Habert, Isaac
, was a learned and celebrated doctor of the society of the Sorbonne, canon and theologal of Paris, and made bishop of Vabres, in 1645. He died January 11, 1668. He distinguished himself by his preaching, and by several works on Grace, in which he forcibly refutes Jansenius, though he defends the doctrine of efficacious Grace, but in another sense. He also left a Latin translation of the “Pontifical of the Greek Church,” with learned notes, 1643, fol. some Latin Poems, Paris, 1623, 4to “Hymns for the Feast of St. Louis,” in the Paris Breviary; “De Consensu Hierarchies et Monarchies,” Paris, 1640, 4to; and many other works. Susannah Habert, his aunt, married Charles du Jardin, an officer under Henry III. and became a widow at twenty-four. This lady was considered as a prodigy of genius; she understood Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, philosophy, and even divinity, which gained her a great reputation among the learned. She died 1633, in the convent of | Notre Dame de Grace, at Paris, where she had lived rffear twenty years, leaving several works in ms. in the hands of her nephew. 1