Harpocration, Valerius
, an ancient rhetorician of Alexandria, who flourished about the year 360, has left us an excellent “Lexicon upon the ten Orators of Greece,” for that is the title usually given to it, though Meursius will have it, that the author inscribed it only λεξεις; and he is followed in this opinion by James Gronovius. Harpocration speaks in this work, with much seeming exactness, of magistrates, pleadings at the bar, places in Attica, names of men who had the chief management of affairs in the republic, and of every thing, in short, which has been said to the glory of this people by their orators. Aldus first published this Lexicon in Greek at Venice, 1603, in folio, and many other learned men, as Meursius, Maussac, Valesius, have laboured upon it; James Gronovius published an edition of it at Leyden, 1696, in 4to. 2
Fahr. Bibl. Graec. —Saxii Onomast.