
, a learned Benedictine, abbot of Prum towards the end of the ninth century, has left a good “Chronicle,” in the collection of German historians by Pistorius, 1583, 3 vols. folio, and a collection of canons and ecclesiastical rules, entitled, “De Disciplinis ecclesiasticis, et de Religione Christiana.” This last he compiled at the solicitation of Rathbode, archbishop of Treves, to which city he had retired, after being obliged to quit his abbey, in the year 899. M. Baluze has published an excellent edition of this collection, with notes, in 1671, 8vo. Regino died at Treves, in the year 915. 3


Dupin. Care, vol. I. —Moreri. Tiullart’s Acad. des Sciences, vol. I.