Events noted in 1675

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.

1670 1680


Died: Achilles, Alexander a nobleman of Prussia

Died: Acuna, Christopher Jesuit

Publication: “The present State of the Jews (more particularly relating to those in Barbary), wherein is contained an exact account of their customs secular and religious, &c.” by Addison, Lancelot clergyman

Publication: “Theatrum Funebre, exhibens epitaphia nova, antiqua, seria, jocosa,” by Aicher, Otho a benedictine father

Publication: “Iter oratorium,” by Aicher, Otho a benedictine father

Publication: “Eloges de des Adrets, Depuy-Montbrun, Colignon,” by Allard, Guy was a native of Dauphiny

Born: Andrew, Yves Mary Jesuit

Born: Angelis, Dominico De author of several pieces relating to the history of literature

Born: Avrigny, Hyacinth Richard historian

Born: Bagford, John antiquary

Publication: “Infunere Gabrielis Cossartii carmen,” by Baune, James De La Jesuit

Publication: “Dissertationes de experientia et ratione conjnngenda in Physica, Medicina, et Chirurgia,” by Bayle, Francis physician

Born: Benedict Xiv., Pope whose name was Prosper Lambertini

Born: Benzelius, Eric archbishop

Died: Bering, Vitus poet

Publication: “Cours d' Architecture,” by Blondel, Francis mathematician

Publication: “De Alkali et Acidi insuificientia pro principiorum corporum naturalium. munere gerendo,” by Bohn, John physician

Publication: “Rohaulti tractatus physicus, e Gallico in Latinam versus,” by Bonet, Theophilus physician

Publication: “Osservazione dell' ecclissi lunare, fatta in Roma,” by Borelli, John Alphonso mathematician

Died: Boreman, Robert divine

Publication: “Cogitationes de variis linguae Latinas cetatibus,” by Borrichius physician

Born: Bosch, Balthasar Vanden artist

Publication: “Traité de poeme epique” by Bossu, Rene Le critic

Publication: “Fondation de l'universite, &e,” by Boulai, Cæsar Egasse De historian

Publication: “Some considerations about the reconeileableness of reason and religion. By T. E. a layman. To which is annexed, a discourse about the possibility of the Resurrection by Mr. Boyle,” by Boyle, Robert philosopher

Died: Bruin, John De professor of natural philosophy and mathematics at Utrecht

Publication: “Jus criminis, or an abridgment of the laws of treason, murther, conspiracies, poisonings, &c.” by Brydal, John antiquary

Publication: “Heartsalve for a wounded Soul, &c.” by Calvert, Thomas was born at York in 1606

Born: Carriera, Rosalba artist

Publication: “Tavernier’s Voyages,” by Chapuzeau, Samuel writer

Publication: “Delle, scene, e theatri opera posthuma,” by Chiaramonti, Scipio in Latin Claramontius

Born: Clarke, Dr. Samuel divine

Publication: “Nolens Volens or, you shall make Latin, whether you will or no; containing the plainest directions that have been yet given upon that subject,” by Coles, Elisha author of a Dictionary once in much reputation

Died: Conrart, Valentin secretary of the French king’s council

Publication: “Commentaries of Blaise de Montluc,” by Cotton, Charles poet

Publication: “Philosophical Collections.” by Croune, William physician

Died: Dati, Charles professor of polite literature at Florence

Publication: “The Burnt Child dreads the Fire, or an examination of the merits of the Papists, relating to England, mostly from their own pens, in justification of the late act of parliament for preventing dangers which may happen from popish recusants,” by Denton, William the youngest son of sir T

Born: Desault, Peter physician

Born: Ditton, Humphrey mathematician

Born: Douglas, James physician

Publication: “Histoire du droit Canonique,” by Doujat, John scholar

Publication: “The Baronage of England,” by Dugdale, Sir William antiquary

Publication: “Terra: a philosophical discourse of earth, relating to the culture and improvement of it for vegetation, and the propagation of plants, &c. as it was presented to the royal society, April 29th, 1675,” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)

Died: Everdingen, Aldret Van the nephew of the former

Born: Fantoni, John physician

Publication: “Commentary on the sum of St. Thomas,” by Ferre, Vincent Dominican

Died: Flameel, Bertholet painter

Born: Freind, John physician

Died: Frenicle De Bessy, Bernard mathematician

Died: Galeano, Joseph physician

Publication: “The Sicilian Muse,” by Galeano, Joseph physician

Publication: “Liberat,” by Garnier, John Jesuit

Publication: “Examination of the case of the Quakers concerning Oaths, propounded by them, ann. f673, to the consideration of the king and both houses of parliament,” by Gataker, Charles was bora at Rotherhithe in

Publication: “England’s Passing-Bell, a poem written soon after the year of the plague, the fire of London, and the Dutch war,” by Gilbert, William divine

Born: Graham, George clock and watch maker

Publication: “Dissertatio de carentia sensus et cognitionis in Brutis,” by Grand, Anthony Le a Franciscan friar

Publication: “Supplementa lacunarum in ^nea Tactico, Dione Cassio, et Arriano,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)

Born: Gros, Nicholas Le a learned French theologian

Born: Grosvenor, Benjamin divine

Publication: “Lacedemone Ancienne et Nouvelle,” by Guillet, De Saint George, Guy historian

Publication: “A Century of Sermons upon several remarkable subjects” by Hacket, John bishop

Born: Hedericus, Benjamin of Haiti

Publication: “Odyssey,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher

Born: Hopkins, John bishop

Publication: “A choice and practical Exposition, upon the 4, 47, 51, and 63 Psalms,” by Horton, Thomas divine

Born: Hunter, Christopher antiquary

Died: Jay, Gui Michel Le an advocate in the parliament of Paris (15881674)

Died: Johnston, John naturalist

Publication: “Notitia Provinciarum Imperil utriusque cum Notis,” by Lacarry, Giles Jesuit

Born: Languet, John Baptist Joseph great grand nephew of the preceding

Publication: “Nero Emperor of Rome,” by Lee, Nathaniel poet

Publication: “Nov. Test. Gracum,” by Leusden, John scholar

Born: Lisle, William De and a very learned French geographer

Publication: “Canones chronologici,” by Lydiat, Thomas scholar

Born: Maffei, Francis Scipio writer

Publication: “Observations sur la Langue Francois,” by Menage, Giles called

Publication: “The protection with which his Gallic majesty honoured the French academy;” by Monnoye, Bernard De La poet

Born: Newcomb, Thomas son of a worthy clergy

Publication: “Conjectures,” by Obrecht, Ulric a learned German

Publication: “Thesaurus rerum publicarum totius orbis,” by Oldenburger, Philip Andrew an eminent professor of law and history at Geneva

Publication: “Alcibiades” by Otway, Thomas one of the first names in the English drama

Publication: “Suetonius ex Numismatibus illustratus,” by Patin, Charles antiquary

Born: Pengelly, Sir Thomas a learned judge

Publication: “The continued Gry of the oppressed for Justice; giving an account of the cruel and unjust proceedings against the persons and estates of many of the people called Quakers.” by Penn, William was born in the parish of St

Publication: “Theatrum Poetarum, or a compleat collection of the Poets, especially the most eminent of all ages, the Ancients distinguish't from the Moderns in their several alphabets. With some observations- and reflections upon many of them, particularly those of our own nation. Together with a prefatory discourse of the Poets and Poetry in general,” by Phillips, Edward one of the nephews of Milton

Born: Porée, Charles Jesuit

Publication: “Elemens de Mathematiques.” by Prestet, John, a priest of the oratory

Publication: “Iphigenia,” by Racine, John poet

Publication: “Triginta arcana Biblica contestantia aeram Christi anno mundi 4041, non 4000 ut Calovius docet,” by Ravis, Christian a learned orientalist

Died: Roberts, Francis divine

Died: Roberval, Giles-Personne mathematician

Died: Rohault, James philosopher

Died: Sackville, Charles sixth earl of Dorset and Middlesex

Born: St. Simon, Louis De Rouvroi, Duke Of writer

Publication: “Academia Todesca della architettura, scultura, e pittura, oderTeutsche academic der edlen banbild-rnahleren-kunste,” by Sandrart, Joachim painter

Died: Saussay, Andrew Du doctor of law and divinity

Born: Say, Samuel a dissenting minister of considerable talents

Born: Scott, David was born near Haddington

Publication: “Discourses on Conscience.” by Sharp, John prelate

Died: Smith, Richard one of the earliest book-collectors upon record

Publication: “Physica electiva, et Hypothetica,” by Sturmius, John Christopher mathematician

Publication: “Cum notis & numismatibus a Carolo Patin,” by Suetonius, Caius Suetonius Tranquillus historian

Born: Thomas, Elizabeth known to the world by the name of Corinna

Died: Tooke, George of Popes

Publication: “A Letter to Mr. Richard Baxter, &c.” by Tully, Thomas divine

Publication: “Notitia Galliarum, ordine alphabetico digesta,” by Valesius, Adrian brother of Henry

Died: Wilkinson, Henry and called Long Harry


Born: Abel, Gaspar a native of Halberstadt

Publication: “Hortus variarum Inacriptionum veterum et novarum,” by Aicher, Otho a benedictine father

Publication: “Abre‘ge’ de la foy et de la morale de l‘eglise, tiree de l’ecriture sainte,” by Alexander, Noel, In Latin Natalis writer

Died: Alix, Peter writer

Publication: “Character naturalis plantarum,” by Amman, Paul botanist

Publication: “Truth unveiled, in behalf of the Church of England; being a vindication of Mr. John Standish’s sermon, preached before the king, and published by his majesty’s command,” by Annesley, Arthur earl of Anglesey

Born: Argota, Jerome Contador B' monk

Publication: “Historical account of the City of Messina,” by Baeli, Francis a native of Milazzo in Sicily

Publication: “The Anarchy of the Ranters and other Libertines, &e.” by Barclay, Robert the celebrated apologist for the Quakers

Publication: “Theologia,” by Baro, Bonaventure whose true name was Fitz-Gerald

Publication: “De Longobardis,” by Bartholine, Thomas became eminent in the science of jurisprudence

Died: Basier, Isaac divine

Publication: “Panegyrici veteres, ad usum Delphmi,” by Baune, James De La Jesuit

Publication: “Tractatus de Apoplexia,” by Bayle, Francis physician

Publication: “J. P. Bellorii nummus Antonini Pii de anni novi auspiciis explicatus,” by Bellori, John Peter antiquary

Born: Bertoli, John Dominick antiquary

Publication: “Resolution des quatre principaux problemes d' Architecture,” by Blondel, Francis mathematician

Publication: “Historia Belli Sueco-Danici annis 1643 1645,” by Boecler, John Henry critic

Born: Boindin, Nicholas born at Paris in 1676

Died: Bond, John LL. D. was the son of Dennis Bond

Born: Boston, Thomas divine

Born: Boyle, Charles earl of Orrery

Publication: “Ophthalmographia” by Briggs, William physician

Died: Cano, Alfonso artist

Born: Cases, Peter James painter

Died: Chauveau, Francis painter

Publication: “Essay on the Composition of a Sermon,” by Claude, John clergyman

Publication: “An English Dictionary, explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physic, philosophy, law, navigation, mathematics, and other arts and sciences,” by Coles, Elisha author of a Dictionary once in much reputation

Born: Collins, Anthony writer

Died: Colwil, Alexander divine and poet

Born: Conca, Sebastian artist

Publication: “A packet of advices and animadversions, sent from London to the men of Shaftesbury, which is of use for all his majesty’s subjects in the three kingdoms,” by Cooper, Anthony Ashley earl of Shaftesbury

Died: Cortesi, Jacob called Borgognone

Born: Crawford, William was born at Kelso

Publication: “The Naked Truth;” by Croft, Herbert prelate

Died: Digby, Lord George an English nobleman of great parts

Publication: “Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de Flantes,” by Dodart, Denis doctor regent of the faculty of medicine at Paris

Publication: “Musae Subsecivae, sen Poetica Stromata,” by Duport, James scholar

Born: Earle, Jabez a dissenting minister of considerable note

Publication: “Ancilla Pietatis, or Hand-maid to private devotion,” by Featley, Daniel divine

Publication: “Les Principes de l'Architecture, de la Sculpture, et de la Peinture, avec un dictionaire des termes propres de ces artes,” by Felibien, Andrew Sieur des Avaux et de Javerci

Died: Figrelius, Emundls a learned Swede

Publication: “Carmen funebre, ex occasione Northampton^ conflagrate,” by Ford, Simon a man of learning

Died: Fowler, Christopher clergyman

Publication: “Philosophia generalis in duas partes disterminata, &c.” by Gale, Theophilus divine

Born: Gethin, Lady Grace an English lady of uncommon parts

Born: Giannone was born at Ischitella

Publication: “Essays on several important subjects in Philosophy and Religion,” by Glanvil, Joseph writer

Died: Graindorge, Andrew an ingenious Frenchman

Born: Grange, Joseph De Chancel De La poet

Died: Greaves, John antiquary

Died: Greenhill, John painter

Born: Hanmer, Sir Thomas, Bart. statesman

Died: Hedelin, Francis at first an advocate

Died: Herbinius, John a native of Bitschen in Silesia

Publication: “Tragicocomcedia, et Ludi innocui de Juljano Imperatore Apostata,” by Herbinius, John a native of Bitschen in Silesia

Born: Hoadly, Benjamin prelate

Publication: “Florilegium Altdorfinum,” by Hoffman, Maurice physician

Publication: “De Ranis dissertatio, Romae,” by Jacobæus, Oliger a professor of physic and philosophy at Copenhagen

Publication: “De Lapide Philosophorurn,” by Kelley a famous English alchymist

Publication: “Consilia qu&dam et experimenta,” by Langius, John physician

Publication: “Exposition of Dionysius Syrus, on St. Mark,” by Loftus, Dudley scholar

Publication: “Schema Sanctae Congregationis,” by Macedo, Francis Jesuit

Died: Maignan, Emanuel a religious minim

Publication: “Conversations Chretiennes, dans lesquelles sont justifié la verite de la religion & de la morale de J. C.” by Malebranche, Nicolas philosopher

Died: Marets, John Des de Saint Sorlin

Born: Marsais, Cæsar Chesneau Du a French grammarian of high reputation

Publication: “Canon Chronicus” by Marsham, Sir John writer

Publication: “Mr. Smirke, or the divine in mode; being certain annotations upon the animadversions on The Naked Truth, together with a short historical essay concerning general councils, creeds, and impositions in matters of religion, fiy Andreas Rivetus, junior. Anagrammatised, Res nuda veritas” by Marvell, Andrew writer

Publication: “Epitome Annalium Trevirensium,” by Masentus, James Jesuit

Publication: “De Jure Maritime et Naval i, or a Treatise of Affairs Maritime, and of Commerce,” by Molloy, Charles, Esq. descended from a very good family in the kingdom of Ireland

Publication: “Lucerna Fidelium,” by Molloy, Charles, Esq. descended from a very good family in the kingdom of Ireland

Publication: “Answer to a Letter written by a Romish Priest,” by Morley, Dr. George bishop

Publication: “Tradados Historicos, Politicos, Ethicos, y Religiosos, de la monarchia de China.” by Navaretta, Ferdinand Dominican

Born: Newton, Richard founder of Hertford college

Publication: “Les nouvelles Lumieres politiques pour le Gouvernement de l'Eglise, ou TEvangile nouveau du cardinal Palavicini dans son Histoiredu Concile de Trente,” by Noir, John Le canon and theologal of Seez

Died: Ogilby, John a very industrious adventurer in literary speculations

Publication: “Graecismus facilitati suse restitutus, methodo nova, eaque cum praeceptis He braicis Wasmuthianis et suis Orientalibus, quam proxime harmonica, adeoque regulis 34 succincte absolutus,” by Opitius, Henry divine

Publication: “Commentarius in Pentateuchum,” by Osiander, John Adam divine

Died: Peyrera, Isaac La a French protestant

Publication: “Speed’s Theatre,” by Phillips, Edward one of the nephews of Milton

Born: Philips, John poet

Died: Price, John in Latin Pricæus

Died: Reginald, Anthony Dominican

Born: Reland, Hadrian an eminent orientalist

Died: Reynolds, Dward prelate

Born: Sanadon, Noel-Stephen Jesuit

Born: Selkirk, Alexander whose adventures have given rise to the popular romance of Robinson Crusoe

Publication: “Bibliotheca scriptorum societatis Jesu, opus inchoatum a R. P. Petro Ribadeneira, et productum ad annum 1609: continuatum a Philippo Alegambe ad annum 1643; recognitum, et productum ad annum 1675, a Nathanaelo Sotvvello,” by Sotwell

Publication: “Collegium experimental curiosum,” by Sturmius, John Christopher mathematician

Publication: “Travels” by Tavernier, John Baptist a Frenchman

Born: Thornhill, Sir James painter

Born: Threlkeld, Caleb historian

Publication: “Explication of the Catechism of the church of England,” by Towerson, Gabriel divine

Publication: “Forty Sermons” by Tuckney, Anthony divine

Publication: “Tractatus chimicophilosophus de rebus naturalibus et praeternaftiralibus metallorum et mineralium,” by Valentine, Basil is the name

Publication: “Arenarius t Dimensio Circuli.” by Wallis, John mathematician (16161703)

Born: Walpole, Sir Robert earl of Orford

Publication: “Nouvelle Relation en forme de Journal d'un Voyage fait en Egypte en 1672 et 1673,” by Wansleb, John Michael a learned German

Died: White, Thomas philosopher (1582–?)

Died: Whitelocke, Bulstrode by Elizabeth his wife

Publication: “Ornithologiae libri tres: in quibus aves omnes hactenus cognitse in methodum naturis suis convenientem redactoe accurate describuntur, descriptiones iconibus elegantissimis, & vivarnm avium simillimis atri incisis illustrantur,” by Willughby, Francis historian


Publication: “Il parrochiano instruttore,” by Agnelli, Joseph Jesuit

Publication: “A commentary upon Aristotle’s ten books of Ethics.” by Aguirre, Joseph Saenz De a very learned man of the 17th century

Publication: “Les Aieules de madame de Bourgogne,” by Allard, Guy was a native of Dauphiny

Publication: “La Tirranide soggiogata,” by Arisi, Francis lawyer

Died: Audran, Claude artist

Born: Baier, John James physician

Born: Baldini, John Francis antiquary

Publication: “De Holgero Dano,” by Bartholine, Thomas became eminent in the science of jurisprudence

Died: Beling, Richard was born in 1613

Publication: “Bibliographia historico-politico-philologica,” by Boecler, John Henry critic

Born: Bradbury, Thomas preacher

Died: Brandmuller, James grandson of James

Born: Breydel, Charles called Cavalier

Died: Bridges, George translator of the duke de Rohan’s Memoirs

Publication: “Narratio de controversiis nuperius in academia Ultrajectina motis, &c.” by Burman, Francis the first upon record of a very learned family

Born: Cassini, James astronomer

Publication: “Apostolici, or the History of the lives, acts, deaths, and martyrdomsof those who were contemporaries with or immediately succeeded the Apostles as also of the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years. To which is added, a Chronology of the three first ages of the Church,” by Cave, William divine

Publication: “The Humourous Lovers,” by Cavendish, William baron Ogle

Publication: “The Triumphant Widow,” by Cavendish, William baron Ogle

Publication: “Antibarbarus Latinus, sive de Latinitate mediae et infimae aetatisl,” by Cellarius, Christopher critic

Publication: “Memoria philosophorum, &c. curante Henningo Witten, decas prima,” by Cesarini, Virginio scholar

Publication: “Bocchi’s Curiosities of Florence,” by Cinelli, John physician

Publication: “A Discourse concerning the Operations of the Holy Spirit; with a confutation of some part of Dr. Owen’s book upon that subject,” by Clagett, William was born at St (?–1638)

Died: Cocker, Edward a name almost proverbial in the schools of arithmetic

Publication: “A Dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English; containing all things necessary for the translating of either language into the other,” by Coles, Elisha author of a Dictionary once in much reputation

Publication: “The most natural and easy Method of learning Latin, by comparing it with English: Together with the Holy History of Scripture-War, or the sacred art military, c.” by Coles, Elisha author of a Dictionary once in much reputation

Publication: “A treatise of the Holy Communion,” by Compton, Henry prelate

Born: Desmolets, Peter Nicolas librarian of the house of the oratory in the rue St

Born: Disney, John divine

Born: Dithmar, Justus Christopher professor of the law of nature and nations

Publication: “A Treatise of particular Estates,” by Doddridge, Sin John lawyer

Born: Doppelmaier, John Gabriel mathematician

Publication: “De Phosphoris,” by Elsholtz, John Sigismond botanist

Publication: “Oratio funebris in obitum Gisberti Voetii,” by Essenius, Andrew divine

Publication: “St. Clement’s two epistles to the Corinthians in Greek and Latin, with notes at the end,” by Fell, Dr. John divine

Publication: “Padua, 1676, folio. The authhor of the” by Ferrari, Octavius of the same family with the famer

Publication: “An interpretation of the number 666,” by Gilbert, William divine

Publication: “Satan’s Temptations,” by Gilpin, Richard divine

Publication: “Treatise of the Stomach and Intestines,” by Glisson, Francis physician

Publication: “De By z an tin arum rerum Scriptoribus Grsecis,” by Hanckius, Martin a learned German professor

Died: Harrington, James writer

Publication: “Dissertatio de Linguis Orientalibus,” by Hasenmuller, Daniel a native of Holstein

Publication: “A Treatise concerning Statutes or Acts of Parliament, and the exposition thereof,” by Hatton, Sir Christopher lawyer (15401591)

Publication: “De la Cycloide,” by Hire, Philip De La astronomer

Publication: “Lexicon Universale Historico-Geographico-Poetico-Philosophico-Politico-Philologicnm,” by Hoffman, John James professor of Greek at Bale

Publication: “Altdorfi deliciae hortenses,” by Hoffman, Maurice physician

Publication: “Deliciae silvestres,” by Hoffman, Maurice physician

Died: Hollar, Wentzel engraver

Died: Holyoake, Thomas was born in 1616 at Stony-Thorp near Southam in Warwickshire

Born: Hughes, John poet

Publication: “Qiiatuor Evangelia & Acta Apostolorum Lingua Malaica, characteribus Europaeis,” by Hyde, Dr. Thomas writer

Publication: “Bartholomei Scalae equitis Florentini historia Florentinorum,” by Jacobæus, Oliger a professor of physic and philosophy at Copenhagen

Publication: “Historia Coloniarum a Gallis in exteras Nationes missarum,” by Lacarry, Giles Jesuit

Publication: “Commentaire sur la Coutume d'Orleans,” by Lalande, James De an able counsellor

Died: Lamoignon, William De marquis de Baville

Publication: “Bibliotheca sacra et profana, sive Observationes, correctiones, conjecturae et variaeLectiones,” by Latinus, Latinius one of the most learned critics of the sixteenth century

Born: Lemery, Louis was born at Paris in January 1677

Died: Lescaille, James a celebrated Dutch printer

Publication: “Fax veritatis,” by Leydecker, Melchior divine

Died: Lock, Matthew composer

Publication: “The first marriage of Katherine Fitzgerald (now lady Decies), &c. asserted,” by Loftus, Dudley scholar

Publication: “History of the Donatists,” by Long, Thomas divine

Publication: “The Character of a Separatist or sensuality the ground of separation,” by Long, Thomas divine

Publication: “Encyclopaedia in agonem literatorum,” by Macedo, Francis Jesuit

Publication: “A Letter to a Nonconformist minister,” by Manby, Peter writer

Died: Manton, Thomas one of the most learned and eminent nonconformists of the seventeenth century

Died: Mapletoft, Robert divine

Publication: “Abdelazer, or the More’s Revenge,” by Marloe, Christopher whom Phillips calls “a kind of second Shakspeare

Born: Mesenguy, Francis Philip divine

Born: Molesworth, Robert viscount Molesworth of Swordes in Ireland

Born: Molieres, Joseph Privat De born in 1677

Publication: “Grammatica Latino-Hibernica compendiata,” by Molloy, Charles, Esq. descended from a very good family in the kingdom of Ireland

Publication: “The English Academy,” by Newton, John divine (16221678)

Born: Nordberg, Joran the biographer of Charles XII. of Sweden

Died: North, Dudley Fourth Lord had a learned education in the university of Cambridge

Publication: “This was never published; but we may observe, to his honour, that it was through his means that barometers were first publicly sold in shops, which before were very rare. 4.” by North, Francis lord Guilford

Publication: “Thesaurus selectorum numismatum antiquorum aere expressorum,” by Oisel, James a learned civilian

Publication: “Disputatio de usu Accentuationis geminge in gemina divisione Decalogi,” by Opitius, Henry divine

Publication: “L‘Art de la science des Nombres, en Francois et en Latin, avec un preface de i’excellence de Farithmetique,” by Ouvrard, Rene' a learned French ecclesiastic

Publication: “A Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit;” by Owen, John the most eminent and learned of the nonconformist divines

Publication: “De Sacrifices,” by Owtram, William divine

Publication: “Meditations on the Prophecy of Daniel,” by Parker, Robert divine

Publication: “Advice to a Friend,” by Patrick, Simon prelate

Publication: “Jesus and the Resurrection justified by witnesses in Heaven and Earth,” by Patrick, Simon prelate

Publication: “Natural Histories of Oxfordshire and Staffordshire.” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England

Publication: “Cogitationes rationales de Deo,” by Poiret, Peter famous only for his love of mysticism and enthusiasm

Publication: “Phaedra,” by Racine, John poet

Died: Ravis, Christian a learned orientalist

Born: Rawlinson, Christopher of CarkhalL in Lancashire

Born: Rawlinson, Thomas knt eldest surviving son of Daniel Rawlinson*

Publication: “Annalium mundi universalium, &c. Tomus Unicus, lib. 14. absolutus,” by Robinson, Hugh divine

Died: Ryves, Bruno related to sir Thomas Ryves

Born: Salmon, Francis a learned doctor and librarian of the house and society of the Sorbonne

Publication: “Notae et Observationes in G. J. Vossium de Historicis Latinis,” by Sandius, Christopher or

Born: Saurin, James preacher

Publication: “Vita di Vitaliani Borromeo;” by Scala, Bartholomew an Italian

Died: Sheldon, Gilbert archbishop

Died: Sole, Antonio Maria Dal painter

Publication: “Ignotorum atque obscurorum Deorum arae,” by Spon, James was born at Lyons in 1647

Publication: “Voyage de la Grece & du Levant,” by Spon, James was born at Lyons in 1647

Born: Titon, Verard the projector of a French Parnassus

Publication: “Bibliotheca Patrum,” by Venantius poet


Publication: “Epistola ad abbatem Fuldensem,” by Abbo, Floriacensis Benedictine

Born: Adams, John Provost of King’s College

Publication: “The first state of Mahometism, or an account of the Author and doctrine of that imposture,” by Addison, Lancelot clergyman

Publication: “De Comitiis veterurn Romanorum,” by Aicher, Otho a benedictine father

Publication: “Deprincipiis Cosmographiæ” by Aicher, Otho a benedictine father

Born: Amthor, Christopher Henry writer

Died: Ballin, Claude born at Paris

Died: Barcos, Martin De a native of Bayonne

Publication: “Gerania;” by Barnes, Joshua divine

Publication: “Johannes Duns Scotus, ordinis minorum, Doctor subtilis de Angeiis contra adversantes defensus, nunc quoque Novitate amplificatus,” by Baro, Bonaventure whose true name was Fitz-Gerald

Born: Barrington, John Shute first lord viscount Harrington (16781734)

Born: Baudot De Juilli, Nicholas born at Vendôme in 1678

Publication: “Dissertationes Medicae tres,” by Bayle, Francis physician

Publication: “Dissertationes Physicae,” by Bayle, Francis physician

Publication: “Abrege de la philosophic de Gassendi,” by Bernier, Francis philosopher

Publication: “Conquest of Granada” by Blount, Charles younger son of sir Henry Blount

Publication: “Meditationes physico-cheuiicte de aerisin sublunaria infiuxu,” by Bohn, John physician

Died: Borel, Peter physician

Born: Boulai, Cæsar Egasse De historian

Born: Bourguet, Louis who was born at Nimes in 1678

Died: Bussieres, John De Jesuit

Born: Campbell, John second duke of Argyle

Publication: “Sciagraphia philoiogiae sacrae, cum etymologico radicum deperditarum ex aliis linguis, Arabica praesertim, restitutarum,” by Cellarius, Christopher critic

Died: Chemnitz, Bogeslaus Philip grandson of the preceding Chemnitz

Publication: “Intellectual System,” by Cleanthes philosopher

Publication: “Brief Discourse on the Offices of Baptism, Catechism, and Confirmation,” by Comber, Thomas dean

Born: Conti, Abbe Anthony a noble Venetian

Died: Cowley, Abraham poet

Born: Cramer, John Rodolphus divine

Publication: “Journal des Sgavans” by Dante, John Baptist of the same family

Born: Dassier, John medallist to the republic of Geneva

Died: Dechales, Claudius Francis Millet mathematician

Publication: “Historia Juris Civilis Romanorum,” by Doujat, John scholar

Died: Esprit, James writer

Publication: “The fallacy of Human Virtues,” by Esprit, James writer

Died: Fagnani, Prosper a celebrated canonist of the seventeenth century

Publication: “Europa Portuguesa,” by Faria De Sousa, Emanuel one of the most celebrated historians and poets of his nation in the seventeenth century

Born: Farquhar, George writer

Died: Flecknoe, Richard poet

Publication: “Jamblicbus Chalcidensis de Mysteriis. Epistola Porphyrii de eodem argumento, Gr. & Lat. ex versione T. G.” by Gale, Thomas celebrated for his knowledge of the Greek language and antiquities

Publication: “Psalterium juxta exemplar Alexandrinum,” by Gale, Thomas celebrated for his knowledge of the Greek language and antiquities

Publication: “Systemæ Bibliothecæ Collegii Parisiensis, societatis Jesu,” by Garnier, John Jesuit

Born: Girard, Gabriel writer

Publication: “An Essuy concerning Preaching,” by Glanvil, Joseph writer

Died: Godolphin, John an eminent civilian

Publication: “Repertorium Canonicurn,” by Godolphin, John an eminent civilian

Publication: “Dissertationes Epistolicae,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)

Died: Gualdo Priorato, Galeasso historian

Born: Guarin, Peter Benedictine

Publication: “The Pleas of the Crown, or a Methodical Summary,” by Hale, Sir Matthew lawyer

Publication: “Henrici Opitii synasmus restitutus,” by Hasenmuller, Daniel a native of Holstein

Born: Hayes, Charles esq. a very singular person

Born: Hearne, Thomas antiquary

Died: Heidanus, Abraham divine

Publication: “De Admirandis Mundi Cataractis,” by Herbinius, John a native of Bitschen in Silesia

Born: Hermann, James mathematician

Publication: “Dispute with Laney bishop of Ely, concerning Liberty and. Necessity;” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher

Publication: “Decameron Physiologicum; or ten dialogues of natural philosophy, &c.” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher

Publication: “A Defence of the Royal Society and the Philosophical Transactions, particularly those of July 1670, in answer to the cavils of Dr. William Holder,” by Holder, William philosopher

Born: Hunt, Jeremiah divine

Publication: “A Catalogue of the books in the Bodleian library.” by Hyde, Dr. Thomas writer

Publication: “De Myst Ægypt, necnon Porphyrii Epistola, &.c. Gr. et Lat. ex Interpretatione et cum Notis Thomae Gale,” by Jamblicus a native of Chalcis in Ccelosyria

Born: Jeffreys, George poet (?–1755)

Died: Jordaens, Jacob painter

Publication: “Measures of Christian Obedience:” by Kettlewell, John divine

Publication: “Bibliotheca vetus et nova,” by Koenig, George Matthias a learned German

Publication: “On Phosphorus,” by Kunckel, John a celebrated chemist

Died: Launoi, John De writer

Publication: “Historiae Animalium Angliae tres Tractatus,” by Lister, Martin philosopher

Publication: “Latin Dictionary,” by Littleton, Adam scholar

Born: Lobb, Theophilus physician

Died: Lobo, Jerome Jesuit

Publication: “Sponsa nondum uxor,” by Loftus, Dudley scholar

Publication: “Mr. Hales’s Treatise of Schism examined and censured,” by Long, Thomas divine

Born: Mairan, John James D'Ortous De philosopher

Publication: “De demonstratione,” by Marsh, Narcissus prelate

Died: Marvell, Andrew writer

Publication: “Sanderus’s History of the English Schism,” by Maucroix, Francis De a French translator

Born: Montmort, Peter Raymond De mathematician

Publication: “Graecse antiquae Decsriptio,” by Morin, Stephen a learned French protestant

Died: Nantueil, Robert engraver

Born: Neal, Daniel divine

Publication: “Introduction to Geography,” by Newton, John divine (16221678)

Died: Nicole, John father of the celebrated Peter Nicole

Born: Ockley, Simon an eminent Orientalist

Died: Oldenburger, Philip Andrew an eminent professor of law and history at Geneva

Died: Orsato, Sertorio antiquary

Born: Pajot, Lewis-Leo Count d'Ansembray

Publication: “The Glorious Epiphany,” by Patrick, Simon prelate

Publication: “Graeciaj antiquae Descriptio,” by Paulmier De Grentesmenil, James Le more commonly known to the learned by his Latinized name 1Dupin. Milner

Publication: “De l'Origine des Fontaines;” by Perrault, Charles was born at Paris

Born: Peyronie, Francis De La surgeon

Died: Quellinus, Erasmus painter

Publication: “ObserTations upon Birds” by Ray, John philosopher

Died: Scougal, Henry divine

Born: Sherlock, Thomas bishop

Publication: “Critical History of the Old Testament,” by Simon, Richard critic

Publication: “Remarks upon the Manners, Religion, and Government of the Turks; together with a Survey of the seven Churches of Asia, as they now lie in their Ruins; and a brief Description of Constantinople,” by Smith, Thomas divine

Died: Steen, Ja.N painter

Died: Taylor, Silas antiquary

Publication: “Lettres a Madame la Marquise de sur le sujet de la Princesse de Cleves,” by Valincour, John Baptist Du Trousset De writer

Publication: “Wonders of the Little World,” by Wanley, Humphrey antiquary (16711726)

Publication: “The History of France under the ministry of cardinal Mazarine, written in Latin by Benjamin Priolo,” by Wase, Christopher a man of considerable learning

Publication: “The Catechism of the Church of England, with marginal notes,” by Wetenhall, Edward prelate

Publication: “Of Gifts and Offices in the public worship of God,” by Wetenhall, Edward prelate

Publication: “Plain Dealer,” by Wycherley, William poet (?–1715)

Publication: “De Diaconis et Diaconissis>” by Ziegler, Gaspar an eminent jurist


Born: Abauzit, Firmin was born at Uzes on the llth of November 1679

Born: Achards, Eleazar-Francis De La Baume De was born at Avignon

Publication: “Le Gare dell' Amore etdelP Amicitia,” by Adimari, Lewis poet

Died: Aelst, William Van, Called In Italy Gulielmo was the nephew and disciple of the preceding

Died: Aggas, Ralph engraver

Publication: “Andronici Rhodii et Ethicorum Nichomacheorum Paraphrasis,” by Andronicus of Rhodes

Died: Artalis, Joseph poet

Publication: “A seasonable Vindication of the blessed Trinity being an answer to this question, Why do you believe the doctrine of the Trinity Collected from the works of the most reverend doctor John Tillotson, late lord archbishop of Canterbury, and the right reverend doctor Edward Stillingfleet, now lord bishop of Worcester,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr

Died: Assouci, Charles Coypeau, Sieur D' called the Ape of Scarron

Publication: “A letter to J. Evelyn, esq. concerning invocation of Saints, and adoration of the Cross,” by Barlow, Thomas bishop

Publication: “DeAere,” by Bartholine, Erasmus one of the sons of Caspar

Publication: “I)e Analogia, sive arte Linguae Latinse Comrnentariolus, &c. in usum provectioris adolescentise,” by Baxter, William critic

Publication: “Excommunicated Prince,” by Bedloe, Capt. William having been a principal and useful evidence in the discovery in the popish plot

Publication: “I hope there is a difference between Harry Bennet and me.” by Bennet, Henry earl of Arlington

Publication: “Codex Canonum Ecclesiae Primitivae vindicatus et illustratus,” by Beveridge, William divine

Died: Billi, Jacques De Jesuit

Died: Birkenhead, Sir John a political author in the seventeenth century

Died: Blagrave, Joseph was born in the parish of St

Died: Blount, Thomas writer

Publication: “Fragmenta Antiquitatis. Ancient tenures of land, and jocular customs of some manors,” by Blount, Thomas writer

Died: Bobart, Jacob a German horticulturist

Died: Boehm, Anthony William minister of the German chapel at St

Born: Bold, John clergyman

Publication: “Sepulchretum, seu Anatome practica, ex cadaveribus morbo denatis proponens historias et observationes,” by Bonet, Theophilus physician

Publication: “Cours de medicine, et de la chirurgie,” by Bonet, Theophilus physician

Publication: “Elementaconica Apollonii Pergoei et Archimedis opera nova et breviori methodo demonstrata,” by Borelli, John Alphonso mathematician

Born: Boursier, Lawrence Francis doctor of the Sorbonne

Died: Boyle, Roger earl of Orrery

Born: Breydel, Francis brother of the above

Publication: “Decus et tutamen; or a prospect of the laws of England, framed for the safeguard of the king’s majesty,” by Brydal, John antiquary

Died: Burman, Francis the first upon record of a very learned family

Died: Calvert, Thomas was born at York in 1606

Died: Capel, Richard son of Christopher Capel

Born: Catesby, Mark one of those men whom a passion for natural history very early allured from the interesting pursuits of domestic life to cross the Atlantic (16791749)

Publication: “Canones de linguae sanctce idiotismis,” by Cellarius, Christopher critic

Born: Chubb, Thomas writer

Born: Cockburn, Catharine a lady much distinguished by her literary accomplishments

Publication: “The Harmony of the Four Evangelists, in a metrical paraphrase on the history of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,” by Coles, Elisha author of a Dictionary once in much reputation

Died: Combefis, Francis Dominican

Born: Davies, John critic

Publication: “A new preface relating to the bishop of Meaux, and other modern complainers of misrepresentation.” by Dodwell, Henry writer

Publication: “Francisci Florentii opera Canonica et Juridica,” by Doujat, John scholar

Publication: “Livy,” by Doujat, John scholar

Died: Duport, James scholar

Born: Durand, David preacher

Died: Everdingen, Cæsar Van painter

Died: Fabricius, John Albert one of the most eminenjt and laborious scholars of his time in Europe

Born: Felton, Henry divine

Publication: “Reflections on the Christian Religion,” by Ferrand, Louis lawyer

Publication: “An exact and most impartial account of the Indictment, Arraignment, Trial, and Judgment (according to law) of twenty-nine regicides, &c. 1660,” by Finch, Heneage first earl of Nottingham

Publication: “De Inquisitionis processu,” by Freher, Marquard a German

Publication: “Herodoti Halicarnassensis Historiarnin libri X. ejusdem narratio de vita Homeri excerpta e Ctesia, & H. Stephani Apologia pro Herodoto accedunt chronologia, tabula geographica, variantes Jectiones, &c.” by Gale, Thomas celebrated for his knowledge of the Greek language and antiquities

Publication: “Satan’s welcome,” by Gibbon, John writer

Died: Goodwin, Thomas a famous nonconformist of the independent class

Publication: “Apologia Renati des Cartes contra Sam. Parkerum,” by Grand, Anthony Le a Franciscan friar

Publication: “Arrets notable du parlement,” by Gueret, Gabriel writer

Born: Hall, Anthony a learned

Born: Henckel, John Frederic an eminent mineralogist

Publication: “Nouveaux Elemens des sections coniques: les lieux Geometriques; la construction ou effection des equations,” by Hire, Philip De La astronomer

Publication: “A Dialogue between a Philosopher and a Student of the Common Law of England.” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher

Publication: “Behemoth: The History of the Civil Wars of England from 1640 to 1660,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher

Born: Horrebow, Peter astronomer

Publication: “One hundred select Sermons upon several texts,” by Horton, Thomas divine

Died: Laboureur, John Le antiquary

Publication: “Chronicon Regum Anglorum,” by Langhorne, Daniel antiquary

Died: Leibnitz, Godfrey William De mathematician

Born: Leigh, Charles naturalist

Publication: “Biblioth. Juridica,” by Lipenius, Martin divine

Publication: “Biblioth. Medica,” by Lipenius, Martin divine

Publication: “An Alarm for Sinners,” by Lloyd, William bishop

Died: Mayow, John physician

Publication: “The origin of Caterpillars, their nourishment and changes” by Merian, Maria Sibylla a lady much and justly ceJebrated for her skill in drawing insects

Born: Micheli, Peter Anthony botanist

Died: Mignon painter

Died: Moore, Sir Jonas mathematician

Died: Morland, Sir Samuel, Bart. a man of very considerable celebrity in his day

Died: Mossom, Robert prelate

Publication: “The Four Satires upon the Jesuits,” by Oldham, John poet

Publication: “Encomium taciturnitatis, rituperium loquacitatis,” by Ousel, Philip a learned professor of divinity of the university of Francfort on the Oder

Publication: “Architecture harmonique, ou application de la doctrine des proportions, de la musique a ^architecture, avec un addition a cet ecrit,” by Ouvrard, Rene' a learned French ecclesiastic

Publication: “Doctrine of Justification by Faith;” by Owen, John the most eminent and learned of the nonconformist divines

Died: Owtram, William divine

Died: Passeri, John Baptist painter

Died: Penington, Isaac writer

Publication: “Colloquium Davidis cum aniina sua,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius

Publication: “Methodus Historiarum Anatoniico-Medicarum,” by Peyer, John Conrad a native of Schaffhausen in Switzerland

Publication: “La Connoissance des Temps,” by Picard, John mathematician

Born: Politi, Alexander was born at Florence in 1679

Died: Rawlinson, Thomas knt eldest surviving son of Daniel Rawlinson*

Born: Rogers, Dr. John divine

Died: Scheffer, John a learned German

Publication: “Words made visible, or Grammar and Rhetoric,” by Shaw, Samuel a learned non- conformist

Publication: “Consilium medicutn, sive dialogus loimicus, de peste Viennensi,” by Sorbait, Paul writer

Publication: “Notae in libros sex novae historic Zozini comitis,” by Spark, Thomas editor of Lactantius

Died: Spelman, Clement youngest son of sir Henry

Publication: “De non temerandis ecclesiis.” by Spelman, Clement youngest son of sir Henry

Publication: “Miscellanea erudite Antiquitatis,” by Spon, James was born at Lyons in 1647

Publication: “A Letter shewing that bishops are not to be judges in parliament in cases capital,” by Stillingfleet, Edward one of the most learned prelates of the seventeenth century

Died: Style, William writer

Publication: “Tractatus de Legibus,” by Suarez, Francis Jesuit

Born: Viel, Charles Maria De a learned converted Jew

Died: Vondel, Justus poet

Died: Wansleb, John Michael a learned German

Born: Ward, John writer

Publication: “An Appendix to the Life,” by Ward, Seth prelate

Died: Wild, Robert divine

Born: Wodrow, Robert historian

Born: Wolfe, Christian baron of the Roman empire

Publication: “Paraphrase on the Canticles,” by Woodfohd, Samuel divine and poet

Publication: “The Rights of the People concerning Impositions,” by Yelverton, Henry lawyer