Mather, Increase
, youngest son of the preceding, was born at Dorchester, in NewEngland, in 1635, and | studied at Harvard college, where he took his degree of B. A. in 1656. In the following year he arrived in England, and thence went to Ireland, and joined his brother. He then entered himself of Trinity college, in which he pro-' ceeded M. A. in 1658, having performed the necessary exercises with great applause, and was offered a fellowship in that institution; but, finding the climate unfavourable to his health, returned to England, and officiated for some time as minister, in the place of Mr. Howe, at Great Torrington, in Devonshire. In 1659, he became chaplain to colonel Bingham, governor of the island of Guernsey, and preached every Sunday, as well before the garrison, as in the town of Peter-le Port. After the restoration, as he could not conform, he sailed for New England, where he was chosen minister to the New church at Boston. Shortly after this, he married the daughter of Mr. John Cotton, once a gentleman of considerable eminence in England, but then an exile on account of his non-conformity, and minister at Boston. In 1664, Mr. Mather was ordained to the pastoral office, the duties of which he performed through life with credit to himself, and highly esteemed by his people. In 1683, when king Charles II. required the inhabitants of New England to surrender their charter, Mr. Mather attended at a meeting of the freemen of Boston, and by his zealous persuasions determined them to reject a motion for that purpose unanimously; and this spirited measure had considerable influence in prevailing on the country in general to imitate the example set by the Bostonians. Upon the publication of king James’s second declaration for liberty of conscience, some of the ministers of New England, and their churches, drew up addresses of thanks to him for the benefits which they enjoyed in consequence of it, and Mr. Mather embarked for England April 7, 1688, for the purpose of presenting them. He was favourably received at court, and laid before the king the state of the country. While he continued in England, the revolution took place, and he was consulted by the new administration on many political topics, particularly on an attempt to obtain the re-settlement of the Massachusetts colony, upon their chartered foundation, by an act of parliament, which was frustrated by its dissolution. He at length obtained from his majesty a new charter, containing the whole of the old one, with the addition of new and more ample privileges. Having rendered this important service to his | fellow citizens, he set sail for America in 1692, and on his return he received the public thanks of the house of ^representatives for his faithful and zealous endeavours to benefit his country. He now returned to his labours in the church, and at Harvard college, of which he was chosen president in 1684, and also created doctor of divinity. He died in 1723, at the age of 84. He was author of many theological tracts, of which his biographer gives a list of above eighty among which are, “A brief History of the war with the Indians in New England” of “An Essay for the recording of illustrious Providences, wherein an account is given of many remarkable and memorable events which have happened in this last age, especially in New England” of “A Discourse on Comets;” “A Discourse concerning Earthquakes,” &c. 1
Life, 1725, 8vo.