The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Born: Adami, Lionardo scholar
Publication: “The Catechumen; or an account given by a young Person to a Minister of his knowledge in Religion, &c.” by Addison, Lancelot clergyman
Publication: “Nouvelles remarques de M. de Vuugelas sur la langue Franchise, ouvrage posthume, avec des observations de M. H.” by Alemand, Louis-Augustine writer
Publication: “Histoire monastique d'lrelande,” by Alemand, Louis-Augustine writer
Publication: “Some remarks upon the ecclesiastical history of the ancient Churches of Piedmont,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “L'art de vivre heureux,” by Ameline, Claude a French ecclesiastic
Publication: “Praxis vulnerurn lethalium,” by Amman, Paul botanist
Publication: “La France interessée a rétablir l'Edit de Nantes,” by Ancillon, Charles son of the above
Publication: “Histoire de l'Etablissement des François Refugiez dans les Etats de son altesse electorate de Brandebourg,” by Ancillon, Charles son of the above
Publication: “Epistolary Correspondence;” by Atterbury, Francis bishop
Died: Bacchini, Bernardin scholar
Died: Baker, Thomas mathematician
Publication: “Versi e Prose,” by Baldi, Bernard born at Urbino in the year 1553
Publication: “Synopsis pharmaceutica,” by Barchausen, John Conrad physician
Died: Barclay, Robert the celebrated apologist for the Quakers
Born: Baring, Daniel Eberhard was born in 1690 in Hildesheim
Died: Bartholine, Thomas became eminent in the science of jurisprudence
Born: Bassius, Henry anatomist
Publication: “Veteres arcus Augustorum, triumphis insignes, ex reliquiis quae Rom* adhuc supersunt,” by Bellori, John Peter antiquary
Publication: “Brutus” by Bernard, Catharine of the academy of the Ricovrati of Padua
Publication: “Misnoe pars prima, ordinis primi Zeraim tituli septem,” by Bernard, Edward astronomer
Publication: “Censura Celebrium Authorum” by Blount, Sir Thomas Pope writer
Born: Bougeant, William Hyacinth historian
Born: Bouillet, John writer
Publication: “An essay on the great effects of even, languid, and unheeded motion; whereunto is annexed an experimental discourse of some hitherto little regarded causes of the salubrity and insalubrity of the air, and its effects;” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Publication: “Medicina Hydrostatica or, Hydrostatics applied to the materia medica, shewing how, by the weight that divers bodies used in physic have in water, one may discover whether they be genuine or adulterate. To which is subjoined a previous hydrostatical way of estimating ores,” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Publication: “An Historical Treatise of Cities and Burghs or Boroughs,” by Brady, Robert historian
Publication: “Imperio vindicate,” by Caraccio, Anthony baron of Corano
Publication: “Ger. Jo. Vossii & clarorum Virorum ad.eum Epistoiae,” by Carleton, Sir Dudley Lord Dorchester
Born: Carteret, John earl Granville
Publication: “Musaeum Romanum,” by Chausse, Michael Angelo De La antiquary
Publication: “Sermons” by Cheminais, Timoleon preacher
Publication: “Vetera monumenta, in quibus praecipua Musiva opera, sacrarum profanarumque aedium structura, dissertationibus iconibusque illustrantur,” by Ciampini, John Justin a learned Italian
Publication: “Annotations on the Bible,” by Clarke, Samuel was educated at Pembroke-hall
Publication: “Reflections upon Varillas’s History,” by Clerc, John Le writer
Publication: “Tr. de l'Usure,” by Collet, Philibert a learned advocate of parliament of Dombes
Publication: “A Caution against Inconsistency, or the connection between praying and swearing, in relation to the Civil Powers,” by Collier, Jeremy divine
Died: Collings, John divine
Died: Dappers, Oliver physician
Born: Deslandes, Andrew Francis Boltreau writer
Publication: “Act. Eruditorum Lipsiensiutn,” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Publication: “Mundus Muliebris; or, the ladies dressing-room unlocked, and her toilette spread. In burlesque. Together with the Fop- Dictionary, compiled for the use of the fairsex,” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Died: Fage, Raimond De La a self-taught genius
Born: Fizes, Anthony physician
Died: Flechier, Esprit bishop
Born: Folkes, Martin antiquary
Publication: “An Answer to the Paper delivered by Mr. Ashton at his execution,” by Fowler, Edward prelate
Died: Frankland, Thomas historian
Died: Gadbury, John one of the astrological impostors of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Super auspicatissimo regis Gulielmi in Hiberniam descensu, et salva ex Hibernia reditu, carmen gratulatorium,” by Gilbert, William divine
Born: Gronovius, John Frederick botanist
Publication: “St. Chrysostom’s Letter to Cassarius,” by Hardouin, John Jesuit
Publication: “Tumulus Tridentini Concilii,” by Heidegger, John Henry divine
Born: Hepburn, Robert writer
Died: Hermant, Godfrey a learned and pious doctor of the Sorbonne
Born: Heusinger, John Michael divine
Publication: “Francisci Ariosti de oleo mentis Zibinii, seu petroleo agri Mutinensis,” by Jacobæus, Oliger a professor of physic and philosophy at Copenhagen
Died: Jeffreys, Lord George baron Wem (1645–1689)
Publication: “A Defence of the Profession which bishop Lake made upon his Death-bed,” by Jenkin, Robert divine
Publication: “Ger. Job. Vossii & clarorum virorum ad eum epistolae,” by Junius, Francis was born at Heidelberg in 1589
Publication: “Historia Genealogica Regum Magnae Britanniae,” by Imhoff, John a very famous genealogist
Publication: “The Imperial Tragedy,” by Killigrew, William descended from this family
Publication: “Dan. de Nessel Breviarium et supplementum commentariorum Bibl. Caes. Vindobon.” by Lambecius, Peter writer
Publication: “History of Augustus,” by Larrey, Isaac De historian
Publication: “Vossii Epistol.” by Laud, William archbishop
Died: Lederlin, John Henry critic
Publication: “Essay concerning Human Understanding,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “Two Treatises of Civil Government,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “History of Ethiopia.” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Born: Macklin, Charles the oldest actor
Died: Maggi, Jerome an ingenious and learned man of the sixteenth century
Publication: “De antiquis monachorum ritibus,” by Martenne, Edmund a benedictine of the congregation of St
Publication: “Historia mulierum philosopher urn,” by Menage, Giles called
Publication: “De Nethinim sive Nethinaeis, &c. et de iis qui se Corban Deo nominabant, disputatiuncula, adversus Steuch. Eugubinum, Card. Baronium,” by Milner, John divine
Publication: “An Answer to the vindication of a Letter from a person of quality in the North, concerning the profession of John, late bishop of Chichester,” by Milner, John divine
Publication: “A Defence of the Profession of John (Lake) lord bishop of Chichester, made upon his death-bed, concerning passive obedience, and the new oaths; with some passages of his lordship’s life,” by Milner, John divine
Died: Molloy, Charles, Esq. descended from a very good family in the kingdom of Ireland
Born: Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley an English lady of distinguished talent
Publication: “History and Mystery of the Old and New Testament, logically discussed, and theologically improved,” by Nesse, Christopher divine
Publication: “Reflections upon the conduct of human life with reference to the study of learning and knowledge; in a letter to the excellent lady, the lady Mashana,” by Norris, John divine
Publication: “Christian blessedness; or discourses upon the Beatitudes of our Lord and Saviour 4 Jesus Christ,” by Norris, John divine
Publication: “Dictionaire Mathematique, ou Idee generale des Mathematiques,” by Ozanam, James mathematician
Died: Pays, Rene'Le sieur of Villeneuve
Born: Pearce, Zachary prelate
Publication: “Political Arithmetic,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Died: Philips, Fabian author of several books relating to ancient customs and privileges in England
Born: Pine, John engraver
Publication: “Suetonius,” by Pitiscus, Samuel scholar
Publication: “Maxims for the Education of a young Nobleman,” by Porcheron, David Placide Benedictine
Died: Prestet, John, a priest of the oratory
Publication: “Fasciculus Stirpium Britannicarum;” by Ray, John philosopher
Publication: “A Treatise of Algebra,” by Rolle, Michel mathematician
Died: Rushworth, John an English gentleman
Died: Rycke, Theodore De critic
Died: Savary, James writer
Publication: “A practical discourse on Death,” by Sherlock, Dr. William divine
Publication: “Judicium expetitum super dissidio Anglicano, et capitibus, quce ad unionem seu comprehensionem faciunt.” by Spanheim, Frederic brother of Ezekiel Spanheim
Publication: “An Answer to a late pamphlet entitled Obedience and Submission to the present Government demonstrated from bishop Overall’s Convocation Book: with a postscript in answer to Dr. Sherlock’s Case of Allegiance,” by Wagstaffe, Thomas divine
Publication: “A Narrative of the siege, &c. or, the late memorable transactions of that city faithfully represented, to rectify the mistakes, and supply the omissions of Mr. Walker’s account,” by Walker, George divine
Died: Wase, Christopher a man of considerable learning
Born: Wilkes, Richard antiquary
Died: Wilkinson, Henry denominated sometimes Junior
Died: Wright, Abraham divine
Publication: “Verses anniversary to the venerable memory of his ever honoured father, &c.” by Wright, Abraham divine
Born: Yorke, Philip, Earl Of Hardwicke lawyer (?–1764)
Died: Ziegler, Gaspar an eminent jurist
Publication: “Theatrum Botanicum,” by Zuinger, Theodore physician (1534–?)
Died: Abelli, Louis was born in the Vexin Francois
Died: Amman, Paul botanist
Died: Anselme De St. Mary, Or Peter De Guibours commonly called father
Died: Arderne, James divine
Publication: “L'Education, maximeset reflexions,” by Argonne, Noel, Called Dom Bonaventure D' was born at Paris in 1634
Publication: “A commentary on the Sum of St. Thomas,” by Arnu, Nicholas was born at Merancourt
Publication: “A short Discourse against Blasphemy,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Publication: “A translation of the Elements of Euclid,” by Astorini, Elias born in the province of Cosenza in the kingdom of Naples in 1651
Publication: “Babylon’s Downfall,” by Atterbury, Lewis born about the year 1631
Publication: “Cours d'architecture, qui comprend les ordres de Vignole, avec des commentaires, et plusieurs nouveaux dessins,” by Aviler, Augustine Charles D' descended from a family originally of Nanci in Lorraine
Died: Auzout, Adrian astronomer
Publication: “De Sistrorum figuris ac differentia ad illustriss. D. D. Leonem Strozza, ob Sistri Romani effigiem communicatum, ctissertatio,” by Bacchini, Bernardin scholar
Publication: “Reflexions sur le Jugemens des Savans, [envoy 6ez a l'auteur par un Academicien,” by Baillet, Adrian critic
Died: Baptist, John who was also surnamed Monnoyer
Died: Basnage, Anthony eldest son of the above
Publication: “World bewitched,” by Bekker, Balthasar divine
Publication: “Le antiche lucerne sepolcrali, &c.” by Bellori, John Peter antiquary
Publication: “Acta Eruditqrum Lipsiensia,” by Bernard, Edward astronomer
Publication: “Bibliotheque Universelle,” by Bernard, James professor of philosophy and mathematics
Publication: “Bibliotheca medica et physica,” by Beughem, Cornelius De whose name often occurs in works of Bibliography
Publication: “Observationes circa viventia in non viventibus,” by Bonanni, Philip Jesuit
Publication: “Statuts Synodaux,” by Bossuet, James bishop
Publication: “Pensees ingenieuses des anciens et des modernes,” by Bouhours, Dominick critic
Died: Brandi, Giacinto painter
Died: Brandmuller, Gregory artist
Born: Burigny, Levesque De was born at Rheims in 1691
Born: Byrom, John writer
Born: Cave, Edward a printer to whom the literary world owes great obligations
Died: Cavendish, William baron Ogle
Publication: “L'Esprit de M. Arnauld,” by Chapuzeau, Samuel writer
Publication: “Sentimens de Piete,” by Cheminais, Timoleon preacher
Publication: “Versio Latina et Annotationes in Joan. Malalae Chronographiam,” by Chilmead, Edward mathematician
Publication: “Dr. Sherlock’s Case of Allegiance considered, with some remarks upon his Vindication,” by Collier, Jeremy divine
Publication: “A Treatise on Speech, on Languages, and Writings, and on the art of secret speaking and writing,” by Comiers, Claude canon of Ernbrun
Born: Conybeare, John divine
Died: Crewe, Nathaniel bishop
Died: Delamet, Adrian Augustin De Bussi a learned doctor of the house and society of the Sorbonne
Died: Denton, William the youngest son of sir T
Born: Dodington, George Bubb Lord Melcombe
Publication: “A Letter to Dr. Tillotson about Schism,” by Dodwell, Henry writer
Publication: “Liber Psalmorumcum notis,” by Dupin, Lewis Ellies historian
Publication: “A Description of Ireland,” by Echard, Laurence clergyman
Born: Edwards, Thomas critic
Publication: “De orbe stagneo Antinoi, epistola,” by Eggeling, John Henry antiquary
Publication: “A treatise-on the figure of the earth, entitled; Elliptico-Sphéroide,” by Eisenschmidt, John Caspar was born at Strasbourg Sept. 25
Died: Faithorne, William engraver
Died: Fenton, Elijah poet
Born: Fischer, John Andrew physician
Died: Flavel, John divine
Publication: “Historiae Britannicse, Saxonicae, AngloDanicae, Scriptores quindccim, &c.” by Gale, Thomas celebrated for his knowledge of the Greek language and antiquities
Born: Gent, Thomas a native of York
Publication: “De Causis Majoribus,” by Gerbais, John a learned French ecclesiastic
Born: Gesner, John Matthew critic
Publication: “Cantilena Rustica:” by Gibson, Edmund bishop
Publication: “Pharmacopoeia Bateana,” by Goddard, Jonathan physician
Born: Gorio, Anthony Francis antiquary
Publication: “Sorberiana, sive excerpta ex ore Samuelis Sorbiere,” by Graverol, Francis antiquary
Publication: “Prisci Censorini Photistici Hydra Mystica; sive, de corrupta morali doctrina dialogus,” by Gravina, John Vincent scholar
Publication: “Historia Templariorum observationibus ecclesiasticis aucta,” by Gurtler, Nicolas divine
Publication: “Itinera muncli ab Abrahamo Peritsol,” by Hali-Beigh a Polander
Born: Herring, Thomas prelate
Publication: “Introductio ad Chronographiam; sive ars chronologica in Epitomen redacta,” by Hudson, Dr. John critic
Publication: “De la situation du Paradis Terrestre,” by Huet, Peter Daniel bishop
Publication: “Panegyricus Christiano Vto dictus,” by Jacobæus, Oliger a professor of physic and philosophy at Copenhagen
Publication: “Gaudia Arctoi orbis ob thalamos augustos Frederici & Ludovicae,” by Jacobæus, Oliger a professor of physic and philosophy at Copenhagen
Born: Jennings, David an eminent dissenter
Publication: “An Inquiry into the Constitution, Discipline, Unity, and Worship, of the Primitive Church, that flourished within the fi*st three hundred years after Christ, faithfully collected out of the extant writings of those ages,” by King, Peter chancellor of England
Publication: “The History of Eleanor, queen of France, and afterwards of England,” by Larrey, Isaac De historian
Born: Leland, John writer
Died: Lloyd, David historian
Publication: “A Letter to Dr. William Sherlock, in vindication of that part of Josephus’s History, which gives an account of Jaddua the high priest’s submitting to Alexander the Great,” by Lloyd, William bishop
Publication: “A Discourse of God’s ways of disposing Kingdoms,” by Lloyd, William bishop
Publication: “Some Considerations of the Consequences of lowering the Interest, and raising the Value, of Money,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “Regicides not Saints,” by Ludlow, Edmund one of the chiefs of the republican party during the civil wars
Publication: “The Plagiary exposed, &c.” by Ludlow, Edmund one of the chiefs of the republican party during the civil wars
Publication: “Comaientarins in historiam Ethiopicam, &c.” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Died: Mackenzie, Sir George writer
Born: Miller, Philip botanist
Died: Morel, Andrew antiquary
Publication: “Pyretologia, seu Exercitationes de Morbis universalibus acutis,” by Morton, Richard physician
Publication: “Les Sirenes, ou discours sur leur forme et figure,” by Nicaise, Claude antiquary
Publication: “An Answer to an Heretical Book called `The naked Gospel,' which was condemned and ordered to be publicly burnt by the Convocation of the University of Oxon, Aug. 19, 1690, with some Reflections on Dr. Bury’s new edition of that book,” by Nichols, William divine (1664–1712)
Publication: “Probabilia Juris,” by Noodt, Gerard a celebrated civilian (?–1725)
Publication: “Annus et Epochse Syro-Macedonum in vetustis urbium Syriae nummis prsesertim Mediceis expositae,” by Noris, Henry one of the most celebrated scholars of the seventeenth century
Publication: “The charge of Schism continued; being a justification of the author of * Christian Blessedness,' for his charging the Separatists with Schism, notwithstanding the toleration. In a letter to a city friend,” by Norris, John divine
Publication: “Dictys Cretensis,” by Obrecht, Ulric a learned German
Born: Panard, Charles-Francis poet
Died: Parr, Richard divine
Publication: “Verbum Sapienti,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “An account of several new Inventions, &c. in a discourse by way of letter to the earl of Marlborougb,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “Defense de l'Antiquite des temps,” by Pezron, Paul a learned and ingenious Frenchman
Died: Pinsson, Francis a learned jurist
Publication: “Phytographia, sive stirpium illustrium et minus cognitorum Icones,” by Plukenet, Leonard botanist
Died: Pocock, Edward divine
Publication: “A Pastoral Reflection on Death,” by Potenger, John an English gentleman of talents (1647–1733)
Publication: “The young man’s claim to the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper,” by Quick, John an eminent nonconformist
Died: Riley, John artist
Born: Secousse, Denis Francis historian
Died: Slingeland, John Peter Van artist
Publication: “Epistolse,” by Smith, Thomas divine
Died: Sorbait, Paul writer
Died: Spizklius, Theophilus divine
Died: Tromp, Martin Happertz Van a celebrated Dutch admiral
Publication: “An earnest and compassionate suit for forbearance to the learned Writers of some Controversies at present,” by Wetenhall, Edward prelate
Died: Williams, Daniel divine
Publication: “Gospel Truth stated and vindicated,” by Williams, Daniel divine
Publication: “L'art de se Connoitre Soimeme; ou, la recherche des Sources de la Morale,” by Abbadie, James divine
Publication: “Defence de la Nation Britannique,” by Abbadie, James divine
Born: Albani, Alexander an eminent virtuoso
Publication: “Remarks upon the ecclesiastical history of the ancient Churches of the Albigenses,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “Surdus loquens,” by Amman, John Conrad physician
Died: Ancillon, David divine
Publication: “Historia de S. Scripturse interpretibus,” by Aristeas a prefect or officer under Ptolemy Philadelphus
Died: Arnauld, Henry brother of Robert and Anthony
Died: Arnu, Nicholas was born at Merancourt
Publication: “A Discourse against Drunkenness,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Publication: “A Discourse against Swearing and Cursing,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Died: Barde, John De La counsellor of state
Publication: “A letter (to his clergy) for the putting in execution the Laws against Dissenters, written in concurrence to that which was drawn up by the justices of the peace of the county of Bedford, at the quarter-sessions held at Ampthill for the said county, Jan. 14, 1684.” by Barlow, Thomas bishop
Born: Barre, Joseph a canon regular of St
Publication: “Spicilegium antiquitatis,” by Beger, Lawrence the son of a tanner
Died: Berthet, John Jesuit
Publication: “Prediche, discorsi, e lezioni,” by Beverini, Bartholomew a learned Italian of the seventeenth century
Died: Boecler, John Henry critic
Publication: “Pyrologia topograpuica, id est, de igne dissertatio, juxta loca, cum eorun. doscriptione,” by Bottoni, Dominic the son of Nicholas Bottom
Publication: “La Manier de bien penser sur les ouvrages d' esprit,” by Bouhours, Dominick critic
Publication: “The general history of the Air designed and begun,” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Publication: “General heads for the natural history of a conntryy great or sinall; drawn out for the use of travellers and navigators. To which are added, other directions ior navigators, &c. with particular observations on the most noted countries in the world. By another hand.” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Born: Bradley, James Savilian professor of astronomy in Oxford
Born: Browne, Sir William physician
Born: Butler, Joseph prelate
Born: Caslon, William eminent in an art of the greatest consequence to literature
Publication: “Lexicon philosophicum,” by Chauvin, Stephen clergyman
Publication: “Neptune Francois,” by Chazelles, John Matthew De a French mathetician and engineer
Publication: “A brief essay concerning the independency of Church Power,” by Collier, Jeremy divine
Died: Colomies, Paul a learned French protestant
Died: Commelin, John botanist
Publication: “Consilia et Methodi Studiorum optime instituendorum,” by Crenius, Thomas a native of the marche of Brandenburg
Publication: “Dceneids,” by Crowne, John an American
Publication: “A brief Disquisition of the Law of Nature, according to the principles and method laid down in the reverend Dr. Cumberland’s (now lord bishop of Peterburgh’s) Latin treatise on that subject, &c.” by Cumberland, Richard divine
Publication: “A Defence of the same,” by Dodwell, Henry writer
Born: Dunlop, William, A.M. was born at Glasgow
Publication: “An enquiry into four remarkable texts of the New Testament,” by Edwards, John divine
Publication: “A farther enquiry into several remarkable texts of the Old and New Testament,” by Edwards, John divine
Born: Elsner, James divine
Publication: “Re^ueil des Poetes Francois,” by Estoile, Claude De L' son of the foregoing
Died: Fantoni, John physician
Born: Ferracino, Bartolomeo a celebrated self-taught mechanic
Died: Foscarini, Michael historian
Born: Frugoni, Charles Innocent poet
Publication: “Librorum Manuscriptorum in duabus insignibus Bibliothecis, altera Tenisoniana Londoni, altera Dugdaliana Oxonii, Catalogus.” by Gibson, Edmund bishop
Publication: “Chronicon Saxonicum,” by Gibson, Edmund bishop
Born: Granet, Francis deacon of the church of Aix
Publication: “L'Endimione di Erilo Cleoneo, Pasture Arcade, con nn Discorso di Bione Crateo,” by Gravina, John Vincent scholar
Publication: “M. T. Ciceronis Opera quae extant omnia,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Born: Hahn, Simon Frederic ayoungrnan of extraordinary talents
Born: Hallet, Joseph clergyman
Born: Henry, Nicholas scholar
Died: Hickman, Henry divine
Born: Highmore, Joseph painter
Publication: “A Vindication of the deprived bishops,” by Hody, Humphrey divine
Publication: “A letter to Mr. Samuel Johnson, occasioned by a scurrilous pamphlet, entitled Animadversions on Mr. Johnson’s answer to Jovian,” by Howard, Sir Robert writer
Publication: “Nouveaux Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire du Cartesianisrne,” by Huet, Peter Daniel bishop
Publication: “Origin of the Military Orders,” by Justiniani, Bernard nephew of the above
Born: Kimber, Isaac divine
Publication: “De rationis cum revelatione in Theologia concursu,” by Kortholt, Christian a learned professor of divinity at Kiel
Publication: “New Methods for the Extraction and Approximation of Roots,” by Lagny, Thomas Fantet De mathematician
Died: Lancrinck, Prosper Henry artist
Publication: “De l‘origine du Droit d’Amortissement,” by Lauriere, Eusebius James De lawyer
Publication: “The Pretences of the French Invasion examined,” by Lloyd, William bishop
Publication: “General History of the Air,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Born: Mansi, John Dominique prelate
Publication: “Diogenes Laertius,” by Meibomius, Marcus a very learned man
Publication: “Sermons,” by Milbourne, Luke writer
Publication: “Le Cabinet de la Bibliotheque de Ste. Genevieve,” by Molinet, Claude Du regular canon and procurator general of the congregation of St
Publication: “DeExistentiaDei, et humanae mentis immortalitaie,” by Moor, Michael divine
Died: Mountfort, William writer
Born: Musschenbroeck, Peter De mathematician
Born: Nantigni, Louis Chazot De a celebrated genealogist
Born: Nivelle De La Chaussee, Peter Claude writer
Died: Noir, John Le canon and theologal of Seez
Publication: “Two treatises concerning the divine light. The first being an answer to a letter of a learned Quaker (Mr. Vickris), which he is pleased to call A just reprehension to John Morris for his unjust reflections on the Quakers in his book entitled Reflections upon the conduct of human life, &c. The second being a discourse concerning the grossness of the Quakers’ notion of the light within, with their confusion and inconsistency in explaining it,” by Norris, John divine
Died: Nuck, Anthony physician and anatomist
Publication: “Adenographia curiosa, et Uteri foeminei Anatome nova, cum Epistola ad Amicum de Inventis novis,” by Nuck, Anthony physician and anatomist
Publication: “Operationes et Experirnenta Chirurgica,” by Nuck, Anthony physician and anatomist
Publication: “Histoire de M. Constance, premier minister du roi de Siam, et de la derniere revolution de cet etat,” by Orleans, Peter Joseph D' historian
Born: Orsi, Francis Joseph Augustine cardinal
Publication: “Veterum aliquot Galliae & Belgiae scriptorum opuscula sacra,” by Oudin, Casimir monk (?–1717)
Born: Peck, Francis antiquary
Publication: “Exercitatio Philosophica de Homoeomeria Anaxagorea,” by Peirce, James an eminent dissenting minister
Died: Perrier, Charles poet
Publication: “Musei Petiveriani Centuriae decem,” by Petiver, James botanist
Publication: “A Letter from a gentleman,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Born: Pezenas, Esprit Jesuit
Died: Pollexfen, Sir Henry lawyer
Publication: “About the thirteenth year of my age, the Christmas before the return of king Charles the Second, I lost a loving father; I was not so young but I was deeply sensible of the misfortune, knowing at what an unseasonable time I was deprived of him, when he should have received a reward for his loyal sufferings. He would often discourse with me, though, young, about the unhappy times, amid lament the church’s and the king’s misfortunes, which made a great impression on me; and laid the foundation, I hope, of my being a true son of the church of England, and an obedient subject to my lawful prince.” by Potenger, John an English gentleman of talents (1647–1733)
Publication: “Synodicon iiS Gallia Reformata, or the Acts, Decisions, Decrees, and Laws of the famous national councils of the reformed Churches in France, &c.” by Quick, John an eminent nonconformist
Born: Racine, Louis was born at Paris in 1692
Publication: “Three Physico-Theologicai Discourses concerning the Chaos, Deluge, and Dissolution of the World,” by Ray, John philosopher
Died: Rowe, Nicolas poet
Publication: “De unico Christi sacerdotio et sacrincio,” by Sadeel, Anthony one of the promoters of the reformation
Born: Sandini, Anthony historian
Died: Sawyer, Sir Robert lawyer
Died: Seckendorf, Virus Louis De a very learned German
Publication: “The different Humours of Men,” by Shaw, Samuel a learned non- conformist
Born: Shaw, Thomas traveller
Born: Somervile, William poet
Publication: “The Wife’s Excuse,” by Southern, Thomas writer
Died: Struvius, George Adam scholar
Publication: “Cum notis variorum & Pitisci,” by Suetonius, Caius Suetonius Tranquillus historian
Born: Tartini, Joseph styled by Dr
Publication: “the admirable,” by Tartini, Joseph styled by Dr
Born: Thirlby, Styan critic
Publication: “Apology.” by Toland, John writer
Died: Turner, Thomas brother to the above
Publication: “An Answer to a Letter to Dr. Sherlock written in vindication of that part of Josephus’s History, wtiicb gives the account of Jaddas’s submission to Alexander, against the Answer to the piece entitled Obedience and Submission to the present Government,” by Wagstaffe, Thomas divine
Publication: “Defence of the Christian Sabbath,” by Wallis, John mathematician (1616–1703)
Publication: “Body of Divinity,” by Watson, Thomas divine
Publication: “A defence of the Church of England from the charge of schism and heresy, as laid against it by the vindicator of the deprived bishops (Mr. Henry Dodwell),” by Welchman, Edward divine
Publication: “Mathematici Veteres,” by Africanus, Junus historian
Born: Amico, Vito-Maria a nobleman of Catania in Sicily
Publication: “Memoirs, intermixt with moral, political, and historical Observations, by way of discourse, in a letter to sir Peter Pett,” by Annesley, Arthur earl of Anglesey
Publication: “Nova de Symbolo Athanasiano disquisitio,” by Antelmi, Joseph antiquary
Publication: “De ^tate S. Martini Turonensis Episcopi, et quorundam ejusgestorum ordine, anno mortuali, nee non de S. Priccio successore, Epistola ad R. P. Ant. Pagium,” by Antelmi, Joseph antiquary
Born: Arcere, Louis Etienne priest of the oratory
Died: Ashwell, George rector of Hanwell
Publication: “Directions in order to the suppressing of Debauchery and Proprmneness,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Publication: “A treatise on the power of the Holy See,” by Astorini, Elias born in the province of Cosenza in the kingdom of Naples in 1651
Died: Bagger, John bishop
Publication: “Several miscellaneous and weighty cases of conscience, learnedly and judiciously resolved by the right rev. father in God, Dr. T ho. Barlow, late lord bishop of Lincoln.” by Barlow, Thomas bishop
Publication: “Le Principaute de Catalogue et le Comte de Roussillon, suivant les nouvelles Observations;” by Baudrand, Michael Anthony a celebrated French geographer
Born: Bel, John James counsellor of the parliament of Bourdeaux
Publication: “Histoire de Pedit de Nantes,” by Benoit, Elias the son of a Calvinist
Publication: “Sermons at Boyle’s Lectures,” by Bentley, Richard regius professor of divinity
Publication: “Deliciae quorundam Danorum,” by Bering, Vitus poet
Publication: “Anti-Menagiana,” by Bernier, John physician
Born: Bianchi, John naturalist
Born: Bilfinger, George Bernard philosopher
Publication: “Mathematici Veteres,” by Bito mathematician
Publication: “Physical Dictionary,” by Blancard, Stephen was an
Died: Blount, Charles younger son of sir Henry Blount
Publication: “King William and queen Mary conquerors; or, a discourse endeavouring to prove that their majesties have on their side, against the late king, the principal reasons that make conquest a good title; shewing also how this is consistent with that declaration of parliament, king James abdicated the government, &c. Written with an especial regard to such as have hitherto refused the oath, and yet allow of the title of conquest, when consequent to a just war,” by Blount, Charles younger son of sir Henry Blount
Publication: “Natural History, containing many, not common observations, extracted out of the best modern authors,” by Blount, Sir Thomas Pope writer
Born: Bodmer, John James writer
Publication: “Mathematici veteres,” by Boivin, John professor of Greek in the royal college of Paris
Born: Bordeu, Anthony, physician
Born: Boyer, John Baptist Nicholas physician
Died: Bregy, Charlotte Saumaise De Chazan, Comtesse De neice of the learned Saumaise
Publication: “Lettres pour prouver l'illusion des philosophes sur la baguette,” by Brun, Peter Le a French priest of the oratory
Died: Bulteau, Lewis a learned French author
Died: Burton, William author of the “History of Leicestershire
Publication: “Epistolae Jesuiticae,” by Chamier, Daniel divine
Born: Chandler, Samuel an eminent dissenting minister
Died: Charleval, Charles was born in 1613
Publication: “Synopsis historica de sacris aedificiis a. Constantino Magno constructs,” by Ciampini, John Justin a learned Italian
Born: Cocchi, Anthony of Florence
Born: Collet, Peter divine
Born: Collinson, Peter botanist
Died: Comiers, Claude canon of Ernbrun
Died: Couplet, Philip Jesuit
Born: Crevier, John Baptist Lewis historian
Publication: “Pharmacologia, seu Manuductio ad Materiam Medicam,” by Dale, Samuel antiquary
Publication: “The Institutions of the Law of Scotland,” by Dalrymple, James the seventh baron and first viscount Stair
Publication: “Cartes Geographiques, Tables Chronologiques, Tables Genealogiques, &c.” by Dangeau, Louis Courcillon De a French abbe
Publication: “Lettre sur Tortographe Poutchartrain,” by Dangeau, Louis Courcillon De a French abbe
Died: Davies, Johin a translator of some note in the seventeenth century
Publication: “An Anatomy of Atheism,” by Dawes, Sir William archbishop
Born: Denne, John antiquary
Publication: “Critica Sacra, sive animadversiones in loca qucedam difficiliora Veteris et Novi Testamenti,” by Dieu, Lewis De protestant minister of Leyden
Publication: “Aphorismi Theologi,” by Dieu, Lewis De protestant minister of Leyden
Publication: “Don Sebastian.” by Dryden, John poet
Publication: “La juste Defense du Sieur Dupin, -pour sefvir de reponse a un Libelle anonyme contre Les Pseaumes,” by Dupin, Lewis Ellies historian
Born: Edwards, George naturalist
Publication: “Of the truth and authority of Scripture,” by Edwards, John divine
Publication: “A Preservative against Socinianism” by Edwards, Jonathan divine
Born: Ellys, Anthony prelate
Publication: “Monsieur de la Quintinye’s treatise of Orange-Trees, with the raising of Melons, omitted in the French editions; made English by John Evelyn, esq.” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Publication: “I think you was a major-general in the French service” by Evremond, Charles De St. writer
Born: Ferrein, Anthony anatomist
Died: Feuillet, Nicholas was a priest and canon of St
Died: Fisher, Payne Paganus Piscatok
Publication: “Manuductio ad lectionem Scripture Sacrse,” by Francke, Augustus Herman divine
Publication: “Freind had more good learning in him than ever he had imagined.” by Freind, Robert was born in 16'67
Born: Funccius, John Nicolas a native of Marpurg
Publication: “The Black Life of John Gadbury” by Gadbury, John one of the astrological impostors of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Quintilian de Arte Oratoria, with notes,” by Gibson, Edmund bishop
Publication: “De Icuncula Smetiana qua Harpocratem indigitarunt,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Born: Hare, Henry, Lord Colerane third and last baron of that name and family
Born: Harrison, John a most accurate mechanic
Born: Heywood, Eliza writer
Publication: “An Antidote against a careless indifferency in matters of Religion in. opposition to those who believe that all religions are alike, and that it imports not what men profess,” by Horneck, Dr. Anthony divine
Publication: “Velieius Paterculus, cum variis lectionibus, & notis, &- indice,” by Hudson, Dr. John critic
Publication: “Statuts Synodaux pour le diocese d'Avranches, &c.” by Huet, Peter Daniel bishop
Born: Jablonski, Paul-Ernest the son of Daniel-Ernest
Publication: “Life and Death of George Lord Jeffreys,” by Jeffreys, George poet (?–1755)
Born: Jones, Jeremiah divine
Publication: “Notitia procerum 5. R. imperil,” by Imhoff, John a very famous genealogist
Died: Kale, William painter
Died: Killigrew, William descended from this family
Died: Launay, Francis De lawyer
Born: Lillo, George writer
Publication: “Some Thoughts concerning Education,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Died: Loggan, David a very useful
Publication: “Appendix ad hist. Ethiopicam illiusque commentarium, &c.” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Died: Marana, John Paul the author of the Turkish Spy
Born: Markland, Jeremiah one of the most learned critics of the eighteenth century
Publication: “A History of Cardinal Ximenes,” by Marsollier, James historian
Publication: “The History of the Inquisition and its origin,” by Marsollier, James historian
Publication: “Consular History of the city of Lyons,” by Menestrier, Claude Francis Jesuit
Publication: “Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre,” by Orleans, Peter Joseph D' historian
Publication: “Catechism.” by Ostervald, John Frederick one of the most celebrated Swiss divines of the latter age
Publication: “Cours de Mathematiques, qui comprend toutes les parties de cette science les plus utiles & les plus necessaires,” by Ozanam, James mathematician
Died: Patin, Charles antiquary
Publication: “Essai d'un Commentaire litteral & historique sur les Prophetes,” by Pezron, Paul a learned and ingenious Frenchman
Publication: “Mathematici veteres,” by Philo, Judæus writer
Publication: “De jurisconsulto perito Liber,” by Placcius, Vincent an eminent philologer of Hamburgh
Died: Playford, Joitn a man distinguished in the musical world
Died: Poilly, Francis engraver
Born: Quin, James a celebrated actor
Died: Rabutin, Roger, Count De Bussy a distinguished French officer and wit
Publication: “Life of Ricci,” by Ricci, Matthew Jesuit
Publication: “The Loyal and Impartial Satyrist, containing eight miscellany poems,” by Rogers, Thomas divine
Publication: “A Poesy for Lovers,” by Rogers, Thomas divine
Publication: “The conspiracy of guts and brains; or an answer to the Turn-shams,” by Rogers, Thomas divine
Publication: “An account of the late establishment of Presbyterian Government by the parliament of Scotland in 1690,” by Sage, John bishop
Publication: “Celanire, ou la Promenade de Versailles,” by Scuderi, Magdeleine De and his superior in talents
Born: Secker, Thomas prelate
Born: Sharp, Thomas was born about 1693
Publication: “Practical Reflections on the late Earthquakes in Jamaica, Italy, &c. with a particular historical account of those and divers other earthquakes,” by Shower, John divine
Publication: “Histoire Critique des versions du Nouveau Testament;” by Simon, Richard critic
Publication: “Animadversions on Dr. Sherlock’s book, entitled, ‘A vindication of the Holy and ever Blessed Trinity,’ &c. together with a more necessary vindication of that sacred and prime article of the Christian faith from his new notions and false explications of it: humbly offered to his admirers, and to himself the chief of them,” by South, Robert divine
Publication: “Bibliotheca numismatum antiquiorum,” by Struvius, Burcard Gotthelf one of the many sons of the preceding
Died: Vandervelde
Publication: “Corporis Humani Anatomia,” by Verheyen, Philip physician and anatomist
Publication: “The Life of Christ, an heroic poem,” by Wesley, Samuel divine
Born: Wetstein, John James divine
Born: Winder, Henry a learned dissentingdivine
Publication: “Letter to the bishop of Litchfield and Coventry, concerning a book of Anthony Harmer (alias Henry Wharton), called `A Specimen of some Errors and Defects in the History of the Reformation,' &c.” by Wood, Anthony antiquary
Publication: “Monasticon,” by Wright, Abraham divine
Publication: “Amdenitates theologico-philologicæ,” by Almeloveen, Theodore Jansson Van physician
Born: Aquino, Louis Claude De musician
Died: Arnauld, Anthony doctor of the Sorbonne
Born: Bacoue, Leo bishop
Died: Barbier D'Aucour, John advocate in the parliament of Paris
Died: Barlow, Thomas bishop
Publication: “Index alphabeticus rerum et locorum omnium memorabilium ad Annales Cardinalis Baronii. Opus posthumum Rev. Cardinalis de Laurea,” by Baronius, Cæsar writer
Born: Bayer, Theophilus Siegfrid was born in 1694
Publication: “I Fiori, primizie poetiche, divise in rime amorose, sacre, morali, e funebri,” by Bernardoni, Peter Antony poet
Publication: “Remarks on Poetry,” by Blount, Sir Thomas Pope writer
Publication: “The great Historical, Geographical, and Poetical Dictionary,” by Bohun, Edmund writer
Born: Boissi, Louis De writer
Born: Bonamy, Peter-Nicholas antiquary
Died: Bullialdus, Ismael astronomer
Born: Burlamaqui, John James an eminent civilian
Publication: “Four Discourses to the Clergy of his Diocese.” by Burnet, Gilbert bishop
Publication: “Journal des Savans,” by Chauvin, Stephen clergyman
Publication: “Origine de I'lmprimerie de Paris, dissertation historique et critique,” by Chevillier, Andrew a doctor and librarian of the Sorbonne
Publication: “Memoire succinct sur la Reformation,” by Chouet, John Robert philosopher
Publication: “Myotomia reformata, or a new administration of all the Muscles of the Human Body,” by Cowper, William anatomist
Born: Coypel, Charles Antony was admitted into the academy of painting in his twentieth year
Publication: “Memorials of the most rev. father in God Thomas Cranmer,” by Cranmer, Thomas archbishop
Publication: “Reflexions sur toutes Ies parties de la Grammaire,” by Dangeau, Louis Courcillon De a French abbe
Publication: “On the happiness of a retired life,” by Dryden, John poet
Publication: “Of the Style of Scripture,” by Edwards, John divine
Publication: “De Miscellaneis Germanise antiquitatibus exercitationes quinque,” by Eggeling, John Henry antiquary
Publication: “An account of the isle of Jersey, the greatest of those islands that are now the only remainder of the English dominions in France: with a new and accurate map of that island,” by Falle, Philip a learned man
Died: Feydeau, Matthew clergyman
Died: Fleming, Robert clergyman
Publication: “Certain Propositions, by which the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is so explained, according to the ancient fathers, as to speak it not contradictory to natural reason. Together with a defence of them, &c.” by Fowler, Edward prelate
Publication: “The Church History of Malabar,” by Geddes, Michael divine
Died: Gilbert, William divine
Publication: “Manual on the Art of Prudence,” by Gracian, Baltasar Jesuit
Born: Grafigny, Frances D'Isembourg D'Happoncourt, Dame De a French lady of literary reputation
Died: Graverol, Francis antiquary
Publication: “Ivloses vindicatus,” by Graverol, John divine
Born: Grey, Dr. Richard divine
Publication: “Treatise shewing how useful, &c. the inrolling and registering of all conveyances of land,” by Hale, Sir Matthew lawyer
Publication: “Miscellany Poems,” by Hammond, Anthony, Esq. descended from a family long situated at Somersham-place
Born: Hartzheim, Joseph Jesuit
Publication: “A Discourse concerning Lent, in two Parts. The first, an historical account of its observation: the second, an essay concerning its original. This subdivided into two repartitions, whereof the first is preparatory, and shews that most of our Christian ordinances are derived from the Jews; and the second conjectures, that Lent is of the same original,” by Hooper, Dr. George divine
Died: Houlieres, Antonette De La Garde Des a French poetess
Publication: “The History of Religion,” by Howard, Sir Robert writer
Died: Huber, Ulric a native of Dockum
Publication: “Institutiones historic civilis.” by Huber, Ulric a native of Dockum
Born: Hutcheson, Dr. Francis philosopher
Publication: “Midnight and daily Thoughts, in prose and verse,” by Killigrew, William descended from this family
Publication: “A Discourse concerning the Inventions of Men in the Worship of God,” by King, Da. William archbishop
Publication: “An Answer to a Book which will be published next week entitled A Letter to the Rev. Dr. South, upon occasion of a late Book entitled Animadversions on Dr. Sherlock’s Book, entiiled A Vindication of the Holy and Ever-blessed Trinity. Being a Letter to the Author.” by King, Dn. William writer
Publication: “Phtbisiologia Lancastrieusis, cum tentamine philosophico de Miueralibus Aquis in eodem comitatu observatis,” by Leigh, Charles naturalist
Publication: “A short and easy Method with the Deists,” by Leslie, Charles writer
Publication: “Exercitatio anatomica, in qua de Cochleis agitur,” by Lister, Martin philosopher
Died: Littleton, Adam scholar
Publication: “Dissertatio de locustis, &c.” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Publication: “Epistolarum Medicarum specimen de Thermarum Bathoniensium effectis, ad clariss. medicos D. Bate Eraser, Wedderbourne, &c.” by Maplet, John physician
Born: Martin, James Benedictine
Publication: “Aphorismes touchant l'Accouchement, la Grossesse, et les Maladies des Femraes,” by Mauriceau, Francis an eminent French accoucheur
Publication: “La Philosophic des Images,” by Menestrier, Claude Francis Jesuit
Publication: “A Defence of archbishop Usher against Dr. Cary and Dr. Is. Vossius, with an Introduction concerning the uncertainty of Chronology, and an Appendix touching the signification of the words, &c. as also the men of the great Synagogue,” by Milner, John divine
Publication: “Exercitationes de Lingua primaeva cjusque Appendicibus,” by Morin, Stephen a learned French protestant
Died: Muller, Andrew divine
Born: Neve, Timothy divine
Publication: “A Practical Essay on the Contempt of the World,” by Nichols, William divine (1664–1712)
Publication: “Considerationes circa Analyseos ad Quantitates infinite parvas applicator principia,” by Nieuwentyt, Bernard mathematician
Publication: “Spiritual counsel; or the father’s advice to his children,” by Norris, John divine
Died: Ouvrard, Rene' a learned French ecclesiastic
Born: Passeri, John Baptist antiquary
Born: Pelloutier, Simon writer
Born: Pemberton, Henry physician
Publication: “The History of the Assemblies of 1652 4,” by Pfanner, Tobias the son of a counsellor at Augsburg
Born: Platner, John Zachariah physician
Publication: “Synopsis,” by Pool, Matthew a learned Nonconformist
Publication: “Directions to Churchwardens.” by Prideaux, Humphrey divine
Born: Quesnay, Francis physician
Publication: “A true Protestant Bridle; or some cursory remarks upon a Sermon preached (by William Stephens, rector of Sutton) before the Lord Mayor, &c. Jan. 30, 1693,” by Rogers, Thomas divine
Died: Rousseau, James painter
Publication: “Defence of the late Lord Russet’s Innoeency,” by Russel, Lord William and for whose sake indeed some account was thought necessary of his father
Born: Rysbrach, John Michael a very eminent sculptor
Died: Sagittarius, Caspar divine
Born: Salden, William writer
Born: Sallengre, Albert Henry De writer
Publication: “Three Sermons,” by Sancroft, Dr. William prelate
Born: Schoepflin, John Daniel antiquary (?–1771)
Died: Scott, Dr. John divine
Publication: “Letters and Essays,” by Shakspeare was a considerable dealer in wool
Publication: “Sylloge Stirpium Europaearum,” by Sherard, William botanist
Publication: “The Life of Henry Gearing,” by Shower, John divine
Born: Stanhope, Pinup Dormer fourth earl of Chesterfield
Publication: “Life of Archbishop Cranmer,” by Strype, John the most valuable contributor to ecclesiastical history and biography that ever appeared in this country
Died: Tachard, Guy Jesuit
Born: Taylor, John a learned dissenting teacher
Died: Teniers, David was born at Antwerp in 1610
Publication: “David Teniers, junior.” by Teniers, David was born at Antwerp in 1610
Born: Voltaire, Marie-Francis Arouet De the greatest literary character which France produced in the last century
Publication: “A Letter out of Suffolk to a friend in London, giving some account of the late sickness and death of Dr. William Sancroft late lord archbishop of Canterbury,” by Wagstaffe, Thomas divine
Publication: “A Letter out of Lancashire to a friend in London, giving some account of the tryals there. Together with some seasonable and proper remarks upon it; recommended to the wisdom of the Lords and Commons assembled in parliament,” by Wagstaffe, Thomas divine
Publication: “A Letter to a gentleman elected a knight of the shire to serve in the present parliament,” by Wagstaffe, Thomas divine
Publication: “A Discourse of Government, as examined by reason, scripture, and the law of the land, written in 1678,” by Warwick, Sir Philip historian
Died: Wharton, Henry divine
Publication: “Considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity,” by Williams, John divine
Publication: “Reflections” by Wotton, William divine (?–1726)
Publication: “Country conversations, being an account of some discourses that happened on a visit to the country last summer, on divers subjects; chiefly, of the modern comedies, of drinking, of translated verse, of painting and painters, of poets and poetry,” by Wright, Abraham divine