Hall, Thomas
, a learned nonconformist, was born at Worcester July 22, 1610, and after being educated in grammar at the king’s school there, under Mr. Henry Bright, was entered at Baliol-college in 1624, whence he soon removed to Pembroke, and had for his tutor a Mr. Thomas Lushington, a man eminent for learning. After taking his first degree in arts, he returned home, and for a while taught a private school, and preached at King’sNortou. About this time Wood says he began to adhere to the puritans, but he adds, “was so rigid in his persuasion that he was disliked by the brethren.” This perhaps may he gathered from his works, some of which were written in opposition to unlicensed preachers, fifth-monarchy men, and other extravagancies of the times. He was afterwards master of the free-school at KingVNorton, and curate of the place, the only preferments he had. He appears to have been a man of retired and studious habits, and although averse to episcopacy and the ceremonies, free from turbulence or open interference in the commotions of the times. He died April 13, 1665, and was buried at KingVNorton, to the school of which he was a bountiful benefactor in the establishment of a library there, as well as to the library of Birmingham school. Among his works are many controversial tracts enumerated by Wood, commentaries on some parts of the Scriptures, and some translations, adapted apparently for the use of schools, from Ovid. 2
Ath. Ox. vol. II.