Huniades, John Corvinus
, waiwode of Transylvania, and general of the armies of Ladislas, king of | Hungary, was one of the greatest commanders of his time. He fought against the Turks like a hero, and, in 1442 and 1443, gained important battles against the generals of Arnurath and obliged that prince to retire from Belgrade, after besieging it seven months. In the battle of Varnes, so fatal to the Christian cause, and in which Ladislas fell, Corvinus was not less distinguished than in his more fortunate contests; and, being appointed governor of Hungary, became proverbially formidable to the Turks. In 1448, however, he suffered a defeat from them. He was more fortunate afterwards, and in 1456, obliged Mahomet U. also to relinquish the siege of Belgrade; and died the 10th of September in the same year. Mahomet, though an enemy, had generosity enough to lament the death of so great a man; and pride enough to allege as one cause for his regret, that the world did not now contain a man against whom he could deign to turn his arms, or from whom he could regain the glory he had so lately lost before Belgrade. The pope is said to have shed tears on the news of his death; and Christians in general lamented Huniades as their best defender against the infidels. 1