Mossom, Robert
, was a learned and pious Irish prelate, of whose early history we find no account. Mr. Nichols, in his “Anecdotes,” says that he “appears to have been appointed to be minister of St. Peter’s, Paul’s Wharf, London, after the sequestration of Edward Merbury;” but this is quite, inconsistent with bishop Kenn’s account of him, in his funeral sermon on lady Margaret Maynard. There he says that Dr. Mossom, during the usurpation, was silenced, plundered, and persecuted. After the restoration we can trace him more exactly. He was made, in 1660, dean of Christ Church, Dublin, and in 1662, prebendary of Knaresborough in the cathedral of York. From thence he was promoted to the see of Derry in March 1666, with which he held his deanery of Christ Church, but resigned his prebend. He died at Londonderry, Dec. 21, 1679, and was buried in the cathedral. Harris mentions his book entitled “The Preacher’s Tripartite,” Lond. 1657; fol. and another, “Variae colloquendi Formulas, in usum condiscipulorum in palaestra literaria sub paterno moderamine vires Minervales exercentium, parthn collects, partim composite a Roberto Mossom,” Lond. 1659, by which it appears that his father taught a school in London. Mr. Nichols enumerates a, few single sermons and speeches, a “Narrative panegyrical on the life, &c. of George Wild, bishop of Derry,” 1665, 4to; and “Zion’s prospect in its first view, in a summary of divine truths, viz. of God, Providence, decrees,” &c. 1654, 4to, reprinted at least twice, the last in 1711. 2
Nichols’s Bowyer. Harris’s Edition of Ware.