Obsequens, Juuus
, a Latin author, who flourished, as is conjectured, a little before the time of the emperor Honorius, abqut the year 395, wrote a book “De Prodigiis,” whence he is thought to be a Pagan. This work, which was only a list of such prodigies as are inserted in Livy, ends about the year of Rome 743, where Livy ends his “Decads;” whose words Obsequens often borrows, as well as his credulity. We have only a part of the work, published by Aldus Manutius in 1508, of which, there are several editions. Conrad Lycosthenes made some additions to it, which were published with the text at Basil, in 1552: he marked his additions with asterisms but the whole was published the following year, without any distinctions, by John de Tournes. From that time the book of Obsequens, and the supplement, appeared as done by the same hand; till Shefter, in 1679, published an edition, in which he printed what was compiled by Obsequens in the Roman letter, and the supplement of Lycosthenes in Italic. The best editions are that fry Hearne in 1703, and that of Leyden, 1720, 8vo. 2
Fabric. Bibl. Lat.—Saxii Onomast.