Porcheron, David Placide

, a learned Benedictine, was born in 1652, at Chateauroux in Berry. He was well acquainted with languages, history, geography, heraldry, and medals; and had the office of librarian in the abbey of St. Germain-des-Prez, where he died, February 14, 1695, aged 42. He published an edition of the “Maxims for the Education of a young Nobleman,1690, after having corrected the language, and added a translation of the t-mperor Basilius the Macedonian’s instruction to his son Leo, with the lives of those two princes. An edition of the "Geography of the Anonymous Author of Ravenna/' was also published by him at Paris, 1688, 8vo. with curious and learned notes; a work very useful for the geography of the middle ages, as this anonymous author lived in the 7th century. He also assisted in the new edition of St. Hilary. 3
