Motteville, Frances Bertaud De

, a celebrated French lady, was born in Normandy about 1615. She was | the daughter of a gentleman who belonged to the court; and her wit and amiable manners recommended her to Anne of Austria, who kept her constantly near her. Cardinal Richelieu, who was always jealous of the favourites of this princess, having disgraced her, she retired, with her mother, to Normandy, where she married Nicolas Langlois, lord of Motteviile, an old man, who died in about two years. After the death of Richelieu, Anne of Austria, having been declared regent, recalled her to court. Here gratitude induced her to write the history of this princess, which has been printed several times under the title of “Memoires pour servir a I‘Histoire d’Anne d' Austriche” in 5 and 6 volumes, 12mo. These Memoirs describe the minority of Lewis XIV. and are written in a natural, unaffected style; and, says Gibbon, it is a proof of the author’s sincerity, that though she had a very high opinion of her mistress, the candour with which she relates facts, shews us Anne of Austria as she really was. Madame de Motteviile died at Paris, Dec. 29, 1689, aged seventyfive. There was a very great confidence and even intimacy between Henrietta, the widow of our Charles I. and madame de Motteviile. 1


Niceron, vol. VII. —Moreri. Gibbon’s Misc. Works.