Lazius, Wolfgang
, physician and historian to the emperor Ferdinand L was born at Vienna in 1504, and there taught the belles lettres and physic for some years with great reputation. He died in 1555. His numerous works shew him to have been indefatigable in his researches, but not so judicious in digesting his materials. The principal are, 1. “Commentariorum Reipublicse Romanae in exteris Provinciis bello acquisitis constitutae,” Libri XII. 1598, fol. 2. “De Gentium migrationibus,” 1572, fol. in which he examines particularly the migrations of the northern people, which weakened and divided the Roman empire. 3. “Geographia Pannonise,” in Ortelius.“4.” De rebus Viennensibus,“1546. 5.” In Genealogiam Austriacam Commentarii," 1564, fol. &c. The greatest part of this author’s works were collected and printed at Francfort, 1698, 2 vols. fol. 2
Nicoron, vol. XXXI. —Moreri. Bullart’s Academic des Sciences. —Saxii Onomast.