Guerard, Robert
, a learned Benedictine, was born in 1641, at Rouen. While he was assisting Delfau in the revisal of St. Augustine’s works, he was accused of being concerned in a book entitled “L’abbé Commandataire,” and confined at Ambournay in Bugey. He took advantage of this exile to make a diligent search for ancient Mss. and discovered a great number; among others, St. Augustine’s book against Julian, entitled “Opus imperfectum,” of which only two copies were at that time known, and sent an exact copy of it to his brethren at Paris. Guerard was afterwards sent to Fescamp, and then to Rouen, where he died, Jan. 2, 1715. He left “Abrege* de la Bible, en forme de Questions et de Re*ponses familieres,” 2 vols. If mo. This work is esteemed, and has gone through several editions. 2