Ittigius, Thomas
, a learned professor of divinity at Leipsic, was son of John Ittigius,“professor of physic in the same university, and born there in 1644. He received the first part of his education at Leipsic then went to Rostoc, and lastly to Strasburg, to perfect his studies after which he was admitted a professor in philosophy at Leipsic, and published a treatise upon burning mountains. He then became a minister, and exercised that function in various churches in the same place. In 1680 he was made archdeacon, and licentiate in divinity; and, in 1691, professor extraordinary in the same faculty, and ordinary professor the ensuing year. He furnished several papers published in the Leipsic Acts: besides which we have of his,” Dissertatio de haeresiarchis aevi apostolici ejus proximi;“”Appendix de ha3resiarchis“”Prolegomena ad Josephi opera“” Bibliotheca patrum apostolkorum Graeco-Latina;“” Historia synodorum nationalium in Gallia a reformatis habitarum“” Liber de bibliothecis et catenis patrum“” Exhortationes theologicæ“” Historic ecclesiasticæ primi et secundi seculi selecta capita." Some part of this last did not appear till after the death of the author, which happened April 7, 1710. 1
Fabric. Bibl. Grac. —Moreri. Life by Arnaud. —Saxii Onomasticon. —Moreri. —Niceron, vol. XXIX. —Lardner’s Works. baxii Onomasticon.