Natta, Mark Antony
, an Italian lawyer, who flourished about the middle of the sixteenth century, was born
of a noble family, at Asti, and studied law at Pavia. He
made so great progress in literature, as to receive the
academical honours of his profession before he had reached
his twenty-fourth year, and was at the same time advanced
to be senator at Casal. Pavia offered him the professorship of civil law, but he preferred his studious retirement at Genoa, where he probably died. His principal
works are “De Pulchro” “De Deo,” in fifteen books“”De immortalitateAnimi“”De Passione Domini." Each
of these makes a folio, printed 1553 1587. 2
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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