Hayne, Thomas
, a learned schoolmaster, the son of Robert Hayne, of Thrussington, in Leicestershire, was born probably in that parish, in 1581, and in 1599 was entered of Lincoln-college, Oxford, where, being under the care of an excellent tutor, he obtained great knowledge in philosophy, to which, and his other studies, he was the more at leisure to give diligent application, as he was, by a lameness almost from his birth, prevented from enjoying the recreations of youth. In 1604 he took his bachelor’s degree, and became one of the ushers of merchant taylors’ school, London: and after taking the degree of master, was usher at Christ’s hospital. He was a noted critic, an excellent linguist, and a solid divine, highly respected by men of learning, and particularly by Selden. He died July 27, 1645, and was buried in Christ-church, London, where a monument was erected over his grave, (destroyed in the fire of London) with an inscription to his memory, as an antiquary, a teacher, and a man of peace. He bequeathed his books to the library at Leicester (which is commemorated in an inscription in that place), except a few which he left to the library at Westminster. He gave also 400l. to be bestowed in buying lands or houses, in or near Leicester, of the yearly value of 24l. for ever, for the maintenance of a schoolmaster in Thrussington, or some town near thereto, to teach ten poor children, &c. Fifteen are now educated in this school. He founded also two scholarships in Lincoln-college, the scholars to come from the free-school at Leicester, or in defect of that, from the school at Melton, &c. Several other acts of charity are included in his will. His works are, I. “Grammatices Latinae Compendium, 1637, reprinted in 1649, 8vo, with two appendices. 2.” Linguarum cognatio, seu de linguis in genere,“&c. Lond. 1639, 8vo. 3.” Pax in terra; seu tractatus de pace ecclesiastica,“ibid. 1639, 8vo. 4.” The equal ways of God, in rectifying the unequal ways of man,“ibid. 1639, 8vo. 5.” General View of the Holy Scriptures or the times, places, and persons of the Holy Scripture,“&c. ibid. 1640, fol. 6.” Life and Death of Dr. Martin Lutlier," ibid. 1641, 4to. 1
Nichols’s Leicestershire; vol. III. Part I.