, a Greek philosopher, was a native of Eretria in the island of Euboea, who, going to study at Athens, became first a hearer of Plato, and then of Xenocrates; but, not being satisfied with their doctrines, went over to the Cyrenaic philosopher Parsebates, and by him was led to the Megarensian Stilpo. Here, being delighted by the free manner of his new master, he learned to despise all scholastic forms and arts. He had now become so famous by his studies, that his countrymen, who at first had held him in no estimation, now voluntarily committed to him the direction of the state, with a large stipend; and he in return was able to render them essential services by the credit in which he stood with the kings of Macedon. After a time, however, he was exposed to the attacks of envy, that usual concomitant of greatness; and, "being accused of a design to betray his country, died of grief at the imputation. He died in the year 284 B. C. in the reign of Alexander the Great; and the masters under whom he studied mark sufficiently the earlier period of his life.
Menedemus was of a strong constitution, acute and penetrating in understanding; in dispute he was vehement, Lut in his manners gentle. He was fond of convivial meetings; but it was those in which philosophy, not luxury, presided. His most intimate friend and fellowstudent was Asclepiades, whose steadiness of regard was highly honourable to b9th. After the death of Menedemus, his countrymen erected a statue to his memory. Some sarcastically called him the Eretrian Bull, from the gravity of his countenance. Being told one day, that it is a great felicity to have whatever we desire, “Yes,” said he, “but it is a much greater to desire nothing but what we have.” 2
Brucker. Diogenes Laeitius. Stanley’s Hist, of Philosophy.