The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “The whole book of Job paraphrased,” by Abbot, George and son of sir Maurice Abbot
Died: Achillini, Claude and son of
Died: Alabaster, William divine
Born: Alfaro-Y-Gamon, Juan D' painter
Publication: “Philo Byzantinus de septem orbis spectaculis, Gr. et Lat. cum notis,” by Allatius, Leo keeper of the Vatican library
Died: Allegri, Gregorio a Romish ecclesiastic
Died: Amaia, Francis lawyer
Publication: “Dissertatio historica et chronologica de antique urbis Syracusarum archiepiscopatu,” by Amico, Antonine D' of Messina
Publication: “Series ammiratorum insulse Sicilian, ab ann. 842 ad 1640,” by Amico, Antonine D' of Messina
Publication: “De Messanensis prioratus sacræ hospilitatis domus militum sancti Joan. Hierosolymitani origine,” by Amico, Antonine D' of Messina
Publication: “Chronologia de los Virreyes, &c. de Sicilia,” by Amico, Antonine D' of Messina
Publication: “Albero et storia della famiglia de conte Guidi, coll' agiunte de Scipione Ammirato Giovane,” by Ammirato, Scipio historian
Died: Arbaud, Francis Sieur de Porcheres
Publication: “De Cantici Canticorum sensu, velitatio bina,” by Aresi, Paul of Milan
Died: Arpino, Joseph D' painter
Publication: “With this weapon I defy you.” by Arpino, Joseph D' painter
Born: Audran, Girard artist
Publication: “Several speeches in parliament,” by Bagshaw, Edward a gentleman of a Derbyshire family
Publication: “Commentarius in libellum Theophrasti de Vertigine,” by Baillou, William physician
Publication: “De Convulsionibus libellus,” by Baillou, William physician
Publication: “Meditations and disquisitions on the first Psalm,” by Baker, Sir Richard and son of John
Publication: “Meditations and disquisitions on the 'seven consolatory Psalms of David, namely, 23, 27, 30, 34, 84, 103, and 116,” by Baker, Sir Richard and son of John
Publication: “Meditations and prayers upon the seven clays of the week,” by Baker, Sir Richard and son of John
Publication: “De loco affecto in pleuritide disceptationes,” by Baldo
Died: Ball, John divine
Died: Bamboccio an eminent Butch
Died: Bancroft, John bishop
Publication: “Observationes Philologicce,” by Bangius, Thomas doctor and professor of divinity in the university of Copenhagen
Publication: “Arte de loa metallos,” by Barba, Alvarez Alonzo curate of St
Died: Baudart, William divine
Born: Benoit, Elias the son of a Calvinist
Died: Bernard, Charles king’s counsellor
Died: Bernegger, Matthias who was born Feb. 8
Publication: “Admirandae fabrics humanae mulieris partium, &c. delineatio,” by Besler, Michael Robert physician
Born: Bohn, John physician
Publication: “Heures de Recreation,” by Boot, Gerard of a noble family
Publication: “Antiquities of Paris,” by Breulius, James antiquary
Born: Brueys, David Augustin writer
Publication: “Chorazin and Bethsaida’s woe and warning,” by Carpenter, Nathaniel clergyman
Publication: “Comment, ad legern regiam Germanorum,” by Carpzovius, Benedict was born in 1595
Born: Cavendish, William the first duke of Devonshire
Died: Chaderton, Laurence first master of Emanuel-college
Born: Chauvin, Stephen clergyman
Publication: “De ratione Status Imperii Romano- Germanici,” by Chemnitz, Bogeslaus Philip grandson of the preceding Chemnitz
Publication: “A Treatise on Love, or Erotic Melancholy,” by Chilmead, Edward mathematician
Born: Coles, Elisha author of a Dictionary once in much reputation
Died: Collius, Francis a doctor of the Ambrosian college at Milan
Born: Coysevox, Anthony an ingenious French sculptor
Died: Day, John was born in his father’s house in Aldersgate-street in 1566
Publication: “Discursus historico-politicus de perigratione studiorum,” by Dieteric, John Conrad the son of John Conrad
Publication: “Sermons,” by Donne, John divine and poet
Publication: “A godly and learned Treatise of Prayer,” by Downham, George bishop
Died: Duncan, Mark an ancestor of the preceding Dr
Publication: “Dissertatio de Novo-antiquo Capitis Morbo ac Dolore, cum aliis Disquisitionibus Medicis de diffic. nonnul. Materiis Practice,” by Fabricius, James physician
Died: Faret, Nicholas poet
Publication: “Several Funeral Sermons, one preached at the funeral of sir Humphrey Lynd,” by Featley, Daniel divine
Died: Feuquieres, Manasses De Pas, Marquis De one of the bravest French officers in the seventeenth century
Publication: “Reply to the relation, of the conference between Laud and Fisher,” by Fisher, John Jesuit
Born: Fleury, Claude historian
Publication: “Pathologia Daemoniaca,” by Fludd, Robert philosopher
Born: Fosse, Charles De La painter
Publication: “Sumtna totins philosophise e D. Thomae Aquinatis doctrina,” by Fronteau, John canon regular of the congregation of St
Born: Garzi, Louis born at Rome in 1640
Publication: “Versio, varise Lectiones, et Annotationes critics in opuscula varia Galeni,” by Goulston, Theodore physician
Publication: “Elenchus AntiDiatribes Mercurii Frondatoris ad Statii Sylvas,” by Gronovius, John Frederic an eminent civilian
Publication: “Muscarium ad Statii Sylvas,” by Gronovius, John Frederic an eminent civilian
Publication: “Notes to Tacitus,” by Grotius, Hugo one of the most eminent names in literary history
Publication: “De Consensu Hierarchies et Monarchies,” by Habert, Isaac was a learned and celebrated doctor of the society of the Sorbonne
Publication: “Castara.” by Habington, William poet
Died: Hemelar, John a very learned man
Publication: “Optati Galli de cavendo Schismate, Liber Paraeneticus,” by Hersent, Charles divine
Born: Hire, Philip De La astronomer
Born: Hooper, Dr. George divine
Born: Hubert, Matthew preacher
Born: Jardins, Mary Catharine Des a French lady
Died: Jonas, Anagrimus a learned Icelander
Publication: “Horti Carolini Rosa altera,” by Joyner, William second son of William
Born: Keach, Benjamin divine
Born: Kirch, Godfrey the first of a family of astronomers
Died: Kirstenius, Peter professor of physic at Upsal
Born: Laet, John De an author of the seventeenth century
Born: Lairesse, Gerard painter
Born: Lami, Bernard a learned priest of the Oratory
Born: Mace, Francis a learned French priest
Publication: “De Archicancellariis S. R. imperil,” by Mallinkrott, Bernard dean
Publication: “Histoire de Bearn,” by Marca, Peter De one of the greatest ornaments of the Gallican church (?–1662)
Died: Mascardi, Augustin a distinguished person in the republic of letters
Died: Massinger, Philip writer
Born: Mercator, Nicholas astronomer
Died: Metrophanes Critopylus the patriarch of Alexandria in the seventeenth century
Died: Miræus, Aubertus a learned German
Publication: “Theanthropicon; seu de vita Jesu Christi originum ecclesiasticarum libri duo. Accedit Groecorum versio, et index utriusque partis,” by Mountagu, Richard divine
Died: Naudé, Gabriel bibliographer
Born: North, Francis lord Guilford
Born: Ozanam, James mathematician
Born: Parker, Samuel a man of some learning
Born: Pfeiffer, Augustus a German orientalist
Publication: “De septem Orbis Spectaculis,” by Philo, Judæus writer
Born: Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England
Died: Pontanus, John Isaac historiographer to his Danish majesty
Died: Risdon, Tristram an English topographer
Publication: “La Defense du Christianism,” by Roques, Peter clergyman
Born: Rycke, Theodore De critic
Publication: “Historian Navalis mediae libri tres,” by Ryves, Sir Thomas son of John Ryves of Damery Court
Died: Salian, James Jesuit
Publication: “Les Vanitez de la Cour,” by Salisbury, John Of one of the greatest ornaments of the twelfth century
Died: Salmasius, Claude one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Dissertatio de fcenore trapezitico, in tres libros divisa,” by Salmasius, Claude one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Achillis Tatii Alexandrini Eroticon de Clitophontis et Leucippes amoribus, libri octo,” by Salmasius, Claude one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Interpretatio Hippocratis aphorismi 69, sect. iv. de calculo,” by Salmasius, Claude one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Psalms,” by Sandys, George archbishop
Publication: “An Essay to the translation of the jEneis.” by Sandys, George archbishop
Died: Sarbiewski, Matthias Casimir poet
Born: Shadwell, Thomas poet
Died: Sherburne, Sir Edward poet
Born: Slingeland, John Peter Van artist
Publication: “Historia de Bello Belgico” by Strada, Famiamis Jesuit
Publication: “Contemplations, Sighs, and Groans of a Christian,” by Style, William writer
Born: Tourneux, Nicholas Le divine
Born: Tozzi, Luke physician
Publication: “Geographia antiqua,” by Vossius, Isaac a man of great parts and learning
Died: Walton, Brian bishop
Died: Walton, Isaac writer
Died: Wandesforde, Christopher, Viscount Castlecomer statesman (1592–1640)
Born: Wharton, Thomas, Marquis Of Wharton was eld* est son of Philip lord Wharton
Publication: “Prototypes, or the primarie Precedent out of the book of Genesis,” by Whately, William divine
Born: Wirz, John artist
Born: Wycherley, William poet (?–1715)
Died: Aarsens, Francis lord of Someldyck and Spyck
Publication: “Answer to the questions of the Citizens of London in Jan. 1600, concerniug Cheapside Cross,” by Abbot, George archbishop (?–1633)
Publication: “Vindiciae Sabbati, or an answer to two treatises of Mr. Broad,” by Abbot, George and son of sir Maurice Abbot
Publication: “Britannia illustrata,” by Alford, Michael whose real name is said to be Griffith
Born: Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “De Pelevation de la foi, &c.” by Amyraut, Moses divine
Publication: “L'Istoria Augusta da Giulio Cesare Costatino il magno,” by Angeloni, Francis antiquary
Died: Ashley, Robert a Wiltshire gentleman
Born: Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Publication: “A Remonstrance against Presbytery,” by Aston, Sir Thomas a brave and loyal gentleman
Died: Backer, Jacob painter
Publication: “Two arguments in parliament, on the Canons and Praemunire,” by Bagshaw, Edward a gentleman of a Derbyshire family
Died: Baker, David Benedictine
Publication: “Chronicle of the kings of England, from the time of the Romans’ government unto the death of king James,” by Baker, Sir Richard and son of John
Publication: “Apology for Laymen’s writing in Divinity,” by Baker, Sir Richard and son of John
Publication: “A soliloquy of the Soul, or a pillar of thoughts, &c.” by Baker, Sir Richard and son of John
Publication: “Hebrew Lexicon,” by Bangius, Thomas doctor and professor of divinity in the university of Copenhagen
Publication: “Anatomia Caspari Barthqlini parentis novis observationibus primuin locupletata,” by Bartholine, Thomas physician
Died: Baskerville, Sir Simon knight
Publication: “Circulus Pisanus,” by Berigard, Claude Guillermet, Slgnor De was born at Moulins in 1578
Died: Bernard, Claude called Father Bernard
Publication: “Le Testament du reverend pere Bernard, et ses pensdes pieuses,” by Bernard, Claude called Father Bernard
Publication: “The penitent death of a woful Sinner; or, the penitent death of John Atherton, late bishop of Waterford in Ireland, who was executed at Dublin the fifth of December, 1640; with some annotations on several passages,” by Bernard, Nicholas divine
Publication: “A sermon preached at the burial of John Atherton, the next night after his execution, in St. John’s church, Dublin,” by Bernard, Nicholas divine
Died: Bernard, Richard divine
Publication: “Apiaria universae philosophise, mathematics, &c.” by Bettini, Mario Jesuit
Born: Bini, Severin in Latin Binius
Publication: “A Door of Hope,” by Bond, John LL. D. was the son of Dennis Bond
Publication: “Holy and Loyal Activity,” by Bond, John LL. D. was the son of Dennis Bond
Born: Bottoni, Dominic the son of Nicholas Bottom
Died: Brosse, Guy De La physician
Publication: “The sounding of the two last Trumpets; or, Meditations on the 9th, 10th, and llth Chapters of the Revelations,” by Burton, Henry was born at Birsall in Yorkshire
Publication: “The Protestation protested, or a short Remonstrance, shewing what is principally required of all those that have or do take the last Parliamentary Protestation,” by Burton, Henry was born at Birsall in Yorkshire
Publication: “Speech in the house of peers, Jan. 30, 1641, upon occasion of the present distractions, and of his Majesty’s removal from Whitehall,” by Carey, Henry earl of Monmouth
Publication: “De atrabile, quoad mores attinet,” by Chiaramonti, Scipio in Latin Claramontius
Born: Colombiere, Claude De La Jesuit
Died: Croke, Sir George the third son of sir John Croke of Buckinghamshire
Publication: “Animadversions upon a treatise lately published, and entitled, God’s Love to Mankind, manifested by disproving his absolute decree for their damnation,” by Davenant, John bishop
Publication: “Vindicite Trithemianse, sive specimen steganographiae Joannis Trithemii, quo auctoris ingenuitas demonstratur, et opus superstitione absolvitur,” by Despierres, John Benedictine
Born: Dodwell, Henry writer
Died: Domenichino artist
Publication: “A letter of state to a scholar of Cambridge;” by Dudley, Robert baron of Denbigh (?–1588)
Publication: “Consultatio theologica super negocio Pacis Ecclesiast.” by Dury, John in Latin Duroeus
Publication: “A summary discourse concerning the work of Peace Ecclesiastical,” by Dury, John in Latin Duroeus
Died: Eaton, John divine
Publication: “Synopsis Philosophise Orientalium,” by Ecchellensis, Abraham a learned Maronite of the seventeenth century
Born: Edelinck, Gerard engraver
Publication: “Reasons against the Independent Government of particular Congregations,” by Edwards, Thomas writer
Publication: “Commentariuf ad Betramum de Republica Hebrseorum,” by Empereur, Constantine of Oppyck
Publication: “The Arminian Nunnery, or a brief description and relation of the late erected monastical place, called the Arminian Nunnery at Little Gidding in Huntingdonshire: humbly addressed to the wise consideration of the present parliament. The foundation is by a company of Ferrars at Gidding,” by Ferrar, Nicholas an English gentleman of considerable learning and ingenuity
Publication: “Canterburian’s Self-conviction,” by Field, Richard divine
Died: Finch, Henry of the family of the lord keeper
Publication: “A Design for bringing a River from Rickmansworth in Hertfordshire to St. Giles’s in the Fields, near London; the benefits of it declared, and the objections against it answered,” by Ford, Sir John an ingenious gentleman of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Thomas a Kempis vindicatus per unuin e Canonicis regularibus congregationis Gallicanae,” by Fronteau, John canon regular of the congregation of St
Publication: “The antipathy between the French and the Spaniard,” by Gentilis, Robert but unworthy of him
Died: George, Amjra was a learned Maronite
Publication: “Historia Gotteschalci,” by Gotteschalcus, Fulgentius surnamed Fulgentius
Born: Graaf, Regnier De physician
Publication: “The Nature of Tiuth; its union and unity with the soule, which is one in its essence, faculties, acts; one with truth,” by Greville, Fulk lord Brooke
Publication: “A Discourse opening the nature of that Episcopacie which is exercised in England,” by Greville, Fulk lord Brooke
Born: Guerard, Robert Benedictine
Born: Gueret, Gabriel writer
Publication: “Observations upon History,” by Habington, William poet
Publication: “Analysis of the Psalms,” by Helmich, Werner divine
Publication: “An Help to English History,” by Heylin, Dr. Petek divine
Born: Hoeltzlinus, Jeremias a philologer (1583–?)
Publication: “A Discovery of the causes of these Contentions touching Church-government, out of the fragments of Richard Hooker,” by Hooker, Richard divine
Born: Horneck, Dr. Anthony divine
Publication: “An Answer to certain frivolous Objections against the Government of the Church of England,” by Jewel, John prelate
Died: Kellison, Matthew writer
Born: Knox, Capt Robert the son of capt
Publication: “Episcopal Inheritance; or, a Reply to the humble examination of a printed abstract; or the answers to nine reasons of the House of Commons against the votes of bishops in Parliament,” by Langbaine, Gerahd writer
Publication: “Excerpta Rhetorum” by Libanius a celebrated sophist of antiquity
Publication: “A Speech in the House of Commons at the passing of two bills,” by Littleton, Dwaud lord keeper of the great seal of England in the reign of Charles I. was descended
Publication: “Praise of the French,” by Macedo, Francis Jesuit
Publication: “The Antiquary, a comedy, acted by her Majesty’s servants at the Cockpit,” by Marmion, Shakerley writer
Born: Monnoye, Bernard De La poet
Died: Mountagu, Richard divine
Publication: “L'Interpretation des Chiffres, ou Regies pour bien entendre et expliquer facilement toutes sortes des Chiffres Simples,” by Niceron, John Francis mathematician
Publication: “De amore, de pulchro, Veneris et Cupidinis venales,” by Niphus, Augustine, a learned Italian
Publication: “A Treatise of the principal Grounds and Maxims of the Laws of England,” by Noy, William attorney-general in the reign of Charles I. the son of William Noy
Publication: “A Discourse concerning Puritans,” by Parker, Robert divine
Born: Pfanner, Tobias the son of a counsellor at Augsburg
Publication: “Nine Sermons on several occasions,” by Prideaux, John bishop
Publication: “Readings,” by Risdon, Tristram an English topographer
Publication: “Flandria Illustrata,” by Sanderus, Anthony antiquary
Publication: “The Song of Solomon,” by Sandys, George archbishop
Publication: “Dissertatio de ingenii muliebris ad doctrinam et meliores literas aptitudine,” by Schurman, Anna Maria A a most learned German lady
Born: Schurtzfleisch, Conrad Samuel a learned German
Publication: “Ibrahim, ou l'Illustre Bassa,” by Scuderi, Magdeleine De and his superior in talents
Born: Sherlock, Dr. William divine
Died: Spelman, Sir Henry antiquary
Publication: “Album Marianum, in quo prosa et carmine Dei in Austriacos beneficia, et Austriacornm erga Deum obsequia recensentur.” by Stanyhurst, Richard historian
Publication: “Comment on Psalms ciii.” by Sterne, Richard archbishop
Publication: “Stock of Divine Knowledge,” by Stock, Richard divine
Publication: “Commentary on the prophecy of Malachi,” by Stock, Richard divine
Died: Suckling, Sir John an accomplished courtier
Born: Tellier, François Michel Le marquis de Louvois
Publication: “A Discourse concerning the primitive Forme of the Government of Churches,” by Thorndike, Herbert divine
Publication: “Observationum medicarum Libri tres,” by Tulp, Nicholas physician
Publication: “Of the Morality of the Fourth Commandment,” by Twiss, William divine
Publication: “Certain brief Treatises,” by Usher, James prelate
Died: Vandyck, Sir Anthony a most illustrious portraitpainter
Publication: “El diabolo cojuelo, novella de la otra vida,” by Velez, Lewis Velez De Guevara poet
Born: Vieussens, Raymond physician and anatomist
Publication: “Epistolas de motu chyli et sanguinis,” by Walæus, Anthony divine
Publication: “The doctrine of the Holy Weekly Sabbath,” by Walker, George divine
Died: Webbe, George prelate
Publication: “The Negociations of Thomas Wolsey, &c.” by Wolsey, Thomas cardinal (?–1530)
Publication: “Beaten Oyle for the lamps of the Sanctuarie,” by Womock, Lawrence prelate
Publication: “Parallel bttween Robert earl of Essex and George late duke.,of Bucks,” by Wotton, Sir Henry an Englishman
Publication: “The Moral Law expounded, or Lectures on the Ten Commandments, with nineteen Sermons on prayer,” by Andrews, Lancelot divine
Publication: “Liber de vita et miraculis S. Wilohadi,” by Anscarius one of the early propagators. of Christianity
Publication: “Disquisitiones de partus termims,” by Arnisæus, Henningus writer
Publication: “A collection of sundry Petitions presented to the King and Parliament,” by Aston, Sir Thomas a brave and loyal gentleman
Born: Aubert, Peter lawyer
Publication: “Antiquitates Danicse,” by Aventin, John author of the Annals ofBavaria
Publication: “Le Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti dal 1572 al 1642,” by Baglioni, Giovanni artist
Publication: “Liber de Rheumatismo et Pleuritide dorsali,” by Baillou, William physician
Died: Barkham, John antiquary
Publication: “Syntagma medicum et chirurgicum de cauteriis,” by Bartholine, Caspar physician
Died: Benning, John Bodecher was born in the village of Loosdrecht
Born: Benzelius, Eric archbishop (?–1709)
Publication: “The whole proceedings of the siege of Drogheda,” by Bernard, Nicholas divine
Publication: “A Dialogue tetweeu Paul and Agrippa,” by Bernard, Nicholas divine
Publication: “Gazophylacium rerum naturalium,” by Besler, Michael Robert physician
Publication: “Observatio anatomico-medica, &c.” by Besler, Michael Robert physician
Publication: “Dissertationes philologies,” by Besold, Christopher lawyer
Publication: “Euclides explicatus,” by Bettini, Mario Jesuit
Born: Betts, John physician
Publication: “Instruction astronomique de l'usage des globes et sphere celestes et terrestres,” by Blaeu, William an eminent printer
Publication: “De Medicina Indorum,” by Bontius, James called by some
Born: Browne, Edward physician
Died: Brueghel, Peter the younger
Publication: “A just and true remonstrance of his Majesty’s Mines Royal in Wales,” by Bushel, Thomas a man once of considerable eminence for his philosophical pursuits
Publication: “Commentaries on the NewTestament, grammatical and critical,” by Camerarius, Joachim one of the most learned writers of his age
Publication: “De recta ratione studendi,” by Campanella, Thomas philosopher
Publication: “Responsa juris Electoralia,” by Carpzovius, Benedict was born in 1595
Born: Chouet, John Robert philosopher
Born: Cook, Henry artist
Born: Corneille, Michael born at Paris in 1642
Born: Courten, William the last in the male line of the family that makes the subject of the preceding article
Born: Creed, Elizabeth a very amiable and ingenious lady
Died: Crisp, Tobias writer
Born: Croese, Gerard divine
Publication: “De Patrum, fide circa imagines,” by Daille, John a minister of the church of Paris
Publication: “Tractatus de causis amissarum Linguae Latince radicum,” by Daumius, Christian scholar
Publication: “A Discourse concerning the Rights and Privilege’s of the Subject in a conference desired by the lords, and had by a committee of both houses April 3, 1628,” by Digges, Sir Dudley eldest son of Thomas Digges
Publication: “An answer to a printed book entitled * Observations upon some of his majesty’s late answers and expresses, 1” by Digges, Sir Dudley eldest son of Thomas Digges
Publication: “The Magazine of Honour,” by Doddridge, Sin John lawyer
Publication: “Petition to the house of commons for the preservation of true Religion,” by Dury, John in Latin Duroeus
Publication: “Certain considerations, shewing the necessity of a correspondency in spiritual matters betwixt all professed Churches,” by Dury, John in Latin Duroeus
Publication: “De re vestiaria libri tres,” by Ferrari, Octavius of the same family with the famer
Born: Filicaia, Vincent De poet
Died: Franck commonly called Young Francks
Died: Galilei, Galileo astronomer
Died: Gill, Alexander son and successor to his father
Died: Godwin, Dr. Thomas writer
Publication: “Two Speeches, spoken in the Guildhall, London, concerning his majesty’s refusal of a Treaty of Peace,” by Greville, Fulk lord Brooke
Died: Gui Do, Reni artist
Born: Hickes, George an English divirre of uncommon abilities and learning
Publication: “Elementa philosophica seu politica de Give,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher
Born: Holder, William philosopher
Publication: “A Sermon preached in St. Mary’s, Cambridge, on his majesty’s inauguration,” by Holdsworth, Richard sometimes written Oldsworth (?–1649)
Born: Holt, Sir John knight
Died: Kynaston, Francis poet
Born: Loubere, Simon De La poet
Publication: “Deju-tilia & jure,” by Lugo, John cardinal
Publication: “De rirtute divinse fidei,” by Lugo, John cardinal
Publication: “Principles of Faith and of a good Conscience,” by Lyford, William clergyman
Born: Marana, John Paul the author of the Turkish Spy
Publication: “Sacramentarium Sancti Gregorii Magni,” by Menard, Nicholas Hugues writer
Publication: “The Reason of Church Government urged against Prelacy,” by Milton, John the most illustrious of English poets
Publication: “Collection of Voyages.” by Monson, Sir William a brave English admiral
Publication: “The Acts and Monuments of the Church before Christ incarnate,” by Mountagu, Richard divine
Publication: “Bibliographia Politica,” by Naudé, Gabriel bibliographer
Born: Opitius, Henry divine
Publication: “Display of Arminianism,” by Owen, John the most eminent and learned of the nonconformist divines
Publication: “Certain animadversions upon some passages in a Tract concerning Schism and Schismatics,” by Page, William divine
Born: Placcius, Vincent an eminent philologer of Hamburgh
Publication: “Animadversiones in veram Praxim curandos Tertianse propositam a Doctore Petro Barba” by Plempius, Vopiscus Fortunatus physician
Publication: “The Prince; or Maxims of State,” by Ralegh, Sir Walter or'Rawlegh
Publication: “Jezirah, or, the Creation,” by Rittangelius, John Stephen a native of Forcheim
Publication: “History of Marseilles,” by Ruffi, Anthony De historian
Publication: “Idea de un Principe Politico* Christiano representada en cien empress,” by Saavedra-Faxardo, Diego De writer
Publication: “A view of a pretende book, entitled, ' Observations upon his Majesty’s late Answers and Epistles,” by Spelman, Sir Henry antiquary
Publication: “A Discourse of Religious Assemblies and the Publike Service of God,” by Thorndike, Herbert divine
Born: Traill, Robert divine
Born: Tyrrell, James historian
Publication: “Italia sacra, sive de Episcopis Italiae, et Insularum adjacentium,” by Ughelli, Ferdinand historian
Born: Uvedale, Robert botanist
Publication: “Elegies celebrating the happy memory of sir Horatio Vere,” by Vere, Sir Horace baron of Tilbury
Publication: “Catalogns plantarum horti Patavini,” by Vesling, John anatomist
Publication: “Da la Cerdu’s” by Virgil, In Latin, Publius Virgiuus Maro, the most excellent of all the ancient Roman poets
Publication: “Short View of the life and death of George Duke of Bucks,” by Wotton, Sir Henry an Englishman
Publication: “Bibliotheca scriptorum societatis Jesu,” by Alegambe, Philip Jesuit
Born: Alemand, Louis-Augustine writer
Publication: “A treatise on Conscience, with the power and cases thereof,” by Ames, William divine (1576–1633)
Born: Antelmi, Joseph antiquary
Publication: “De Virginum et Mulierium morbis,” by Baillou, William physician
Publication: “Opuscula Medica,” by Baillou, William physician
Died: Bainbridge, John astronomer
Publication: “Antagathyrsus, apologia pro pinguibus,” by Balde, James poet
Died: Bargrave, Isaac dean
Publication: “Orationes Panegyricce Sacro-Prophanre decem,” by Baro, Bonaventure whose true name was Fitz-Gerald
Publication: “De armillis veterurn, pracsertiiii Danorum Schedion.” by Bartholine, Thomas physician
Born: Bellini, Laurence physician
Died: Bonfrerius, James Jesuit
Died: Boys, John one of the translators of the Bible in the reign of James I. was son of William Bois
Born: Brady, Robert historian
Born: Burnet, Gilbert bishop
Died: Burroughs, Sir John knt. garter king at arms
Publication: “A Narration of his own Life,” by Burton, Henry was born at Birsall in Yorkshire
Publication: “The beloved city, or the Saints’ reign on earth a thousand years, &c.” by Burton, William antiquary
Publication: “Civitas solis,” by Campanella, Thomas philosopher
Publication: “Poetica idea Keipublicaj Philosophies,” by Campanella, Thomas philosopher
Born: Camps, Francis De was born at Amiens Jan. 31
Publication: “Ad novam Davidis lyram animadversiones, &c.” by Capellus, Lewis divine
Died: Cartwright, William poet
Publication: “Marci Antonini Imperatoris de Seipso & ad Seipsum libri xii. Guil. Xylander Augustanus Graece &, Latine primus edidit: nunc vero, Xylandri versionem locis plurimis etnendavit, & novam fecit in Antonini libros Notas & Emendationes adjecit Mericus Casaubonus, Is. F. In eosdem Xylandri Annotationes,” by Casaubon, Meric was born at Geneva
Died: Cerda, John Lewis Jesuit
Born: Chardin, Sir John traveller
Publication: “Anti-Philolaus, in quo Philolaus redivivus de terrse motu et solis ac fixarum quiete impugnalur,” by Chiaramonti, Scipio in Latin Claramontius
Born: Collet, Philibert a learned advocate of parliament of Dombes
Publication: “Synopsis -Physicse, ad lumen divinum reformat,” by Comenius, John Amos divine
Publication: “Expositiones Patrum Graecorum in Psalmos,” by Cordes a learned editor
Died: Corenzio, Belisarius artist
Publication: “Lexicon Homericum,” by Coulon, Lewis historian
Born: Dangeau, Louis Courcillon De a French abbe
Died: Danvers, Henry a brave warrior in the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Joannes Cloppenburgius, Heautontimorumenos, seu retorsio injuriarum de libello falsidico, cui titulus, Res judicata, cumulatarum,” by Deusingius, Anthony physician
Publication: “Observations upon Dr. Browne’s Religio Medici,” by Digby, Sir Kenelm philosopher
Publication: “Stanislai Lubienski opera posthum^,” by Dlugoss, John Longinus historian
Born: Foucault, Nicolas Joseph born at Paris Jan. 8
Born: Franck De Franckenau, George physician
Publication: “Elementa Architecture Militaris,” by Goldman, Nicholas mathematician
Publication: “Speech at the Election of his captains and commanders at Warwick-castle,” by Greville, Fulk lord Brooke
Publication: “Pontifical of the Greek Church,” by Habert, Isaac was a learned and celebrated doctor of the society of the Sorbonne
Publication: “Biblia Magna,” by Haye, John De La a learned Franciscan
Died: Kromayer, John divine
Died: Ludlow, Edmund one of the chiefs of the republican party during the civil wars
Publication: “Jusjurandum Hippocratis,” by Meibomius is the name of several learned men
Publication: “Diatriba deunico Dionysio,” by Menard, Nicholas Hugues writer
Born: Moreri, Lewis divine (?–1680)
Born: Mourgues, Michael mathematician (1643–1713)
Publication: “Hieronymi Cardani vita,” by Naudé, Gabriel bibliographer
Publication: “the affairs of Great Britain, for the better information of the people.” by Needham, Marchamont writer
Died: Neer, Arnold Vander painter
Born: Noble, Eustache De one of the most indefatigable writers of his time
Publication: “Exhortation to the taking of the Solemn League and Covenant, &c.” by Nye, Philip an English nonconformist
Publication: “Apologetical Narration, submitted to the honourable Houses of Parliament,” by Nye, Philip an English nonconformist
Publication: “Essay for the practice of Churchgovernment in the Country,” by Owen, John the most eminent and learned of the nonconformist divines
Publication: “Panegyrica3 orationes dua? de linguis Orientalibus,” by Ravis, Christian a learned orientalist
Publication: “Pinacotheca imaginum illustrjum doctrinse vcl ingenii laude virorum, qui uuctore superstite diem suum ohierunt,” by Rossi, John Victor a learned Italian
Died: Rous, Francis a very conspicuous racter during the republican state of England
Born: Rue, Charles De La orator
Born: Sagittarius, Caspar divine
Publication: “the remembrance of two errors did much afflict him, which were, his assent to the earl of Stafford’s death, and the abolishing of episcopacy in Scotland; and that, if God ever restored him to the peaceable possession of his crown, he would demonstrate his repentance by a public confession and a voluntary penance, by walking barefoot from the Tower of London, or Whitehall, to St. Paul’s church, and would desire the people to intercede with God for his pardon.” by Sanderson, Dr. Robert
Born: Schalken, Godfrey painter
Born: Sparrow, Anthony prelate
Died: Spondanus, Henry a younger brother of John de Sponde
Born: Strype, John the most valuable contributor to ecclesiastical history and biography that ever appeared in this country
Born: Tellier, Michael Jesuit
Died: Verger De Haurane, John Du abbot
Born: Verheyen, Philip physician and anatomist
Publication: “The First Century of scandalous, malignant Priests, made and admitted into benefices by the Prelates, in whose hands the ordination of ministers and government of the church hath been; or a narration of the causes for which the Parliament hath ordered the sequestration of the benefices of several ministers complained of before them, for vitiousnesse of life, errors in doctrine, contrary to the articles of our religion, and for practising and pressing superstitious innovations againt law, and for malignancy against the parliament,” by White, John lawyer (?–1644)
Publication: “Discovery of Mysteries, or the plots of the parliament to overthrow both church and state,” by Williams, Griffith bishop
Publication: “Jura majestatis; the rights of kings both in church and state, granted, first by God, secondly, violated by rebels, and thirdly, vindicated by the truth,” by Williams, Griffith bishop
Born: Adimari, Lewis poet
Died: Alard, William was born Nov. 22
Publication: “Eloges historiques des Cardinaux Francais et etrangers, mis en parallele,” by Albi, Henry a native of Bolene in the comtat Venaissin
Publication: “Historia ecclesiastica Palatina,” by Alting, Henry divine
Publication: “Defence of Calvin with regard to the doctrine of absolute reprobation,” by Amyraut, Moses divine
Publication: “Paraphrase on the Scripture” by Amyraut, Moses divine
Died: Aresi, Paul of Milan
Publication: “Panegirici fatti in diversi occasioni,” by Aresi, Paul of Milan
Publication: “Conference du Droit Romain avec le Droit Franois y” by Automne, Bernard advocate of the parliament of Bourdeaux
Publication: “The pleasant Fountain of Knowledge,” by Backhouse, William a younger son of Samuel Backhouse of Swallowfield in Berkshire
Publication: “Oeuvres diverses,” by Balzac, John Lewis Guez Dr writer
Publication: “Laurus Flandrica,” by Barlæus, Gaspard poet
Publication: “Mauritius Redux,” by Barlæus, Gaspard poet
Publication: “Certain Disquisitions and Considerations, representing to the conscience the unlawfuluess of the oath entitled A Solemn League and Covenant for Reformation, &c. as also the insufficiency of the urgiiments used in the exhortation for taking the said covenant. Published by command,” by Barwick, John divine
Publication: “Histoire du Marechal de Toiras,” by Baudier, Michael of Langnedoc
Died: Bentivoglio, Guy cardinal
Died: Besly, John king’s advocate at Fontenaye-le-Comte
Publication: “De terra i no vitse, fatali an mobili” by Beverwick, John De in Latin Beverovicius
Publication: “Chevilles,” by Billaut, Adam known under the name of Maitre Adam
Died: Biondi, John Francis was born in Liesena
Publication: “MercurioCrelico Mastix; or an Anti-caveat to all such as have heretofore had the misfortune to be cheated and deluded by that great and treacherous impostor John Booker; in an answer to his frivolous pamphlet, entitled Mercurius Coelicus, or a Caveat to all the people of England;” by Booker, John one of those impostors who amused the public in the seventeenth century
Born: Bouflers, Louis Francis, Duc De peer and maréchal
Died: Bourbon, Nicholas nephew to the above
Publication: “The Revelation of St. John illustrated,” by Brightman, Thomas divine
Publication: “Chirologia, or the natural Language of the Hand, &c.” by Bulwer, John of the seventeenth century
Publication: “A Vindication of Independent Churches, in answer to Mr. Prynne’s two books of Church-Government, and of Independency,” by Burton, Henry was born at Birsall in Yorkshire
Publication: “A draught of a speech concerning Episcopacy,” by Cary, Lucius was born
Died: Castelli, Benedict mathematician
Publication: “Apologie pour les Religieux de la Compagnie de Jesus,” by Caussin, Nicholas Jesuit
Publication: “Defensio ab oppugnationibus Fortunii Liceti de sede Cometarum,” by Chiaramonti, Scipio in Latin Claramontius
Publication: “De Universo, libri sexdecim,” by Chiaramonti, Scipio in Latin Claramontius
Publication: “Ge*nealogie de la Maison de Rye,” by Chifflet, John James physician
Publication: “The Apostolical Institution of Episcopacy,” by Chillingworth, William divine
Publication: “Confessions and proofs of protestant divines,” by Chillingworth, William divine
Born: Choisi, Francis Timoleon De dean
Born: Cocceius, Henry lawyer
Born: Comber, Thomas dean
Publication: “Traite historique des rivieres de France,” by Coulon, Lewis historian
Born: Courtilz, Gatien De sieur de Sandras
Publication: “Observationes Sacræ et Historicæ in Nov. Test.” by Croius, John clergyman
Born: Cuper, Gisbert philologist
Died: Dausque, Claudius Jesuit
Publication: “Observations on the 22d stanza in the 9th canto of the 2d book of Spenser’s Fairy Queen,” by Digby, Sir Kenelm philosopher
Publication: “The King’s Cause rationally, briefly, and plainly debated, as it stands de facto, against the irrational misprision of a deceived people,” by Doughty, John divine
Publication: “Grammaire Espagnole abregee,” by Doujat, John scholar
Publication: “The Christian Warfare.” by Downham, George bishop
Died: Downing, Calybute divine
Publication: “Epistolary Discourse to Thomas Godwin, Ph. Nye, and Sam. Hartlib,” by Dury, John in Latin Duroeus
Born: Echard, James an useful French biographer
Born: Ettmuller, Michael physician
Born: Fare, Charles Augustus, Marquis De La was born in 1644
Publication: “An Appeal to thy Conscience,” by Fisher, Edward supposed by Wood to be the son of sir Edward Fisher
Publication: “A Treatise against the Franc -aileu, a claim of exemption from Imposts and personal Services,” by Galland, Augustus was proctor- general of the domain of Navarre
Publication: “Practical Catechism,” by Hammond, Dr. Henry divine
Died: Helmont, John Baptist Van commonly called Van Helmont
Publication: “Exercitationes Anti-Morinianse, de Pentateucho Samaritano, &c.” by Hottinger, John-Henry writer
Publication: “St. Paul’s late Progress upon Earth about a Divorce betwixt Christ and the Church of Rome, by reason of her dissoluteness and excesses, &c.” by Ho Well, James writer
Died: Jameson, George artist
Born: Jouvenet, John painter
Born: Ittigius, Thomas a learned professor of divinity at Leipsic
Publication: “Ecclesiastical History,” by Lambarde, William antiquary
Born: Lamoignon, Christian Francis De was born at Paris in 1644
Publication: “Nouvelle Methode pour apprendre la Langue Latine,” by Lancelot, Claude writer
Publication: “A Review of the Covenant: wherein the original, grounds, means, matter, and ends of it are examined; and out of the principles of the remonstunce*, declarations, votes, orders and ordinances of trie prime covenanters, or the firmer grounds of scripture, law, and reason, disproved,” by Langbaine, Gerahd writer
Publication: “England’s prophetical Merlin;” by Lilly, William astrologer
Born: Lisle, Claude De historiographer and censor royal
Died: Menard, Nicholas Hugues writer
Born: Mencke, Otto in Latin Menckenius
Publication: “Opuscula aurea et selectiora,” by Mercurialis, Jerome physician
Publication: “Grotius de Veritate Christianse Religionis,” by Mezerai, Francis Eudes De historian
Publication: “Confessions and Proofs of Protestant Divines,” by Morton, Thomas bishop
Died: Muis, Simeon De Hebrew professor of the Royal College of France
Publication: “An Anatomy of Independency,” by Nye, Philip an English nonconformist
Publication: “An Epistolary Discourse about Toleration,” by Nye, Philip an English nonconformist
Born: Orleans, Peter Joseph D' historian
Publication: “Religio Medici.” by Patrick, Simon prelate
Publication: “A Refutation of Longomontamis’s Discourse, De vera circuli mensura,” by Pell, John mathematician
Publication: “An Exercitation concerning Easter,” by Pell, John mathematician
Born: Penn, William was born in the parish of St
Died: Pineau, Gabriel Du lawyer
Publication: “Obtestatio ad universam Europam pro discendis rebus et linguis orientalibus,” by Ravis, Christian a learned orientalist
Died: Roe, Sir Thomas statesman
Born: Roemer astronomer
Born: Sandius, Christopher or
Born: Sharp, John prelate
Publication: “Councils;” by Stephens, Jeremy divine
Publication: “Historical Commentary on the Lives of the Emperors,” by Tristan L'Hermite, Francis poet
Died: Urban Viii., Pope one of those pontiffs who deserve some notice on account of his learning
Publication: “HaKographia, de praeparatione, usu, ac virtutibus omnium salium mineralium, animalium, ac vegetabiliuni, ex manuscriptis Basilii Valentini collecta ab Ant. Salimncio,” by Valentine, Basil is the name
Publication: “Tactics,” by Vegetius, Flavius Renatus writer
Publication: “Opobalsami veteribus cogniti vmdicias,” by Vesling, John anatomist
Publication: “God in the Molint; or England’s Remembrancer, being the first and second part of a Parliamentary Chronicle,” by Vicars, John an extraordinary enthusiast in the seventeenth century
Publication: “God made visible in all his Works,” by Walker, George divine
Died: Westfield, Thomas a native of Ely
Born: Williams, Daniel divine
Born: Wright, Abraham divine