Redman, John
, one of the most learned divines of his time, was born in 1499, descended from a Yorkshire family, and was nearly related to Tonstall, bishop of Durham. By the encouragement of this learned prelate, he was from his infancy devoted to literature, which he cultivated first in Corpus Christi, Oxford, under the first president, John Claymond, a man of singular erudition and generosity. From Oxford he went for a time to study at Paris, and continued there until he became of age. He then, on his return, fixed himself in St. John’s college, Cambridge, where he is said to have been so adorned with the knowledge of Cicero and the purest authors of antiquity, that Cheke, then a young man there, was fired with emulation; and in a short time, through their united pains and example, that seminary acquired the fame of being more than a match for a whole foreign university. Here he took his bachelor’s degree in 1526, that of master in 1530, and that of D. D. in 1534. He was also elected public orator of the university. He was soon after chosen master of King’s-hall, which he resigned in 1547, being then appointed the first master of Trinity college. He was likewise archdeacon of Taunton, and a member of the convocation in 1547 and 1550; also prebendary of Wells, and of Westminster, in the college of | which cathedral he died in 1551, aged fifty-two, and was buried in the north aile of the abbey.
Dodd says that, as to Dr. Redman’s religion, “though” he was no friend to the doctrine of the reformers, yet he was very complaisant to them, in point of discipline, and went so far away wiih them, as to be an assistant in compiling the book of Common Prayer. In a word, he divided himself between both religions.“We have better authority, however, for asserting that if he did so divide himself, the reformed religion had the larger share. That he was at first attached to the religion in which he had been educated, appears by his letter to Latimer reproving that reformer for his innovations; but he soon found reason to change his opinion. He had applied his maturer judgment and learning, with equal piety and patience, for the space of twenty years, to the study of the Scriptures and the early writers of the church, intending to compose a work on the subject of transubstantiation; but the result of his studies was, that there was no foundation for that absurd dogma, either in Scripture, or in the primitive fathers. He therefore relinquished this, and other errors of the Romish creed, and” with constant judgment and unfeigned conscience descended into that manner of belief,“which he held, when he assisted in compiling the first liturgy of Edward VI. published in 1549*. We have still more proof of his relinquishing his old creed, in Mr. archdeacon Churton’s” Life of Newell.“Nowell waited upon Redman in his last illness, desirous to know what was his opinion and belief concerning the” troublous controversies of those days,“professing himself willing to” receive and approve his words as oracles sent from heaven.“The dying confessor, possessing a” quiet mind and perfect remembrance,“took a day or two to consider of the matters propounded to him by Nowell; and then sent for him, declaring himself ready to converse with him on those points, and to answer truly as he thought, to whatever question should be asked him, as in the presence of God. These articles were fourteen in number, the sum of which was, that purgatory, the sacrifice of the mass, and tran*” Afterwards I conferred with Dr. Prayer was an holy book, and agreeRedman, in whom I reposed much able to the Gospel." Bernard Gilpin’s
fcope in regard of his eminent virtues Letter to his brother George in 1575,
and great scholarship. He affirmed and Wbrdsworth, vol. IV. p. 124. unto me that the book of Common | substantiation, were groundless and ungodly; that we are justified, not by our works, but by lively faith, which rests in our only Saviour Jesus Christ; that good works are not destitute of their rewards; yet nevertheless they do not merit the kingdom of heaven, which is " the gift of God. 7 ' Dr. Wilkes, master of Christ’s college, Cambridge, and Dr. Young of Trinity college in that university, were present at this conference; of which an account was given by Young, in a Latin epistle to their common friend Cheke. Redman survived this interview, which was in Nov. 1551, not many days, for on the 27th Nowell succeeded him in the canonry of Westminster.
His works, all published after his death, were, 1. “Opus de justificatione,” Antw. 1555, 4to. 2. “Hymnus in quo peccator justificationem quaerens rudi imagine describitur,” printed with the former. 3. “The Complaint of Grace,” JLond. 1556, 8vo, 1609, 12mo. 4. “Resolutions concerning the Sacrament,” in the appendix to Burnet’s Hist, of the Reformation, with “Resolutions of some questions relating to bishops and priests.” There are also in Fox some articles by him. 1