Spelman, Clement
, youngest son of sir Henry, was a eounsellor-at-law, and made puisne baron of the exchequer upon the restoration of Charles II. He published some pieces relating to the government, and a large preface to his father’s book, “De non temerandis ecclesiis.” He died in June 1679, and was interred in St. Duns(. church, Fleet-street. 1 | Spelman (Edward), esq. the translator of, Xenophon, and of Dionysius Halicarnasscnsis, and author of a Tract on the Greek accents, wuo died March 12, 1767, was greatgreat-grandson of sir Henry Spelman. 1
Biog. Brit.—Gibson’s Life, prefixed to his miscellaneous works.—Bridgeman’s Legal Bibliography.—Letters of Eminent Persons, &c. 3 vols. 8vo, 1813. —Usher’s Life, and Letters.