation. All his writings prove him to have
been a classical scholar, and it is known that the Italian,
French, German, and Dutch languages were familiar to
him. He was moreover a painter and played well, it is
said, on various musical instruments. To these
acquirements may be added, a considerable degree of mathematical knowledge, which he attained in the course of his
military studies. An individual so universally informed as
Dr, Berkenhout, is an extraordinary appearance in the republic of letters. In this character, which, we believe,
was published in his life-time, there is the evident hand of
a friend. Dr. Berkenhout, however, may be allowed to
have been an ingenious and well-informed man, but as an
author he ranks among the useful, rather than the original
and the comparisons of his friends between him and the
“admirable Chrichton
” are, to say the least, highly injudicious.
, successively poet laureate of Henry VII. and VIII. kings of England, was a native
, successively poet laureate of
Henry VII. and VIII. kings of England, was a native of
Tholouse, and an Augustine monk. By an instrument in
Rymer’s Foedera, Vol. XII. p. 317, pro Potta laureafo,
dated 1486, the king grants to Andrew Bernard, poet& laureato, which, as Mr. Warton remarks, we may construe
either “the laureated poet,
” or “a poet laureat,
” a salary of ten marks, until he can obtain some equivalent appointment. He is also supposed to have been the royal
historiographer, and preceptor in grammar to prince Arthur. All the pieces now to be found, which he wrote in
the character of poet laureat, are in Latin. Among them
are, an “Address to Henry VIII. for the most auspicious
beginning of the tenth year of his reign,
” with “An epithrflamium on the Marriage of Francis the dauphin of
France with the king’s daughter.
” These were formerly
in the possession of Mr. Thomas Martin of Palgrave, the
antiquary; - A New Year’s gift for 1515,“in the library
of New college, Oxford and
” Verses wishing prosperity to his Majesty’s thirteenth year,“in the British museum. He has also left some Latin hymns, a Latin life of
St. Andrew, and many Latin prose pieces, which he wrote
as historiographer to both monarchs, particularly a
” Chronicle of the life and achievements of Henry VII. to the
taking of Perkin Warbeck," and other historical commentaries on thq reign of that king, which are all in the
CotIonian library. He was living in 1522, but is not mentioned by Bale, Pits, or Tanner.
, a French poet, was the son of a sculptor at Grenoble in Dauphine, and born
, a French poet, was the
son of a sculptor at Grenoble in Dauphine, and born in
1710. Being sent to the college of Jesuits at Lyons, he
made rapid progress under able masters, who were desirous
of attaching him to their body but the young scholar, too
fond of liberty and pleasure, would not consent to that
Confinement. Being drawn to Paris by the wish to make a
figure in the poetical world, he was obliged to employ himself for two years as clerk to a notary. The light pieces of
poetry he sent abroad at intervals, of which the best are the
epistle to Claudine, and the song of the Rose, procured
him a patron in the marquis de Pezay, who took him with
him to the campaign of Italy. Bernard was at the battles
of Parma and Guastalla and behaved with considerable
bravery. Being presented to the marechal de Coigni, who
commanded there, he was lucky enough to please him by
his wit and agreeable manners. The marechal took him
to be his secretary, admitted him to his intimacy, and
some time afterwards procured him the place of secretarygeneral of the dragoons. From gratitude he attached himself constantly to this Maecenas, till 1756, when he was
deprived of him by death. He was in great request in all
the select companies of the court and of Paris; whom he
delighted by the brilliant wit, and warmth of his verses
and airs, of which some are worthy of Anacreon. In
1771 the sudden loss of his memory put an end to his
happiness, and he fell into a state of mental imbecillity.
In this condition he went to a revival of his opera of Castor,
and was incessantly asking, “Is the king come Is the
king pleased with it Is madame de Pompadour pleased
with it
” thinking he was all the while at Versailles and
rioting in the delirium of a courtly poet. He died in this
unhappy state, Nov. 1, 1775. Besides his lighter pieces
of poetry, which got him the appellation of le gentil Bernard,
several operas added much to his reputation. In 1803 an
edition of his works was published in 2 vols. 8vo, and 4 vols.
18mo, comprehending several pieces not before published;
but upon the whole, according to the opinion of his countrymen, his talents were not of the first order, and his
popularity appears to have been owing more to his gratifying the passions than the taste of his companions and
, an Italian poet, was born at Vignola, in the duchy of Modena, June 30, 1672.
, an Italian poet, was
born at Vignola, in the duchy of Modena, June 30, 1672.
His early studies afforded great promise of talents, and at
the age of nineteen he was admitted into the academy of
the Arcadians. He resided a considerable time at Bologna, where he established a colony of Arcadians, and for
this reason in the title of some of his works he is styled a
Bolognese, although certainly not a native of that city. In
1701 he was appointed imperial poet at the court of Vienna,
which he would fain have given up in favour of Apostolo
Zeno, but the latter declined it, and Bernardoni accordingly
filled the office under the two emperors Leopold and Joseph I. He died at Bologna, Jan. 19, 1714. He published two collections of poetry: 1. “I Fiori, primizie
poetiche, divise in rime amorose, sacre, morali, e funebri,
Bologna, Rime varie,
” Vienna,
, a lawyer, philosopher, orator, and poet, of Ferrara, was born in 1610. After having pursued his studies
, a lawyer, philosopher, orator,
and poet, of Ferrara, was born in 1610. After having pursued his studies with great success, and taken his law degrees, in the university of his native city, he was chosen
professor of the belles lettres, then first secretary, and in
that quality was sent to compliment pope Innocent X. on
his election to the papal chair. He lived in considerable
favour with that pope, as well as with Alexander VII. and
Clement IX. his successors, and the dukes of Mantua,
Charles I. and II. who conferred upon him the title of
Count. His poetical talents were principally devoted to
the drama and one of his plays “Gli Sforzi del Desiderio,
represented at Ferrara in Accademia,
” Ferrara, 2 vols. 4to,
without date, and reprinted in 1658. Many of his lyric
poems are in the collections.
As a poet, the cardinal was very early noticed, and his poems were so
As a poet, the cardinal was very early noticed, and his
poems were so highly esteemed as to procure his being admitted into the French academy long before he had risen
in the world. They have not, however, preserved their
reputation, and no person perhaps could judge more
severely of them than the cardinal himself, of whose
talents they certainly were not worthy, nor did he like to
hear them mentioned. After his death a poem of his
composition was published, “Religion vengee,
” which was
at least more becoming his rank than his juvenile effusions.
It contains some spirited passages and excellent sentiments,
but has too much of the coldness and philosophy of age.
His early poems were censured for being overloaded with
gorgeous figures andflowers. Voltaire used to call him
Eabet-la-Bouquetiere, the name of a fat nosegay woman,
who used to ply at the door of the Opera. In other respects, Voltaire had a high opinion of Bernis 1 s talents, as
appears from their correspondence (published in 1799, 8vo.)
in which Bernis appears to great advantage, and very superior to the flippant freedoms of his correspondent’s style.
In 1790, a volume of Bernis’ letters to M. Paris du Verney,
was published at Paris but these are not very interesting,
unless as exhibiting some agreeable features in his character. The cardinal’s works, in prose and verse, have been
often printed, and form 2 vols. 8vo. or 18mo. His poem
on Religion was magnificently printed by Bodoni in fol.
and 4to. and Didot printed a beautiful edition of his complete works in 1797, 8vo.
s, commerce, and the fine arts. It was he who induced Frederick V. to give a pension for life to the poet Klopstock. On the death of that monarch, Bernstorf was continued
, minister of state in Denmark, was born at Hanover, May 13, 1712.
Some relations he happened to have in Denmark invited
him thither, where his talents were soon noticed, and employed by the government. After having been ambassador in several courts, he was placed by Frederick V. at
the head of foreign affairs. During the seven years war
(1755 62) he preserved a system of strict neutrality, which
proved eminently serviceable to the commerce and internal prosperity of Denmark. In 1761, when the emperor
of Russia, Peter III. threatened Denmark with war, and
inarched his troops towards Holstein, Bernstorf exerted
the utmost vigour in contriving means for the defence of
the country, and the“sudden death of Peter having averted
this storm, he employed his skill in bringing about an alliance between the courts of Copenhagen and St. Petersburgh. In 1767 he succeeded in concluding a provisional
treaty, by which the dukedom of Holstein, which Paul,
the grand duke of Russia, inherited by the death of Peter
III. was exchanged for Oldenburgh, which belonged to
the king of Denmark. This finally took place in 1773,
and procured an important addition to the Danish territories. Soon after Bernstorf put a stop to the long contest
that had been maintained respecting the house of Holstein
having a right of sovereignty over Hamburgh, and that city
vVas declared independent on condition of not claiming repayment of the money the city had advanced to the king of
Denmark and the dukes of Holstein. These measures contributed highly to the reputation of count Bernstorf as a
politician, but perhaps he derived as much credit from his
conduct in other respects. He had acquired a large estate
in the neighbourhood of Copenhagen, the peasants on
which, as was the case in Denmark at that time, were
slaves, and transferred like other property. Bernstorf,
however, not only gave them their liberty, but granted
them long leases, and encouraged them to cultivate the
land, and feel that they had an interest in it. His tenants,
soon sensible of the humanity and wisdom of his conduct,
agreed to express their gratitude by erecting an obelisk
in honour of him on the side of the great road leading to
Copenhagen. Bernstorf was likewise a liberal patron of
manufactures, commerce, and the fine arts. It was he
who induced Frederick V. to give a pension for life to the
poet Klopstock. On the death of that monarch, Bernstorf
was continued in the ministry lor the first years of the
new reign, until 1770, when Struenzee being placed at
the head of the council, Bernstorf was allowed to resign
with a pension. He then retired to Hamburgh, but, after
the catastrophe of Struenzee, he was recalled, and was
about to set out for Copenhagen when he died of an
apoplexy, Feb. 19, 1772. The political measures of this statesman belong to history, but his private character has been
the theme of universal applause. Learned, social, affable,
generous, and high spirited, he preserved the affections
of all who knew him, and throughout his whole administration had the singular good fortune to enjoy at the same
time courtly favour and popular esteem. His nephew,
count Andrew Peter Bernstorf, who was born in 1735, and
eventually succeeded him as foreign minister for Denmark,
displayed equal zeal and knowledge in promoting the true
interests of his country, which yet repeats his name with
fervour and enthusiasm. It was particularly his object to
preserve the neutrality of Denmark, after the French revolution had provoked a combination of most of the powers
of Europe; and as long as neutral rights were at all respected, he succeeded in this wise measure. His state
papers on the
” principles of the court of Denmark concerning neutrality,“in 1780, and his
” Declaration to the
courts of Vienna and Berlin," in 1792, were much admired. In private life he followed the steps of his uncle,
by a liberal patronage of arts, commerce, and manufactures,
and like him was as popular in the country as in the court.
He died Jan. 21, 1797.
untry, among whom is the celebrated Clement Marot. A part of them were incorporated in the “Delitiae poet. Italorum” of Toscano.
He was equally learned with the elder Beroaldo, and
wrote with more taste, particularly in poetry, but he
was less laborious, his only productions being, 1. “Taciti
Annalium libri quinque priores,
” Home, Odarum libri tres, et epigrammatum liber
” Rome, Delitiae poet. Italorum
” of
mortal fame among judges of excellence in this department. Among these were the heads of Thomson the poet, Mary queen of Scots, Oliver Cromwell, Julius Caesar, a young
The impulse of genius, however, got so far the better of prudential considerations, that he executed, during the course of his life, ten or twelve heads, any one of which would have been sufficient to insure him immortal fame among judges of excellence in this department. Among these were the heads of Thomson the poet, Mary queen of Scots, Oliver Cromwell, Julius Caesar, a young Hercules, and Mr. Hamilton of Bangour, the poet. Of these onlytwo copies were from the antique, and they were executed in the finest style of those celebrated entaglios. The young Hercules in particular, which, if we mistake not, belongs to the earl of Findlater, possessed that unaffected plain simplicity, and natural concurrence in the same expression of youthful innocence through all the features, conjoined with strength and dignity, which is, perhaps, the most difficult of all expressions to be hit off by the most faithful imitator of nature.
ut this exact impartiality was displeasing to several writers, and especially to Voltaire. When that poet published, without his name, his panegyric on Louis XV. pere
, a French writer of
considerable note, was born at Issoudun en Berri April 7,
1704, and entered among the Jesuits in 1722. He was
professor of humanity at Blois, of philosophy at Rennes
and Rouen, and of divinity at Paris. The talents he displayed in these offices made him be chosen in 1742 to
succeed father Brumoy, in the continuation of his “History of the Gallican Church.
” This he executed with
general approbation. In the worthy rival
of Homer and Sophocles,
” the journalist put coldly in a
note, “We are not acquainted with him.
” But what
raised the anger of Voltaire to its utmost pitch, was a very
just censure of several reprehensible passages in his essay
on general history. The irritated poet declared openly in
1759 against the Jesuit in a sort of diatribe, which he
placed after his ode on the death of the margravine of Bareith. The Jesuit repelled his shafts with a liberal and
manly spirit in the Journal de Trevoux. Upon this the
poet, instead of a serious answer, brought out in 1760 a
piece of humour, entitled “An account of the sickness,
confession, and death of the Jesuit Berthier.
” The learned
Jesuit did not think proper to make any reply to an adversary who substituted ridicule for argument, and continued
the Journal de Trevoux till the dissolution of the society
in France. He then quitted his literary occupations for
retirement. At the close of 1762 the dauphin appointed
him keeper of the royal library, and adjunct in the education of Louis XVI. and of monsieur. But eighteen months
afterwards, when certain events occasioned the dismission,
of all ex-jesuits from the court, he settled at Ossenbourg,
from which the empress queen invited him to Vienna and
he was also offered the place of librarian at Milan, but he
refused all and after residing here for ten years, obtained
permission to go to Bourges, where he had a brother and
a nephew in the church. Here he died of a fall, Dec. 15,
1782, just after being informed that the French clergy
had decreed him a pension of a thousand livres. The
chapter of the metropolitan church gave him distinguished
honours at his interment; a testimony due to a man of
such eminent piety, extensive erudition, and excellent
, a modern French poet of the Ovidian cast, was born in the isle of Bourbon, Oct. 10,
, a modern French poet of the
Ovidian cast, was born in the isle of Bourbon, Oct. 10,
1752, and died at St. Domingo June 1790. He was
brought to France for education at the age of nine, and
after studying for some time in the college of Plessis, entered the military service, and became a captain of horse
and a chevalier of St. Louis. In his twentieth year he distinguished himself as a poet, although his effusions were
circulated principally among his friends; but in 1782,
when he published four books of elegies under the title of
” a very honourable rank appears to have been
assigned to him among the minor poets of France. He
was intimately connected with chevalier de Parny, another
poet of the amatory class, and who was termed the French
Tibullus, and they lived together in the utmost amity, although rivals in the public favour. About the end of the
year 1789, Bertin went to St. Domingo to marry a young
creole, with whom he had formed an acquaintance in Paris,
but on the day of marriage he was seized with a violent
fever, of which he died in a few days. His works were
collected and published at Paris in 1785, 2 vols. 18mo,
and reprinted in 1802 and 1306.
of anger, which Brutus himself endeavours to excuse. But with whatever strength of nature we see the poet shew at once the philosopher and the hero, yet the image of
, a celebrated English actor,
was born in Tothill-street, Westminster, 1635; and, after
having left school, is said to have been put apprentice to
a bookseller. The particulars, however, relating to the
early part of his life, are not ascertained. It is generally
thought that he made his first appearance on the stage in
1656, at the opera-house in Charter-house-yard, under
the direction of sir William Davenant, and continued to
perform here till the restoration, when king Charles grained
patents to two companies, the one called the king’s cornpa ly, and the other the duke’s. The former acted at the
theatre royal in Drury-lane, and the latter at the theatre
in Lincoln’s-Inn-fields. Betterton went over to Paris, at the
command of king Charles II. to take a view of the French
scenery, and at his return made such improvements as
added greatly to the lustre of the English stage. For several
years both companies acted with the highest applause, and
the taste for dramatic entertainments was never stronger
than whilst these two companies played . The two companies were however at length united; though the time of
this union is not precisely known, Gildon placing it in
1682, and Cibber in 1684. But however this may be, it
was in this united company that Mr. 'Betterton first shone
forth with the greatest degree of lustre for, having survived the famous actors upon whose model he had formed
himself, he was now at liberty to display his genius in its
full extent. His merit as an actor cannot now be very accurately displayed, and much of the following passage
from Gibber’s Apology, seems to be mere stage-cant and
declamation. Cibber says, “Betterton was an actor,
as Shakspeare was an author, both without competitors,
formed for the mutual assistance and illustration of each
other’s genius! How Shakspeare wrote, all men who
have a taste for nature may read and know; but with what
higher rapture would he still be read, could they conceive
how Betterton played him! Then might they know the
one was born alone to speak what the other only knew to
write! Pity it is that the momentary beauties, flowing
from an harmonious elocution, cannot, like those of poetry, be their own record! that the animated graces of
the player can live no longer than the instant breath and
motion that present them, or at best can but faintly glimmer through the memory or imperfect attestation of a few
surviving spectators! Could how Betterton spoke be as
easily known as what he spoke, then might you see the
muse of Shakspeare in her triumph, with all her beauties
in her best array, rising into real life, and charming her
beholders. But alas! since all this is so far out of the
reach of description, how shall I shew you Betterton?
Should I therefore tell you that all the Othellos, Hamlets,
Hotspurs, Macbeths, and Brutuses, you have seen since
his time, have fallen short of him, this still would give you
no idea of his particular excellence. Let us see then what
a particular comparison may do, whether that may yet
draw him nearer to you? You have seen a Hamlet perhaps, who, on the first appearance of his father’s spirit,
has thrown himself into all the straining vociferation requisite to express rage and fury; and the house has thundered
with applause, though the misguided actor was all the
while (as Shakspeare terms it) tearing a passion into rags.
I am the more bold to offer you this particular instance,
because the late Mr. Addison, while I sat by him to see
this scene acted, made the same observation asking me,
with some surprise, if I thought Hamlet should be in so
violent a passion with the ghost, which, though it might
have astonished, had not provoked him? For you may
observe, that in this beautiful speech, the passion never
rises beyond an almost breathless astonishment, or an impatience, limited by a filial reverence, to inquire into the
suspected wrongs that may have raised nim from his peaceful
tomb and a desire to know what a spirit so seemingly
distrest might wish or enjoin a sorrowful son to execute
towards his future quiet in the grave. This was the light
into which Betterton threw this scene; which he opened with
a pause of mute amazement! Then rising slowly to a
solemn, trembling voice, he made the ghost equally terrible to the spectator as to himself. And in the descriptive part of the natural emotions which the ghastlyvision gave him, the boldness tit‘ his expostulation was still
governed by decency manly, but not braving his voice
never rising into that seeming outrage, or wild deli an ce,
of what he naturally revered. But, alas to preserve this
medium between mouthing, and meaning too little, to
keep the attention more pleasingly awake by a ’tempered
spirit, than by mere vehemence of voice, is, of all the
master strokes of an actor, the most difficult to reach. In.
this none have equalled Betterton. He that feels not himself the passion he would raise, will talk to a sleeping audience. But this was
” never the fault of Be item n. A farther excellence in him was, that he could vary iiis spirit to
the different characters he acted. Those wild impatient
starts, that fierce and flashing fire which he threw into
Hotspur, never came from the unruffled temper of his
Brutus (for I have more than once seen a Brutus as warm as Hotspur): when the Betterton Brutus was provoked in
his dispute with Cassius, his spirits flew out of his eyes his
steady looks alone supplied that terror which he disdained
an intemperance in his voice should rise to. Thus, with a
settled dignity of contempt, like an unheeding rock, he
repelled upon himself the foam of Cassius; not but in some
part of this scene, where he reproaches Cassius, his temper is not under this suppression, but opens into that
warmth which becomes a man of virtue; yet this is that
hasty spark of anger, which Brutus himself endeavours to
excuse. But with whatever strength of nature we see the
poet shew at once the philosopher and the hero, yet the
image of the actor’s excellence will be still imperfect to
you, unless language could put colours in our words to
paint the voice with. The most that a Vandyck can arrive at is, to make his portraits of great persons seem to
think a Shakspeare goes farther yet, and tells you what
his pictures thought; a BetU-rton steps beyond them both,
and calls them from the grave to breathe, and be themselves again in feature, speech, and motion, at once united
and gratifies at once-your eye, your ear, your understanding. From these various excel lenci s, Betterton had so
full a possession of the esteem and regard of his auditors,
that, upon his entrance into every scene, he seemed to
seize upon the eyes and ears of the giddy and inadvertent.
To have talked or looked another way, would have been
thought insensibility or ignorance. In all his soliloquies of
moment, the strongest intelligence of attitude and aspect
drew you into such an impatient gaze and eager expectation, that you almost imbibed the sentiment with your eye,'
before the er could reach it."