Pareus, Daniel
, son of the preceding, trod in the steps of his father, applied himself vigorously to the study of the classics, and published several laborious pieces; for which he was obliged to Vossius, who had a great respect for him, and made it his business to procure booksellers who would print his works. He was unfortunately killed, in 1635, by a gang of highwaymen, or, as others say, by some soldiers at the siege of Keiserslauteren. He was a considerable master of Greek. His publications are, 1. “The Poem of Musseus upon the Loves of Hero and Leander, with notes,” 1627. 2. “Mellificium Atticum,” a thick 4to, being a collection of sentences extracted from Greek authors, which he dedicated to the university of Oxford. 3. MeduHa Historise Ecclesiastics,“in 1631; to which he added” Notes.“4. An edition of Lucretius, Francfort, 1631, 8vo. 5.” Historia Bavarico-Palatina,“1633. 6.” Spicilegium subsecivum," or notes upon Quintilian, published in an edition of that author at London, in 1641, 8vo. 2
Gen. Dict. —Moreri, —Saxii Onomast.