Lanzoni, Joseph
, a physician, was born at Ferrara, October 26th, 1663, and after a careful education under the bestmasters, distinguished himself particularly in the schools of philosophy and of medicine, and graduated in both these sciences in 1683. In the following year he was appointed ordinary professor, and displayed talents which did honour to the university of Ferrara, during the long period in which he filled that office. He died in February, 1730.
Lanzoni acquired a high reputation by the success of his practice, and obtained the confidence and esteem of many illustrious personages. His attachment to study increased with his years; and every moment in which he was not employed in the duties of his profession, was devoted to literature, philosophy, or antiquarian research. His character as a physician and philosopher, indeed, ranked so high, that if any question upon these subjects was agitated in Italy, the decision was commonly referred to him. He was distinguished likewise by his genius in Latin and Italian poetry; and he was the restorer and secretary of the academy of Ferrara, and a member of many of the learned societies of his time. He left a considerable number of works, a collection of which was printed at Lausanne, in 1738, in 3 vols. 4to, with an account of his life, under the title of “Josephi Lanzoni, Philosophise et Medicinae Doctoris, in Patria Universitate Lectoris primarii, &c. Opera omnia Medico-physica et PhU lologica.” 2
Moreri.—Rees’s Cyclopædia, from —Eloy.