Jonas, Justus
, an eminent German divine, and one
of the first reformers, was born at Northausen, in Thuringia, June 5, 1493, where his father was chief magistrate.
He first made considerable progress in the study of civil
law, but relinquishing that, devoted his whole attention to
theology, in which faculty he took his doctor’s degree.
This was about the time that the reformation was begun
and Jonas having been present at various disputations on
the subject, espoused the principles of the reformers with
great zeal, and, from his knowledge of civil law as well as
divinity, was enabled to contribute very important assistance to their efforts, particularly Luther and Melancthon,
with whom he became early acquainted. In 1521 he was
made a canon of the collegiate church at Wittemberg, and
appointed principal of the college and professor; and,
with Spalatinus and Amsdorff, was employed by the elector
of Saxony to reform the church in Misnia and Thuringia.
| From thence he was called to
Halle in
Saxony, where he
greatly promoted the reformation. Luther sometimes resorted thither to him, and took him with him in his last
journey to Isleben, where he died in his arms. After Luther’s death he continued for some time in the duke of
Saxony’s court, and was at length appointed pastor of the
church at Eisfield, where he died Oct. 9, 1555. Jonas has
been ranked among the moderate reformers, being desirous
of making no further alteration in the established modes of
worship and even doctrine, than he thought absolutely
necessary for the introduction of piety and truth. His
death was therefore a serious loss to his brethren, whose
cause suffered by the intemperate zeal of some of its supporters. Among his writings are enumerated a treatise in.
defence of the marriage of priests, against Faber printed
at Helmstadt, 1651, fol. another uponthe study of divinity and notes upon the Acts" of the Apostles; but of
these his biographers have given very imperfect accounts.
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