Sanders, Robert
, an English writer, whose history
may not be unuseful, was a native of Scotland, and born in,
or near, Breadalbane, about 1727. He was by business a
comb-maker; but not being successful in trade, and having some talents, some education, and a good memory, he
commenced a hackney writer, and in that capacity produced some works which have been relished by the lower
class of readers. When he came to London is uncertain;
but, having travelled over most of the northern parts of
these kingdoms, he compiled, from his own survey and the
information of books, an itinerary, entitled “The Complete English Traveller,” folio. It was published in numbers, with the fictitious name of Spencer, professedly on
the plan of Fuller’s Worthies, with biographical notices of
the most eminent men of each county. As the dealers in
this kind of publications thought it too good a thing to be
lost, it has been republished, depriving Mr. Spencer of his
rights, and giving them to three fictitious gentlemen, Mr.
Burlington for England, Mr. Murray for Scotland, and
Mr. Llewellyn for Wales. He also compiled, about 1764,
a work in 5 or 6 vols. 8vo, with cuts, entitled “The Newgate Calendar, or Memoirs of those unfortunate culprits
| who fall a sacrifice to the injured laws of their country, and
thereby make their exit at Tyburn.” He was some time
engaged with lord Lyttelton, in assisting his lordship to
compile his “History of Henry II.;” and Dr. Johnson, in
his life of that poetical nobleman, introduces this circumstance in no very honourable manner. “When time,” says
he, “brought the history to a third edition, Reid (the former corrector) was either dead or discharged; and the superintendence of typography and punctuation was committed to a man originally a conjb-maker, but then known
by the style of Doctor Sanders. Something uncommon was
probably expected, and something uncommon was at last
done; for to the doctor’s edition is appended, what the
world had hardly seen before, a list of errors of nineteen
pages. 7 ' His most considerable work was his” Gaffer
Greybeard,“an illiberal piece, in 4 vols. 12mo, in which
the characters of the most eminent dissenting divines, his
contemporaries, are very freely handled. He had, perhaps
suffered either by the contempt or the reproof of some of
that persuasion, and therefore endeavoured to revenge
himself on the whole, ridiculing, in particular, Dr. Gill
under the name of Dr. Half-pint, and Dr. Gibbons under
that of Dr. Hymn-maker. He was also the author of the
notes to a Bible published weekly under the name of the
rev. Henry Southwell: for this he received about twentyfive or twenty-six shillings per week, while Dr. Southwell,
the pseudo-commentator, received one hundred guineas
for the use of his name, he having no other recommendation to the public, by which he might merit a posthumous
memory, than his livings.* Dr. Henry Southwell, who died in
1779, was of a good family in Cambridgeshire, was educated at Magdalen college, Cambridge, and had the
rectory of Asterby in Lincolnshire, but
no one that knew him ever suspected
him of writing a book.